Freezing on youtube

2025.02.02 01:58 Bryce101Ben Freezing on youtube

when i watch youtube after like a minute or so of watching it just freezing and i have to hold the power button but playing games is fine
submitted by Bryce101Ben to DeckSupport [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 Repulsive-Ad-5629 Drilling

Just some questions on what the minimum recommended requirements for a drill press , and depths to drilling finger holes.
I want to drill my own equipment and will build my own jig , just want to understand a little bit about what I should get for drill press and what the recommended depth for drilling fingers is
submitted by Repulsive-Ad-5629 to Bowling [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 Glittering-Credit982 Do you need to hear I love you from your spouse?

I like to hear my husband say “I love u too” when I say I love u …. However lately his ass hasn’t said I love u too when I said I love u it’s driving me crazy ! Like I am irritated no I’m not insecure but I like to feel like I am loved by my husband and if he doesn’t say it I don’t feel that we are in a good space .
submitted by Glittering-Credit982 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 AggressorBLUE Anyone interested in a weekly SPNCMA themed book club?

Saw a post a few days ago where someone called out they discovered Red Storm Rising through the sub. And I personally just finished James hornfischers Who can hold the Sea, an excellent sweeping tour of the naval aspects of the early cold war up through roughly the creation of the Skipjack and Forestall class. A great read for the real world history that is effectively the foundational military and geopolitical “lore” for SPNCMA.
So I was starting to wonder where to go next, as Im really on a cold war naval kick. And that got me thinking: a “book club” where we “meet” weekly (by way of a weekly thread) to discuss a shared book fellow SPNCMA enjoyers are also reading at the same time, could be pretty cool.
Open to discussion here on the finer points, but I was thinking each month we’d put to a vote what book we want to read next. Then each week on a set day we open a new discussion thread for open discussion. Figure we alternate fiction/non-fiction each month?
PS: mods/devs, let me know if this is off base for what you want the sub to be. No hard feelings if you want to keep things strictly game focused, but I figured it would be good for inspiring missions and getting deeper into the history of the era.
submitted by AggressorBLUE to SeaPower_NCMA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 colororanger C4C!!

Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...
Reply with ur code/link and I’ll click it!
submitted by colororanger to sheincodeshares [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 Malaysuburban Roses are red, Violets are blue

Roses are red, Violets are blue submitted by Malaysuburban to rosesarered [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 NewUnicorn92 10 UC luck

10 UC luck Got this beautiful M4 yesterday by 10UC luck and upgraded it to level 5 already.
submitted by NewUnicorn92 to PUBGMobile [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 Antique_Historian_45 My youtube earnings in my adsense account won't update despite having thousands of views in youtube? Why is that?

My youtube earnings in my adsense account won't update despite having thousands of views in youtube? Why is that? So I've been a youtuber for 4 years now and back then, I could barely receive any income because of lack on views. But now, my channel started growing, and my recent video in december reached 600,000 videos, then ny following videos had like 70k, 50k views.
I was so excited so I checked my analytics and said I've earned $366. So of course, when its was finally the 22th of the month, I waited for my adsense email, but I receive no email at all. When I checked my adsense, it states my earnins was only $46.
I was is disbelief, so I contact the costumer service but says maybe its still updating, so I gotta wait to receive my payment. However its been 3 months! 3 months have passed and it was stuck at 46 dollars 😭. I dont know what to do, my youtube keeps growing and having thousands of views, so why is my adsense income not updating? It feels unfair, I dont know what to do, does anyone know how to deal with this?
(In short, yes since ive been in YouTube for 3 years, and my adsense has been normal and giving me payment every month. But this time, when my views finally reached a 100k+ , why did my adsense stopped updating my earnings?)
submitted by Antique_Historian_45 to youtube [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 fartpaindeath phart pipe

phart pipe submitted by fartpaindeath to webcomics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 Accurate_Froyo1938 Rainstick neck

