Ode to Hege Coin

Hege fabriquait aussi des zouaves et ont vendu leur stock de pièces aux italiens quand ils ont arretés . (c'est pour celà que j'ai un canon HEGE sur mon Euroarms) Très bonne réputation en tout cas. Pour le galand il ne faut pas avoir des mains commes des raquettes.... il y a des photos dans mon armurerie si tu as accès bien sûr les armes Hege vont devenir de ce fait rares ! et cheres ( comme Texido !) J'avais envoyé un mail chez Hege , un courrier : jamais de réponse ! Enfin voilà si vous avez des infos : y'a qu'a ! moi je renonce . Donc pour dénicher du Hege en France de nos jours : le Hussard ( une arquebuse s'est vendue récemment ) ou entre particuliers . A+ ... Je viens de recevoir le Barlow Underhammer de Ardesa, finition HEGE avec un canon suisse d'Uli Eichelberger, que j'ai acheté chez HEGE en Allemagne. J'ai été tenté par l'annonce de la finition HEGE mais je rencontre quelques problèmes... 1. Il n'y a pas de position de sécurité du chien sur cette arme. Est-il normal? 2. Ce que je trouve étrange sur cette arme de Hege par rapport à la version de base de chez Euroarms, c'est que la hausse est à gradin comme sur les 1841 transformés en cal.58. En tout cas, si le Mississipi en .54 tire bien la Minié, il tire aussi fort bien la balle ronde calepinée ce qui le rend encore plus sympa. Pour moi , pas du pur jus , juste l'association HEGE-UBERTI . Henri . non il faut que tu sache que l'acier employer sur le HEGE maxi allemand n'ai pas le même que sur un hege uberti ,réponse de chez HEGE allemagne , aprés suis pas aller voir , et puis comme on dit ya que le resultat qui compte ,le reste est une affaire de gout ,quand dit tu a+ Sujet: Re: Derringer Philadelphia HEGE Mar 15 Jan - 0:50 HEGE est une marque allemande,qui existe toujours. ils commercialisent le fameux remington 1858 maximum, un modele haut de gamme. pour le calibre ,ils ont du faire une petite serie en 36.... Ben voilà, je me suis offert un Remington army 1858 de fabrication Uberti-Hege et daté de 1972. Mais tout d'abord merci à: Claude pour son forum merveilleu Bonjour à tous, Que pensez vous des qualités de fabrication et de tir des underhammer entre : Feinwerkbau (qui à l'air d'etre au top ainsi que le prix d'ailleur Voilà, j'ai trouvé une Sharps Pedersoli, en cal 45-120, boitier inox et canon octogonal lourd bronzé, façon quigley, mais d'une longueur de 32" seulement. Salut les gars, hier je me suis dit, tiens et si je resortais un peu mes revolver, il faut que je regle mon hege uberti qui tire un peu bas. Direction le stand.

2024.11.26 17:30 Professional_Book543 Ode to Hege Coin

Beneath the stars of the digital age, A marvel rises to take the stage. Hege Coin, a beacon bright, Guiding the world through crypto’s night.
Born of vision, forged in code, A trailblazer on this boundless road. With every block, its story grows, A future of freedom, it boldly sows.
No borders bind, no chains restrain, A global currency to break the chain. Empowering dreams, igniting spark, Hege shines through the deepest dark.
Secure, swift, and ever true, A trusted ally for me and you. Its ledger speaks, its promise clear: A better tomorrow is drawing near.
Oh, Hege Coin, of noble heart, In this new world, you play your part. A symbol of trust, a hope profound, In your embrace, our wealth is found.
So let us sing, let voices raise, To Hege Coin, eternal praise. A revolution in every byte— The coin of tomorrow, the shining light.
submitted by Professional_Book543 to HegeCoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Sou_Anardedria Como invocar a raiva em um ser humano

Como invocar a raiva em um ser humano submitted by Sou_Anardedria to japan_insoul [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 VoldeNissen Spekulere i semesterregistrering?

