Palkia 240126075333

2024.11.26 16:14 jalokinsb1 Palkia 240126075333

submitted by jalokinsb1 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 sassyakshi Opting for tiffin service, need advise

Hi guys
After having a terrible experience with maids I am deciding to opt for tiffin service in delhi. The food is good and it's reasonable also. The only thing is that they are asking for advance payment but I am not sure whether they are reliable or not. I have been scammed by a tiffin service 2 years back of some 800 bucks and I am scared to trust them again. Please advise.
Also I am not sure if I can take their name so not saying anything on that front.
submitted by sassyakshi to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 Ok_Profit_3856 Why does EVERYTHING have to have milk? Honey mustard doesn't have milk!

Why does EVERYTHING have to have milk? Honey mustard doesn't have milk! submitted by Ok_Profit_3856 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 Waste_Comfort_863 G3 odyssey

My samsung odyssey g3 gaming monitor is not working after trying to update it from usb flashdrive but it got stuck on 0% so I removed it now Its not working
submitted by Waste_Comfort_863 to SamsungOdyssey [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 Taycry80 Trade? 1:1

Trade? 1:1 Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: ign crystal
submitted by Taycry80 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 Ok_Jeweler7844 How many super party favor potions can I get for my trade?

How many super party favor potions can I get for my trade? Also LF party favor potions. Can add if need be
submitted by Ok_Jeweler7844 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 ntien93 Lich/Sister adversary history limit and Infested Lich.

I'm currently at the adversary history limit (150). With the upcoming Infested Lich, do I need to keep relinquishing to make room for them?
submitted by ntien93 to Warframe [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 Disastrous-Bad-7290 Toy Army Boat

Toy Army Boat submitted by Disastrous-Bad-7290 to Armypainter [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 ThoseVoicesInMyHead Nein! - Doch! - Ohh!

Nein! - Doch! - Ohh! submitted by ThoseVoicesInMyHead to 600euro [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 _Traee Ravens were a lock ️‍🔥 Cashed with my 3 DAY FREE TRIAL I had on this premium discord ️‍🔥 Anyone need the link?

Ravens were a lock ️‍🔥 Cashed with my 3 DAY FREE TRIAL I had on this premium discord ️‍🔥 Anyone need the link? submitted by _Traee to hardrockbets [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 patcheskitten The Beatles and Online Ceramics commemorate 60th anniversary of Capitol Records

submitted by patcheskitten to Music [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 andreelijah Hands On With The Jony Ive + Marc Newson Leica M

submitted by andreelijah to apple [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 justplainanny This is what self-entitlement looks like.

This is what self-entitlement looks like. Check out the 4 spot parking job. This ass hat did this in front of a retail store at 11am in the morning.
submitted by justplainanny to badparking [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 Amazing-Chapter-2812 Need help finding a music video- not BVB or scream by MJ

Help me find a music video, which is similar to knifes and pens, with white background and band playing instruments, it's pretty screamo. Don't know how to discribe it any better, thanks in advance.
P.S - I know I'm very vauge so don't send me to the shadow realm
submitted by Amazing-Chapter-2812 to songs [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 OtherStatistician593 I will literally work for free

This job market is so bad I've been applying nonstop since September and I've had a grand total of FOUR interviews since then. A bunch of OAs and hirevues that have gone nowhere, rejected after a final round at one company. Also so many companies where I've not heard back for months on end after completing their OA, or not hearing back at all after applying. I've applied for basically everything I can find, including shit companies that pay peanuts. I don't even care at this point, I just want SOMETHING so I can get some sort of experience on my resume. Even if it's not SWE and just something vaguely tech-related. I will work for free, I won't be a financial burden on the company, I just want to be given a chance to get my foot in the door.
submitted by OtherStatistician593 to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 ilikebutterdontyou Issue with a window installation company that is ongoing.

