2024.11.27 01:40 digilyssa Now Bring Us Some Panettone Christmas Sweatshirt
2024.11.27 01:40 Long-Plate1517 Boxing Matches who you will watch first?
submitted by Long-Plate1517 to aiArt [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 01:40 DaysLaw RealDebrid and Alldebrid still work perfectly fine on DebridStream
DebridStream supports both RealDebrid and AllDebrid irrespective of the add-ons/scrapers you use. submitted by DaysLaw to Debrid_Stream_App [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 01:40 AirSome9942 Child support arrears
My ex husband has been paying child support and he recently decided to cut our 18 year old off - I get it. However he is fully dependent. So we have 3 kids and now need to ensure the amount is correct.
After requesting his notice of assessments for the last 10 years I had my lawyer do it. He’s given me his T4 reluctantly. Found out he’s made an extremely large amount more than he claimed. I’ve calculated over 20k in arrears for last 4 years. Question-in Ontario what form do I fill out to start the process in court to get my kids arrears. We never went through FRO. And although I could ask my lawyer - I would rather try to start the process myself.
submitted by AirSome9942 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 Vil_C "The Moth's Dream", by me.
submitted by Vil_C to DarkArtwork [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 Character_Ad7539 Basically the same
submitted by Character_Ad7539 to Dandadan [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 Timber-rock [ENTRY] Country Kitchen - Ceaco - 300 pcs. © Tracy Flickinger
submitted by Timber-rock to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 01:40 PurpleEbb7696 Can somebody please help me with this error
I got this modpack(Eoic fights and more) and i wanted to try it because my friend had it,but when i try to open it,it shows this crash report or something like that
Heres the link
submitted by PurpleEbb7696 to SKlauncher [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 robjoko Trying to decrypt a save file for bloodborne. This is not working for me does anyone have access to another one that works or want to decrypt for me that already has permission to one?
submitted by robjoko to BloodbornePC [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 Pikachu-69 hmmm
submitted by Pikachu-69 to hmmm [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 Sufficient-Appeal500 Québec City - 16pro night photography
This was edited only with the Photos app, pretty challenging night scene with heavy wet snow. I’m impressed but how much detail this camera was able to capture. First: edited, second: original submitted by Sufficient-Appeal500 to iphone [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 01:40 swan001 Kintsukuroi Restoration Of Ming Dynasty Blue And White Porcelain Bowl
submitted by swan001 to makesitlookeasy [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 BubbaSoul JOHNNY WINTER - FOGHAT - BROWNSVILLE STATION MAY 18, 1973!
submitted by BubbaSoul to OldSchoolCool [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 01:40 Less-Opposite-5239 ADHD Inherited
Hello fellow minded people,
It’s funny that even with being diagnosed for over a year now I’m still learning more about my condition. For me I was under the presumption that due to how we are diagnosed and how we delve into our childhoods during the diagnosis, looking for certain traits and traumas that could indicate ADHD, that ADHD mostly came from environmental factors.
For me I’m 31 years of age and grew up in a broken household, my mum was and still is an absolute angel that puts her children regardless of age above any of her own needs. However my dad was very volitile towards me and my other sibling as we grew up and I always attributed this towards the reason for my ADHD.
Now pre-diagnosis I was always firm in never wanting a child to experience the same things I did as a young child leading up to a young adult. I knew in myself that I was late to mature and with the past partners I had, I never felt comfortable with the relationship enough to consider having children as I saw red flags that would indicate a possible broken family.
Moving forward now to post-diagnosis of over a year, understanding I have severe inattentive ADHD and coming to terms with that, I still only attributed my ADHD to the environment I grew up in.
So it’s upset me to read that the condition is genetic and has up to 91% likelihood to be passed down to a child as you seem to inherit the condition from parents.
I have a few problems with this,
Firstly, I’m not sure as to why doctors delve into past traumas when doing the diagnosis if there’s more evidence to suggest it’s an inherited condition as surely someone could grow up in a terrible abusive household without both parents having ADHD and never have the condition themselves?
Secondly, does this mean any child I do have in the future will more than likely have the condition, regardless of making the household a very pleasant and comfortable one to grow up in.
