Is lookism worth catching up on

2024.11.28 07:41 ColoradoIndex7 Is lookism worth catching up on

I haven't been reading lookism weekly or visiting this sub since the end of The hunt for gun. Does lookism get better from there?
submitted by ColoradoIndex7 to lookismcomic [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Physical_Raspberry20 Neck/throat pain/muscular contraction

28 M (AFAB but this is probably irrelevant)
Every few months there is a source of discomfort in my neck/throat region. I can mostly feel it just below my jaw (like in the crease between my jaw and neck), but I feel its effects in my throat and deep in my ear too. It's like a dull ache - and then pain when I swallow. It comes on quite suddenly but sometimes I can prevent it by relaxing my face/neck muscles soon as I feel it coming on. Usually it happens when I'm at some event - like Pride or a concert - so I thought it was linked to mild anxiety perhaps, but this morning it's happened when I woke up. It can last from just a few minutes to over half an hour. Since swallowing is painful I can't eat, drink or talk in this time, which has made it pretty difficult to explain what's going on to friends when it happens. One friend thinks it might be some overactive tiny muscle in my neck going into spasm, and this makes sense to me. I've no idea even what to Google to find out what's going wrong with me so any advice is incredibly appreciated.
submitted by Physical_Raspberry20 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Late_Two_1563 I had a dream about rebuking demons In Jesus name.

I’m a 16 year old female with a daughter who’s currently trying to work on her relationship with God and I do need tips and help. But I really need help on what this dream I had. So before I begin , I want it to be known that any dream I have about Jesus I never forget at all but I forget other irrelevant dreams. And I just moved in this place and I do not have dreams about places I live in but I did about this place and I just moved here a few months ago. The dream began with me walking outside of my bedroom per usual just going to see my daughter and my mother in law. It was very dark in the living room like very dark except there was a red light illuminating the living but it was still dark if you get the picture I’m trying to paint. The way to walk through was blocked because the couch was in the way but that’s how the living room was setup at the time. So I see my mother in law with my daughter and their just loving on eachother and I asked what’s she doing like the energy was great at first. Until I felt super scary negative energy and I began to see demons then it was like I got really emotional. And mind you this is literally all happening so fast all at once. It crept up on me and I was really scared like I physically gave up. But I felt the Holy Spirit come through me and I began speaking in tongues. It felt like I was forced to because I didn’t have enough strength to do so on my own. So I’m crying while speaking in tongues from fear but it’s like I’m rebuking them in the name of Jesus. And it were 4 demons coming out of a portal like they had to stretch to come out because it was in 4 different places on side of me and the portal was small so they had to stretch through but before they could’ve got through I rebuked them. And that’s when I woke up. Also I have battled with mental issues. And I’ve always felt like it was something demonic in my head like something negative is always behind me and the only way it goes away is when I pray or rebuke it and for a few years I felt this immense energy of negativity and I have to rebuke it away. But it’s gotten worse over the past years. I need help on understanding what this all means. If anyone can !
submitted by Late_Two_1563 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Just_Egg7284 31 [m4f] nude dump

Just looking for someone to dump some spicy photos on. No need for reciprocation but it’s up to you!
submitted by Just_Egg7284 to PHR4Rhookups30up [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 AggravatingTwoPage Çoğu youtuber işsiz kalacak

Çoğu youtuber işsiz kalacak submitted by AggravatingTwoPage to TurkeyJerky [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 ShiwaniK Blast in MP’s Morena caused due to illegally stored firecrackers, 8 held

Blast in MP’s Morena caused due to illegally stored firecrackers, 8 held submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 GarnerAlias Jennifer Garner - Esquire (2001)

submitted by GarnerAlias to Jennifergarner [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 jvc72 Buy Signal WBTCUSD - 28 Nov 2024 @ 02:37 -> USD95 093

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 28 Nov 2024 @ 02:37
Price: USD95 093
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 DisableSubredditCSS Protect agriculture funding, Rennie tells government

Protect agriculture funding, Rennie tells government submitted by DisableSubredditCSS to LibDem [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Pinturicchio1897 Adjust eq on pc that I can use on ps5

Just bought the Nova 7P and would like to do some adjustments on the headphones.
I see that Nova 5 have an app but not Nova 7. Can I adjust it somehow and have the eq saved to the headset or how does it work?
submitted by Pinturicchio1897 to steelseries [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 samh748 Why am I like this

I don't always feel like this but I'm seeing a recurring pattern:

It's very cringey but I'm trying to make sense of it. Maybe make peace with it, or grow from it.
submitted by samh748 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 LEGENDARY-ALICE UPS scam?

