Preciso de uma opinião sincera sobre isso

2024.11.25 13:20 Ashleybb0101 Preciso de uma opinião sincera sobre isso

Eu sou maquiadora, e hoje tenho meu estúdio próprio. Fiz um investimento de +/-50.000,00 porq foi o que deu pra fazer. Meu estúdio tá lindo, porém é simples. Uma colega de profissão esse ano também abriu o estúdio próprio dela, com uma estrutura do zero, planejado e arquitetado. Ela nunca mencionou quanto ao total ela gastou, mas o local é simplesmente impecável, todo planejado, eu chuto algo em torno de 200.000.
Eu faço planilha de Excel para verificar custos/gastos para realizar os meus orçamentos, e também ver quanto os demais da cidade estão cobrando.
No meu serviço de atendimento de dia da noiva coloquei o valor inicial de R$2.300,00 - primeira opção de pacote.
Essa colega havia conversado comigo q ela não gosta muito de fazer e q queria colocar esse valor de R$2.300,00 porque ela não faz muita questão de fazer - porque gente noiva é dor de cabeça - então se alguem quiser, que seja por 2.300,00, e eu falei sim, tbm cobro isso, mandei pra ela outros valores da cidade q são tudo nessa faixa de valor e enfim.
Uns dias atrás fui até o estúdio dela, e conversando sobre os serviços, ela disse que tá cobrando R$1.800,00. E eu fiquei “ué? Essa mulher tá doida?”
A questão é: ela já me contou que fez empréstimo pra pagar o estúdio de maquiagem dela, fora outras tantas coisas parceladas no cartão de crédito, fora empréstimo que pegou com os pais também, vida pessoal, filhos, casa e afins!
Eu sei que muito vão falar sobre “foca no seu trabalho no quanto o seu é bom e enfim” mas gente, uma situação dessa eu vejo que quebra, desvaloriza a profissão, desvaloriza o mercado, faz a gente ter que oferecer muito mais por muito menos. Na profissão de maquiador, você só faz um curso básico e pronto, maquiador, não existe uma regulamentação, não existe conduta, não existe ética profissional, com isso, não existe valor mínimo. Ela poderia estar cobrando até 1.000,00 🤦🏻‍♀️ mas quem segue a mesma linha de trabalho, que já é difícil conseguir captar cliente por ser um valor agregado alto, quebra totalmente o mercado do tipo “porque essa daqui tem muito mais e cobra tão pouco?” Da a impressão que as outras pessoas estão metendo a faca sabe? Quando na verdade eu tenho tudo muito bem organizado e meu lucro desse serviço de 2.300,00 é de R$400,00 😬 - e q nunca é lucro.
Enfim, é um desabafo que eu sei q acontece com outras pessoas, e que a gente tem q focar no nosso serviço no quanto ele é bom e no quanto ele vale oq ele custa! Mas me digam, também acontece isso no segmento de vocês?
submitted by Ashleybb0101 to empreendedorismo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 t03by wonder who my fav is..

wonder who my fav is.. submitted by t03by to bridget [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Infinite_Director852 How to bond rabbits?

Really desperate for advice please... I got given a spayed female rabbit which our neighbours did not want; I then learnt that rabbits should be kept in pairs so got a neutered male for her to bond with. However this hasn't happened. They have a big run in the garden which is split down the middle; they sit next to each other in it. Their indoor nighttime cages are next to each other and they will thump if one of them is taken out (e.g. to trim nails). When not in the garden run, one of them has the run of the kitchen whilst the other sits on the sofa and is in the living room. I have tried really hard to make them bond, and to a degree I would say they are bonded as they like to be side by side and they thump when one of them is not there - they just need a boundary between them! When I have put them together in a neutral space they have fought terribly. If I hold one and husband holds the other when they get within touching distance they will try to scratch each other and one of them (the female) will growl. I desperately want them to be a properly bonded pair. We have tried to have "bunny dates" for so long and I am getting desperate. Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you
QUESTIONS 1) Female is approx 5 years old and the male is approx 5 also 2) we have had female since March 2020 and the male since summer 2020 3) the behaviour has been ongoing since we got them, have been trying to bond them for 4½ years 4) the female is spayed & the male is neutered
Also the female is a Dutch rabbit (I think - upright ears, neat little size) the male is a mini lop
submitted by Infinite_Director852 to Rabbits [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Czepeku [21x35] The Wild West Saloon - A Brand New Czepeku Scene/Battlemap Combo! [Battlemap]

submitted by Czepeku to FantasyMaps [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 CaramelThese7652 Ainda aprendendo a usar a esquerda

Ainda aprendendo a usar a esquerda submitted by CaramelThese7652 to RabiscosBr [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 lss_web_1444 Image post title 980

Image post title 980 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 ComfortableObject955 PNK YETG'24 Line Up

Can someone send me the full line up? With the interludes/preludes also, thx!
submitted by ComfortableObject955 to IglesianicristoHymns [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Global_Box_4757 Looking for new friends, not really sure what im looking for? All i know is i need companionship.

submitted by Global_Box_4757 to haytpwhtgs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Teamemb99 Do we know interaction of Thousand-Dragon-Ward and Xarpus poison?

