O cara vai até a faculdade falando que está contratando gente do curso sem experiência

2024.11.26 18:20 Reasonable_Macaron79 O cara vai até a faculdade falando que está contratando gente do curso sem experiência

Que estão dando prioridade pra quem está começando e que o serviço vai ser ensinado e blabla. Mandei um currículo fui chamado na entrevista com o mesmo cara -Aqui no seu currículo fala que voce não tem experiência na área. -Sim, eu não tenho. -Mas nenhuma, nenhuma mesmo? Aí complica. -...Como assim? -É que no momento estamos precisando de alguem com experiencia e formado na area.
Filha duma puta ainda fez eu ir mais cedo pra entrevista porque disse que estava com pressa.
submitted by Reasonable_Macaron79 to VagasArrombadas [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 DeeterPhillips NYC Derp ‘tude

NYC Derp ‘tude submitted by DeeterPhillips to mourningderps [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 besellerch He looks like he's having fun

He looks like he's having fun submitted by besellerch to CrazyFuckingVideos [link] [comments]


AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHAH submitted by Bitter-Gur-4613 to CommunismMemes [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 edotalbo dialga time. 152734009033

submitted by edotalbo to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Sycrul Accepted loan late

Hi does anyone know if you accept a loan late when it will be disbursed? I completed the elc and mpn and they were approved by sac state on November 19th.
submitted by Sycrul to CSUS [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Spirited-Alfalfa-950 Seeking advice on the next evolution of my Home Omada Network

Hello Omada Experts,
I am a big fan of this community and it has been extremely helpful in managing on Home Omada/WiFi network. It's been up and running fine for over a year now and I'm now ready to start planning my next upgrade. Here is summary of my current environment:

The goals on my next upgrade are to:
Black Friday is always a good time to these types of purchases. Thanks in advance for your guidance.
submitted by Spirited-Alfalfa-950 to TPLink_Omada [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 MenuAccomplished6753 More toolboxes

More toolboxes submitted by MenuAccomplished6753 to harborfreight [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Ok_Chemistry6817 Dessert Supply Store (Pistachio Paste)

Hey everyone 👋 I'm going to have a crack at making the Dubai Pistachio Chocolate and I'm wondering what stores are around that I could pick up some Pistachio Paste and some silicone chocolate bar moulds. I had a look around Granville Island. I know I can get the supplies on Amazon but I also like having a look around a good Kitchen store. Thanks!
submitted by Ok_Chemistry6817 to askvan [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Busy-Soup349 Sonos Port and a CD Player - RCA Cables the only choice?

Hi - please forgive my ignorance in advance. I am considering picking up a Sonos Port and mult-CD Changer and integrating it into my Sonos speaker system.
I understand that I can use RCA cables, but are there any other choices get the music from the CD player to the Port? I would think there would be a better, cleaner type of cable to do that?
Assuming RCA cables are the best only choice available - does anyone have a perspective on how much the sound is degraded? Or am I totally mistaken and this is how it was always done and this is as good as it gets?
I appreciate your patience with me and helping me figure this out!
submitted by Busy-Soup349 to sonos [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Repulsive_Put_5472 New Floral Wings Showcase

New Floral Wings Showcase https://preview.redd.it/twfv3j6hea3e1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=468cc8f5c6a73856bb16bf650c07ba98bb49851e
Hey yall, DogFoodSkulls here, just wanted to show off some of the new Floral wings for those who havent seen them yet!!
I got extremely lucky while using three random wing pots on a couple of my horses.
Tartar Sauce (white kelp) is showing off the Blossoming wings
My Fushia/Ruby kelp is showing off the Lily wings
and finally, Jolly Joey's showing off the Blossoming wings again, to show colopattern placement better. :3
Their stats when maxed out are the same, @ 350.00 Stamina, 25.00 Speed, and x1.300 Sprint Speed.
submitted by Repulsive_Put_5472 to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 TackleEnvironmental6 First 25T run!

First 25T run! And just in time too, I can get a couple of levels in the new labs. Also happened to be the first time I got all perks in a run, too. Next, 100T!
submitted by TackleEnvironmental6 to TheTowerGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 PuzzleheadedTower665 Rate my Metal Gear Avatars

Rate my Metal Gear Avatars Solid Snake (MGS1 and (MGS2) Raiden/Jack (MGS2 and MGRR) Naked Snake/ Big Boss (MGS3) Gurlukovich Merc (MGS2)
submitted by PuzzleheadedTower665 to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 No-Lobster8384 Thumbnail cringe

Thumbnail cringe Scrolling on Facebook and this was a suggested reel. No thank you. Thumbnail looks very staged and cringey.
submitted by No-Lobster8384 to elysemyerstiktoksnark [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 SahneEier Hey bin M24 und suche eine W 18+ die mir Fragen beantworten kann. Wäre mega wichtig ❤️ DM oder Session: 05ade2290d11e0d14e0845c3258dc07048980d4658ce4ad2cfefd88dc96b5d9f5f

submitted by SahneEier to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 beansinwind sorryButWhat

sorryButWhat submitted by beansinwind to ProgrammerHumor [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Shot-Repair1657 Călin Georgescu propune impozitare zero, timp de 10 ani, pentru IT-işti, tineri care se mută în sate depopulate. Scutiri de taxe pentru diaspora care se întoarce în ţară - Economica.net

