知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 运动车(500ps以下):保时捷 718 gt4 rs (7:09.30) 马力:大约460 ps 车重:1425 kg 时间:2021 四门运动轿车:保时捷 Panamera Turbo S (7:29.81) 马力:630 PS 车重:大约2.100 kg 时间:2020 可见光的波长范围在0.77~0.39微米之间,波长不同的电磁波,引起人眼的颜色感觉不同。 俄罗斯460-469越南977香港489 爱沙尼亚474墨西哥750塞浦路斯529 立陶宛477哥伦比亚770马耳他535 菲律宾480秘鲁775葡萄牙560 希腊520阿根廷779波兰590 马其顿531巴拉圭784匈牙利599 爱尔兰539巴西789毛里求斯609 冰岛569斯洛伐克858阿尔巴尼亚613 罗马尼亚594南斯拉夫860中国大陆690-692 系统没有的,要自己设置~ 工具菜单选“自定义”,然后点“键盘”按钮,弹出“自定义键盘”对话框,在“类别”中点选“编辑”,右边“命令”中点选“EditPasteSpecial”,然后按一下你想要给它设置的快捷键,我按的是 Ctrl+Shift+V,然后点一下“指定”按钮,就会记录下来,确定并关闭所有对话框 ... 丨丨丨这种竖条符号如何打出来呢,谁可以教我一下可以用搜狗输入法里面的特殊符号打出来。 形容男生帅的成语。剑眉星眸 清新俊逸 挺鼻薄唇 风流倜傥 潇洒英俊 古雕刻画 淡定优雅 飘逸宁人 探扇浅笑 俊美无涛 气宇轩昂 风度翩翩 仪表堂堂 貌若潘安 威风凛凛 落落大方 眉清目秀 相貌堂堂 明眸 型钢的弹性模量为2.1 ×10^7N/cm²。 弹性模量定义: 一般地讲,对弹性体施加一个外界作用,弹性体会发生形状的改变(称为“应变”),“弹性模量”的一般定义是:应力除以应变。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 460/365=1.26 七日年化是4.6%平均每天万元收益是1.26元。 回答问题目前不能上传图片,图片版 1.所谓七日年化收益率,是货币基金最近7日的平均收益水平,进行年化以后得出的数据。
2024.11.25 12:38 lss_web_1444 Link post title 460
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 rockthatrocks Do we not like Sally?
submitted by rockthatrocks to MoonPissing [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 kiwi_in_england The spread of the American use of the word "obligated" instead of the proper word "obliged".
Title says it all. Stop the rot now!
submitted by kiwi_in_england to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 Beginning-Wait-8325 2 plants I got a gelato from fast buds going and Mac auto zamneisa both doing pretty good start scrogging the Mac auto topped both of them also
submitted by Beginning-Wait-8325 to FastBuds_Family [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 Consistent-Fun944 Got scammed by an Instagram luxury cosmetics store( @luxe99_)
I ordered a perfume from @luxe99_ and after payment, he blocked me. It is a grown man behind that account and when I texted him from another phone, he sent me a long paragraph saying absolute bullshit, filled with indecent language (as if I was the one scanning HIM) PLEASE REPORT this account for fraud and scam as the account is still running and god knows scamming how many more people.
submitted by Consistent-Fun944 to reviewbyindians [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 mirkwood11 Premium pass would feel a far better value if it had its own daily missions
This is somewhat inspired by the post about incentivizing battle play. But there should be added, more difficult, daily missions in premium,. including battling.
As it stands I complete all my "daily missions" in the first minute I'm in the app, and the premium missions all finished within the free 2 weeks period
submitted by mirkwood11 to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 Crafty_Row_9416 What do you think of me
submitted by Crafty_Row_9416 to ObjectShows [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 netocrat Под Одессой рейсовый автобус въехал в тягач: много пострадавших (фото)
submitted by netocrat to OdesaUkraine [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 somewhere-otr Suggestions based on this list?
I need more GIRL name ideas. I like word names, nature names. Short or long with a nickname, preferably. Here’s what I have so far, let me know if you have a favorite too:
Lucia (Lulu) Zinnia Octavia Marigold (Goldie) Pixie Wynne (Winnie) Minnie Bea Briar Peach Wilma (Billie) Daisy
submitted by somewhere-otr to namenerds [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 majyykwizard What'll happen if I threaten suicide at the psychiatrist
So, I'm planning on going to a psychiatrist to get a diagnosis soon, however psychiatrists in my country are very ignorant and always downplay your symptoms. I'm scared their ignorance will result in me not getting a proper diagnosis. But Im thinking, if I threaten suicide at their office, will they take me seriously? Or even, if I actually do something to myself, will they listen to me? Or will this not be worth it?
submitted by majyykwizard to mentalillness [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 theaudacityofthi I’m realising that I might have OCD combined with my general anxiety and it’s taking over my life. Any tips?