18, afab. 65 inches, 300lbs (I know. I know.) I've been taking sertraline and clonidine for years, I smoke weed (only after I turned 18), I don't drink.
Whenever my stomach grumbles, I hear something in the very back of my neck. Like one of those rainsticks. This also happens when I'm laying down for a while.
It comes from the inside, from my spine. This has been happening for a long as I can remember, but I also don't have the best memory.
I hit my head pretty hard on asphalt in elementary school, maybe it was that?
Is this normal? Did I fuck up?
submitted by Accurate_Froyo1938 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 ThesweetestTeaaa7 20 [F4M] Online- #Georgia/USA. I’m a 20 year old college student looking for a smart, attractive, older man to talk to!!

Hey there:) I’m a 20 year old college student from Georgia and I’m looking for some excitement online🥰🥰I would love to talk to a smart attractive older man,(preferably 30s) and maybe even do some naughty things with:) I’m looking to connect with someone, strictly online and share my deepest secrets with. And you can do the same of course!!
Or just an older daddy figure 😆
A little about me: I’m majoring in data science. I love to read, listen to rock/metal and my favourite video game is animal crossing!! I also love resident evil games and stardew valley!!
-I live in Georgia but one day I hope to live in California with all the pretty beaches and mountains. I have actually visited a few times
-I’m ADDICTED to coffee I can not live without it😫😫😫😫😫😫
-I study super hard 😤😤😤😤
Feel free to Hit me up/reach out with a picture of yourself, age, and a little about yourself!!
I’m looking forward to it😇😇😇
-side note: no ghosters please!
submitted by ThesweetestTeaaa7 to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 MasterBat8271 Say you were me in this situation

Here's some backstory: My husband and I have been together since high school. Over the years, my mother-in-law has never really liked me. The months before we were married she was causing so many arguments because she was not getting her way with the wedding planning and claims she was not involved. She said that I was the reason she wasn't involved even though I told her if she had any questions or needed anything that she could reach out. Shocker, she never did. That's just one of the many examples of the person that she is. She is always making it somebody else's fault instead of her own and never apologizes for anything.
Well after we got married I think that she got really insecure. She started pushing my husband and I out of her life and made up any little excuse to be mad at me or my husband. It got to the point where she completely cut us out of her life and I was okay with it. I was tired of riding the roller coaster of my mother-in-law. Doing anything and everything she wanted. With that, she blocked us out for a good 6 months and it wasn't until her birthday that she decided to reach out to my husband to ask where it all went wrong. Again, never her fault always somebody else. Then she and my husband got in a fight. She deflected everything onto him and he was not having it. Somehow, they got to a mutual ground but we still weren't invited to any of the holidays or any family gathering for that matter. The only thing we were really involved in was his brother's graduation and it's because his brother invited us. I had made a post about that too when it happened back in May.
In September, she decided to reach out to my husband again even though I told her before that I would rather not involve my husband in conflict that her and I have. (That was the first time she tried convencing us to just "move on") She wanted to know what she could do to solve our relationship. My husband told her that she should reach out to me and that he doesn't want to be a part of it. Well then she gets mad because she thought that she could get through my husband to me to get her way. Which has happened in the past but it's not going to happen anymore. She wanted me to just shove everything under a rug and move on. But I'm not doing that because we've done it before and it doesn't work. Not saying that talking about our past would work but it's better than just pretending to be fine. I sent her a long text again explaining that my husband should be left out of it and that I wasn't willing to just shove everything under a rug. Well she never responded to me I guess because working out the past is just not important to her.
In January, instead of just texting me like a normal human being, she mails a letter to our house only addressing it to me. In the letter she claims to "love and care for me", that she has changed, and she doesn't think it's beneficial to bring up the past. We should just wipe this late clean and move on. So pretty much the same conversation for. The. Third. Time. Then she also brought up that she put up a wall because she thought that I didn't like her. And it's honestly really frustrating that she even said that because I have tried to be nice to this woman, I have tried to be a good daughter-in-law before I was even married to my husband. She wanted nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with a wall. I feel like she is just making up excuses as to why she is so rude to me behind my back. Also how can you claim to change when you STILL don't even want to talk about the past hurts?? lt just seems like she's deflecting the problem on to me again and wants me to just be okay with that.
If you made it this far, thank you. 😂 Here's my dilemma. I think this note is her way of saying "I tried". So I have two options, ignore it completely or mail a letter of response. I already have something typed out and it's not very nice. But I'm just tired of being nice through this. At the end of it I'm going to say this is my last time saying the same thing that I have been saying for the past couple of months. I won't be changing my mind, and if she doesn't like it then too bad. Forgot to mention that she's a raging narcissist so she doesn't like whenever she doesn't get her way. 😅 So the note won't go over very well but I'm at that point where I don't care. Or do I just ignore it and let her have that upper hand to save myself from any future letters, texts, or anything like that? I bet she'd still reach out anyway but I don't know I'd like to know what you would do in a situation. Because she's obviously not changing her mind on just wanting to shove everything under the rug. And I'm not changing my mind on talking about what happened. Even though if I'm being completely honest I don't even want to I'd rather just go to no contact. My life has been very peaceful since she has not been involved. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thanks for listening to my TED talk sorry it's so long 😅😂❤️
submitted by MasterBat8271 to motherinlawsfromhell [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 LearnHebrew Subscribe to watch Part 2: Most common expressions used by Israelis!

