what’s my curl type?

Estou tentando realizar um WebScraping, porem estou obtendo o seguinte erro como retorno: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in ... Estou criando uma API como já dito, e preciso usar o Authorization: Basic KEY para enviar login e senha via cabeçalho. Infelizmente não tenho noção header ... Já vi vários vídeos, mas não quero baixar aquele tal de Wget. Não existe outra maneira? Logo, você precisa descobrir como eles são gerados o que significam e então reproduzir isto no cURL, assim conseguirá fazer o login. Se continuar enviando apenas email e pass você nunca irá conseguir acessar, ao menos não seria lógico o Facebook permitir isto, talvez algumas informações podem não ser enviadas, mas isto terá de ser ... Gostaria de saber se existe alguma diferença entre usar o cURL e file_get_contents e qual é mais seguro ? Agradeço desde já. Mas estou tendo dificuldades em executar uma requisição POST, onde preciso passar alguns parâmetros para o webservice. Gostaria de saber a melhor maneira de executar isso. Se possível, não pretendia utilizar curl pois já me deparei com restrições onde não pude fazer uso dele... Estou a tentar obter dados de uma API usando a extensão CURL do PHP mas não está a funcionar. O mesmo código num outro servidor está a funcionar. Aqui funciona: Mas aqui já não funciona: O códig... Você pode achar aqui, curl_getinfo, com segundo parâmetro CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE. GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: site.test para criar o ambiente de desenvolvimento estou utilizando o laradock com os seguintes serviços: Ao tentar executar o curl no PHP me dá este erro.. SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name 'xxx' Gostaria de entender melhor isso, e até mesmo depurar o problema...

2025.02.02 03:54 04angels what’s my curl type?

what’s my curl type? hi everyone 👋🏽
what do y’all think my exact curl type is? i know it’s type 3 but i’m struggling to figure out if it’s 3b or 3c.
submitted by 04angels to BlackHair [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 larryb78 Food truck in Farmingdale

Noticed a truck on 110 tonight sort of across the way from Adventureland - didn’t have time to stop but it looked pretty packed over there so I’m curious if anyone knows what truck is over there & what they offer
submitted by larryb78 to longisland [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 albanatross Translation of phrase on Hermes red envelope?

Translation of phrase on Hermes red envelope? I made my first purchase today (Nantucket Watch), and my SA gave me some hong bao (red envelopes) for the lunar new year! I’m trying to improve my Chinese to teach my baby daughter, and I was curious what this phrase written on one of the stickers (橙意绵延) meant - Google says it’s “The Orange Flavor Stretches” which makes me think it’s a cute reference to Hermes, but can any Chinese speakers help out?
For context, red envelopes are given out around the new year, especially to kids, and usually you put money inside to gift. The Hermes one came with really cute stickers you can use to decorate the outside of the envelope!
submitted by albanatross to TheHermesGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 XzofzX 143481613966 add me for daily gifts and raid invites

submitted by XzofzX to PokemonGoFriends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Master_Sai Facescan and recommended product (pligrim)

There was a free facescan event yesterday when I was shopping at the Skin Cosmetics store.Following my Facescan, they suggested Pligrim products, so I purchased a face cleanser, moisturiser, and 🌞 sunscreen. Does this brand work well for my oily skin?
submitted by Master_Sai to NepalSocial [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Constant_Mistake_799 oouhghhhfcxzghh

submitted by Constant_Mistake_799 to sssdfg [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Intelligent-Cry-4337 We all know the right song

submitted by Intelligent-Cry-4337 to malcolminthemiddle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Lucky_Arm_6924 Roman v Punk v Rhodes HOT TAKE

Punk should eliminate Cena in the elimination chamber then loose to Roman having Roman win it to go on to challenge Cody, then Punk should call in that favor to make it a triple threat match, have Punk win the title, and then go on to face Cena at Summer Slam where Cena will break the record.
submitted by Lucky_Arm_6924 to SantiZapVideos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Aware-Blacksmith8083 wanted to hit 40k

submitted by Aware-Blacksmith8083 to walking [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Existent_Imgflip Is this oversized M Rayquaza EX fake? Asking for another user

Is this oversized M Rayquaza EX fake? Asking for another user submitted by Existent_Imgflip to IsMyPokemonCardFake [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 carceryvale Spectra’s floating bed playset!

Spectra’s floating bed playset! feat wario and walugi
submitted by carceryvale to MonsterHigh [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 nostalgicsighs Cat keeps peeing on my bed

My partner and I have had our cat for almost two years. She's always had an issue of peeing on our bed. It took us a while but we figured out eventually that she was unhappy with her litter and the frequency that we changed it. So we try and keep on top of it as much as we can. She stopped for a while which was great but for some reason she has gone back to doing it and is doing it nearly every day now. My fiancé is autistic so it's really starting to get under his skin. He would never hurt her and we can't imagine life without her. This is really her only issue. She doesn't seem stressed and acts normally and playfully for a 2 and a half year old cat. We are child free. She does use the litter box too. She just also likes to pee on our bed. It is almost always on his side of the bed if that somehow matters.
It's almost 4am and my fiancé is having a meltdown after noticing he has been lying on a wet patch.
Any ideas? The door opens really easily so keeping her out doesn't really work either
submitted by nostalgicsighs to CATHELP [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 solive1993 Payo Gigachad

Payo Gigachad submitted by solive1993 to LivestreamFail [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 the-boz Aaron Wiggins >>> Cam Johnson

Aaron Wiggins >>> Cam Johnson submitted by the-boz to Thunder [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 GlumConsequence7023 PC LC??!?