Hi, I'm not sure what recourse I have, but on Sept 6, we had windows installed at our cottage, which is currently being renovated. We were not there, but the contractor was. The cheque was due upon installation, so I couriered it to the company office. There was a window missing so the company was contacted. When my husband and I visited the next weekend, we noticed many more deficiencies, and I emailed the installation head and scheduler, and salesperson. No one got back to me. Since then, we have made contact, and the company has been up twice, but deficiencies still exist. Today, the scheduler talked about a mid-December visit. It may be snowing by then, and our contractor has had to hold off on doing the floor work pending a fix to the patio door. So, the cottage will not be as fully done as hoped. We are on a private road and need to pay a share of plowing if the window people were to come up after the snow accumulates.
I'm thinking of requesting a deposit back from the company to ensure that they come up first thing in the spring to finish this. What are your thoughts on that?
submitted by ilikebutterdontyou to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 philament Flesh For Lulu - Roman Candle [goth rock / batcave]

submitted by philament to Music [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 theindependentonline Bizarre moment Trump asks to buy young girl’s hair ‘for millions’ at golf club

Bizarre moment Trump asks to buy young girl’s hair ‘for millions’ at golf club submitted by theindependentonline to politics [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 BAMDaddy Fritz!Box 7490 WLAN-Abbrüche nach gewisser Zeit

first up: if you'd rather want me to write in English, just drop me a line. It looked like this is a mostly German sub although the rules are in English...
Ich betreibe einen 1&1 HomeServer VDSL+ (also eine gebrandete AVM 7490). Die Box läuft derzeit mit Firmware 7.57
An Homeoffice-Tagen schalte ich morgens mein Gast-WLAN für mein Arbeitsnotebook an, damit ich das nicht ins normale WLAN reinlassen muss. Neuerdings passiert es mir aber gelegentlich, dass ich gegen Feierabend auf einmal WLAN-Probleme kriege. Ich fliege raus und reconnecte dann automatisch wieder. Immer und immer wieder.
Anscheinend betrifft das jetzt allerdings sowohl das Notebook im Gast- als auch alle anderen Geräte im regulären WLAN. Außerdem habe ich heute beobachtet, dass das genau nach 9 Stunden passiert ist. Das war vorher nur eine Vermutung, aber heute ist mir das quasi minutengenau aufgefallen. Es ist keine Zeitschaltung vorhanden außer der automatischen Deaktivierung des Gastnetzes nach 12 Stunden.
Ausprobiert habe ich bereits, das WLAN mal per Web-UI ab- und wieder anzuschalten. Alternativ auch mal über den Hardwareknopf an der Box. Hat nichts gebracht. Der Vollständigkeit halber habe ich auch mal Treiberupdates auf dem Notebook gemacht (da es andere Mobilgeräte auch betrifft, halte ich das mal für egal).
Wenn ihr diese Beschreibung so lest: habt ihr schonmal sowas gehabt? Ideen dazu? Was könnte ich mal testen?
submitted by BAMDaddy to fritzbox [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 MariamTin 🎁🍀🎲 ALBUM COMPLETER POST 11/26/24 🎲🤞🎁

Happy Tuesday! Please upvote for post visibility!
Comment one sticker you need to help complete a set along with your link. Let's see who can help!
Please only request one sticker in the comments below.
No trades (this post is for gifting).
Be sure to include your Monopoly link in your comment so you can be gifted!
submitted by MariamTin to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 webcore111 Clay Games Ideas?

Hi! What are some good ideas of board games to make from clay as a gift for someone? My first and only thought is a chess set, but the person I want to give the gift to does not like chess 😅 Do you guys have more ideas? Thank you!!
submitted by webcore111 to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 atrain01theboys Sandwich Artist

Sandwich Artist I make anywhere from 5 to 30 subs during the lunch rush
Am I doing OK, inflation considered?
Will I have enough to retire comfortably in a trailer park in Florida when I'm 80 if I take full draw on social security and eat only Ramen noodles and ketchup packets?
submitted by atrain01theboys to Salary [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Sports] - Dodgers split $46M from record MLB playoff pool | ESPN

[Sports] - Dodgers split $46M from record MLB playoff pool | ESPN submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 OkElection6868 just waiting

just waiting submitted by OkElection6868 to SlayerLegend [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 16:14 tebundy_bornagain Do smugglers put tracking devices in the packages? So they know who intercepts them?

Especially at sea
submitted by tebundy_bornagain to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]