Hi can anyone rp of įřľ I feed dm me out of invite

2024.11.25 12:38 Round-Garage-5523 Hi can anyone rp of įřľ I feed dm me out of invite

submitted by Round-Garage-5523 to IGCSLUTSF [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 TeimanHakdosha any idea why my supports are so hard to get off?

any idea why my supports are so hard to get off? Also they kinda destroyed the face of the alien...
I dont know if it helps but my printer is ender 3 v3 se
I printed with 0.15mm layer height, with printing speed of 200mm The fillament ive used is the high speed pla creality fillamnet which suppose to handle up to 300mm speed... I thought maybe its the support density but im not sure...
submitted by TeimanHakdosha to FixMyPrint [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 suck4vbuckss Heaven

so, here i find myself again the sky is so rich so many colours, so many dreams so many clouds interspersed with a truly deep and vast blue it shows the cracks, where heaven splits at the seems it's as if every cloud is chasing the next closing the gaps and trying their very best to keep any sun from reaching me i guess it's owed to the season that my skin gets paler and i put on weight spend more time in bed dreaming you were there, retelling what you said most importantly, hiding intention and what it all actually meant in my mind we were a synergy a stand still, a tug-of-war, it challenged you, balanced me
below the grey and scattered blue there are trees of green, orange, brown and yellow there are birds immigrating away from home, and there are thoughts of you the great big pond laughs at me i crossed once without you and it has been busy gnawing at me ever since the trainlines reflected the little light that seeped through from above, so effortlessly i wish i could do that
i sleep worse these days, its a long song and dance, all with the hopes of coercing myself into thinking that sleep is the right thing to do it's harder when i dream of death and failure hardest when i still dream of you i rearranged my bedroom - those types of things are supposed to help i am only able to play the cards which i have been dealt what is a man supposed to do?
i felt a person's warmth yesterday, and she looked like you she was missing your hair, and the shapes in here eyes but she looked like you it was on a flight between your home and mine i managed to pierce the clouds to bathe in the blue above the grey, but alas, there was no heaven up there only her, asleep up against my shoulder, and she looked a lot like you.
https://www.reddit.com/OCPoetry/s/fDdmfQfWPG https://www.reddit.com/OCPoetry/s/FsBTxaPpw5
submitted by suck4vbuckss to OCPoetry [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 cla7997 Come la vedete una Twingo MK1 per un neopatentato?

La prima serie di Twingo mi piace veramente tanto. È piccola, posso parcheggiarmi un po' ovunque, ma all'interno è più spaziosa di tante altre macchine, anche per me che sono alto 194cm. È carina, le macchine tipo goober mi fanno veramente venire voglia di portarle in giro. E i sedili si reclinano completamente, cosa che mi tornerà sicuramente utile...
Ovviamente però non so esattamente come sia dal punto di vista safety, dell' affidabilità, etc. Oltretutto essendo una vecchia shitbox non si troverà mai poco chilometrata, quindi non so quanto convenga prenderne una con 100k+ km.
Qualcuno saprebbe fornirmi qualche insight?
submitted by cla7997 to ItalyMotori [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Turbulent_Goal8132 Excellent DD on MARA

Here’s a link to some excellent DD on MARA
submitted by Turbulent_Goal8132 to Marathon [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 solblood 斎藤知事代理人弁護士 PR会社にポスターデザイン費として約71万円払うも契約書はなし「今月4日に『ポスターのデザイン費用』などで71万5000円をPR会社に支払った」契約書については「なかったと聞いている。私は現段階で把握していない」

斎藤知事代理人弁護士 PR会社にポスターデザイン費として約71万円払うも契約書はなし「今月4日に『ポスターのデザイン費用』などで71万5000円をPR会社に支払った」契約書については「なかったと聞いている。私は現段階で把握していない」 submitted by solblood to newsokur [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Dmy3xm What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Dmy3xm to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Ok-Contribution1856 Does this short bed make my tree look big?

Does this short bed make my tree look big? submitted by Ok-Contribution1856 to ToyotaTacoma [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Beautiful_Use_688 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Beautiful_Use_688 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 ReporterFun8520 Întrebarea e ce șanse are Lasconi în turul 2?

Realist vorbind, cum stau calculele? Părerea mea e ca pe voturile de la PSD nu se poate baza, cred ca foarte multi vor sta acasă (am auzit deja discuții despre asta între pesedisti convinși).
submitted by ReporterFun8520 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Non_Rabbit 思考中

思考中 submitted by Non_Rabbit to China_irl [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 No-Plane3694 Jasper t jouls

Jasper t jouls submitted by No-Plane3694 to Animatronics [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Petaajen Help for redmi watch 5 active

I got watch 5 active from 2 days and i have a problem with notifications wanna ask bout it Ma watch when i receive some notification the sound of notification get lag or glith like when u hear it its not the normal sound of the notification its kinda glitch or lagging is that common or what?
submitted by Petaajen to miband [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 happibananacat Urgent! Advice needed for F7 FR prep with only 10 days left

