[WTS] The Harmonist, YSL, Creed, Guerlain, and more (bottle)

2025.02.02 00:41 xwhyamihere [WTS] The Harmonist, YSL, Creed, Guerlain, and more (bottle)

Pics - https://imgur.com/a/3Sd8XuD
The Harmonist Moon Glory tester (2 sprays used, PTFE tape under sprayer)- $205
YSL Magnificent Gold no box (260g is full, my scale says 9.1 oz/ 257g so ~73/75)- $175
Roja PDLN 3 travel atomizer - $50
TF Noir Extreme Parfum 48?/50ml (light can’t penetrate) - $90
Creed Aberdeen Lavender tester (no box 2015 batch) 1 spray - $110
Creed Asian Green Tea - $110
Mizensir Bois de Mysore (2 sprays used) -$90
Guerlain Encens Mythique tester - $90
Guerlain Santal Royal tester - $105
Narcotia Doza - $200
MFK Aqua Vitae Cologne Forte - $15 ($10 for add-on)
Will ONLY trade for: Celine Black tie, Crivelli Oud Stallion, Dior The Cachemire
submitted by xwhyamihere to fragranceswap [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Summerbunn_ Clover dressing up as ceroba

Clover dressing up as ceroba Cutie!<3
submitted by Summerbunn_ to UndertaleYellow [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Critical-Art7252 Eu sou babaca por não querer que minha sogra “adote” meu bebê?

Aos meus 6 meses de gestação, entrei com o processo de entrega voluntária do meu bebê. Os trâmites legais estavam correndo tudo bem até o bebê nascer. Desde antes dele nascer, minha sogra me perguntava se eu realmente queria entregar ele pra outra família e eu disse que sim, então ela me disse que os amigos do filho mais velho dela não conseguiam ter filhos e o sonho deles eram ter um bebê e me perguntou se eu não “daria” meu filho pra eles, eu logicamente disse que não pq além de ser crime, eu já tinha entrado com o processo legal pela vara da infância. O bebê nasceu a 20 dias, e descobrimos que minha sogra entrou com um processo pelo ministério público para pedir a guarda do bebê. Acontece que, a minha sogra e os amigos do filho dela estavam de “complô” desde o momento do nascimento da criança, tanto que ao decorrer desses 20 dias, o casal junto com a minha sogra compraram roupas, mamadeira, berço e etc…
Motivos pelos quais não quero que ela consiga a guarda.

  1. Literalmente, eles estão cometendo um crime;
  2. Não conheço esse casal;
  3. Caso ela consiga a guarda, eu vou continuar com responsabilidade legal sobre o bebê por ser a mãe biológica (o que eu não queria, por isso entrei com a entrega voluntária);
  4. Como eles estão querendo fazer uma “adoção à brasileira” Em termos legais, o casal não teria responsabilidade sobre a criança e não seriam reconhecidos como os pais. Se por algum motivo (saúde, financeiro, entre outras coisas) eles quisessem devolver a crianças de volta pra minha sogra (que sempre disse que se tivesse condições cuidaria dele, mas ela NÃO TEM) eles poderiam devolver tranquilamente pq não tem vínculo legal;
  5. Se acontecer do casal desistir da criança e minha sogra ficar com ele, ela tem respaldo legal da justiça para pedir pensão alimentícia.
Motivos pelos quais entrei com o processo de entrega:
  1. Foi uma gravidez indesejada;
  2. Não tenho estabilidade financeira, sou estagiária, universitária e moro de aluguel;
  3. Não conseguiria da uma vida confortável para o bebê;
  4. Não possuo rede de apoio.
A mãe da moça que quer ficar com o bebê é advogada, e provavelmente estará a frente do processo a favor da minha sogra.
submitted by Critical-Art7252 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 probono84 t14 USB-C possible failure?

My ThinkPad T14 Gen 1 suddenly stopped recognizing charging and my external display on both USB-C ports. The charging indicator light between the ports no longer turns on, and the laptop doesn't detect power input. I've already tested different chargers and even removed the NVMe drive to rule out software issues, but the problem persists. Any ideas on what might be causing this or possible fixes?
submitted by probono84 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 CORNERSTORE42069 Low beams turn on but no lights on high beam setting?

