2025.02.02 00:29 CanelaMi Happy Saturday
submitted by CanelaMi to Hairplay [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 Plenty_Topic_9196 The Film and Literature References From Evelyn *Spoilers for S3E5*
They’re definitely making the show dense this season with references to different written works and films in ways that make it clear there’s significance to them. Many of them are coming from Evelyn, and one of the showrunners, Alex Clarke, does deep dives on her Instagram for each episode, I included some screenshots from her about episodes 302 and 304 I believe. I wanted to break down a few of the references that have stuck out to me and theorize what I think their meanings could be. Would love to hear what others are thinking!
The Owl and the Pussycat - This is one of the earliest references from Evelyn in 302, to Alice. Based on the screenshot about this reference, I tend to think this one is going to be symbolizing Del and Colton, which makes it all the more ironic that Evelyn brought it up. Although, if you squint, you could kind of see a connection to Alice and Nick as well with this one in my opinion.
Lady of Shalott - I think this is meant to reference how Evelyn’s life turns out. Her “knight”/Lancelot is Colton and she winds up being stuck in her tower (Lingermore) staring out at the world. I think there will be more to it than that, but I think this is referring to her fate. It’s the mention in the third photo I added here of the mirror that throws me off. That leads me to believe it’s Evelyn looking into the past…👀Which leads me to the fourth photo I added here. Connecting the mirror reference to Alice and the Looking Glass…interesting. Not sure what to make of it. Could Evelyn and Alice be two sides of the same coin in some way we don’t know yet?
The Ghost and Mrs Muir - This was a new one brought up in 305 and I’m not sure what to make of this either. There was so much in terms of Thomas and Kat foreshadowing, could it be them this is referring to? It seems like the episode was 1800s heavy, teasing what’s to come there, especially with those Evelyn/Alice bedroom scenes and finding the Kat portrait. However…the fact that she was randomly throwing this reference at Alice…a few things caught my attention. “Sea captain” “from separate worlds” “they can’t touch.” This also made me think of Alice and Nick, particularly that Lingermore scene from last season when they had their hands touch through the glass but they couldn’t actually touch. It was even in that very same house. The sea captain thing - he’s all about boats. He was mentioned again for the first time this episode too. This most likely was about 1800s and Kat/Thomas foreshadowing, but I couldn’t help but notice the other potential connection.
Has anyone else tried to dissect some of these references?
submitted by Plenty_Topic_9196 to TheWayHomeHallmark [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 Untrusting_13 WIBTA for calling out my parents and family on their BS and cutting contact?
So I(23 trans man) have been dealing with family drama as long as I can remember. I was adopted at 2.5-3 years old by my parents (56, 61), along with my bio sisters(25,26) and my little brother who isn't bio(21). Ever since I was very young, I remember my parents favoring my other siblings. If something bad happened, my siblings would blame me, and ever without proof, I'd get in trouble. Examples: I once told my therapist when I was really young that I was scared of my father, and my therapist told my mom, who then told my dad, who then proceeded to yell at me. My parents claim it's because he (kinda) looks like my birth father, but I remember this and I was actively terrified of my father. I didn't even remember what my birth father looked like. My father just had anger issues and loved to yell at me. Once when I was around 9 or 10, My brother and I were playing at my grandma's house on the basement and we're sitting on a card table, when it collapsed. My brother hurt his leg a bit and my parents came down to see the issue. My brother told them that he was sitting under the table and I jumped on it, effectively crushing his leg. I tried to tell my parents he was lying and even pointed out how I couldn't have jumped on the table as it was taller than my jump height, but my parents didn't listen and my dad ended up spanking me pretty badly. As I got older, the favoritism was more blatant. I had never had a birthday party(and even though my mom continues to say I never asked, I remember asking multiple times over a few years). I was constantly in trouble, whether I did something wrong or not. I was an undiagnosed AuDHD kid and kinda sucked at cleaning and when I was a teen, my father threw my things out of a 2 story window to "teach me to clean my room" even though my sister had a much more messy room, but of course, she was in a sport so that made it ok. When I was around 14 or 15, my mom started talking about a "smell" that seemed to come from me. She said it smelled like rotting flesh and took my to the doctors very often. My whole family ended up talking about this "smell" and my second oldest sister even got her friends to mention it. The only thing is none of my doctors smelled anything. None of my teachers or friends or even the nurse at school. It was only the people I lived with.