November Developer News #3

3、塑料管材,管径宜按产品标准的方法表示; 4、陶土管、钢筋混凝土(或混凝土)管、缸瓦管、耐酸陶瓷管等管材,管径宜以内径d表示(如d230、d380等); 5、当设计均用公称直径DN表示管径时,应有公称直径DN与相应产品规格对照表。 第三步:弹出对话框后,注意软键盘第一行数字所在的位置,用鼠标点击、1、2、3、4即可插入“Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ”符号。 本回答被网友采纳 已赞过 已踩过 3、october。英语10月,来自拉丁文 Octo,即“8”的意思。它和上面讲的9月一样,历法改了,称呼仍然沿用未变。 4、December,罗马皇帝琉西乌斯把一年中最后一个月用他情妇 Amagonius的名字来命名,但遭到元老院的反对。 请问大佬有《魔兽争霸3:冰封王座》 v1.27a简体中文免安装版游戏免费百度云资源吗《魔兽争霸Ⅲ:冰封王座》百度网盘资源 ... 直接看接口,a口只能到3.2gen1和3.2gen2,然而3.0和3.1gen1和3.2gen1是同一个东西,如果a口支持3.2gen2大多数情况下会在接口旁边写ss10或者是ss+或者是usb的标志后面带个数字10或者是+。而3.2gen2*2只能是typec接口,一般会标注20或者是ss20或者是usb的标志然后后面写20 3.5寸盘主轴转动惯量大,主轴电机功率需求高(启动时普遍在10w以上,5盘片以上的大容量盘会去到25w,运行时也普遍5-10w左右,以上数据都是用易驱线,外接电源功率表伺候实测的,不信你也可以测一测),你用5v的话,你准备配多粗的电线,准备配多少条电线? 月份 英文缩写以及读法 一月 Jan. January[ˈdʒænjuəri] 二月 Feb. February[ˈfebruəri] 三月 Mar. March[mɑ:tʃ] 用number pinyin 可以打到1-99 但是不能复制发送到网上 会变成乱码 用数字加画圈这个办法不是很值得推荐 方便是方便 但是一旦放大或者缩小的比例改变了 页面效果就不行。 1.升级到LV3知乎好物目前开通条件是,知乎账号的等级要达到lv4,所以,想要做知乎好物,首先要做的就是让自己的知乎好物账号升级到3级。 [图片] 知乎账号升级到3级不难,多发一些回答和文章就行;发视频更快一些,可以剪辑一些风景视频,发上去,很快就 ... 800*600;1024*768;1152*864;1280*960;1280*1024都是4:3 的。 屏幕分辨率是指屏幕显示的分辨率。屏幕分辨率确定计算机屏幕上显示多少信息的设置,以水平和垂直像素来衡量。屏幕分辨率低时(例如 640 x 480),在屏幕上显示的像素少,但尺寸比较大。

2024.11.27 15:30 sparkyVenkman November Developer News #3

This week I'm working on bringing over things from the prototype that I want to keep, including on-map events and plugin configurations. The mapping for Shariam's house is done, so be prepared for a walkthrough video on Saturday! I've re-written a lot of the dialogue to give the player and Shariam more interactions, for example when there is a lock to be picked there will be a dialogue depending on the skill choice the player made at the game's opening. This is a new feature I added, where I gave the player skills that Shariam does not have access to. These skills are electronic in nature, like hacking, codebreaking, and electronic lockpicking.
This week's development is moving a little slower than I would like but there is a holiday this week so I've been doing a bit of baking. Some stubborn art and plugin settings have been a pain, but I'll get through it to meet this week's deadline of a short playthrough video to show off a bit of what I'm doing. There are a good number of things I had to rework art-wise, due to certain fonts I used for the prototype no longer being available in Aseprite. All in all, the development is going well, I feel a sense of accomplishment which is what this project is about, telling a short story about a friend and accomplishing something before the end of the year.
Several animations are being worked on by hand, I've always felt that the RPG Maker MV's default animations were way too fantasy for my taste. This will add much of what I like visually while bringing home more of what I wanted the QMap's workings to look like from the beginning. This way the player can feel included in the game's storyline while getting along with Shariam and the storyline surrounding her. I would love to include voice, but it's something I've decided to leave out since I already have a lot of custom sounds and music.
submitted by sparkyVenkman to SchwayPineapple [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 lebartle Thank You Gift for Daycare Provider