Hei, har tenkt å droppe ut av studiet på nyåret og begynne på noe annet neste høst (sannsynligvis i Trondheim). Tar eksamenene mine nå i desember, og tenker å jobbe i Trondheim neste semester. Kommer dog til å savne noen goder jeg har på studiet mitt nå, som verkstedet vi disponerer fritt. Tror dere det er en dårlig ide å betale semesteravgift for å fortsette å ha tilgang til dette? Er ganske mange på studiet, over 100 per kull tror jeg.
Og en annen ting: bor nå hos Sit, er de streng på å hive ut folk hvis man tar et semester uten å studere? Hvordan skulle de evt funnet det ut om jeg har betalt semesteravgift?
Hilsen ny student
submitted by VoldeNissen to ntnu [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Beratungsmarketing US Boosts Security Aid Amid Ukraine Conflict

US Boosts Security Aid Amid Ukraine Conflict submitted by Beratungsmarketing to USA_Now [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 ComparisonBoth6151 Deberíamos extinguir a muchas razas de perros por el bien de su propia salud.

Es un tema que puede sonar raro al principio, pero si lo analizamos profundamente, tiene mucho sentido. Muchas razas de perros como los bulldogs, los pugs o los dachshunds existen gracias a la selección artificial, no a la selección natural. Esto significa que han sido criados específicamente para cumplir con ciertos estándares estéticos, pero esas características físicas extremas que tanto nos parecen atractivas a menudo les causan graves problemas de salud. Los bulldogs y los pugs, por ejemplo, tienen problemas respiratorios debido a su cara achatada, lo que les provoca dificultades para respirar y hasta sobrecalentamientos. Razas como el dachshund, por su parte, tienen cuerpos largos y patas cortas que les generan serias complicaciones en la columna vertebral. Estos problemas de salud no son naturales ni necesarios, y muchos de estos perros tienen problemas de salud a lo largo de su vida debido a las deformaciones que se les han impuesto para que se vean de cierta manera. Deberíamos extinguir a muchas razas de perros por el bien de su propia salud.
submitted by ComparisonBoth6151 to OpinionesPolemicas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 JJM_green_7 Gym registration

When does the gym registration start for the winter semester?
submitted by JJM_green_7 to Vit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Arditi1889 What to do for fun in a small town with little to no money?

submitted by Arditi1889 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Suspicious-Clerk-795 Neden Ermeniler Perslerin ve Türklerin kurduğu devletleri Kürt devleti olarak göstermeye çalışıyorlar ?

Yıllardır özelikle doğu Anadolu bölgesinde Anadolu göç etmiş Perslerin kurduğu devletleri ısrarla Kürt devleti olarak göstermeye çalışıyorlar
Urartular krallığı tarihe göre ermeni olarak geçer ve Ermenilerin kurduğu devletleri tarihi yerleri bile Kürt olarak gösteriliyor
Türklerin Anadolu bölgesinde yaşadıkları ve mezarları olan Selçuklu devleti mezarı Ahlat Selçuklu mezarlığıni bile Kürt mezarlığı olarak gösteriliyor
Neden Kürt yapmaya çalışıyor amaçları nedir ?
Kürt düşmanı değilim Kürtlerde İranlı bir toplum diye biliyorum.
submitted by Suspicious-Clerk-795 to Turkey [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 MrWeisTV Объясните мне, пожалуйста, зачем и для чего нужны бананы.

Объясните мне, пожалуйста, зачем и для чего нужны бананы. submitted by MrWeisTV to rusAskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 motherfu8130 Bo6 zombies

I miss when we had intro cutscenes that played when loading in a solo game. The last cod zombies that I can remember that did that is bo4. Why did we stop???
submitted by motherfu8130 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 StructureExisting269 PTR hearing

I will admit life got crazy and I did complete everything that needed to be done for my probation I now face a PTR hearing. I am in progress with my classes which have stalled due to financial issues and my community service is 80% done (70% of that done since my last court date) what can I expected, will there be another court date?
submitted by StructureExisting269 to dui [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 tedlando Tempest

submitted by tedlando to Paintings [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 fredisgarb Far from done, but hows it looking sar far?

Far from done, but hows it looking sar far? Just started playing again, trying to finish before the final day!
submitted by fredisgarb to tappedout [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Easy_Variation4455 Lost Sony Headphones

If anyone has found some mx4’s with some busted sanrio stickers on them in the past week please let me know Im so heartbroken that I lost my headphones I last saw them in Orbach.
submitted by Easy_Variation4455 to ucr [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 y0rdaddy Is my piercing doing okay?