I have been having this problem for a while now, the low beams work perfectly but when i switch to high beams nothing turns on at all. I replaced the dimmer switch already and looked over the fuse panel, is there a fuse for the headlights? I made sure i had good grounds for the lights so i redid the ground connections. Recently they magically started working again for 2 days when i started the car one time and now they are dead again on high beam. Anyone with a 2nd gen have this problem?
submitted by CORNERSTORE42069 to PontiacFirebird [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 ClonexShadows Travel Pics 📸

Finally got my professional photos I had taken in Barcelona sent to me a few days ago. I can’t believe it’s already been 2 weeks since my trip ended. Hope everyone is having a great weekend 🫶
submitted by ClonexShadows to gaybrosgonemild [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 trigonometric3d Un buen tatuador en santa fe?

Soy un pibe de santa fe que quiere empezar algunos proyectos, conocen un muy buen tatuador que recomendarian 100%?
submitted by trigonometric3d to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 pure_benevolence 21 (F4M) NYC/USA looking for cheesy romance lol

Hi my name is Isabel ^_^ it’s nice to meet you :-p
Without sharing too many identifying details I was in an emotionally and psychologically abusive relationship for the past three years. I wasn’t allowed to have my own opinions, subjective interests, boundaries, or even hope for the future in the company of my ex. Obviously this wasn’t fun and it didn’t even really help me grow as a person because the situation ends up looking so insanely black and white.
Now I prefer to be alone for understandable reasons. My main hobbies are exploring nature, listening to 90’s and 2000s pop music (lambily forever lol), drawing, and fashion/makeup. I’ve always loved self care like writing affirmations, journaling and reading spiritual books, and praying the rosary / visualization meditations. While I’m not Catholic I believe in the Catholic concept of a Marian consecration and believe the Virgin Mary is the loving mother of a flawed humanity.
My favorite tv show is called Gilmore Girls, and my favorite movie is the original Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.
I’m looking for someone who has the ability to be unconditionally nice towards me and give me earnest, creative and original words of affirmation / compliments.
I want a really kind, positive man who can offer me super duper cheesy romance and a real emotional intimacy even if it’s ldr. More than anything I want a friend and partner who just really cares about me, my wellbeing, and encourages me to practice my faith, self care, and creative projects.
This last part is important to me, given my past relationship and general interest in self development.
submitted by pure_benevolence to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 YuuGray Zelda by YuuGray

submitted by YuuGray to CosplayCharacters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Artistic_Hunt9123 Letting go

Finally after several months I’m getting rid of everything he left. Knowing all that I know now of how disgusting he was, I am beyond grateful to not have him in my life. Yes, there is still love there until I can completely remove him from my heart but the love for myself is far more important and meaningful. I have been doing so much better in all aspects of life and I’m happy again. Letting go has been the hardest thing I’ve had to do but in order to grow even more, I need to and am! I hope that you don’t do what you did to me to another and if someone falls to your false words, I hope they realize who you truly are before they get to deep.
Like you have said before, not everyone is meant to be in your life, some people are just lessons. Thank you for that
submitted by Artistic_Hunt9123 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Jawa999 Times Have Changed: NY Kingpin Peter Shue, Who Dated Madonna, Tells Cops He’d Rather Die In Prison Than Snitch On His Friends!

Times Have Changed: NY Kingpin Peter Shue, Who Dated Madonna, Tells Cops He’d Rather Die In Prison Than Snitch On His Friends! submitted by Jawa999 to worldstartalk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 professcorporate Premier announces immediate response, vows to defend B.C. against Trump tariffs

submitted by professcorporate to canada [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 jack_742 Looking for the perfect name for my new best friend. Ideas?"

Looking for the perfect name for my new best friend. Ideas? submitted by jack_742 to NameMyDog [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 evariell I asked my crush out. Help me out here.