(And I know some people would say its because they live with me, but my mom said that it wafted by everytime I walked past her and she'd even fake gag.) When I turned 19, I had a job that paid well, but was let go due to a disability I have(I'm legally blind and my vision device was stolen at work, but there was no evidence on who did it.) I ended up in the mental hospital due to extreme stress and anxiety from the experience and before I even got out of the hospital, my mom had gotten me into a room at a boarding house for old/disabled people. I was on SSI make a little over $700 at the time, but I'd have to pay $600 in rent at this place. My mom didn't even really ask my opinion on the matter, but I had told her many times that I didn't want to go. In the end, when I got home from the hospital, my parents gave me 3 days to pack and dropped me off without a look back. Come to find out, the woman running the place was abusive and narcissistic and she ended up filing for food stamps under my name without telling me. I had gotten kidnapped by the lady's brother and taken to another house in another city, away from everyone and locked in a room. When I finally got away, I was homeless and whatnot.(It was suspected by myself and other residents that they were part of a trafficing ring, but there was no proof.) These are only a few examples of the more terrible things. Other things included constantly commenting on my weight, demeaning my school work and achievements in art, commenting on how I'm defient for being trans and trying to talk me down from it, insisting I have a whole slew of mental health problems when i know I don't, telling me my older sister is scared of me and that's why I'm not allowed back at home, and once my father said my adoption was the worst mistake of his life to my face. As it stands now, I'm homeless(have been for almost 5 years) with a child, while all of my siblings still live at home with my parents. They are moving states soon and 2 of my siblings are moving with them, along with my brother's girlfriend. They only talk to me when I call, and if I don't, I get ignored for weeks(I've tested this out). Now, they're not 100% evil. My mom supports me writing and says I have talent is art(but doesn't really support me doing it in the long term), they gave me money when I needed to pay for glasses a while back, and they've given me target gift cards once in a while to help. But I'm so tired of pretending like they do this because they actually care. They continue to dead name me and constantly ignore the subject of calling me by my new name. They show little care in my actual life and have never taken accountability for the pain they've caused me, despite me taking accountability for not being the best child. So, WIBTA for writing a letter or message, including the instances I feel were unfair and letting them know how their actions have affected me, and then cutting them off entirely? TL:DR- my parents have shown blatant favoritism towards my siblings and obvious dislike towards me since I was very young, but always uses the excuse that they "tried their best" and "I was a difficult child" when I bring anything up, and then have my brother call me about how I made my mom cry. They don't talk to me unless I contact them first and are completely Trans/Homophobic towards me. I was wondering if I should just cut them off now to save myself more years of sadness and pain.
submitted by Untrusting_13 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 Ashamed_Fox_9923 Is for everytime
submitted by Ashamed_Fox_9923 to sololeveling [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 BhootDotCom +>[Voici direct] Benavidez-Morrell Diffusions direct sur la chaîne de télévision 01 Janvier 2025
+>[Voici direct] Benavidez-Morrell Diffusions direct sur la chaîne de télévision 01 Janvier 2025Benavidez vs Morrell Live Streams viewers. As I’ve been watchingBenavidez vs Morrell Live Streams Streams for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trustyBenavidez vs Morrell Live Streams Streams LiveBenavidez vs Morrell Live Streams Streams streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really intoBenavidez vs Morrell Live Streams Streams and haven't found a great way to watchBenavidez vs Morrell Live Streams Streams Live for free...
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submitted by BhootDotCom to EndgameSpoilers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 WockItOut Where to buy raw honeycomb nearby Victoria downtown?
My fiancee has been wanting to try raw honeycomb for a while and I want to get it for her for valentines day. I've been doing some research and saw that there are a couple of honey farms north of victoria that might have some. However, I don't have a car and it can be hard to get around to some of them.
Are there any stores or grocery stores near Victoria downtown that sell honeycomb? Before I spend a week trying to visit every single one I thought I would see if anyone knows already.