I got this pierced two weeks and one day ago and I just want to make sure it’s doing okay. It looks kind of inflamed and it’s still swollen. I have a curved barbell and I just use Saline rinse. Every now and then I rinse it in the shower. What else should I be doing?
submitted by y0rdaddy to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Litamatoma This subreddit will either die or explode with cringe, Mods need to gear up

This is becoming a cringe show lately desperate teens trying to find opposite gender, Trying to give useless advice. I've been on reddit long enough to realise this is going to only go downhill.
submitted by Litamatoma to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Old-Talk3509 Just checking my fits

Attended a marriage. Woke up in the morning after sleeping 2 hours. Decided to make a video for fun while I was waiting for someone. Pardon my English ;)
submitted by Old-Talk3509 to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 CheLeung Myanmar insurgent group agrees to talks after Chinese (Communist) pressure - Radio Free Asia

Myanmar insurgent group agrees to talks after Chinese (Communist) pressure - Radio Free Asia submitted by CheLeung to ChunghwaMinkuo [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 EnvironmentalRip6867 Help

I have been preparing for jee since 11 th class but was very distracted my whole year at my institute was getting average marks in my mains tests but they started depleting as the time passed when my 11th was near to end ,my institute conducted an exam from which they wanted students to qualify for there COE batch , it was jee advance test including class 11 th syllabus, the passing marks were 15 which I did get 15 which were obviously lower then my friends but got me to the admited to the batch , for class 12 th the coe batch was very hectic for me as it's timing were 8 in the moring to 6:30 in the evening reaching the mid of the class 12 and my situation was getting worse and worse , I couldn't understand anything and was just there trying to understand and getting lower and lower marks , also there wer no mains test conducted only advance test were conducted, after this hectic schedule I got health issues , got allergies in my nose and my treatment is still on , I gave my half yearly and I failed in chemistry and physics, this time was like hardest time for me this year , I left the institute and joined a local coaching center for my board preparation with jee mains , I never knew this how it would be turned
This was my back story but here is where I am now
Maths : done full syllabus for 12 th once ncert level , please advice what should I practice now considering boards and jee mains
Chemistry: done once as well ncert level , physical is not practiced as much Organic done once can do basic questions but conversions and mechanism are still difficult to me
Physics : electrostatics and mordern physics is done including Ray optics and wave optics ( first book is left )
This actually a lot I know but any help would be blessing to me rn .
submitted by EnvironmentalRip6867 to JEE [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 RCAXio Friday Finally (50/$4.99) - Avatar Released!

Name: Friday Finally
By: u/hammerandanvilpro
Supply: 50
Price: $4.99
Image: https://i.redd.it/snoovataavatars/basic/0cb0c06a-0113-4a25-b384-dd67327b0c15.png
Secondary Market: https://marketplace.rcax.io/collection/0xc1c9c22e9dcdd96ec1d2271436a2b76d0a325eb7
Direct Link: https://www.reddit.com/avatashop/product/storefront_nft_01JDJS2E4EM3YVG9AZWZD7J7EZ
Discord | RCAX.io | Avatar Marketplace | Random Avatar Swap
submitted by RCAXio to avatartrading [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 PM_ME_YOUR_JELLIES [Round 141532] Coords of camera within 100 feet please.

[Round 141532] Coords of camera within 100 feet please. submitted by PM_ME_YOUR_JELLIES to PictureGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Crepe_Suzette Hoping the grass is greener!

So after four years I am leaving my center as fast as my feet can take me. There’s a new director and we do not jive at all.
She’s super unorganized and disrespectful. She told my friend if she had to go to the bathroom and had an accident while was outing for relief “that happens sometimes” for example.
So I am applying to a new center. The pay is MUCH better add new I’m hoping management is too.
submitted by Crepe_Suzette to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Suren_Bharadwaj Dorakuna Ituvanti Seva Vani Vocals Karaoke

Dorakuna Ituvanti Seva Vani Vocals Karaoke submitted by Suren_Bharadwaj to kalkegaane [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 Artistic-Ask291 Vendedores ambulantes a pie deberían existir o estar prohibido en el Perú

Primero me refiero solo a los que te venden en tu cara, que te buscan y molestan especialmente cuando estas en un restaurante disfrutando de tu comida
submitted by Artistic-Ask291 to Lima_Peru [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 17:30 EconomyBrain3634 Scammer: Hironoenjoyer.

If anyone sees anyone under the username Hironoenjoyer. Beware, they are a scammer. I don’t want anyone else to get scammed and it seems they are still active trying to message people.
submitted by EconomyBrain3634 to hirono [link] [comments]
