
2024.11.25 21:41 Glittering_Ad_4473 Question!

So i just got my mirena iud a few days ago and was just wondering how soon after implantation can you start having unprotected sex? i’ve googled things and while it says iuds are effective immediately, some results show that it’s effective 7 days later? i don’t want to have sex and risk a pregnancy AFTER going through the hassle of putting the iud in 😭
submitted by Glittering_Ad_4473 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 enssmncu Konuştuğum kız bir anda samimiyeti kesti amk

Bu sene kursa gidiyorum ydt için. Kursta bi kızla tanıştım bu kız ilk başlarda baya samimiydi benimle, ne bileyim birlikte kursa gittik bi gün. kursta vs baya bi muhabbet ediyorduk teneffüslerde vs. evler yakın olduğu içinde aynı durakta bekliyorduk, Eve gidiyoduk vs. Aga bişi oldu bu kız benimle bütün samimiyeti kesti nedensiz yere. Kızdan hoşlanmıyorum zaten çok tanımıyorumda ama bir anda bütün samimiyeti kesmesi açıkçası rahatsız etti beni. "Yanlış bir şey mi yaptım? Niye eskisi gibi konuşmuyorsun benimle?" vs diyip algı oluşturmakta istemiyorum ama merakta ediyorum amk sevgilisi olduğunu sanmıyorum olsa fark ederdim ya da derdi sevgilim var vs diye. Aga ne yaptımda bu kız kesti bütün muhabbeti benimle?
(foto dikkat amaçlı.)
submitted by enssmncu to vlandiya [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 DinonDice Anyone know what this is?

2014 Subaru BRZ
I'm eyeing this with only 16k mileage (these vehicles aren't heavily used in my country but are still pretty pricey compared to other countries where it's more common) and will prob buy it next month!
Does anyone know what the box with "racing spec condenser" written on it is for? Is it something I should look out for since I plan to buy this?
submitted by DinonDice to ft86 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 IntroductionSuperb22 M55

submitted by IntroductionSuperb22 to currentlyfapping [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 TactileBump0 Richard is so innocent

submitted by TactileBump0 to ImACelebTV [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Electronic_Stranger7 Second Hand

Second Hand submitted by Electronic_Stranger7 to ShortFilmMania [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 ZukoHere73 FMLA and time off

My sick time is getting low, and u have s serious health condition. How would FMLA help and how do I reconcile if I run out of my sick or leave time?
submitted by ZukoHere73 to nys_cs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Alert_Profit963 Theres 1 more elimination, is this a self sabotage by binx ??

Not everyone is taking well to it
submitted by Alert_Profit963 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 pplover3169 13M I need some new friends im too lonely :(

Soo im Jacob im from the usa i like playing baseball and soccer i also swim a lot. Im trying to gain weight cuz im too thin 😭😭 I also bladder issues related to my low weight and i need someone that doesnt judge me for who i am, i really dont mind talking to anyone regardless of their gender or age so dm me and i promise to answer to every single one of them!!
submitted by pplover3169 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Upstairs-Swimmer9610 ABA Member - Help with Volvo Code

Hi Reddit community.
I am a ABA student member and they recently changed the qualification criteria on the ABA website for obtaining a Volvo discount code (students and affiliates no longer qualify). Wondering if any current ABA members (greater than 3 months) on the forum might be able to help me out with creating a code that I can use for a new vehicle I am looking to pick up this week? ABA members are able to generate 2-3 codes per year for friends or family.
The code helps with an additional $2,000 off, so it is not chump change. I would be able to give you my information to generate the code and then it will be valid.
Hoping that someone can help make our holiday season just a little sweeter with a small favor :)
submitted by Upstairs-Swimmer9610 to Lawyertalk [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 KoichiOppa Liv_in apartments in New Town

Hello all!
I'm going to be an foreign student at Vilnius University and I'm looking for a place to live for 1 semester.
Liv_in looks good, cheap, the reviews are ok (most of them would recommend, but there's some bad), but it's far from Uni.
Is it really worth to live there or the look is just a scam and it's all a trash?
submitted by KoichiOppa to Vilnius [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 BookkeeperOk3771 Message me and give your phone to your sis/daughter/gf or wife 05f58ca0a1b43f742a010a51f84cd8093b49239f8533234a9548b0f6862b137049 Kik: Rocky_3011 Discord: rocky077037

submitted by BookkeeperOk3771 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Equivalent-Mousse124 Is this radiator unsafe to use?

