The best of Jennette McCurdy

2024.11.27 01:40 Suspicious_Site1179 The best of Jennette McCurdy

The best of Jennette McCurdy submitted by Suspicious_Site1179 to LadiesofNickelodeon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 ApexBarber 🌭 How to make hot dogs visually appealing and edible. 🔥🐕

submitted by ApexBarber to AreYouGarbagePod [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 lacmlopes Estão se preparando para ver o Botafogo repetir o nosso feito de 2019?

Campeão da Libertadores e o Brasileirão no mesmo ano
submitted by lacmlopes to CRFla [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 wewdwtnizrub International Open Academy Black Friday 2024 Promo Code

Check here for International Open Academy Black Friday 2024 Promo Code
Save 50% with hand-tested International Open Academy discount codes in November 2024.
submitted by wewdwtnizrub to YoursCoupea [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Farilane Is it possible to not have an Enneagram type?

Is it common to dive deep into the Enneagram and still not know what number you are? Or perhaps 9 numbers do not encompass the vast and varied personal journeys of humanity.
I have been trying, really trying, to figure it out, but nothing fits. I have been "trying on" different numbers, subtypes, fixes and tritypes.
I have learned so much about other people along the way, their struggles and strengths. That alone has made it worth it!
So, do I give up, or keep going? 🤔
Thank you for your advice,

submitted by Farilane to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Cheap_Recipe2246 Bifty

submitted by Cheap_Recipe2246 to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 AdMediocre7214 Careers in Trades BC that are needed/pay well? Costs? Grants?

I'm currently at an office job that pays well but makes me feel dead inside so I'm considering a new career in trades.
I wanted to see what others experienced in their field to help me decide what I should do.
What trades are in demand right now? I read that some have generous grants and bursaries and all that? How long was your program and how much did it cost? How much do you get paid? Any other info you wish you would have known before you started?
So far the ones that seem interesting to me are - Machinist - Electrician - CNC and 3D Printing
I'm open to other jobs as well. Any and all feedback is welcome.
submitted by AdMediocre7214 to BCIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 jmhgamer Setup is Coming Along Nicely

Setup is Coming Along Nicely The gundam figures are to fill the negative until.i find a better use for it. Maybe just get a 1/4 scale figure or Crunchyroll lol. Need to replace displays displacase as well. Setups always evolving
submitted by jmhgamer to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 InitialTraining299 Me whenever I think about no working for Uber eats. I remember this is month of fun.

Me whenever I think about no working for Uber eats. I remember this is month of fun. Have some good nights but not going back
submitted by InitialTraining299 to uberdrivers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 SheDoesnEvenGoHere What movie has the most accurate depiction of what it would be like for a modern day person getting sent back in time to the past? Disregarding the method of time-travel.

Meaning, when that modern day person is in the past, which movie depicted what it would actually be like for that modern-day-person to experience.
I'm not necessarily thinking of something like Back to the Future where he traveled from the 80's back to the 50's. The culture and everyday life was largely very similar so he could get by well enough.
I'm more thinking a large time gap than that.
I know there's comedies like Army of Darkness and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. And plenty of Science Fiction movies with backwards time-travel. But I can't think of any that tries to accurately portray what it would actually be like for that person.
The reason for this question is every now and then you see the question on reddit or wherever else online, if you traveled back to the medieval times, or the classical era, could you survive? Could you speed up human development? Could you change anything at all?
Which made me think that a really interesting premise for a movie would be someone whose goal it is to go back in time to medieval or classical times, but also be fully prepared with whatever they can carry on their body with the full intention of changing history.
What would an accurate portrayal of that really look like.
And then I thought of all the time travel movies I could think of, and none of them seem to care about giving a realistic depiction.
submitted by SheDoesnEvenGoHere to AskMovies [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 PsychologicalShop292 Bile acid deficiency secondary to gastric inflammation?

