2024.11.27 15:50 AroValdez117 Wheel of Time (TV Show) - Moiraine and al'Lan (Queerplantonic?)
I have been watching the Wheel of time show recently (currently on episode 1 of Season 2) and the relationship between Moiraine and al'Lan seems to be very similar to a Queerplatonic relationship. It certainly doesn't seem romantic (unless I am missing something).
Does anyone else agree or have thoughts on the subject?
submitted by AroValdez117 to aromantic [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 KuriousKat27 That’s a bit rude, innit?
submitted by KuriousKat27 to GreatBritishMemes [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 Interesting-Web8630 Smart Repair riskieren oder neue Tür beim Hersteller?
Hallo Leute, ich habe seit einigen Monaten ein Leasing Fahrzeug (Peugeot 208) und bin auch seit dem "neu" in der Versicherung (Vollkasko versichert bei der Allianz direct, so ziemlich die tiefste SF-Klasse, 1000€ SB). Nun habe ich einen Poller übersehen und hab leider ein paar Kratzer + eine Delle an der Beifahrertür (s. Bild). Wie würdet ihr nun vorgehen? Ich sehe 3 Optionen:
submitted by Interesting-Web8630 to automobil [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 Austinswill Scratches in door glass
Anyone else have scratches ion their door glass from it going up and down? Any way to fix this or does glass have to be replaced?
I tried polishing it out with some glass polish... No luck.
submitted by Austinswill to TeslaModelX [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 _Yoimiya_ ˢᵐᵒˡ :𝟥
submitted by _Yoimiya_ to IdentityV [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 maliik_b Can you help me to finish my sets please
submitted by maliik_b to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 superleggera24 Hackers?
Is it me or are there more hackers lately? Some games the opponents seem to hit everything. Just now I was playing Infernus with a friend who played Bebop. Opponent was Kelvin with Talon. They denied half of our souls, while we normally deny A LOT in lane.
When I have a game where opponents just feel insanely good, I go check their steamaccount via Tracklock. Almost always they have either had a VAC ban or multiple people writing comments like: '-rep wallhack' etc, while the others just have their account on private. It happens quite a lot lately.
We left the match as we were getting steamrolled and gotten hit from every angle because we both didn't feel like playing against alleged hackers. Ofcourse we got a 2 hour ban, but I'd rather not play a game with hackers.
submitted by superleggera24 to DeadlockTheGame [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 ElectronGoBrrr Are bots cold?
Possibly me being dumb, possibly a bug. Whenever my logistic bots go to my rocket silo with a science pack, they divert when they're 90% there, and go to some random roboport to charge. This repeats for a while, with some bots being stuck in a near perpetual cycle. This only happens on Aquilo, bots on other planets work fine. Are the bots cold? Am i being stupid or did i find a bug?
I only have the one source of science in this network and 99 logistic bots
submitted by ElectronGoBrrr to factorio [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 dxlivrous Songs to add
So I'm currently making a playlist to play when out with my friends but can't find any other songs that give off the same vibe/feeling. I'm really looking for songs that give off the same vibe and stuff like that. Some songs I have in the playlist: Woo - Rihanna, Rodeo (Remix) - Lah Pat&Flo Milli, Gang Baby - NLE.
submitted by dxlivrous to spotify [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 FireRyuga WFL, THEY WERE OVER BY LIKE 10 ON ELV
submitted by FireRyuga to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 HiromiReiko High stakes autonomous
Hello, this is the first year I code for the robot in Vex,
What the robot need to do in autonomous, and where can I find that information in the manual ??
Thank u
submitted by HiromiReiko to vex [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 BarberHuge1570 Swapping majors
What’re the chances of me being able to swap into business management? The main thing I’m worried about is my previous college GPA which wasn’t too hot (3.08) and it says I need a 3.2 in all previous and current colleges. Do I still got a chance? 😔😔
submitted by BarberHuge1570 to SBU [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 Fit-Promotion8123 Missing data analysis
I am using SPSS to analyze the data from my PhD project and could really use some help :( I have a dataset of a survey with 114 items from several questionnaires. Before computing sum scores for my predicor variables I wanted to assess the missing values to see if I would have to use some kind of imputation. My sample is fairly small (N=427) for the method I intend to use ( Multilevel model/random effect model), so I don´t want to exclude to many cases. Littles MCAR test is significant and I have missings between .9-12.6% for each item. Do I have to assess now for each of those 114 items if missingness is linked to other variables before I can do EM imputations? Since I am struggling with the data analysis before even starting with the actual and more complicated main analysis I would be very grateful if someone could point me to some online statistics mentors that can help when I get stuck or ask questions. Thanks in advance to everybody for their help :)
submitted by Fit-Promotion8123 to AskStatistics [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 TheCompaIT Is this W rizz?
submitted by TheCompaIT to dankvideos [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 seppola2019 How to figure my Delaware state income tax on VMFXX income for 2024?
