What do women want from men?

2024.11.24 22:32 Gaming-invisibleman What do women want from men?

I feel like this question depends on the person but im curious of what some of you might say.
submitted by Gaming-invisibleman to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 alex80m To my fellow hypnotists / hypnotherapists - How do you create your prestige / authority?

One of my trainers once said that, in his opinion, when it comes to hypnosis, about 80% of the results are created by the hypnotist's prestige (perceived authority) and about 20% by the actual work.
I'm not asking here if you agree or not with this statement, I'm just curious what you do to build the prestige? And I'm not saying the actual work is not important, I'm just thinking "hey, if you can make it faster and easier, why not?".
Some of the most common ways to do that, that I'm familiar with:

However, these seem to be some things that any kind of business would normally do. So what might be something more specific to the hypnosis industry?
Thank you all in advance!
submitted by alex80m to hypnosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Shark202021 Can trade 12+ 🌟

Can trade 12+ 🌟 submitted by Shark202021 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 ambsie01 A fictional book about deciding where people go after death?

My mum and I were talking the other day about how interesting it would be to read a fictional book that looks at where people go after death - more specifically tackling the concept of whether they have lived a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ life and what the ramifications of that are? perhaps maybe goes into detail about what people have done to end up where they are? I was wondering if anyone here had read such a book and could give some cool recommendations 😊
submitted by ambsie01 to suggestmeabook [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 CandyFTW Anyone bought the Thomson 270 box yet?

Anyone here who bought the box? It's on sale now for 90euros on Amazon, but I'm not seeing any reviews about it.. ?
submitted by CandyFTW to AndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 FourScarlet Cheating or visual bug?

Cheating or visual bug? submitted by FourScarlet to blackops6 [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 AgeroColstein Akerman PS1

Akerman PS1 submitted by AgeroColstein to hellaflyai [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Scroll_lol Primal kyogre 676340204555

submitted by Scroll_lol to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 HeavilyBearded Played my first game with GSC (Biosanctic Broodsurge): 2v1 (750 GSC + 750 IG vs 1500 CSM).

Played my first game with GSC (Biosanctic Broodsurge): 2v1 (750 GSC + 750 IG vs 1500 CSM). submitted by HeavilyBearded to genestealercult [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 d20damage Wie reinige ich diesen Siphon?

Wie reinige ich diesen Siphon? Spülbecken in der Küche ist verstopft, zahme Methoden schon ohne Erfolg ausprobiert, also muss das Ding wohl mal abgeschraubt und grundgereinigt werden. Leider verzweifele ich aber daran, wo und wie ich dieses Ding richtig abschraube. Wo fange ich an? Komme ich überhaupt an eine Verstopfung in der Mitte ran?
submitted by d20damage to Handwerker [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Cool_Translator_8927 Need help with 2 trophies

Hello everyone. I need help with 2 trophies -Defeat a warlord -Complete 5 contracts in red zone in a game
submitted by Cool_Translator_8927 to MWZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 LaceyChabertCleavage Taylor swift

Taylor swift submitted by LaceyChabertCleavage to CelebritiesArmpits [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 MDubbzee What's a well written show made for adults?

What's a well written show made for adults? submitted by MDubbzee to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Then_Marionberry_259 Gold LOOKS healthier into this new trading week. Must hold the MOATL (Mother Of All Trend Lines) in November to signal possible party time for December and into the new year. Let's discuss further in today's live stream (LINK IN COMMENTS) and look at our favourite shiny too.

Gold LOOKS healthier into this new trading week. Must hold the MOATL (Mother Of All Trend Lines) in November to signal possible party time for December and into the new year. Let's discuss further in today's live stream (LINK IN COMMENTS) and look at our favourite shiny too. submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to MetalsOnReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Boomaster18 We got an answer from mods, that was fast

submitted by Boomaster18 to MurderDronesOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 EmbarrassedMarch5014 How to not be weird when talking to girls

submitted by EmbarrassedMarch5014 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 RoyalAd9563 Looking for leggings pics. I can trib

submitted by RoyalAd9563 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Alternative_Worth680 How can I improve my sound

submitted by Alternative_Worth680 to Saxophonics [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Barely_Treading_GB20 Cannot locate exact spot of slow brake leak 2001 Laredo.