So I’ve had a crush on this girl I have work with for over a year. We talk a lot at work, and have hung out outside of work alone once before I was in a relationship, but I was too much of a wimp to pursue her more heavily. I recently confessed to her that I have feelings for her and I wanted to take her on a date and get to know her better. She told me that she’s not actively speaking to anyone but she also not interested into dating rn, but she would like to hang out with me. She also knows that I recently ended a relationship and advised me to take a break from dating. I made it clear to her that I’m not asking her out as a rebound that I genuinely do want to spend time with her and get to know her outside of work. Since then we have actively been texting more and we’re going out Saturday, she’s going with me to get some tattoos and then taking her to dinner after. I can kinda sense that she does like me back on some level but I’m not sure.
Is there some insight here or should I just look at it exactly as what it is. I feel like she’s trying to make sure she’s not a rebound, But she clearly wants to spend time with me and get to know me more.
submitted by evariell to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 h0m0milk Video from 2016 - Doug Ford Says his Support of Donald Trump is Unwavering

submitted by h0m0milk to ontario [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 SrTiago23 Me ayudan a armar mi PC? 2025

Hola, no tengo mucho conocimiento sobre componentes de pc. Después de varios videos y búsquedas en Google esto es lo que logre armar (los precios son del momento del post y a pesos argentinos):
> Ryzen 5 7600 - 247,821.68$ (Amazon)
> Radeon RX 6750XT - 440,957.32$ (Amazon)
> Mother Asrock B650M - 124.597$ (Compragamer)
> Memoria RAM Corsair Vengeance Ddr5 32gb - 174.999$ (MercadoLibre)
> Gabinete Atx Cooler Master Elite 301 - 85.602$ (MercadoLibre)
> Fuente 600w 80 Plus Bronze (la tengo de la pc que estoy usando)
Me gustaría saber si se puede bajar el precio con otros componentes del mismo rendimiento, si hay alguna tienda que los venda mas barato o si hay algún cambio que harían para aprovechar al máximo los demás componentes.
Mi objetivo es poder jugar a juegos como TheLastOfUs, RDR2, GOW, EldenRing, etc. a máxima calidad y a mas de 60 FPS. Y si es posible gastar menos de 1 millón de pesos.
(perdón si hay alguna cosa sin sentido o alguna pregunta tonta)
submitted by SrTiago23 to ArgamingConsultas [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Judegame105 Bendy TV

Bendy TV submitted by Judegame105 to BendyAndTheInkMachine [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 CrystalMoth- 🌄🌿🏕️🎟️🍇

🌄🌿🏕️🎟️🍇 might be one of my favorite designs I’ve made so far 🌄🌿🏕️🎟️🍇
submitted by CrystalMoth- to StickyBusiness [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Warm-Ad-5901 You can't do that on stage vol 4 anymore

You can't do that on stage vol 4 anymore submitted by Warm-Ad-5901 to dontdeadopeninside [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 funtimerj Imposter syndrome with valedvictorian

I am about to graduate from a small high school of 100, and managed to barely get valedictorian through taking an extra AP and maintaining all As. However, I have recently been experiencing horrible imposter syndrome and can barely feel happy to the point of tears for myself like I don’t deserve it. I had numerous teachers and other students in my past say it’s a stupid goal or nothing beyond a title, but it almost felt invalidating to work hard. Now that i’m here, it feels almost demeaning so I don’t know. I’m not trying to fish for gratitude, but is this a normal feeling? Especially with college admissions, it almost feels like i’m undeserving. I’ve worked hard for the award, and recognize that, but it still feels weird.
submitted by funtimerj to highschool [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 FreakyFreak2005 Gonna tell my kids that this is Shimo

Gonna tell my kids that this is Shimo submitted by FreakyFreak2005 to Godzillamemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Madden349 ATL SDR @ Startup hiring. DM if interested

Hey all, I'm looking for someone preferably with some sales experience for a SDR position at a small startup. 65k base plus commission of 25k. Potential to make more. Top sales person made just under 20k commission last quarter and is on track to do it again this quarter. Shoot me a DM if interested. Benefits are great as well and it's a hybrid position, Monday and Friday WFH
submitted by Madden349 to jobs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Gi-r-w-i Belebog Fills cement buckets with people? Nah no way just look at their Accountant

submitted by Gi-r-w-i to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Tymarzon Anyone know a fix?

game keeps crashing saying the gpu is detected as overclocked. i play on a laptop dont even know how to overclock a laptop gpu. is there any fix to this? bo6 just keeps crashing for no absolute reason.
submitted by Tymarzon to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 ProfessionalPilot727 When does this become available?

When does this become available? submitted by ProfessionalPilot727 to AmazonFC [link] [comments]
