Breweries Per 100k People

最近开了普通会员,但是在千兆校园网的速度下,只有100k~200k/s的下载速度,这和不开会员有区别吗? 100K token的上下文长度,意味着,你可以在Claude上传数百页的文本分析。 并且对话的持续时间也被大大拉长,延长到数小时,甚至数天。 当然,除了长文本阅读之外,Claude还可以从文档中快速检索出你所需的信息。 Definition of cum @andy520 It appears your question was successful answered, but if there’s still confusion: “something-cum-something” — such as gardener-cum-handyman — means the person (or object, or place, or room in your house..) functions as both of those things. So, he is both a gardener and a handyman :) Other examples may be: “I don’t mind living in a small apartment. My ... 我看到Claude推出了100k版本,申请通道已经关掉了,目前哪里可以使用它? 百度云。。我是不得不申请个百度云的账号,我用百度云再次回到了20年前的电话线上网的时代。几十kb的下载速度。。不对,我02年初中的adsl下载还100k呢。。。应该是拨号上网的时代!!!而会员。。我绝对不会充会员的!!百度云的会员35块钱只给你10块钱的 ... 再说flash或者eeprom,这两个东西在可擦写次数上性能最好,通常可以到100k次,当然,好的性能是要付出代价的,制造工艺上需要很多额外的步骤,所以成本高,因为工艺复杂,自然交货的周期也会变长。 免费版的用Claude 2 100K、chatGPT 16K会有次数限制,付费会员才能解锁更高的上限。相比于你自己独立去开各家的会员,Poe的会员肯定是便宜多了。19.9美元每个月,按年付费是199美元一年,相当于只花了一个chatGPT Plus的钱就体验到了多个模型的服务。 来查看一下应用信息,可以看到抖音pwa版的体积只有100k出头,相较于100多m的电脑版,这空间可是节省多了! 相较抖音电脑版空间节省的不是一点两点 对于支持PWA的网页,将其安装为PWA应用的确可以获得和客户端近似的体验。 现在很多场合都需要提供照片,比如考试报名、考驾照、护照签证等等,提供照片的同时也有照片规格的要求,比如照片大小不能超过100k,那么手机怎么把超过100k的照片压缩变小呢? 今天就给大家推荐几个可以压缩图片的好方法,希望可以帮助到大家哟~ 同样大家提及年薪时,没有人会用“k”,年薪100k是不是看着又怪怪的? 因为年薪很少有人不过万,大家用“万”作为单位,又显得非常统一了。 很多人这种用“K”的说法是崇洋媚外,是“装”,如果真是如此说年薪干嘛不继续“装”呢,又很有默契地用“万”?

2024.11.24 20:50 Sisselpud Breweries Per 100k People

Breweries Per 100k People submitted by Sisselpud to vermont [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 M00nWill0w Question

How do people make those Mario cart cuffs?? I always wondered how people attached them to the cuffs. Also, how do people attach things in general to cuffs, like plushies and toys?
submitted by M00nWill0w to kandi [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Aerodynamics-100 Ohayo, A&M-kun! Watashi Minami-kun! Tomodachi went to your school while I went to the University of Toronto!

submitted by Aerodynamics-100 to aggies [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Cut-Unique Instagram Q&A with Avery

Instagram Q&A with Avery Instagram Q&A from November 12-13, 2022. She answered a couple of my questions, which were the song that she thought best described Esme ("Trouble" by Cage The Elephant) and if she thought Esme was capable of truly loving somebody.
submitted by Cut-Unique to AveryKristenPohl [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Serious_Holiday_5382 London Luxury Haul: Mulberry, Strathberry, and Aspinal of London