Călin Georgescu propune impozitare zero, timp de 10 ani, pentru IT-işti, tineri care se mută în sate depopulate. Scutiri de taxe pentru diaspora care se întoarce în ţară - Economica.net 0 taxe dar nu vei avea ce sa cumperi din magazine.
0 taxe dar ti se va lua lumina de la ora 9.
0 taxe dar viata va fi de 10 ori mai grea.
0 taxe dar nu vei avea dreptul la libera exprimare.
0 taxe... tot ce vrea romanul sa auda.
Acum inteleg de ce a prins asta la public si de ce e poaibil sa castige turul 2... Stie ce vrea sa auda oamenii si le serveste "solutia" pentru vot.
submitted by Shot-Repair1657 to Romania [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 cascadingtundra My four-year-old BC and my fifteen-year-old, deaf rescue cat adore each other. The most unlikely friends 😍

My four-year-old BC and my fifteen-year-old, deaf rescue cat adore each other. The most unlikely friends 😍 Any other Collie owners have a dog that likes to curl up with their other animals?
submitted by cascadingtundra to BorderCollie [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 raulsuuarez Bob and Michael after a hearty lunch

Bob and Michael after a hearty lunch submitted by raulsuuarez to IllegallySmolCats [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 DADZINGO Trying my best to create a unique horror visual novel game. What do you think of this style decision for it?

Trying my best to create a unique horror visual novel game. What do you think of this style decision for it? submitted by DADZINGO to IndieDev [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 ConversationFast8724 حكومي او خاص لمهندس حديث تخرج

مهندس حديث تخرج جاني عرضين
عرض من شركة كبيرة خاصة كمهندس تركيب وتشغيل عرض من وزارة كمهندس مشاريع
تقريبا نفس الراتب، راتب الوزارة اعلى ب٥٠٠ وتامينهم يشمل الوالدين
محتار لان سمعة العمل الحكومي انه مافيه تطور وظيفي
submitted by ConversationFast8724 to SaudiProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 SonicFuckedMyWife I want to open my first line of credit. What do?

Ive been an added member or whatever the phrase is on my parents account and I’m sitting at a really good credit score and I REALLY don’t want to ruin it within weeks lol. I just have some questions about it all.
What to avoid? Are there any popular CC Companies out there that seem good, but are notoriously awful? Currently thinking about SouthWest because I fly often, or with SoFi since I already bank with them and love it so far.
Limits? If I get approved for a $1,000 line of credit (as an example) should you avoid maxing it even if you pay it off on time 100% of the time without fail? I’ve heard it’s better to keep it under 30% of your limit and at a minimum 2%, but I’m not positive I’m remembering correctly.
Who is your personal favorite? At the end of the day, I know the pennies worth of bonuses you acquire each month are just that- pennies. But who have you had the best experience with? Any companies that have just gone above and beyond to help with any issues, the best membership incentive, or just one that you like for no reason in particular.
Multiple “accounts”? I’ve heard that the more lines you have, the better off your score will be as long as you can handle all of them and don’t get sloppy/miss payments. I’m just scared to open more than 1 right off the bat so I don’t go and jank everything up
Thanks in advance! And yes, I know most of these could be answered by Google, but I don’t want to stumble across any biased/hidden sponsored articles and get screwed in the long run so Mr. Journalist can make 10 cents off of me
submitted by SonicFuckedMyWife to Money [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 skiiptomy What if Hazard was allowed to have a little *flavor*?

I like his backstory, I like his moveset, I love his voice, and I ADORE the concept art, but it's so very obvious that corporate sanitized the hell out of Hazard before the final version was released. Where's the spice, where's the flavor??? So I fixed him. (or at least attempted to)
Basically, I said what if the super powerful unstable experimental ferofluid looking stuff actually had some powerful unstable experimental effects. So I had the crystal parts starting to take over his body, big inspired by that one scene in Atlantis: The Lost Empire where Rourke (the big bad guy) gets corrupted by the crystal. I added hella patches and stickers and pins to everything because you could barely tell the guy was a punk, I added his dogtags back to showoff some of his backstory in his design, also made the crystal bits/musculature look like it's ripping out of him ala Bane from Batman, as it might for someone who was very strong, had to go through a lot of recovery after being disabled, then was working their way back to their prime.
Anyway, enjoy my version and have a good one <3
submitted by skiiptomy to Overwatch [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 r6CD4MJBrqHc7P9b A farmers solution

A farmers solution submitted by r6CD4MJBrqHc7P9b to Enshrouded [link] [comments]

2024.11.26 18:20 Atilio35 Mon premier aigri

Mon premier aigri Quand je demande des photos de l'article car 1 seul photo pas ouf de l'article, j'ai toujours étais habitué à des personnes qui me repond "ok pas de soucis, je vous envoie ça avec plaisir" bah pour le coup, je suis surpris 😅
(J'ai l'habitude de garder mon calme mais sa façon de parler ma fait vrillé)
submitted by Atilio35 to lemauvaiscoin [link] [comments]
