2025.02.02 00:36 Eudie_Syde When it comes to setting and achieving goals, which of these do you find the hardest?
And for those rare few who didn’t choose all of the above, how did you manage to get better at those other things?
View Poll
submitted by Eudie_Syde to infp [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 BeanBurritoNetwork RAM module error screen
I get this screen everytime I boot up my PC. I have four 6GB RAM sticks installed and it says only 16GB total is “usable”. Any idea why this is happening? submitted by BeanBurritoNetwork to IThelpdesk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:36 Im_trying_to_live103 I would like 1 or 2 people to hang out with
Non of my friends are on and I need more friends I would prefer it if we could talk in a party call.
Btw my psn is in my bio
submitted by Im_trying_to_live103 to RedDeadPosses [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 Prestigious_Score459 What does your favorite Fleetwood Mac song say about you?
I cried, I broke down, and my illusions of love are shattered.
submitted by Prestigious_Score459 to FleetwoodMac [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 ifyew Another 2 questions.
First-Please explain to me like I’m a 5 year old how the enlisting office works, and how to get loyalty. Second-What’s the best thing to buy from this $4.99 package? I’m thinking 3 of one item, but which one? Or should I get 2 or 3 different ones? Tia submitted by ifyew to whiteoutsurvival [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:36 sadghost4l Trivia Spots?
My friend and I usually go to Ft. Myers Brew on Tuesdays for trivia, but he started a new job and we can't do on Tuesdays. Are there places around that have trivia on Thursdays instead? Thanks!
submitted by sadghost4l to FortMyers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 IchibanSomni Attempting to mod
Trying to install vitadeploy but keep getting this error message. Any recommendations?
submitted by IchibanSomni to PSVitaHomebrew [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 brshefftwink 18M Sore strip around circumference of foreskin
Had to word the title weirdly so nobody thought I had balanitis, I've googled and unfortunately had to lay my eyes upon those infected pens and read about the symptoms and I have none, when I say ring it's around the circumference of my foreskin like a perfect 1-2mm thick strip that's a bit red and sore, my penis smells fine the head doesn't hurt so I shouldnt be infected
submitted by brshefftwink to AskDocs [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 CauliflowerAfter4086 Martin Garrixs Animals song sounds quite broken
Title says it all. It sounds like someone didnt listen to it when they made it, There is constant audio cutting out, The beat is all wonky and weirdly doubled in multiple places. And once you hear it, it doesnt go out of your mind. I do have high quality headphones, amplifiers and speakers.
I tried searching for HQ versions, fixed audio versions (in hopes someone else noticed it) etc. but all of them have it like its a feature or something. And i hate it.
submitted by CauliflowerAfter4086 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 ryyy2929 Can I listen to music with the apple watch SE without bringing my iphone with me?
So I'm new to apple. Just ordering my first iphone. Getting the 16 pro. Thinking about getting the apple watch SE as well to go with it. I already have airpods (3rd gen). I'm not sure how this whole thing works but what I want to do is this....
When I go to the gym the most annoying thing is having to take my phone in and out of my pocket for every machine I get on or weight I lift. I would just leave it at home but music is a absolute MUST if I'm planning on spending any amount of time working out. So I saw online some info about getting spotify (my preferred music app) to play music to my airpods from the watch and I could just leave my phone in the car or even at home. The only issue is I live in Canada and my phone company doesn't have apple watch plans so I can't connect that way. So if I connect via my gym's wifi, what would the apple watch be capable of doing on it's own. Without the iphone around. Would I be able to take phone calls and text with my phone out in the car at least a hundred feet away? Can I listen to Spotify or do I have to change to apple music? Can I watch music videos or youtube videos on it's lil screen while I peddle on the bike? It'd just be great to have the ability to text, call and listen to music without all the other stuff that comes with smartphones.. It'd be nice to kinda halfway unplug to the extent where I can still answer important calls and keep the tunes bumping without having all the social media and everything at my fingertips while I'm trying to workout.... No one likes that guy who takes up a machine at the gym forever because he is scrolling on his phone not paying attention... I don't wanna be that guy... So can someone explain to me how apple watches work in Canada without the cellular connection.
submitted by ryyy2929 to AppleWatch [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 Important_Help_4865 Haircut suggestions?