Is this radiator unsafe to use? Btw that black spot is not a hole
submitted by Equivalent-Mousse124 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Far_Championship6280 Tik tok edit

Tik tok edit submitted by Far_Championship6280 to Tudorhistory [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 DonkeyGamer2000 In a world of apple silicon, My thermo-modded mid 2015 15”

Stuff done: - thermal paste changed - scraped off the heat shield on the bottom plate -added thermal pads to contact heat sink to the bottom plate Got a 13” aluminium heat sink that can be attached to the bottom of the laptop where the heat sink is for even better cooling ;(especially with a desk fan)
Results: Cinebench - 42% increase Could game (bootcamp) gta / rocket league etc all for long hours I use an external monitor 1444p so it’s additional stress
It has been working for 3 years after this. Reliability is not an issue here luckily! Just don’t touch the bottom of it when hot!
submitted by DonkeyGamer2000 to macbookpro [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 ollgy What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by ollgy to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Significant_Card9660 medicos cobrando plus y coseguro

con obra social, cobertura 100% de operacion e internacion, sale el traumatologo diciendo que el cobra un plus de 500000, por que segun el los honorarios de la obra social son (textualmente) una mrd, obviamente sin factura ni nada con lo que pedir reintegro, la obra social se hacen a los desantendidos.
que se puede hacer? en el hospital hay espera de medio año y esta atado todo con alambre, mas de uno va por algo no muy grave y se termina muriendo de infección intrahospitalaria
tengo entendido que el paciente tiene prohibido legalmente grabar video o audio de la consulta
submitted by Significant_Card9660 to DerechoGenial [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Zbnf31 Moto velha só BO, o que fazer?

Minha mulher tem uma Neo 115 2008 que fica mais tempo parada do que andando, primeiro porque ela quase não usa a moto, segundo que quando ela quer usar, conserta e volta a dar BO bem rápido. Queria me livrar dessa moto, tem algum lugar tipo concessionária que compra essas motos mesmo com preço abaixo?
submitted by Zbnf31 to motoca [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Mundane-Highlight610 Migrating from Quickbooks

I have been using QB Pro for more than 20 years. Intuit is raising prices steadily and I want to migrate to another service. Our business, a small S-Corp, is very simple. No inventory, just a straight service business.
What I like about QB (aside from being familiar with it): Reports; audit trail; download bank transactions for reconciling; Journal entries. I'd like to have these same features.
I am nervous about moving all that data (customer names, transactions) to another service. Does anyone have experience with this? Is it less of a nightmare than I imagine?
I'm looking at a few possibilities for accounting only: Patriot, Xero, Freshbooks, Zoho, and I'm open to other suggestions. Thanks!
submitted by Mundane-Highlight610 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 WhenYouSeeThePizza Easter Egg Jumpscare

So I ran across a funny, yet frighteningly sudden, easter egg today. Not sure if anyone has come across it and I don't want to ruin anyone's hunt, so I'll just post the PDA I got for my trouble. Can't help if this was a reference to this old YouTube let's play, given the event and a little bit of research.
submitted by WhenYouSeeThePizza to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Subject-NooriXVI Complete th purge under $1

I need to do a complete th purge, I don't really care who goes, everyone is $1 I just need them gone. Just keep out my bonbon folder as that is my spieces that I won't part ways with any of them.
If you want more than two I'll let it be 50 cents each unless I've paid over $5 for the character you are getting but theres rarely any of those. Just either comment the link or DM me.
As for codes I have over 30 available and I'm open to offers of art, characters but I'll be a bit picky and maybe usd but I know they aren't really worth a lot.
Here's the two links for characters
This is my friends th so ye
submitted by Subject-NooriXVI to AdoptablesAndOCs [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Fuzzy-Ad-9135 What is the best current card for 1080p?

I am currently looking to upgrade my pc a little bit to get a better framerate and run some current games better than they do. I have a AMD RX 6600 XT paired with a Ryzen 7 3700x CPU. I was wondering what kind of GPU could i get to max out my performance at 1080p?
submitted by Fuzzy-Ad-9135 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Jawsboykisser do any of yall like warhammer :3

do any of yall like warhammer :3 me when I kill the xenos :3
submitted by Jawsboykisser to boykisser2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Combatsteve07 Game Crashes after using save editor

The game was fine until I added 1 supersoul, used the xenoverse 2 patcher ini file to unlock all characters and tried to boost all my pgs to level 199 I reverted all of this changes but the game still crashes how can I fix this ?
submitted by Combatsteve07 to DragonBallXenoverse2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.25 21:41 Latinant74 The queen of my house

The queen of my house submitted by Latinant74 to Kitten [link] [comments]