London Luxury Haul: Mulberry, Strathberry, and Aspinal of London Hey fellow handbag enthusiasts,
I'm beyond thrilled to share my epic luxury shopping adventure in London! 😃😃 After months of research, countless hours of deliberation, and a dash of spontaneity, I treated myself to these three incredible pieces.
Background: I posted here a couple of months ago seeking advice to kickstart my luxury handbag collection in London. I had shortlisted Mulberry Amberly, Strathberry Mosaic, Demilier Vancouver, and Aspinal of London Mayfair midi. You guys offered amazing suggestions, and I'm grateful for all your inputs!
The Shopping Spree: 1. Strathberry Store: I started my journey at the Strathberry store. I got the help I was looking for but I felt hurried to shortlist the pieces. The Mosaic in bottle green was as good as it can get, but somehow, I was blown away by the Stylist more than the mosaic. Probably because, it bothered me a little that the strap in mosaic wouldn't go all the way out and it could potentially cause a crease with continual usage.
  1. Demilier: Next up was Selfridges, where I mainly went to check out the Demilier Vancouver. I liked it, but I was bored by the only two color options they had.
  2. Aspinal of London: Unfortunately, my experience at Aspinal of London was disappointing. The staff seemed uninterested, and I felt like I was treated differently (not the best feeling 😔). It was as if they didn't think I was a "serious buyer," so they didn't bother to assist me properly. (People who came before and after me were offered drinks) Anyway, I loved the Mayfair Midi but didn't think it would be a good everyday/frequently using bag.
  3. Mulberry: Ah, Mulberry! The holy grail of luxury shopping! Visited their flagship store in regent street is clearly they're a class apart! The staff were incredible, patient, and knowledgeable. I tried on several models, and the salesman adjusted straps for me to try out every model and color I liked. He answered all my questions and gave me space and time to think through my choices. The amberly I was eyeing felt smaller than I had imagined but then, I saw Iris and instantly got a calling! I knew it was meant to be my new go-to! (Price was also lesser compared to US even without a sale on it!)
I ended up getting the Mulberry Iris (my husband decided to give me an early anniversary gift), the Strathberry Stylist (I went back for it, because the lizard-embossed black was just stunning) and the Aspinal of London Mayfair coin and card wallet in green croc (went back despite the initial disappointment , so I could have a piece each from all 3 UK based brands that I loved. I was able to get my name embossed on it 😃).
I'm so glad I did, because each piece is truly special in its own way.
Conclusion: The touch and feel make all the difference. If I had ordered online, I'd have likely chosen something completely different, which I may or may not have liked.
I'm leaving London with amazing memories and purchases! ❤️
submitted by Serious_Holiday_5382 to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 EnvironmentalPop9985 I want put on erome, exposed, and you make me a webslut or if you need pics to jerk off, send me my pics for nudes 056ebc42f4812a2a79a0ec35fee55930431862a5499d371d8ffa011e43244b8f6c

I want put on erome, exposed, and you make me a webslut or if you need pics to jerk off, send me my pics for nudes 056ebc42f4812a2a79a0ec35fee55930431862a5499d371d8ffa011e43244b8f6c submitted by EnvironmentalPop9985 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 iamiavilo Decorating for the Holidays & Traditions

Do you decorate for the holidays?
Also, do you have any holiday traditions as a singleton?
submitted by iamiavilo to LivingAlone [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Sangtor Will soul fighter and high noon samira borders and icons return back to shop?

Will soul fighter and high noon samira borders and icons return back to shop? A friend of mine told me that you could get them back on their release through a bundle purchase. Will they be back in the shop or was it one time thing?
submitted by Sangtor to SamiraMains [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Adorable-Car8466 Will X-Plane 12 perform great with these specs?

Will X-Plane 12 perform great with these specs? Before buying, I wanted to know if these specs would make X-Plane 12 perform great in terms of no FPS lag, etc. Thanks, friends!
submitted by Adorable-Car8466 to Xplane [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Middle_Bed_2484 7% fat 240-250 “bulk” vs “cut” (muscle loss)

7% fat 240-250 “bulk” vs “cut” (muscle loss) submitted by Middle_Bed_2484 to naturalhypertrophy [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 WesternManEuropean Lol south India was really chilling...

Lol south India was really chilling... submitted by WesternManEuropean to EuropaPaganRightWing [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 1quirky1 Game freezing after "press any button to start" prompt.

