How much for breaks ? (2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S)

2024.11.27 18:50 cammmmnarmi How much for breaks ? (2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S)

I’m being charged $560 to replace the rear rotors, calipers, and brake pads on a 2012 Nissan Altima 2.5S. Does this seem reasonable? Would the cost go down if I purchased the parts myself and only paid for the labor?
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submitted by cammmmnarmi to Nissan [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Persona5isbeautiful Does anybody know what brand this is?

submitted by Persona5isbeautiful to HeadphonesAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Leonichol I’m Jon Sopel, presenter on the UK’s biggest daily news podcast The News Agents - Ask me anything!

submitted by Leonichol to AskUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Proper-Letterhead72 I hate my luck

I hate my luck So I started a Nuzlocke in AS and chose my starter (playing with custom forms and shinies). The Vulpix (which is a randomized Poochyena) is shiny
submitted by Proper-Letterhead72 to nuzlocke [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 JobInternational9471 Freistellung vom Arbeitsvertrag ohne schriftliche Form

Folgendes Szenario: Ich habe eine Kündigungsfrist seit dem 27.09.24 bis zum 31.12.24 von 3 Monaten. Ich bin die ganze Kündigungsfrist krankgeschrieben gewesen bis heute aber nicht durch einen Krankgrund(6 Wochen Knie, mal paar Wochen Leiste mal was anderes und seit kurzem wegen meiner Psyche). Heute habe ich in meinem Lohnzettel gesehen, das mein Austrittsdatum zum 22.11.24 geändert wurde, wo er noch letzten Monat 31.12.24 war. Ich habe weder eine schriftliche Freistellung oder fristlose Kündigung erhalten. Wie sieht es aus mit meinem Recht? Ich bin lückenlos krank und in meinem Arbeitsvertrag steht auch nichts, das die mich einseitig freistellen oder kündigen können. Außerdem habe ich ein unbefristetes Arbeitsverhältnis seit August.
submitted by JobInternational9471 to arbeitsunrecht [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Economy_Package4 Motherboard

i just changed up my psu and gpu. and now just reinstalled all drivers and everything. idk why this red light keep on popping up while i render bo6 with 100c on my cpu. sorry for the bad english idk what i did wrong. any help is appriciated thank you.
submitted by Economy_Package4 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Jupiter68128 At what point do you put your brakes on and back up? [OC]

At what point do you put your brakes on and back up? [OC] submitted by Jupiter68128 to omaharock [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 YoungDumbAndDreaming So your worst

So your worst submitted by YoungDumbAndDreaming to Tinderpickuplines [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Lilacs4lyfe aitah for freaking out

okay so i’m 17 and maybe 3-4 years ago i was put into therapy not by choice to this woman whom my brother also went to at the same time and the problem is he’s a pathological liar and she was constantly only asking about situations that’s where happening never my feelings and then it moved to online for covid ig and that’s when i fully detached myself and felt like i was being used and spied on because i knew she was using my perspective to help him so that’s when i just stopped responding to her and she dropped me ig and now this year a lot has been happening so ive been asking my mom for months to get me a new therapist and im really excited because it’s literally been months and today was supposed to be my first appointment and then she tells me it’s on zoom and i just naturally ig i get a little angry and go in my room because it just reminded me of the old woman who made me feel used and then my mom comes into my room to try and calm me down and that’s when she tells me it’s the same person i use. and the thing is i can’t blame her i never told her how the last therapist made me feel but i got so emotional instantly cause it’s the exact same situation and i started freaking out and she’s like no you have to it’s a 75$ cancel fee and i totally threw a tantrum and missed the appointment but now i feel really bad but i never want to use the same person again as someone in my family and i said that to her and she just looked shocked and went to bed and now i feel really evil so aitah
submitted by Lilacs4lyfe to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 burtzev Mexico warns Trump tariffs would kill 400,000 US jobs, threatens retaliation

submitted by burtzev to economy [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 SalamanderUsed4769 Did birth control make me happier?

Okay so a little context I went in the pill in May due to unbearable cramps and other PMS symptoms. I was on it until September because I wanted a break. I'm normally a super moody and pessimistic person, and very very very emotional. I sometimes struggle with mini depression spells as I call them and since getting off the pill all said above has come back. I use to have 0 cramps and now they are fully back. But is it my subconscious? Or can birth control actually make you feel happier? When I was on it I felt like myself and idk how to describe it. I just wanted to ask so I don't feel crazy lol.
submitted by SalamanderUsed4769 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 NecessarySeesaw8295 Favorite builds and why?!