Title basically.
I suck at melee xarpus, and indicisive between Tiranwyn and Wildy for last region.
But if thousand war shield you can literally afk the boss, that would be tooo op and amazing? AND arguable more dps even than scythe because 0 ticks lost.
submitted by Teamemb99 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 CoolLogarithm CommanderHomeVideo

CommanderHomeVideo You can jump and enter through his eye(window)
submitted by CoolLogarithm to BITTRIP [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Remarkable-Box5466 Logistics abnormality

Logistics abnormality can someone help me? it’s been stuck like that for 10 days now and i don’t know what to do. Do you think its because of holidays ? Do you think i should ask for a refund or wait a little bit longer ?
submitted by Remarkable-Box5466 to hacoo [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 frankiewalsh44 Has Qmee reduced the payout for surveys?

I'm noticing surveys that are paying $1+ in other places pay less than 20p in Qmee. Mainly Toluna and a couple or Consuswide IT surveys which is a joke.
submitted by frankiewalsh44 to QMEE [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 lss_web_1444 Text post title 816

Text post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 lnfinity "Ready? Go get the ball!"

submitted by lnfinity to animalsdoingstuff [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 akshit_singh_ Has Bleach's Manga truly ended?

Hey guys, so i am very new to the Bleach Fandom, i started reading it's manga last week, and ended it in a single week (i quite literally read it whole day)...... I was just wondering are there anymore chapters going to be released after Chapter 286, or is it the end already? because it has got me hooked, and i felt the ending was a bit rushed, like as if the story was a bit more compiled, it would feel awesome...... I am telling it again, i started reading Bleach last week it self, and i haven't watched the anime yet, so its quite possible i missed out on something..... Please Help Guys 🥹
submitted by akshit_singh_ to anime [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 lovelyb1ch66 My first framed artwork - it’s almost like I’m an artist now lol

My first framed artwork - it’s almost like I’m an artist now lol submitted by lovelyb1ch66 to painting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 LS295 [19m] looking for some friends to talk to

My main hobbies currently is gaming and anime. Some games I’m currently into are League (unfortunately), black ops 6, halo, fortnite, valorant (unfortunately), minecraft and csgo. The main anime I’ve fallen into the pits of is one piece and I’m up to Whole Cake Island. I can chat on places other than reddit if it’s preferred. I also used to be heavily into baseball and sometimes volleyball.
submitted by LS295 to chat [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Short_Algo $RMAX Awaiting Buy Signal based off 11 signals $1,155 net profit 9.66 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money

$RMAX Awaiting Buy Signal based off 11 signals $1,155 net profit 9.66 profit factor 90% win rate on a 15-min chart. Free trial at #trading #stocks #investing #money submitted by Short_Algo to StockTradingIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 LittleMissBeanMe this is like overwhelming

Is anyone else tired of hearing about the hasan beef. Like he’s just annoying and it’s annoying that he gets to have any voice at ethan. i tend to checkout when there’s drama going on in h3, but this has been going on for months. Is Hasan or ethan the one who is lighting the flames?
submitted by LittleMissBeanMe to h3h3productions [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 KindMembership2082 Blursed_cockroach

Blursed_cockroach submitted by KindMembership2082 to blursedmemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Aggressive_Bar_7789 37km through the night walk!

submitted by Aggressive_Bar_7789 to RSI [link] [comments]

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Tiles brings Christmas cheer this December! submitted by ActiveGameholic to UnlimitedTiles [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 fistedfries Tesla says blep

Tesla says blep submitted by fistedfries to Blep [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Wonderful_Panda_8890 unbiased album ranking (from jewish person)

unbiased album ranking (from jewish person)
I love ¥$ they great idk why everyone hates on it so much.
submitted by Wonderful_Panda_8890 to Kanye [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 13:20 Dr_Surgimus Just out of interest, can anyone tell me anything about my Viking?

Just out of interest, can anyone tell me anything about my Viking? submitted by Dr_Surgimus to hagstrom [link] [comments]