2025.02.02 01:51 Amzsalllu Hemp Calming Chews for Dogs - Dog Anxiety Relief -Made in USA- Hemp Oil + Melatonin Treats - Separation Anxiety, Barking, Travel - Dog Calming Chews - 120 Soft Treats - Chicken, Price $20. For USA. Interested DM me for Details
submitted by Amzsalllu to AmazonTesterClub [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:51 wanda999 "I'm not surprised by the hate": Transgender Army pilot falsely tied to plane crash speaks out
Black Hawk pilot Jo Ellis was tied to a deadly plane crash by far-right social media accounts earlier this week: https://www.salon.com/2025/02/01/trans-army-pilot-falsely-tied-to-plane-crash-speaks-out-not-surprised-by-the-hate/?in_brief=true
"Asked about whether President Donald Trump’s comments on DEI and the crash were partially responsible for the frenzy, Ellis said they were triggering an anti-trans backlash."
In related news: An Unnamed Trans veteran draped themselves in a trans flag, and committed suicide at a VA hospital: https://www.syracuse.com/news/2025/01/va-patient-died-by-suicide-at-top-of-hospitals-garage-in-syracuse.html
submitted by wanda999 to stupidpol [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 Intheupsidedown97 Come explore
Dm for code
submitted by Intheupsidedown97 to AnimalCrossingNewHor [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 Nyrontheproot Opinions on elephantis boss on steel path
submitted by Nyrontheproot to Warframe [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 SpiritualNapalm Beautiful big titty but naked women just fall out the sky, UAP solved!
submitted by SpiritualNapalm to KoolaidKids [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:51 slightlypebbley Real or fake? [Offer Up] trade with an old MacBook Pro
submitted by slightlypebbley to AreMyAirpodsAuthentic [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:51 Monster-Tesla First 10 people to use my code can get up to $2,500 off you NEW Tesla
Tesla referral link https://www.tesla.com/referral/birju50244
submitted by Monster-Tesla to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 Pretend-Smoke-2846 Pricing
Hey everyone, I usually walk two dogs for an hour and charge $42. But today, I just watched one of their dogs for 4 hours, and I’m unsure what to charge. Since it’s a different type of service, I don’t know if I should base it on my usual rate or adjust it.
What would be a fair price for this? How do you all handle pricing differences between walks and longer pet-sitting sessions? Thanks in advance!
submitted by Pretend-Smoke-2846 to RoverPetSitting [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 Abjak180 Going camping and doing mushrooms: question about prepping them.
I am going camping and taking about 6 grams of mushrooms tomorrow (first time doing them outside, have done 5 grams before and it was great).
I want to blend them up and just drink them instead of eating them, but I can’t take them until we get there and get the campsite set up, but I don’t have a portable blender so I’ve gotta pre blend.
If I blend them into a smoothie and save it for 2ish hours, will it mess with the mushrooms at all in terms of diminishing potency?
submitted by Abjak180 to MagicMushrooms [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 pie6764 i keep “breaking” my sd cards when downloading cia files on fbi
this is kind of a follow up post hence i had made one already stating all my homebrewing apps had disappeared and while redownloading them i kept getting an error. everyone told me the sd was failing and broken.
i bought a new console and with a different sd card that had some cia files on them i tried downloading the homebrewing files and while doing so got the same exact error code ; "failed to install cia file. result code 0xC92044FA level : status (25) summary: canceled (9) module : FS(17) desc: FAT operation denied (250)” with a follow up on the bottom screen “sd card has been removed, press to reboot” SO i tried doing the cia file downloading on a secondary 4GB sd card i had lying around. same thing happened. am i doing something wrong? are all the sd cards broken???
submitted by pie6764 to 3dspiracy [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 ThrowRAforreason I broke NC and I really don’t care if they respond or not.
Broke the contact it’s been almost 3 weeks since we last spoke a little over a month since we broke up (2.5 year relationship. So many vacations, no fights. I paid for everything) and my gut feeling tells me it was an emotional impulsive break up and chances are they still miss me. Even if I’m completely wrong, I don’t care. if they decided to quit on me and then not be affected by my absence then I’m very sure they weren’t for me. Sometimes that’s the closure you need. It’s them not responding. Silence is an answer. I was a mess week 1( didn’t care if I woke up. The most depressed I’ve ever been) but now I’m back and fucking better. Not completely healed but I took the time to simply pour all my energy into me ( journaled, went to the gym everyday. Vlogged my feelings. Felt my emotions ) and I’m at a good place and spot to say I don’t entirely care if she comes back. If she does, great I’ll still have to think about it and decide if I even want the relationship anymore ( I thought she was my soulmate was actually picking out engagement rings). If not , cool best of luck finding someone like me. REMEMBER YOU ARE THE PRIZE. YOU TRIED TO FIGHT FOR THE RELATIONSHIP. THEY QUIT AND SAID YOU WEREN’T WORTH IT. YOU GOT THIS !!!
submitted by ThrowRAforreason to BreakUps [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:51 LuhT4 F19
submitted by LuhT4 to goons [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 joulgum Have mercy on me.