submitted by LearnHebrew to learnhebrew_ [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 Autistoio I wanna get dayz should I idk anyone that will play with me

submitted by Autistoio to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 weinerattack Does anyone have a book list

I'm wanting to just buy books from authors directly if I can. Does anyone have a list of web toons you can physically buy or any recommendations?
submitted by weinerattack to webtoons [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 No_Author_9683 Canadian government adressing tariffs live. Here we go. Hopefully we dont have to cut off your guy's gas :'( .

submitted by No_Author_9683 to MAGANAZI [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 GoMx808-0 US gas prices likely to go up with Trump tariffs on Canadian and Mexican oil

US gas prices likely to go up with Trump tariffs on Canadian and Mexican oil submitted by GoMx808-0 to HeadlineNews [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 BallForever1326 Part of the team now?

Just picked up a x260 for $100. i7-6600u, 8gb RAM, 128gb SSD, came with 2 batteries, internal & a brand new external battery. Not the FHD IPS version but I’ll be upgrading her soon 🥹. Probably going to go 32gb RAM, 1tb SSD, & the FHD IPS screen.
Not using it for anything to heavy, starting my CompSci classes in a few weeks and wanted a dedicated laptop to work on instead of having to bring my Razer laptop to school.
Running Debian 12 btw.
submitted by BallForever1326 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 SloanHunterOF Detroit Based Sweetheart

Detroit Based Sweetheart submitted by SloanHunterOF to EscortsNearMe_USA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 PrinceMaui Pros y contras de una posible "intervención" estadounidense para eliminar el narcotráfico en México. Solo respuestas serias

submitted by PrinceMaui to mexico [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 SnooWoofers2507 Is Roma a teacher now?
Did you all know this? Happy to see her either ways.
submitted by SnooWoofers2507 to MalayalamMovies [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 Individual-Purpose-6 i drew these before and during crying

i drew these before and during crying submitted by Individual-Purpose-6 to DandysWorld_ [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 bucketGetter89 Patty running the point?

You guys think we’ll use him to run the point for the second unit? Or no chance and he gonna get waived? Could be really interesting to have a veteran pg who has high iq and a hell of a shot but honestly haven’t watched him for a good couple years now
submitted by bucketGetter89 to LAClippers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 MightyRaccoon_ [18/M] bored and looking for interesting conversation

Hii! So pretty much the title, quiet saturday night and looking for really anyone around my age that wants to chat about anything.
submitted by MightyRaccoon_ to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:58 ImTheGooberPerson Mom, Dad, I'm ______

submitted by ImTheGooberPerson to AskOuija [link] [comments]