The video freezes when I press a button but the audio continues. This is where I would normally select "CONTINUE."
The game was running without issues the last time I played it. I'm not aware of any changes since I last played.
Does anybody have any ideas about what I should try to correct this?
submitted by 1quirky1 to fallout4london [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Mohi1 Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Yoga Gen 2

Hello. I am planning to buy a laptop in 2025 by saving money.
This particular laptop falls in my budget of 105K PKR - Lenovo ThinkPad X13 Core i5 Price in Pakistan . Its a used laptop and i cannot afford new one.
I want a laptop where i can a) work Microsoft Office efficiently (PowerPoint and Excel especially) and b) edit videos on a premium video editing software, like Cyberlink PowerDirector and/or Adobe Premiere (I am planning on starting a YouTube channel, In sh'Allah)
Please tell me if this laptop can run these tasks smoothly. Thank you.
submitted by Mohi1 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Eddiespus Pruning recommendations

Pruning recommendations My tree (medium purple fruit) has been in the ground about two years and the branches are curved and haphazard in their growth. This is coastal Los Angeles and whether is about 70 in the day and 60 at night right now My goal is a little more height with leaves and fruit starting at about 5’ height.
I’m using chicken manure in the spring and have heavy clay soil.
Any other recommendations?
submitted by Eddiespus to Figs [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Lit-Dope Thrift store find

Thrift store find Dont own a geiger counter. Do you guys think its uranium?
submitted by Lit-Dope to uraniumglass [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Life_Zombie_5517 How do I use display gifs on the little screen next to the dial on my RK S85?

submitted by Life_Zombie_5517 to RKRoyalKludge [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 erin_corinne_ Had a photoshoot done with my CFB a few years ago

Had a photoshoot done with my CFB a few years ago submitted by erin_corinne_ to GolfGTI [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 whitneynations I feel like I hate these people more than the first group

submitted by whitneynations to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 PhantasmWycherley How am I supposed to make a living in the country?

I currently live on the outskirts of a small town in Wicklow and have been working in Dublin City for a year now. I don't have a car and having to get the bus or train up has been killing me, it all takes up so much time and leaves me absolutely bolloxed on my days off.
I got a job in Dublin because I'd hoped to move back up but that still hasn't happened a year later. So I applied for jobs everywhere in the town nearby and not a single bite, I'm 21 with decent retail and sales experience, spent the previous 2 years in college studying media (I was supposed to do another year but the course got cancelled) and I'm flexible with my hours. I get I'm not everyone's ideal candidate but I'm far from unemployable.
What am I supposed to do? Keep running myself into the ground for a dead end job?
submitted by PhantasmWycherley to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 front-page-watch [#705|+796|14] Thats why I dont believe in loyalty to companies. [r/antiwork]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 MundoMage We should not have a "nationality"

Nationality is not something useful. Governments should be like organizations, they should be like angels that do good to the world and work by donations.
they are like superman, batman, etc.
if people donate more to these organizations they will be more powerful. And most logical people will support a government-organization that is good.
Let's say that someone is driving a car fast. And the world has 10 government-organizations. Any of those organizations can arrest this person.
Which might sound chaotic. But I think most people will support good organizations, so the more people feel that this organization is bad the less they will support it.
This is one aspect, the other aspect is that there should not be anything like "nationality", people are just people they can live anywhere in the world.
This can also sound chaotic because most people will live in the best places in the world. But the more people go to better places the more crowded and expensive they become. So equilibrium will happen after that.
People should learn on their own, Schools job should only be to assess people not to teach them. The more accurate the school can test people's knowledge the better it is.
Learning and teaching can be achieved through many methods.
submitted by MundoMage to Futurology [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Muted-Dare-847 Anyone want to trade

Anyone want to trade Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: IGN:GoldCamel02
submitted by Muted-Dare-847 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Journeytoamilly ⚡️LIVE RN ON BO6 IN PERSON COLLAB WITH BRETEN1⚡️ F4F (pushing AFFILIATE - need views)

⚡️LIVE RN ON BO6 IN PERSON COLLAB WITH BRETEN1⚡️ F4F (pushing AFFILIATE - need views) Hey guys, I’m live rn on Black Ops 6 doing an in person collab with Breten1!
Currently grinding camos!! 10/33 🥇
F4F ‼️
Come for the fun, stay for the wild! 🤪
Auzzie! ⚜️
submitted by Journeytoamilly to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 The_Truest_Lad25 Rip: the greatest wingman in any loop.

Rip: the greatest wingman in any loop. Rip: the greatest wingman in any loop.
submitted by The_Truest_Lad25 to UndeadUnluck [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 20:50 Plaguejaw Shadow work

Anyone else go through fits of rage the past 2 days?
I asked God to bring any shadows I had left, to show them on the surface. I just didn't realize how much I was suppressing my anger, because I smoked weed for the past 19 years.
submitted by Plaguejaw to twinflames [link] [comments]