Thank you,
submitted by WockItOut to VictoriaBC [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 No-Elephant4226 There’s 2 versions of every Rottweiler
submitted by No-Elephant4226 to Rottweiler [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 Fudwick Turkey meatballs, potatoes, veg, and lingonberry jam
submitted by Fudwick to tonightsdinner [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 Familiar_Day_1758 Opinions on brand photoshoot
submitted by Familiar_Day_1758 to streetwearstartup [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 mj227usa His Scottish flags are all RED
submitted by mj227usa to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 doeln 334059880707 WB DIALGA WINDY
submitted by doeln to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 Background-Code3455 I'm trying to play. Halo 2, But it keeps saying this.
submitted by Background-Code3455 to Xbox360Support [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 Ostara9 This Skaven is huge milestone for me
I started this model in late October but perfectionism and depression kept me from finishing him until today. He may not look like much, but he’s the first model I’ve ever done with traditional paints. I’ve always used speed paints because I lacked confidence that I could do it the traditional way and that voice would lock me into paralysis. But I pushed through (a few months later) and learned a lot of lessons. I need to study shadow and highlight placement but instead of letting perfect be the enemy of good, I just pushed through. Loading the brush is also a bit of a challenge without flooding the model. Practice makes perfect I guess. I also tried painting shadows > mid > highlights which didn’t work well. Anyway thank you for listening to me ramble. submitted by Ostara9 to ageofsigmar [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 CycleFickle8794 Anybody ever do and pitches in Palisades park? Yes, the one in New Jersey.
Was in fort Tryon Park today looking across the hidaon and just thought, "damn. There's gotta be some worthwhile pitches over there." Pulled up mp and nobody has ticked anything. Has any done, or heard of anyone climbing over there?
submitted by CycleFickle8794 to tradclimbing [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 JanitorsAreCool Do women prefer men who express their vulnerabilities and fears?
Or do they prefer men who act strong and brave, like nothing fazes them?
submitted by JanitorsAreCool to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 GuyFawkesFieri Recent diagnosis
My mom has been diagnosed with dementia this week and I’m having an extremely hard time dealing with this. I’m heartbroken, though we thought this was coming, and honestly lost. How do you keep your loved ones with dementia in positive spirits? What activities do you recommend? I’m so lost.
submitted by GuyFawkesFieri to dementia [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 roses369 Missed out on a bargain buy and I’m so sad
I was on vinted today and saw the most beautiful jacket for £6… they normally go for £150- £200 (seriously!) so immediately I went to buy it, obviously… the payment failed and I saw that someone had got there first :(
I’m literally so upset I have been trying to find something equivalent for hours hoping something will come up for a similar price. I know I’ve really missed out on a brilliant piece and I’m not sure how to feel better about it… I know this sounds so pathetic lol but I’m sure you guys understand.
How have you gotten over “the one that got away”? Im so frustrated!
submitted by roses369 to shoppingaddiction [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 DottyDuke The Worst Olympic Video Game Ever Made
submitted by DottyDuke to dottyduke [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 Vegetable_Artist_783 Trade?
submitted by Vegetable_Artist_783 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 Dillioso Dialga Raid - 251920190736
submitted by Dillioso to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 bigchungus69420___ How does my depth look?
Just wondering about my needle depth and what i need to change with that, still trying to get better at lines and circles too but i want to make sure im going deep enough/not too deep
submitted by bigchungus69420___ to tattooadvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 Prestigious-Hyena-10 Feeling a little stuck with GIT application after graduation
submitted by Prestigious-Hyena-10 to Environmental_Careers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 Comets_That_Fall Help choosing my first wireless earphones
I want to buy my first wireless earphones And really my main priority is to be able to use ine of thise silicon funny cases; I'd love to post a picture but this group is not letting me I'd love to keep using wired headphones but my new phone doesn't have the audio jack so I'm looking for recommendations I prefer to have something not too expensive that will last for a long time I love rock music I will be using it only on my way to work and back home everyday It's like a two hours ride I can leave a link for the cases I'm referring to
submitted by Comets_That_Fall to HeadphoneAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:29 Cotton_Candy102 Eucerin vs La Rosche Posay Serums
I’m asian and have melasma over the face. Just want to know from your experience which product is good to treat melasma. Either Eucerin Spotless Brightening Booster Serum or La Roche Posay Mela B3 Serum submitted by Cotton_Candy102 to Melasmaskincare [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:29 counterfeitclown Friend pointed out that MrBeast's real name is Jimmy, which spiraled into a horrendous in-joke; I propose that this is audio of Curly during the ending.
submitted by counterfeitclown to Mouthwashing [link] [comments]