UPS scam? Fikk denne meldingen i går og trodde det var scam etter å ha søkt opp tlf. nr, og synes det var merkelig at jeg låtte oppgi «adgangskode». Jeg hadde ikke bestilt noe via UPS, men helthjem. Får i dag melding fra broren min om at hvis UPS ringer kommer de med en bursdagsgave. Har UPS en så dårlig ordning? Ved søk på tlf nr. skriver veldig mange at dette er svindel. Noen andre vært borti det samme?
submitted by LEGENDARY-ALICE to norge [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 astraphiix Pastel Lesbian Appreciation post<3

Pastel Lesbian Appreciation post<3 Yea okay so people voted for Desy the most so here it is :D
Pastel Lesbian Desy completed!!! Going for Aero next since it was second most voted in my poll in wiki lol (so if anyone has a random aero, pls lmk)
submitted by astraphiix to DragonAdventures [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Caladys_ Idk if I can stomach this series

I started red rising a little over a week ago, spent most of the time on the first book and just got through golden son in about 2 days and there’s just way too much shit that happens in this series how the fuck do you guys handle this.
I felt physically disgusted at the end of golden son when rogue betrayed him, it was not unexpected but that combined with every other betrayal and death in these first 2 books has me questioning if I can stomach the rest of the series, idk if I can take 4 (and when the final book comes out) 5 more books of this and I genuinely need to know if it ever calms down cuz this shit is getting to me and usually it doesn’t.
submitted by Caladys_ to redrising [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 QuickFall1905 anong dila yan beh

anong dila yan beh say hi to billy
submitted by QuickFall1905 to dogsofrph [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Pizdaebator222 Yandex is very evil

I downloaded an installer of voices for program Govorilka but this was yandex browser installer, they didn't even made a setup wizard, it downloaded automaatically
submitted by Pizdaebator222 to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Knownoname98 Deze snap ik oprecht niet. Waarom is iedereen nu weer boos op de NOS?

Deze snap ik oprecht niet. Waarom is iedereen nu weer boos op de NOS? submitted by Knownoname98 to tokkiefeesboek [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 raphaelvstheworld F4m damn wet give doggy d and full body massage horny asf ready to deepthroat and get creampie meetup or sext with FaceTime add my Telegram:::::: @rubby2134 or discord: rubby06381 or what'sapp +1 (681) 305‑7386

submitted by raphaelvstheworld to Fresnonsa559 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 _UnEpicGamerMT_ My Strategy and Expectations

I have 5 contracts at 4.5 strike price bought at 0.6 per share. I also have 11 contracts at 5 strike price bought at 0.37 per share.
Im now planning to sell the 11 contracts at 5 and use the money to exercise all 5 contracts at 4.5 and use the rest to buy some extra leaps on jan 2026 for strike price at 10.
While closing all the options give me more in the short term, this stock is just going to keep rising in the future.
If you have seen my comments, im also expecting a couple of more transactions by April because of the last aviation week.
So my expectation on the stock price is that by 2026, the stock price would go up to at least 20 dollars. And if everything is completed according to the timeline (ie Operation by late 2025), it might rise even more.
But again, whether Adam’s team can follow the timeline is really unpredictable. And there would most likely be a share dilution in the future, definitely not within these few months, but probably 6 months from now on.
Please share your thoughts and your strategy, position, etc. thanks for listening.
submitted by _UnEpicGamerMT_ to ACHR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 JevilMaster61 Join my Piñata in Squad Busters!

submitted by JevilMaster61 to SquadBustersPianta [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Final_Heat6381 Who has to die for Phoebe to get Emma?

Who has to die for Phoebe to get Emma? submitted by Final_Heat6381 to howyoudoin [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 elliegeorge77 Mercedes CLA 2022-3 , GCC

I’m changing to this model, if you or someone you know does have it for sale, dm me please or comment! 🥹
submitted by elliegeorge77 to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 miyamuraph OTHER WEBSITE

submitted by miyamuraph to RepPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Few-Strike-6009 Cpm pls add this cars or it's bodykit

Cpm pls add this cars or it's bodykit I really wanted to build the bmw m3 gtr but it doesn't have the bodykit which is quite sad because I really liked th m3 plss add the bodykit
submitted by Few-Strike-6009 to CarParkingMultiplayer [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 07:41 Same-Class-3023 windows on plan

windows on plan there outlines only mode is selected
and there is symbolic cut mode is selected
Hi guys, I need your help. I have a problem with displaying windows on the plan. I need the walls on the plan to be pure white and on the section with a brick texture. For this I chose outlines only. But in this case the windows and doors are not displayed on plan. How can I solve this problem?
submitted by Same-Class-3023 to ArchiCAD [link] [comments]