PC LC??!? submitted by GlumConsequence7023 to affliction [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Odd_Panic_8688 News Ihss’s question

submitted by Odd_Panic_8688 to IHSS [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 leveragetrading "God of Wealth Has Arrived - Good Luck & Crypto Blessings! 💰👀"

The God of Wealth is here! Wishing everyone good luck and some extra crypto coins!
. #GodofWealth #GoodLuck #CryptoCoins #WealthAbundance #FinancialFortune
submitted by leveragetrading to MEXCReferralCodes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 ArmoredCoreFucker Hating

Hating submitted by ArmoredCoreFucker to TheOdysseyHadAPurpose [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 vanbikecouver Switch from Boeing to Airbus?

It's obviously not going to be an easy thing to do but Air Canada, Sunwing, Westjet, etc... Mostly fly Beoing. Can pilots fly both Beoing and Airbus? Can all new plane purchases be Airbus instead?
submitted by vanbikecouver to BuyCanadian [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 WillyNilly1997 Jewish residents burying their loved ones after the 4 July 1946 Kielce pogrom in Poland. The pogrom was caused by blood libel, resulting in the death of 38~42 Holocaust survivors, making it the deadliest pogrom in post-war Poland

submitted by WillyNilly1997 to SnapshotHistory [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Alternative_Heron490 Made my own merch

I saw the Madoka Fentanyl shirt and thought of making my own FEMtanyl shirt. I used a cricut with iron on vinyl.
submitted by Alternative_Heron490 to femtanyl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 Fun_Primary_9112 Really dislike the way my facial hair looks… any tips

Really dislike the way my facial hair looks… any tips submitted by Fun_Primary_9112 to beards [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 TheLivingVampire24 Starting fitness journey - Any advice or insight?

I'm 18 and want to become an MMA fighter and I’ve been diving deep into MMA training, focusing on kickboxing and BJJ. I’d love to connect with more people in the MMA community—fighters, fans, and anyone passionate about combat sports. Also, if you have any advice on training, building a brand, or just MMA in general, I’d love to hear it. I really want to build a brand so if I end up not making it big or not being able to make a full living off of it, I have something to fall back on like fitness content or just overall content creation, so any advice on that type of stuff is cool. You can find me on IG at (@windstylewarrior). I am looking forward to learning from this community and engaging with fellow fight enthusiasts!
submitted by TheLivingVampire24 to MMA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 tabbycatfemme How to introduce dog to shy cat when dog is too focused on me to notice her

Hey y’all, seeking advice for introducing our new cat and our resident dog (a Lab). The cat is shy by nature. She has been acclimating in a bedroom since we got her a month ago and has shown no interest in leaving. The last week or so, I’ve had the doorway gated and have started leaving the door open now and then and she’s come up to check the gate out. I’ve also tried to bring the dog to the other side of the gate to see her now and then.
The problem I’m running into is this: she likes to camp out on her bed under the desk all day (it’s fully visible from the doorway). When he comes up to the gate on the other side, he is so fixated on me because I have treats that he doesn’t look at heseem to see her at all, and she doesn’t leave the bed. (I’m trying to do positive reinforcement training since he doesn’t have much experience with cats; he’s not aggressive at all, but is generally energetic and anxious, so he usually alternates between barking and rushing over to explore the new thing and barking while hanging back because he’s unsure about the new thing.)
So…how do I get them to get comfy with each other if he doesn’t interact with her at all?? I don’t want to simply throw them together; it’s really important to me they get off on a good foot. My partner is going out of town for a weekend soon and taking the dog , so my thought is I will let her have run of the apartment while they’re gone so she can feel more at home in the space, and then maybe try letting her out in the hall outside my room and he can see her from behind the living room gate. But I’d love to know if there’s any ideas on how else I can get him to actually SEE her so I can work on disengaging. I’ve thought about picking her up and bringing her over on one side of the gate while my partner is on the other side with him, but I don’t want to scare her and she doesn’t like being held for long.
submitted by tabbycatfemme to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:54 gstrarftt Trading all!

Trading all! LOOKING FOR: any offers in general! But more tended to accept if your offer is an upgrade for me, an overpay, or if it has exotics/good demand pets on it!
Looking forward on trading my randoms for upgrades the most! Like a few for a F pet; F potion; neon pet; legendary pet.
NOT LOOKING FOR (Less chances for me to accept if your offer has those on them): 2024 halloween and Christmas pets; hard to trade legendaries (such as minion, metal ox, dragonfly...); 2024 new year released pets until now
★ Pets I enjoy/need at the moment: coyotes (pick fair randoms for it); full grown caelum cervi (can offer a R one if yours is no potion or if yours is FR the equivalent + a few randoms of your choice)
★ Pets I'm mostly looking for overpays for: Chick (it's an old pet and frequently gets decent offers so not likely to accept randoms for it, for example); ×4 Caelum Cervis (I'm making them neon so I'd rather trade the 4 of them for an offer equivalent of a neon one in value; their ages atm: post-teen, teen, teen, junior)
♡ Thanks for reading ♡
submitted by gstrarftt to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]