Dear me, future me, I pray you never suffer the same way again. You didn't break up, but you should have. Many people advised you to do it, many warned you about it, but you chose to stay blind, to trust your unconditional love you felt. Maybe it's an attachement? Maybe it's love? You'll never really know... but what is sure for you is that you stayed, and you're still staying jo matter how much you suffer. You keep doubting yourself, whether you are the abnormal one, whether you are the guilty one, whether you are toxic, clingy ? Cause you hear all of these words, you didn't invent them, you heard them, he said them about you. No matter what you decided to do, I just wanna tell you to have mercy on yourself. You've been suffering for a relatively long period of time, with no real break. You heart never felt at peace for more than a year now. Not a day, you felt absolute happiness, pure happiness. Life is full of ups and downs, but when you're blocked in that down/ low for a long while, it gets suffocating. But you never gave up, even when you said it, you didn't actually do it. If not for my faith in God / Allah, I would have crumbled a while ago now. So now, idk, this night, again I feel so low, so sad... It's like no matter how many efforts I do to focus on myself and try to better myself, nothings works. I mean, I still feel sad. I have no sense of achievement. In 2024 I was proud I SURVIVED, that was my biggest if not my ONLY achievement of the year. Idk why I'm writing this here rn.. maybe I'm seeking people's opinions? Or stories...? I wish future me will do better. All I'm asking for is for this suffering to stop. You might have understood, I'm lacking attention, affection, respect... Doesn't anyone deserve this in a relationship? I received apologies tonight, but they felt empty. Feeling jealous over and over again, it just hurts. What should I do? I'm doing all the tips people give, except exercising... How to get out of this pithole, without breaking up. How to feel confident and independent again... How to feel alive again? How to stop faking being okay, how to stop crying multiple times a week... Dear me, please, take care of yourself, stop ruining your life. Wake up.
Ps: I was going to adress my bf in this letter... but when I opened the "flairs" to choose from, I found "future self" so I decided to write to my future self instead.
submitted by joulgum to letters [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 KnowledgeConnect8535 Permabanned from trading forever
Hi! I don’t know what else to do at this point lol. They permabanned me and even after reaching out multiple times, they won’t unban. Guess I’m quitting but now my account is a waste as I cannot trade away or give away anything. What to do? Years of time and money wasted.
submitted by KnowledgeConnect8535 to RoyaleHigh_Trading [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 spear_of_salvation Spear of Solistia Clear: Elite Tower 4 (Spear Comp) 1 attempt
submitted by spear_of_salvation to OctopathCotC [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 UnloadingMeat Ref starter kit
submitted by UnloadingMeat to wrestlingmemes [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 crazyBoyWithUkeFan Umm Airbuds is hella tewking cuz that ain't possible bro 💀😭
submitted by crazyBoyWithUkeFan to boywithuke [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 Practical-Season4176 Algún fan de japonesas pajero
Algún pajero fan de japonesas xxx mande msj submitted by Practical-Season4176 to Latino_roleplay [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 Apart_Mail4297 Dial Replacement
Hi watchmakers, i have recently purchased a vintage Girard perregaux chronograph but i’m 99% sure the dial is refinished and the hands got swapped. I’m looking for a replacement dial thats original. Its a ref 22209 with a UG 281 movement, the ref was also made by UG so a UG dial would also be fine for me. What is a place to keep in mind when looking for the dial? So far i’ve been looking mainly on ebay but maybe someone knows a better place to search It!
I know it will be almost impossible to find the correct dial to the ref so a original dial that fits would already be a major improvement imho!
I hope someone could give me a tip so i can improve my chances at finding a good dial! With kind regards.
submitted by Apart_Mail4297 to watchrepair [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 Sharp-Layer-6541 Noriu pašnekėti, bet draugai nenori klausyti
Sveiki, galbūt eilinis nusivylusio vaikino postas ,bet tikrai liūdna ir nėra su kuo pasikalbėti apie skaudžius dalykus arba apie kažką kas nusuktų mintis kitur . Keletai žmonių skambinau, sakė nėra laiko kreiptis į pagalbos liniją. Pagalbos linija vyrams dirba tik darbo dienomis nuo 10 iki 14, tai nekažka. Gal netyčia atsirastu kas pakalbėtų ir išklausytų? Jeigu ką aš 30+ vyrukas.
submitted by Sharp-Layer-6541 to lietuva [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 ActualFaceOfGod Rhyolite, NV, USA shot on October 19th, 2024. Morning of the 40th year anniversary of Goldwell Open Air Museum, an outdoor sculpture park right outside of Death Valley.
submitted by ActualFaceOfGod to desertporn [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 JZProductions26 Here’s my Interview w/ Greg Cipes (VA for Iron Fist in Ultimate Spider-Man)! Had a lot of fun! Let me know, who you would like to see me get on?
submitted by JZProductions26 to ironfist [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:50 No-Cartoonist8495 I’m a one man whore. Classy.
submitted by No-Cartoonist8495 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 Majestic_Lie3655 3d Clone trooper models
I used to have a Clone trooper Prefab that worked on blender that had basically the ability to create any clone trooper variation, anyways I lost a while ago and I can't find it, and I was curios if anyone had a model or prefab like that?
submitted by Majestic_Lie3655 to starwarsrpg [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:50 kanzler_brandt هل لاحظتوا زيادة في عدد مشجعين او محبين ترامب؟
شدخل ترامب في الخليج؟ شو بالضبط الي يحبونه؟ اتفاقيات إبراهيم؟ علاقته مع رؤساء دول الخليج؟ لا بس يكررون نقاط مناقشات التكتوكات الأمريكية والinfluencers مثل مات والش واندرو تيت وأشكالهم.
شي غريب. ابي ارفسهم واسألهم يا جماعة انتوا عرب في الخليج ومن صدقكم تشتكون عن DEI والنسوية؟ DEI في الإمارات او قطر؟ نسوية في السعودية؟ ابي اسألهم اذا عاشين في الخليج او داخل يوتيوب نفسه
يا ساتر
submitted by kanzler_brandt to exsaudi [link] [comments]