Hi! I am looking for a gift idea for my daycare provider. Here are some details:
This is a home daycare that my daughter started going to in September of this year. The daycare provider is pregnant (I knew this going in) and would be closing her practice in February to go on mat leave (we had a daycare center lined up). She is pregnant with her second child, her first child is a boy who is 2, and the second child is a girl. Unfortunately due to some complications with her pregnancy, she has to go on bedrest so she has to close her daycare early.
This daycare provider has been absolutely amazing, I love her and she's been so great with my daughter. I want to get her a gift to say thank you for everything. I was thinking maybe something for her to be cozy with during bedrest, as well as something for her daughter?
Unfortunately I don't know many of her own personal interests/hobbies, so I don't have much details to provide in that aspect.
submitted by lebartle to GiftIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 vojvo321 Fortnite

Odebírej v aplikaci WhatsApp kanál Chudák Juice Wrld:
submitted by vojvo321 to Kerddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 FlowersByTheStreet Daniel Jones to the Vikings

submitted by FlowersByTheStreet to DynastyFF [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 MastaMunsta20 This really does feel like watching your son grow up

submitted by MastaMunsta20 to Kengan_Ashura [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Yurii_S_Kh Blessing of children

Blessing of children
15 And they brought unto him also infants, that he would touch them: but when his disciples saw it, they rebuked them.
16 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
17 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.
26 And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved?
27 And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
28 Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.
29 And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake,
30 who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting.
Luke 18: 15-17; 26-30
The Gospel read today says: “Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein.”
St. Theophanes the Hermit writes: “How can it be accepted as a ‘child’? And here is how: in simplicity, with a full heart, without reflection. Reasoning analysis is inapplicable in the area of faith. It can only take place at the threshold of faith. As the anatomist decomposes the whole body in detail, but does not see the life, so the reasoner - no matter how much he reasons, the power of faith does not comprehend. Faith itself gives contemplations, which, as a whole, represent faith, fully satisfying all the needs of our nature, and oblige the mind, conscience, and heart to accept faith. They accept it, and having accepted it, they do not want to depart from it. The believer knows the truth of faith directly. Faith itself instills in him the unshakeable conviction that it is faith. How then can faith be reasonable faith? That is the reasonableness of faith, to know directly that it is faith. Reason only spoils the matter, cooling faith and weakening the life of faith, and most importantly, it sours and drives away the grace of God.”
We see how the disciples do not want to allow children to come to Jesus, but He says to them, “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God” (Luke 18:16). He again reminds the disciples of the kingdom of heaven and that in that kingdom the worth of man is judged by different criteria than on earth. The disciples are urged to completely change their way of thinking, to reconsider their ideas about the criteria by which the hierarchy of those who have entered the Kingdom of Heaven is organized.
In today's Gospel reading, the question of the possibility of salvation for man is also raised. Those who ask obviously find salvation difficult: “And they that heard it said, Who then can be saved? And he said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.”
Salvation is presented as a gift of God, not as the fruit of human effort. The Orthodox tradition, represented by the Eastern Church Fathers, has always emphasized that without faith in Jesus Christ and without the Church, human salvation is impossible. At the same time, man's own participation in his own salvation is by no means limited to passive assimilation of the fruits of the redemptive deed of Jesus Christ. Men are “co-laborers with God” (1 Cor. 3:9), and this co-laboring (synergy) between God and man is necessary for man to draw near to God and be honored with the kingdom of heaven.
Source: Metropolitan Hilarion's book “Jesus Christ. Life and Teachings.”
Translated by SophiaWisdomOfGod
submitted by Yurii_S_Kh to SophiaWisdomOfGod [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Vewy_nice It's hard to surprise me with old camera tech, but here's even a new one for me! (Nexflash 2MB Serial flash storage module) More info in comments