Hi everyone,
I need urgent advice, I'm honestly in a state of panic seeing the horror image of 10 days remaining! My FR exam on 5th december attempt, is approaching, and I have a packed schedule. So far, I’ve only completed 10 out of 22 chapters (Kaplan study text reading only, no question practice yet). From November 26 to December 2, I have college internals, leaving me just 2–3 hours daily for study.
I usually prefer ACCA Study Hub for practice questions since, in my previous Fm exam, most questions were directly from it. However, should I also consider Kaplan for questions?
How should I plan my remaining 10 days to maximize preparation? Any tips on prioritizing topics, practicing questions, or managing time, and importantly which material to prefer to solve questions, kaplan exam kit or study hub? anyone who has had experience with just solving the acca hub questions and passing can really help !! would be greatly appreciated!
Please help! Your advice means a lot.
submitted by happibananacat to ACCA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Dvojtakt Thoughts on authenticity?

Thoughts on authenticity? I recently purchased this Geta denarius via reputable auction house, but I'm still getting into the deeper problematic of ancient coins, and I don't want to have a forgery in my collection.
I'm aware that coins of the Severan dynasty can be obtained in nice conditions, but isn't such sharp strike a bit suspicious?
RIC 18, 3.07 g
submitted by Dvojtakt to AncientCoins [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 TownZealousideal6205 Child Steve dictionary

Child Steve dictionary submitted by TownZealousideal6205 to PhoenixSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 juicyyyapple Does event stat monster park exp apply to MPE?

submitted by juicyyyapple to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 AnIrishPagan Datbike bike rental?

It seems datbike is a popular homegrown electric motorbike company, but does anyone know any bike rental stores that are renting these bikes out? I see many motorbike rental stores have vinfast bikes for rent but can't seem to find any stores with Datbike (in hcmc). Considering the Datbike factory is in HCMC, I'd thought more rental shops would have the bike. I'm in Vietnam for a short time (60 days) and I'd love to rent one (any of the models) but it doesn't seem possible.
submitted by AnIrishPagan to VietNam [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Previous_Guard_188 Which insect is that?

Which insect is that? submitted by Previous_Guard_188 to insects [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 CodOk4768 R/BokuBoku is banned. Maybe we should restore it😭

BokuBoku is banned. Maybe we should restore it😭 submitted by CodOk4768 to BannedSubs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Hacomeback 抗日神剧演起来👏

抗日神剧演起来👏 太君,这边请!
submitted by Hacomeback to LOOK_CHINA [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 Rough-Function-4743 Stroking my BBC all day send fuel nl 05b7438e4d1f43ed9424c7bb1d7823fb1b8c48018383e689e7904a63764cfe3d27

submitted by Rough-Function-4743 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 l00t9 Senior parents on Medicare visit India every year for 4-5 months. Is it financially feasible to continue this health policy in India?

My parents (71 and 68) living in the US visit India every year for 4-5 months. They’re both covered by Medicare in the US but in India, they only have a 125k health insurance policy each, for which the premiums have shot up to INR 15-17k per person, and are expected to rise every year.
Does it make sense financially to continue this policy and pay 13-15% of the coverage amount annually? The insurance company has no option to increase the sum insured or add any top-up plans.
I asked ChatGPT and it suggested a good travel insurance plan every year instead.
submitted by l00t9 to medicare [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 JoaoLangleyDev Briga de Trânsito: Como evitar?

Bem senhores, não é sobre carro mas é sobre trânsito, o que é +/- mesma coisa?
Estou na vida de motorista de carro há 5 meses, sou recém-habilitado, apenas daqui a 7 meses terei minha cnh definitiva, não dirijo mal não, não corro, não faço nenhuma loucura, carro automático o que facilita eu não fazer besteira, mas claro, não tenho ainda as malemolências de fazer manobras muito complexas.
Bem, moro em um local que tem apenas uma rua que conecta principal, e essa rua é BEM estreita, tipo, passa um carro e meio no máximo, mas não é movimentada, tem poucas casas na rua...tanto que não tem carros estacionados nela, porque fica inviável passar outro carro ali...
Bem, estava saindo para entrar na principal e um CRETA mesmo comigo dando seta para sair entrou na minha frente (eu bateria nele já que a frente do meu carro ficou bem na frente do centro da dele) e fechou a principal, e eu impossibilitado de fazer nada afinal ele estava com o carro na frente do meu, ele baixou o vidro do motorista e com o corpo todo pra fora (braços e busto) começou a gesticular e apontar o dedo pra mim etc.
Foi a primeira vez que isso me ocorreu, foi bem de manhãzinha (7:00), eu apenas fiz um sinal de "ok" e "vem" ele me olhou puto da vida, fechou o vidro e veio (tive que dar ré e ir mais pra direita entrando na contra-mão para ele passar e assim seguir viagem.
Não sei se fiz totalmente correto ou apenas dei sorte do cara não ter ficado mais bravo comigo ou sei lá, o que vocês fariam? moro em Manaus - AM e é conhecido por ser bem caótico o trânsito
submitted by JoaoLangleyDev to carros [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 12:38 0ut1auuz Pulls from 10 packs today

Pulls from 10 packs today Thoughts?
submitted by 0ut1auuz to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