My WJ has developed a slow brake leak, apparently. I noticed Small spots of dripps under the front drivers side over the last week. (Hubby has been driving my Jeep while his VW has been at the shop for a month awaiting a part). It is red fluid, dripping from the front valance.
FYI, I checked the transmission cooler. Mounted in front if my radiator, and there are no leaks there, hoses are good, clamps are tight. So next I checked the power steering. The lines are coated in fluid but the cylinder is full so its not leaking from PS. Last I checked the brake fluid. Level was low, so that's my culprit. From underneath, there is a lot of stuff coated in fluid, but I cannot for the life of me locate the exact spot of the leak. I had hubby pump the brakes with the engine off and no dripping. Also with the engine running...same result. I was underneath with the flashlight both times. She has been turned off for 15 minutes now and I haven't seen a drip, but since it catches in the valance first, I wouldn't.
I can call my mechanic in the morning, but if it's just a loose clamp or a bad hose, I'd rather do it myself (if it's a metal line,, the mechanic can do it). How do I locate an extremely slow leak??
submitted by Barely_Treading_GB20 to JeepGrandCherokee [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 KirkBurglar Leanna Lopez Mosley

I see her stuff on IG. I tried looking into more of what she does but I just don’t understand what exactly she’s selling. Does anyone have any info on her and her programs? I watched a YouTube video of her and I liked it but….i am always skeptical and like coming to Reddit to hear the truth first 😂
submitted by KirkBurglar to LifeCoachSnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Sagebrush64 (WTS) Ink destash

Hello all, I need to move some inks that are either duplicates or just don't interest me anymore. I'd like to move them together rather than part them out, so, I'm offering them for cheap. All inks are better than 75% or better ( except Private Reserve Midnight Blues & Kaweco Brown) which are ~ 50%.
Here's the list: Diamine~Onyx Black,Amazing Amethyst,Grey,Umber,Blue Black,Prussian Blue,Delemere Green,Brilliant Red,1864 Blue Black. Private Reserve~Midnight Blues, Fiesta Red J. Herbin~Rouge Caroubier Lamy~Highlighter Chartreuse? Levenger~Amethyst Keweco~Brown,Red Pelikan~4001 Konigsblau (X2),Edelstein Mandarin
I'm blasting these out the door for $50 + $10 shipping! Shipping within CONUS only please.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.
submitted by Sagebrush64 to Pen_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 genera-executes Trading for gardener account!!

Trading for gardener account!! Hallo!! I've been wanting to sell my account for a full gardener one!!! It only has 10 echoes and almost enough to buy an S tier from the shop. DM me for more details xp
Crossover skins: ALL Persona 5 Crossover Essence 2 skins with gardener and mechanic awakened Faro Lady persona skin Mono Axe Boy skin Eggy Party Lucky Guy skin Rampo Bungo Stray Dogs Painter skin Gilda Promised Neverland Mind's Eye skin Rantaro Danganronpa Prisoner skin Gardener Hello Kitty skin Embalmer Toru skin Lawyer Abraham skin
COA skins: Antiquarian Mycology Acrobat Pumping Tires Female Dancer Vile Blossom Aeroplanist B tier Failed Exploration Patient B tier Safety Officer Naiad B tier Senior Assistant Entomologist B tier Unknown "Visitor" Clerk B tier Mycelium Monograph Prospector B tier Patchwork
Limited: Acrobat B tier Lawson skin
Logic Path skins: Barmaid Passage of the Rose Coordinator Aphrodite's Kiss
Character points: 55th (as of 24th November 2024) Gardener
submitted by genera-executes to IDVtrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 shittybtcmemes "its a ponzi" Comprehension is lacking in the average butter.

submitted by shittybtcmemes to buttco1n [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Cactuswart Why is there no recovery centres for autistic burnout?

If it’s not a thing it should be one. I just want a two month get away where it’s a bunch of autistic people doing things for joy and there’s no expectations and no anxieties. Also everything should be autistic friendly and soft and cozy. What would be in your recovery plan?
submitted by Cactuswart to autism [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:32 Sr-B0rges PRIMITIVE KYOGRE ON ME NOWw!! ADD 931551426512

submitted by Sr-B0rges to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