It's hard to surprise me with old camera tech, but here's even a new one for me! (Nexflash 2MB Serial flash storage module) More info in comments submitted by Vewy_nice to VintageDigitalCameras [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 don_grizz_ signing off

wanted to thank all of you guys in here for being a great resource not just for information but for a sense of community. special shoutout to the power score guys, i hope you guys spend the rest of your lives somewhere warm with a cold beer. even though im leaving this community slightly disappointed because i know i could do better, i got a solid score that’ll most likely get me where i wanna go. everyone who’s disappointed rn, i want you to know that you can get through this. in a month my score jumped 9 points, its possible. this a great community with outstanding people, i can’t wait to introduce my little sister in two years when her time comes. best of luck and godspeed everyone!!!
submitted by don_grizz_ to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 TheSneak109 This thing really puts the "steel" and "gunpowder" in "Faith, steel and gunpowder"!

This thing really puts the Love this sculpt from Highland Miniatures!
submitted by TheSneak109 to WarhammerFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 digitalartistz3r0 May God grant strength to President Trump to stop the fentanyl crisis and prevent further tragedies caused by it. May God bring fair judgment upon China and Mexico for their actions.

May God grant strength to President Trump to stop the fentanyl crisis and prevent further tragedies caused by it. May God bring fair judgment upon China and Mexico for their actions.
submitted by digitalartistz3r0 to Pray4Trump2W [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 SpicySalchicha I really like the old manual focus lenses

I really like the old manual focus lenses left to right: 85mm 1.8D, 50mm, 1.8D, nikkor AI 24mm 2.8, nikkor AI 28mm 2.8, nikkor pre AI 35mm 2.8, nikkor 45mm 2.8 gn, nikkor AI 50mm 2, micro nikkor 55mm 3.5, nikkor e series 100mm 2.8, nikkor AI 200mm 4, nikkor AI 35mm 2.8, the other two are just a tamron and rollei lens i also enjoy using on the zf.
submitted by SpicySalchicha to Nikon [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 WhiteLimbo Between the Planes, Part 15

With no time to spare, I carried her through the town’s still-quiet streets, slipping from shadow to shadow. On the town’s poorer south side, where the houses bore the marks of wind and weather, I found the house she had indicated—a modest home with a green door, faded yet distinct. I knocked softly, and after a pause, the door creaked open to reveal a middle-aged couple. Their faces, worn and careworn, softened in recognition as they saw Jeanwry in my arms.
"Bring her in," the man said, his voice weighted with worry. Together, we laid her upon a rough-hewn table at the room’s center. The woman—Gellen—set to work with the practiced hands of a healer. Her movements were deliberate as she fetched a collection of jars from a wooden stand affixed to the wall, each brimming with dried leaves, roots, and powdered minerals.
With deft hands, she began to grind the ingredients into a fine powder. Striking two stones together, she created a fleeting flame, igniting the mixture briefly before extinguishing it. The spice’s faint, earthy scent filled the air as she held the container close to Jeanwry’s face. "Breathe, slow…" she murmured, her tone steady but laced with concern.
Jeanwry stirred as the spice took effect. Her labored breaths grew steady, and a faint color returned to her bruised face. Even unseen wounds seemed to mend, her battered form no longer as fragile. "She’ll be alright now," Gellen said, her voice a mixture of relief and reassurance, though it seemed as much for herself as for me. "You needn’t worry."
Terry, the man, sat beside her, his shoulders slumping with a weariness that spoke of many sleepless nights. Gellen stayed close as well, bringing the spice to Jeanwry’s lips every so often to ensure its healing effects continued. I remained on the other side of the table, silent, watching. Somehow, the thief who had stolen my horse felt like an entirely different person from the one who lay before me now.
Terry broke the quiet with a heavy sigh. "She’s been in this fight far too long," he said, his voice heavy with sorrow. His eyes flicked to mine, carrying a weight that seemed unbearable. "We’ve lost so many… We’re lucky to still have her with us." His words wavered, threatening to spill over into tears. "I wish—" He paused, steadying himself. "I wish there was a way out of this. If not for us, then for them."
I met his gaze, the gravity of his words drawing me in despite my wariness. "Who’s 'they'?" I asked.
"The townsfolk," he replied, a bitter edge to his voice. "The ones still fighting to keep us safe."
From there, Jeanwry’s story began to unfold, pieced together by Terry’s somber recounting. She had been born in Backbridge, a close-knit village where life was simple, and the people were as much family as neighbors. The town thrived on its abundant harvests, its crops coveted throughout the region. Luxwood, the capital city to the west, became their biggest client, bringing prosperity to Backbridge—or so it seemed.
With prosperity came the shadow of greed. Luxwood’s soldiers established outposts under the guise of protecting trade routes, but soon taxes were levied to sustain this ‘protection.’ The burden grew, rising far beyond what the townsfolk could afford. One by one, families fell into ruin, their lands and livelihoods seized by Luxwood’s officials. New faces appeared—wealthy families from the city, eager to take what remained.
Even the church was not spared. The local priest, a man beloved by the people, was replaced by a cadre of solemn-faced clerics. They brought with them an air of secrecy and authority, their intentions cloaked in religious rhetoric. Knights in ceremonial armor stood as their ever-present guardians, silent and watchful. Whispers spread—of rituals behind closed doors, of motives darker than salvation—but none dared to voice them openly.
Then, the disappearances began.
submitted by WhiteLimbo to NotAWriter [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Certain-Acadia-4832 my eraser removed paint from my dresser