Hi everyone! I am thinking about making a new char! Probably a druid! So.. I thought about asking what is your favorite build and why?
Personally, right now, it is my WW horker!
submitted by NecessarySeesaw8295 to diablo2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 FLS-TROYM Affective-Reflective Theory: The Decision to Exercise - Psychology Fanatic

Affective-Reflective Theory: The Decision to Exercise - Psychology Fanatic Published this week.
submitted by FLS-TROYM to wellnesspsychology [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Economy-Outcome-8882 Hackearon el WPP de mi viejo y busco venganza (?

Hackearon el WPP de mi viejo y busco venganza (? Lo del título... hackearon el wpp de mi viejo y andan pidiendo plata. Estoy cansado de estos mugrientos.
Ya saqué algo de información pero me quedé sin ideas, si alguno le gusta doxear o quiere sumarse es bienvenido.
Datos que proporcionó el "hacker":
Romina Paola Samaniego - CUIT 27-30263418-7
DNI 30263418
24838393 prex Argentina
Yair gaston lopez
Creeeo que es Argentino/a.
También tengo la IP Pública y un poco mas de data.
Se que la info que proporcioné es media random pero bue, para pijear un rato.
submitted by Economy-Outcome-8882 to uruguay [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 eyepatch300 Do men need sex?

Do men need sex? submitted by eyepatch300 to abanpreach [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Just_Deal_516 Anyone have good decaf for anything last 5 pm?

I love the taste of espresso, and all the possible drinks you can make, however I need something for the afternoon. I can’t find any decent ones though. I’m from germany if any fellow Germans have local ones!
submitted by Just_Deal_516 to espresso [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 retznut They took my gears and items away from me.. why don't I have them anymore?

They took my gears and items away from me.. why don't I have them anymore? I joined the game, and i didn't have them, wth?
submitted by retznut to SolsRNG [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 TSJones121412 Looking For these 2 stickers ❤️

Looking For these 2 stickers ❤️ MGO686LQ8TK4
Thank you 🥰
submitted by TSJones121412 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 ctrocks Bingo, people keep saying it is the money or kompromat, but reality is that Republicans (especially MAGA) see Russia as template of what they want America to be. (+16)

submitted by ctrocks to ShitPoliticsSays [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 ihateReddit125 What should i name my cat (male)

What should i name my cat (male) I got this cat about a 2 years ago and we just call him orange cat because nothing sticks, I need help naming him
submitted by ihateReddit125 to HelpNameMyPet [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 Christorious Necromancer Questions

So I've never had a necromancer in my party after the thousand+ hours in the game, mainly because I either roll mage or focus on 2 handerogue/crossbow.
I'm curious how on my current 4man honour run, I'm supposed to do damage with a necromancer if my big corpse explosion spell does so much friendly fire damage?
That being said, it's also weird to be INT focused with no constitution or strength while front lining in plate. I feel like I have Battering Ram and Battle Stomp in my spellbook just so I can do 7-10 damage vs 40-50 but just use it as a knockdown while I wait for my other party members to do damage.
Everyone talks about necromancer being OP and strong as heck, but I guess what I'm asking is, when does it actually come online?
submitted by Christorious to DivinityOriginalSin [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 biohacker53 Heating in the tiniest room

Looking for a product recommendation for my master bathroom. We have a toilet room (about 3'x5') separated from the rest of the bathroom and the bathroom is open to the bedroom. An issue I'm attempting to solve is that we always keep the door to the toilet closed as the window lets in a lot of light at night. But in the winter time when the door is shut that room gets freezing cold since there's no HVAC in the room only an exhaust vent. Does anyone have a recommendation for a super tiny heater preferably efficient and maybe radiant that I can smart-ify to keep that room warm during the winter so it doesn't feel like we have an indoor outhouse?
submitted by biohacker53 to smarthome [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 dulipat ELI5: Without bashing anyone involved, why Sadbor's and his village dance areso popular?

submitted by dulipat to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 JungTaco1 [no spoilers] Imagining Viktor, Sky, and Jayce in a library together some evening being happy (art by me/iroismart)

[no spoilers] Imagining Viktor, Sky, and Jayce in a library together some evening being happy (art by me/iroismart) submitted by JungTaco1 to arcane [link] [comments]

2024.11.27 18:50 _Fox_464 A-life, bugs. Man im just dissapointed they didnt expand on Renegade lore

A-life, bugs. Man im just dissapointed they didnt expand on Renegade lore submitted by _Fox_464 to stalker [link] [comments]