Hey what's up. I need some feminine haircut suggestions! I'm amab and want slightly more feminine hair. I usually get short sides and a messy top, which isn't really feminine but it looks nice on me. I was contemplating even shorter sides and a messy top for this time (creative I know)! I have short wavy hair so idk what to do to make it feminine. My hair is really thick too and likes poofing. I would post a picture but idk why it's not working so I'll add links for what my hair looks like.
https://blog.goldsupplier.com/haircuts-for-boys/ (1st image but less curly and it never stays like that)
It also can't be too feminine bc parents :/
Sorry if I'm asking for the impossible but I really appreciate any help!
submitted by Important_Help_4865 to agender [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 DaDudedudedude1234 The Substance (2024) theory
So I just finished the Substance and I loved it. Absolutely stellar story and great performances all around. I do have a theory though that may be a spoiler from one little detail. . So every time Elizabeth goes to refill at her deposit box (503), there’s only like 20 boxes. If I recall correctly only her box and the doctoold man (207) are numbered. My theory is the doctor tested it on himself and Elizabeth is the first other person to be tested. She’s a guinea pig. Can anyone confirm if there are any other numbers on any of the other deposit boxes? Let me know what you think!
submitted by DaDudedudedude1234 to horror [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 ALaggyTeddyBear Valve please fix, unranked players of similar skill & rating season 1 cannot queue. We've played ~10 games together
submitted by ALaggyTeddyBear to csgo [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 LankuDC TH-OSE are dimples!
submitted by LankuDC to theGoldenGirls [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 ilovethatimpretty s3e7
just finished the episode where 2 couples won… and they both got a trip to FLORIDA? id be so pissed, every other episode the couples goes somewhere exotic and out of the country and they got florida
submitted by ilovethatimpretty to FourWeddings [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 Free_tso27 HOLDING NET WORTH
Hi Everybody How and which ways we have to calcolate the holding’s net worth?
submitted by Free_tso27 to investingforbeginners [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 BusGlum180 W: camp buff plans, berry mentats, leaders, glowing mask, or offers H: MODS
submitted by BusGlum180 to Market76 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:36 onlyhalfpepper (Replying to a thread saying Spurs have agreed a loan for Disasi) They have an agreement in place - still not certain it happens [Paul O’Keefe]
submitted by onlyhalfpepper to coys [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 Efficient_Put527 I was changing the spark plugs and something broke
submitted by Efficient_Put527 to AskMechanics [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:36 factmuncher30 might make art based on what josiah said on the new video @ 5:43
also le silly tomadachi voice?
submitted by factmuncher30 to MicrowaveSociety [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 RevolutionTop7924 Preferências sexuais só mostram o quanto as pessoas são egoístas
Eu vi uma mulher reclamando de objetificação, q homens objetificam mulheres. Mas quando questionei se ela ficaria com um PcD, ela rapidamente disse que não. Ou seja, se contradisse, porque ela também quer um corpo bonito, alguém com perfeita saúde, alguém dentro dos critérios materialistas dela.
Por que as pessoas se contradizem tão rápido?
Uma mulher que recusa um homem PcD, um homem bi, como já vi acontecer, está sendo apática com a condição alheia.
Eu vi uma vez uma moça de 27 anos, psicóloga, que conseguiu se formar mesmo tendo atrofia muscular, e n encontrava homem. Como diria o Chat GPT, é preciso ter empatia com certos grupos marginalizados, como indigenas, quilombolas, pessoas trans, etc
é preciso sim ficar com tais pessoas. Relacionamento não é um direito, ok, no entanto, doar para uma instituiçao de caridade tb não é um dever, mas que devemos sempre fazer.
Isso é principio basico de civilidade.
Ter empatia. Ser altruísta
Exemplo: Você é um homem que tem PcD, é indígena, e nunca consegue se relacionar. Você acharia isso justo? Mesmo sendo alg legal?
Por que as pessoas sempre se guiam por corpos? O correto é se guiar pela personalidade.Uma pessoa que é guiada 100% pelo tesão é um animal irracional. Eu nao vou ficar com uma mulher bonita mas com vários aspectos negativos na personalidade
submitted by RevolutionTop7924 to conversasserias [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 twentyskulls Were household seasonings in traditional plastic containers like onion powder, garlic powder, oregano ,etc… available 40-50+ years ago?
submitted by twentyskulls to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 Frequent-Buy5000 Anyone else feel more brave when their pet is around?
I noticed that my social anxiety is waaaay easier to challenge when I have a cat sitting on my lap, lol. Somehow the presence of a cat makes me say things and express myself in ways I normally feel too scared to. Anyone else have this experience? Ugh, I wish I could take my cat with me on dates 😩
submitted by Frequent-Buy5000 to Pets [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 Crotonarama [Homemade] Orange Creamsicle Caramels
Making homemade caramels is a time consuming labor of love, and so much room for error, but I love the process from start to finish. So satisfying and insanely delicious that the entire bowl a batch makes doesn’t survive a single night.
submitted by Crotonarama to food [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:36 can1_think_of_a_name Istg my mood can change too quickly
I was extremely happy literally like 15 minutes ago and now I feel really ehhh
submitted by can1_think_of_a_name to teenarazzi [link] [comments]