I’ve been to therapy for anxiety before and it’s been pretty useless but it’s always been a thing I had and I’ve learnt to manage it. But now I’m thinking and I’m realising I might have some ocd probably triggered by my anxiety as all my life I’ve been moving from one obsession to the other. When I was a pre teen I was scared of my thoughts I would constantly have intrusive thoughts and I would need to “touch wood” constantly like hundreds of times a day to ward off the thoughts -if anyone knows that superstition.
When I was a preteen/teen I was obsessed with my height, I was scared I would grow too tall for a girl. I would measure myself hundreds of times per day and would compare my height to any random girl I would see. Would also punch myself in my legs to stop growing. When I was finished growing in height I was obsessing over my nose until I got rhinoplasty. After that I would obsess over any random guy that deep down I wasn’t even into and would literally obsess over them looking at other girls or giving other girls more attention to the point where I would go out of my way to avoid seeing them do that. And it would usually be a guy that I wasn’t even into that gave me some attention initially.
Then, as I grew into my late 20’s I stopped obsessing over boys and started obsessing over my health and looks. I would obsess over my diet making sure it’s perfectly healthy. Then I got a very faint line between my eyebrows and started obsessing over that, I got Botox and most people said they couldn’t even see the line anyways but would go walking outside and bring a mirror with me and look at it from different angles and lights like a crazy person to see if it’s visible(at least I would to that when there wasn’t a lot of people around) and would kick myself for not getting Botox sooner. Then recently I accidentally hit my front tooth( ironically due to my excessive teeth hygiene routine - hit myself with the metal tongue scraper) been to the dentist she did X-rays and looked at it and she said it looks normal and it’s a bit sensitive cause of the surrounding tissues. The first day I was relieved but then I started looking up stuff on Reddit/tik tok on teeth and fell into a rabbit hole of intrusive/ catastrophic thoughts and watching awful teeth videos and reading forums didn’t help and now I’m fully depressed and can’t sleep for the past week cause I’m worried about a stupid tooth even the doctor said it looks ok. Was even having random suicidal thoughts over it as it’s consuming me so much. Now I’m managing a bit better today but I still have intrusive thoughts during the day and would wake up several times throughout the night in cold sweats thinking about it.
I guess I’ve no learning from it, just realized today that I might have some sort of OCD. I haven’t even detailed all my obsessions there, there’s been a lot more but these were the main ones. I can’t really afford therapy right now and the therapists I’ve been to before have been useless anyways. I’m curious how other people manage?
submitted by theaudacityofthi to OCD [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 lss_web_1444 Image post title 297
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 Adelf32 Completion and renaming support for "boot" and "initialize" methods of Eloquent traits. No more "this trait doesn't work after renaming" issues!
submitted by Adelf32 to laravel_idea [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 bobo79x First tinned Sardines in butter
Found these on amazon in the states and had to bring them home. Made Fish n Grits, really happy with the result. Definitely going to buy more fish in butter if I spot them submitted by bobo79x to Tinnedfish [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 RelationshipStill909 parcel troubles
my parcel got sent back to the warehouse on the 23rd now my logistics at this. anyone know when they will reship my item. submitted by RelationshipStill909 to AllChinabuy [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 Pretty_Astronomer890 Bida weil ich eine (vermutlich) kranke Person in Schutz nehme?
Also... Die Situation ist Wie folgt: Ich M gehe auf eine Uni zusammen mit einem Freund(F1) der dort auch viele Freunde fand, darunter auch die (vermutlich) kranke Person. Diese Person schlägt sich nicht besonders gut auf der Uni und steht unter hohem Leistungsdruck. Vor gut 3 Wochen viel diese Person nach dem verlassen des Raumes vor diesem um und Zitterte auf dem Boden (seine Freunde dachten er macht ein Schauspiel bis er keine Luft mehr bekam). Hilfe wurde sofort gerufen und er wurde in ein Krankenhaus gebracht das er nach 3 Tagen wieder verlassen durfte. Es ist bis jetzt noch nicht bekannt was wieso er umgekippt ist, mehrere Artz besuche haben auch nichts gebracht. Ein paar Tage später wurde er wieder blass und ihm wurde schlecht weswegen er nach Hause ging. Ich und ein Freund(F2) trafen ihn ein paar Tage später auf dem Weg zur Uni und fragten ihn wieso er sich nicht erholt, er antwortete:„Wie soll man sich denn Mental erholen?“. Daraus schließe ich das es ihm aufgrund von Stress (Uni und Familie) nicht gut geht. Nachdem er eine Woche später wieder nach ein paar Stunden ging machten sich F1 und seine Freunde (alle mit der Person befreundet) über ihn lustig und lästerten über ihn (das haben sie btw schon nach dem ersten ersten mal gemacht),ich fragte wieso sie über ihn lästern und so tun als würde es ihm gutgehen. Ich bekam nur als Antwort das ich ihn ja gar nicht richtig kennen würde worauf ich ihnen meine Vermutung erklärte, ich erhielt die selbe Antwort. Frustriert habe ich geantwortet:„ihr kennt ihn anscheinend auch nicht, sonst würdet ihr ihn unterstützen!“. Darauf wurde ich (auch von F1) nur noch beleidigt, beschimpft usw. Bida weil ich diese Person verteidigen wollte?