Thirdly, what’s the coalition between genetic inheritance and abusive childhood when doctors diagnose ADHD.
submitted by Less-Opposite-5239 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 Noel_Diamond Holiday Box Pulls
2 Boxes, 2 Relics submitted by Noel_Diamond to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 01:40 wholewheatrotini [CIP] Place your bets on how quickly I throw this god seed into the trash
submitted by wholewheatrotini to dcss [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 LinkHungry2502 Are buying/opening pet crates, during events of course, the "normal" thing to do?
Curious to when I need to start targeting murica as a pet. Unsure if the game has pet related events or not.
submitted by LinkHungry2502 to Survivorio [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 reddit_lss_2 Android Nested replies test 27/11/2024 01:39:26
submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii5 How can you work from 8 to 5, be free only on weekends, and not feel like you're wasting your life?
submitted by kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii5 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 CosmicDataGuru Question on Middlebrow Sourdough taste
I grabbed a loaf of sourdough from Middlebrow today since I heard good things about it. While the texture and crust are nice (really spongy interior), the taste is way too sour for my liking.
I've tried sourdough from PQB and Aya before, and they were more balanced and not as tangy. For those who are familiar, is Middlebrow's sourdough supposed to be this intense? Is it a hallmark of authentic sourdough, or is this just their specific style?
Curious to hear about ppl's thoughts.
submitted by CosmicDataGuru to chicagofood [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 -shannanigans- Orthodox Inquirer having trouble understanding the subject of re-baptizing
Would love if someone could help me understand the Orthodox position on why it's "bad" to rebaptize.
I've seen a lot of posts about "rebaptism"/"corrective baptism", but none that address the specific idea I'm struggling to grasp (maybe I'm struggling to grasp the specifics of baptism itself as someone from a protestant background?). I'm wondering why it would be a bad thing for someone who had a legitimate, Orthodox baptism to later get baptized again. I think this comes from the idea of some protestants that one can later "rededicate" their life to Christ, and get baptized again as a show of faith if they were to maybe stray from faith and later return to it. Also based on the idea that baptism is not a source of salvation, but more a public symbol/show of one's personal acceptance of Christ. I think I understand that it has no salvific purpose to be baptized a second time, but wondering why it is "bad", if that make sense?
[Context on how I've come to ask this question]: I honestly hadn't thought about it much until now because I was discussing baptism with my husband (as I am interested in converting to orthodoxy and my husband is at least open to the idea). We have a baby and I realized we've never discussed infant baptism because we were both raised in traditions that didn't do infant baptism, so I asked him what he thought of it. He said something along the lines of "I suppose it would be fine, and he could always get baptized again later if he wanted to" and I said "I don't think they do that". He said "Really? Why not?" And I realized I didn't really understand the answer myself, and can't seem to find much explanation (and don't currently have a priest I can ask).
submitted by -shannanigans- to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 psychoholic Paldo Volcano ramen is damned hot but the Buldak 2x spicy the TRUTH
Been on the hunt for something properly hot I can just heat up so I figured some good ramen would do right by me. I've really enjoyed the Paldo Volcano ramen for a while but I read on here a few days ago that the Buldak 2x Spicy was even hotter so I bought some. Mary-mother-and-Joseph it is HOT. I've got a pretty reasonably high tolerance for spice but this was almost too much.
If you are on the hunt for a bowl of noodles that are basically the toaster from Time Bandits I highly recommend these.
submitted by psychoholic to spicy [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 poopbrainmane Blood tests at hospital da Liz without a doctors request
Is it possible to walk into hospital da luz and get a blood test with a doctors prescription? And just pay out of pocket?
I’ve only ever done it with a doctors order but there’s a test I want and don’t feel like scheduling with a doctor.
submitted by poopbrainmane to PortugalExpats [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 01:40 NiceAsh_ I cannot believe I just witnessed this first hand…
I bet yall can’t guess who won the battle lmao submitted by NiceAsh_ to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 01:40 EcstaticPraline8741 Testing Christmas Linzers🎄✨
submitted by EcstaticPraline8741 to Cookies [link] [comments]