I am experiencing ongoing issues of what appears to be bile acid deficiency. I have issues absorbing fat soluble vitamins, pale stools and low triglyelerides. This caused my testosterone levels to crash and a severe vitamin D deficiency.
This all started when I binged drank on alcohol on an empty stomach and immediately after developed epigastric pain, pale stools, lost weight.
From what I read any inflammation in the stomach can stop the release of enzymes that signal the liver to release bile acids in response to fat in the digestive tract therefore impairing the absorption of fat soluble vitamins and fat mal absorption.
submitted by PsychologicalShop292 to LiverDisease [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 mimibedumb What is the hate about pisces men?!

I've seen so much hate about them, but I personally love them. Can someone who dislikes them please tell me what's so wrong about them?
submitted by mimibedumb to piscesastrology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 WoodlandStag How did you make it work?

Has anyone here actually successfully had sex with their partner after a long period of nothing? If so, how'd it happen?
submitted by WoodlandStag to DeadBedrooms [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 cassmath 2019 Ram ProMaster Conversion

2019 Ram ProMaster Conversion Selling my 2019 Ram ProMaster 2500. I’ll drop the link below for more details!
submitted by cassmath to vandwellermarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 -blkmmbo H: Bloodied mod W: Thru Hiker's

submitted by -blkmmbo to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 frfrbroqwr Dragon tv not working?

I only have one set of ads and I’m missing the ads to watch gems and the one on the right that says play other games to collect gems. Can anyone please help me?
submitted by frfrbroqwr to DragonCity [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 hogiemane Amazon Holster Recommendations

Ordered holsters off Amazon a while back. Don't really love the ones I got.
Primarily appendix carry / iwb 4 o'clock
Typically carry p365 or m&p 2.0 compact.
Also open to non Amazon options if you guys have a solid recommendation. Prime is tuff to beat for convenience.
submitted by hogiemane to handguns [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Much-Dragonfly2196 BlueBerry Acid

BlueBerry Acid
submitted by Much-Dragonfly2196 to Promoteyourclothing [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 arcane_oak My timline stuff

My timline stuff Ah yo
submitted by arcane_oak to TurningRed [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 SSJ_02 Help on trade

I receive Tyreke hill + Jonnu Smith I give Courtland Sutton + Najee Harris
submitted by SSJ_02 to Fantasy_Football [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 RichDude36547 NIU 100p or Segway nine boy max gl30lp

NIU 100p or Segway nine boy max gl30lp submitted by RichDude36547 to ElectricScooters [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 TheWinningLooser In the Finale, why does Ford wipe all of Stan’s memories? Wouldn’t it be better to wipe just Bill rather than all of Stanley?

In the Finale, why does Ford wipe all of Stan’s memories? Wouldn’t it be better to wipe just Bill rather than all of Stanley? submitted by TheWinningLooser to gravityfalls [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 ieatdiarhea Had Ukraine never sought NATO membership, you'd have a few hundred thousand more men in your country.

You were tempted by the US and their plan for a proxy war. Your puppet has gotten rich and your children are dying.
submitted by ieatdiarhea to ukraine [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Odd-Run9106 konisegg regera

is the konisegg really worth it or should i not buy
submitted by Odd-Run9106 to NFSHeat [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 01:40 Suitable-Brain7714 Phasmophobia is not a good game

For those of you who are unaware phasmophobia (wich i'll be referring to as phas from now on) is a up to four player horror co op game about hunting for ghosts... the thing is is that it's so fucking boring, you wait for like 10 minutes for the ghost to even give you one piece of evidence, when the ghost "hunts" (basically when the ghost tries to kill someone) you sit in a courner, closet or locker, turn off all your shit and hope the ghost doesnt just hear or find you because yes the ghost can hear you and when the ghost haunts it's not even scary, the ghost models themselves seem to be asset flips with darker textures and lighting thrown onto them, infact alot of the assets seemed to be flipped, the gameplay loop isnt fun and the ghost fails at doing it's job aka being scary and killing people half the time. If you think the game is fun or you somehow enjoy it then good for you but i just can't stand the game personally
submitted by Suitable-Brain7714 to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]