Ich kann btw kein Kontakt zu ihm aufnehmen da wir uns nicht wirklich leiden können und ich seine Nummer auch von niemandem bekommen kann.
submitted by Pretty_Astronomer890 to BinIchDasArschloch [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 phoenix-007 meirl
submitted by phoenix-007 to meirl [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 SocksFollower Socks Memes
Goofball submitted by SocksFollower to Socksfor1Submissions [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 CosmicDripPhD The Balduring
It’s me I’m BG3 fans submitted by CosmicDripPhD to okbuddybaldur [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 LazaroVents What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by LazaroVents to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 clouddabest shoe choice
been wanting a new vb shoe lately and i used to wear netburner ballistic ff mt 3. im a 60kg/173cm tall outside and have flat feet. cant decide between: sky elite ff mt 3, wave momentum 3, sabrina 2s or ja2s. i jump relatively high(39inch vert) so lowkey want a shoe that is bouncier or gives more shock absorbtion.
submitted by clouddabest to vballshoes [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 widecentreback Books, Magazines, Podcasts etc. for Coaches (Adults)
I'm always looking for new, good and interesting material for football (soccer) coaches - in my case for men/adults. Do you have any tips or suggestions for good books, magazines, podcasts, YouTube channels, etc.? Either in German or English.
Many thanks in advance.
submitted by widecentreback to SoccerCoachResources [link] [comments]
2024.11.25 12:38 just_podcaster How is PhotoAI making $120K per month? 💰 (FULL SEO ANALYSIS)
A FULL SEO analysis! The end will make you blush 😳 Trust me...
Domain Rate 📈
PhotoAI has a DR of 59 (according to Ahrefs). One point less than HeadShotPro
It's good but not a crazy DR! - I think that Pieter can improve this with RankChase tbh 😉
PhotoAI has 1M backlinks! But only 1.8K linking websites...
This equates to a ratio of 0.0018 (VERY LOW). Podsqueeze for example has a ratio of 0.06
This might indicate that a few external websites are giving a LOT of backlinks to PhotoAI (a bit sus...) 🤔
Any suggestions on what can be causing this?
Top Pages 🏆
1- Home (No surprise here... Comes from X) 2- Glamour Photos By AI | Professional Photo Shoots with AI 3- Lingerie Photos By AI | Professional Photo Shoots with AI 4- Tinder Photos By AI | Professional Photo Shoots with AI 5- Polaroid Photos By AI | Professional Photo Shoots with AI
Top Keywords 📝
1- "Photo" - Simple but powerful, brings 400 clicks per month 2- "strictly glamour images only" - 110 monthly clicks 3- "photo ai" - 50 clicks month 4- "iphoto" - 44 monthly clicks 5- "ai photography" - 24 monthly clicks
Adult Content - The Secret Weapon 😏
Like HeadShotPro, PhotoAI also invested a lot in programmatic SEO, but he has focused on a different, more "adult" niche...
Here are a few keywords for which PhotoAI programmatic landing pages are ranking:
2024.11.25 12:38 weaksissyhubby Give it to me 🍆
submitted by weaksissyhubby to hotindianwife [link] [comments] |
2024.11.25 12:38 asdsfg5 Relação
Tenho 46 anos, sou divorciado e no último ano e meio tenho andado envolvido com uma rapariga de 21 anos.
Não vivemos juntos mas ela passa alguns dias na minha casa quando eu não estou com os meus filhos e ela está por Lisboa. (ela não é de cá mas estuda aqui).
Ninguém sabe que a nossa "relação" existe. Mas às vezes fazemos uma vida de casal normal fora de casa: vamos jantar fora os dois, já fui com ela para fora de Portugal.
Mas, mesmo que isto tenha pernas para andar não sei se estou na disposição de tornar isto "oficial". Sei bem o que a minha família, a dela e a sociedade iam achar...
Ela não passa dificuldades, vêm de uma classe média alta, é bastante mimada e sempre esteve habituada a ter tudo o que quer. No fundo embora eu gaste com ela dinheiro como ninguém da idade dela conseguiria gastar ela não está comigo por necessidades.
Eu nunca lhe dei dinheiro, só comprei coisas caras que ela queria e já fui com ela a restaurantes, hotéis, que ela escolhe. Não me posso queixar desta relação. Ela é extremamente amorosa comigo e na cama funcionamos muito bem... ( para além disso não é uma miúda oca)
Será isto comum nos dias de hoje? Ou é uma exceção? O que acham que eu devo fazer?
Não vou negar que gosto disto... No entanto sou capaz de vomitar só de pensar que a minha filha no futuro pode estar com alguém da minha idade.
Ps. Não precisam de me crucificar por gastar dinheiro com ela. Se o faço é porque tenho mais do que disponibilidade suficiente para o fazer. Não vou entrar em pormenores mas trabalhei desde sempre com o meu pai na empresa de família e nos vários investimentos imobiliários que temos nesta zona.
submitted by asdsfg5 to portugal [link] [comments]