i had an eraser and it removed paint from my table like this on a 2x1 in rectangle. what do i do?
submitted by Certain-Acadia-4832 to paint [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 SuspiciousReading Charlie Brooker on “USS Callister”, its sequel, and the horrors of the workplace in Black Mirror
submitted by SuspiciousReading to television [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 snxtgspgt Man shouts at cat

Man shouts at cat submitted by snxtgspgt to memes [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Pumuckl4Life Say hello to our little friend

Say hello to our little friend submitted by Pumuckl4Life to Alf [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Imaginary-One-6599 What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Imaginary-One-6599 to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 MattATLien Travelling, where should I go for gear?

Hey fam.
I live in Oklahoma, and our hockey selections are basically non-exisant.
In a couple weeks my wife and I are doing a trip. I'm going to put our itinerary...can you suggest 1-2 hockey stores on the way that have good pricing, service, and knowledge that are in MI, Southern Ontario, Buffalo, or Rochester?
Flying to Detroit Staying is Caro, MI (her parents) Driving from Caro to Niagara Falls Canada Driving to Buffalo Driving to Rochester
Might be looking to get a pair of skates, stick, elbow pads, and, pants, and shoulder pads. My wife is pushing me for new gear (she's the best).
Appreciate you!
submitted by MattATLien to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Bullterrier2 Best way to light up basement?

I need the best way to light up my basement. I've tried LCDs and the other lights in logic but they take way too long to connect with wires. Anyone got any ideas?
submitted by Bullterrier2 to oaklands [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 AutoModerator Daily Step & Cardio Check-In! 🚶‍♂️🏃‍♀️

Let's keep each other motivated and accountable! 💪
Share your daily step count and any cardio you did in the comments below. Whether it’s a walk in the park, a run on the treadmill, cycling, or even a fun game of cricket. 🏃‍♂️🚴‍♀️🏌️‍♂️
Every step counts, and every bit of cardio gets us closer to our fitness goals!
Drop your numbers and how you felt today, and feel free to cheer each other on!
Ready, set, go! 🏆
submitted by AutoModerator to Fitness_India [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Yukiino-Snow What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Yukiino-Snow to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Same_Amphibian7564 On sale only few sizes left

submitted by Same_Amphibian7564 to PollexSaleheBembury [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 MHJ24 13 years of consistency…what y’all think?

13 years of consistency…what y’all think? submitted by MHJ24 to Physiquecritique [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Worried_Dot4184 Helping Landlord - For Rent near Robinsons East

Place - Brgy. Dela Paz Pasig inside a village Rent - Php 7000 for studio unit
Let me know if interested so i can assist you.
submitted by Worried_Dot4184 to RentPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 15:30 Little-Direction-505 Wheel au Andy

Goth. Very goth
submitted by Little-Direction-505 to danno_oclore [link] [comments]