Hello All, and Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm new to Bogleheads and have been looking for information on how I will be reporting my 1099 Vanguard VMFXX income on my Delaware "PIT-RES" 2024 form.
I've seen some threads that mention using the data provided in Vanguard's U.S. government obligations income information at the end of the year....but have not found any actual procedure for using it when doing our taxes.
If anyone can provide Delaware-specific guidance on this, it would be wonderful and much appreciated!
submitted by seppola2019 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 pixie6_6 Használt cipő új, címkésnek feltüntetve
Valaki találkozott már ezzel a jelenséggel? Gyermekemnek kerestem új cipőt bolti ár alatt. Találtam is egy szimpatikusat, olyan mintha új lenne és az is van feltüntetve, a címke is rá van fűzve, de a talpa kicsit koszosnak tűnt. Kértem még képeket róla, mire az eladó az előző hirdetést küldte el képernyőfotón, mert ő is a Vinteden vette. Az eredeti hirdetésben, kiváló állapot szerepel és fel is van tüntetve, hogy párszor hordott. Miért kell átverni a másikat? Most már elgondolkodtam, hogy lehet mások is simán lepucolják a cipőt, visszateszik a címkét és kiteszik újként??!
submitted by pixie6_6 to Vinted_hungary [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 ProofDepth6416 سلسلة الحرامية الجزء الثاني
مرحبا بكم في سلسلة الحرامية الجزء الثاني نتمنى منكم مشاركة قصصكم مع الحرامية لكي نتعلم و ننتبه منهم و الرجاء منكم نشر البوست لكي يستفيد الجميع حفظكم الله
submitted by ProofDepth6416 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 mccoyatx Stopped by Chitina Liquor for beer and snapped a shot of Chitina Lake en route to Wrangell
1:250k USGS quadrangle of greater Wrangell St Elias. Photo location behind the far right side of map submitted by mccoyatx to alaska [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 Magentacabinet turkey help
I was going to do a wet brine but then I saw that some people were complaining that it was a bit too salty. So then i was thinking about doing a dry brine but I've already been drying out my turkey for the wet brine.
I guess this means I need to do the wet brine, instead of the dry. I don't want it to be dry.
submitted by Magentacabinet to thanksgiving [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 Plus-Two-7083 Dissolved?
Alright I have no knowledge when it comes to fillers or whatever. Really curious on y’all’s thoughts on this? You think they have dissolved? And this is her normal face? submitted by Plus-Two-7083 to 90DayFiance [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 Jake01273 Grealish or Malen? Need Opinions Fast!
Hey everyone, I’m in a bit of a pickle here and could really use your help. I’m trying to decide between Grealish and Malen for my end-of-season pass rewards, but I’m running out of time to make a choice. Both cards look incredible, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Which do you think will last longer with the power curve? submitted by Jake01273 to fut [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 No-Arm-2743 Analytics & Data Analysis Features List - Analytics
[email protected] @Claim # _ @CUSTOMER REP $cashtag.cimplete submitted by No-Arm-2743 to allblacks [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 ThexGenerall Free money Scam or not?
Hey, so some dude on one of the telegram channels just texted that he’s leaving crypto and is giving away free usdt. I texted him and sent him my wallet address. Dude instead just gave me a seed phrase and told enjoy the wallet. Now idk if it’s a scam or not. Lowkey scared to enter the seed phrase into my device in case it gets hacked. Can I be hacked this way?
submitted by ThexGenerall to memecoins [link] [comments]
2024.11.27 15:50 ImGhost99 Just Bought My First Oled Monitor!
submitted by ImGhost99 to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments] |
2024.11.27 15:50 xela0422 I need help, my coffee machine is making way less coffee than ever before and I am follow the same steps as always
This is after telling it to brew a cup four times. Usually with tell it once it fills the cup almost all the way. There is one button on my machine so idk what I am doing wrong or why it is doing this
submitted by xela0422 to nespresso [link] [comments]