Guess my height

2024.11.28 08:49 Own-Inspection7669 Guess my height

I just wanna know how tall I look or should I say how short do I look lol
submitted by Own-Inspection7669 to short [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Meckez90 VR 2: slight fan noise on all devices? (tested 4)

Hello everyone,
I recently became a VR 2 owner and am generally happy with it. However, I hear a quiet humming noise from the fan in quiet passages in games. I never heard that with the VR 1. I then tested two other devices and another one at a friend's house. They all have exactly the same noise. It sounds something like this post:
But people have written that their VR 2 is completely quiet. Do such devices really exist or have these people really just not heard it at all? (it is really quiet but it bothers me a bit. I already have a mechanical heart valve, which clicking noise bothers me...) don't want to keep testing and find out that it is normal and every device has it, without exception. Thank you!
submitted by Meckez90 to PSVR [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Brendtumi Conflicting Errors with Google Cloud App Engine: App Already Exists But Can't Describe It

Hey everyone,
I'm running into a confusing issue with Google Cloud's App Engine and could use some help.
I'm stuck because the system is telling me both that an App Engine app exists and doesn't exist in my project.
Here's what I've checked so far:

$> gcloud app create --project=xxxx-000000 --region=us-central You are creating an app for project [xxxx-000000]. WARNING: Creating an App Engine application for a project is irreversible and the region cannot be changed. More information about regions is at ERROR: ( The project [xxxx-000000] already contains an App Engine application. You can deploy your application using 'gcloud app deploy'. $> gcloud app describe ERROR: ( The current Google Cloud project [xxxx-000000] does not contain an App Engine application. Use 'gcloud app create' to initialize an App Engine application within the project 
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Brendtumi to googlecloud [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 AwakenedEyes FluxGym trained lora no longer work well on Flux Forge UI?

It seems for a few days now - perhaps a week? - my trained lora no longer produce proper results. I can tell the loras are activated, but the results are now far from their intended model, as if I had been using a low weight. Using old loras that used to work well no longer do; I trained a new one and got the same problem. The samples produced by FluxGym are top notch so I know the loras DO work, but Forge no longer seem to properly follows these loras. Has something change recently? I installed through pinokio and did click the "update" command a few times recently, so I am wondering if the pinokio version is possibly downloading a different version now? Did I break my Forge UI when I updated? Please help.
submitted by AwakenedEyes to StableDiffusion [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 lesbianwriterlover69 "You may be the Human's most beloved soulmate, but Humans are merciless to even their own blood relatives in simple card games"

submitted by lesbianwriterlover69 to humansarespaceorcs [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Due-Schedule7480 Lyrics I wildly misheard

OFF TO THE RACES ● Cipriani's basment = *Tripping on his basment
SUMMERTIME SADNESS ● Telephone wires above are sizzlin' like a snare = *Tell'em from wise, above, I'm sizzling like a snail
SHADES OF COOL ● He lives in California too = He lives *like anyone you'd do ● I'm one of many, Bonnie's blue = I'm one of many, *on his blue
BROOKLYN BABY ● And my jazz collection's rare = And my *zests collection's rare
FLORIDA KILOS ● White lines, pretty daddy, go skiing = White lines, pretty daddy, *gold skin
RELIGION ● Hallelujah, I need your love = *LA New york, I need your love
LUST FOR LIFE ● Keeps us alive = Keep *sex alive
submitted by Due-Schedule7480 to lanadelrey [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 FamiliarRadio9275 “I’ll be your shoulder to drive on”

Should be a soppy bumper sticker because everyone does it.
submitted by FamiliarRadio9275 to driving [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 AskTheDevil2023 Existence and ideas

In recent discussions the lack of accord in "what is existence?" Is the point of disagreement where theist and atheist like myself collide.
Solipsism aside, maths and languages are tools that help us to represent reality.
Numbers and concepts are categories (abstractions) that with added characteristics and labels, but all rooted and extrapolated from objects in reality.
In this issue I differ with German Idealism, giving that I can't find an example of structures that precede all experience.
Simplifying, and this are a few questions mostly for idealists:

  1. Are there any example of structures that precede to all experience?
  2. What is the basis to consider thinking concepts (like numbers) other than complex representations of reality?
  3. Why should we (all) consider the existence of this brain sub products in the same existence as anything else that can be objectively measured?
submitted by AskTheDevil2023 to DebateAnAtheist [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Simple-Possible-7120 Attacked by monolith, bloodsucker and cat

I try to loot two stashes above Woronin and Duty base and goddamn whenever I start blasting EVERYTHING start attacking me like mutants and stalkers have some sort of agreement to bust my ass.
Ther're not even trying to fought each other they're all ganging up on me lol
submitted by Simple-Possible-7120 to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Low-Priority5403 Looking for a bud to help me break my nnn challenge. DM

submitted by Low-Priority5403 to indianamericanthots [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 owsiak90 What's that icon on the bottom? There's nothing in notifications

What's that icon on the bottom? There's nothing in notifications submitted by owsiak90 to onepluswatch2 [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 wtfwhatthefuckwtf My new pfp suits me rly well

My new pfp suits me rly well submitted by wtfwhatthefuckwtf to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 CreationCawthon2 "Corey gonna cook y'all, he is worser then AM", Part 9 of the r/OriginalCharatherDB Evil OCs DeathWheel! [ Corey VS Montresor ]

The Progody Of Evil
The Overarching Malevolence
Understanding Of Evil- Montresor
Understanding Of Virtuous- Montresor
Awareness Of Evil Acts Commited- Corey
Consciousness Contradiction- Corey
Lack Of Consciousness- Montresor
Sloth- Corey
Envy- Montresor
Greed- Montresor
Wrath- Montresor
Lust- Corey
Pride- Montresor
Gluttonous- Montresor
Pscyhopathy- Corey
Machiavellianism- Montresor
Narcissism- Montresor
Blasphemy- Corey
Hypocrisy- Montresor
Ruthlessness- Montresor
Selfishness- Corey
Selfish Acts- Corey
Vengeful- Montresor
Treacherous- Corey
Ego- Montresor
Corruption- Montresor
Fabrication Of The Good- Montresor
Ability To Make Evil Good- Montresor
Justification For Evil- Montresor
Manipulative tendencies- Montresor
Deceptive tendencies- Corey
Diabolical Intent- Corey
Wiked Ideology- Montresor
Pain Caused To The World- Montresor
Pain Caused To Individuals- Corey
Emotional Trauma Caused- Corey
Psychological Trauma Caused- Corey
Trauma Caused- Montresor
Direct Kills- Montresor
Indirect Kills- Montresor
Quantity Of Evil Acts Committed- Montresor
Severity Of Evil Acts Committed- Corey
Enjoyment Of Evil- Corey
Sadism- Corey
Harmful Decision- Montresor
Loathsome Methods- Montresor
Impulsivity To Committed Evil- Corey
Control Of Evil Deeds- Corey
Bring Of Despair- Montresor
Worst Acts Committed- Montresor
Who is more evil?....
The Progody Of Evil
[ High Diff (-) ]
submitted by CreationCawthon2 to OriginalCharacterDB [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Pharmatopia420 Indiana finally pushing for recreational through coalition
Will it bring down Michigan sales majorly?
submitted by Pharmatopia420 to Michigents [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Gliese581h Vergesellschaftung Kitten/alteingesessene Katzen

Guten Morgen Schwarmintelligenz!
Ich möchte hier mal nach Tipps/Ratschlägen/Erfahrungen in der Vergesellschaftung von Kitten mit alteingesessenen Katzen fragen.
Folgende Situation:
Wir haben vor zwei Tagen ein Kitten (Nala, 3 Monate) aus dem Tierheim geholt. Nala stößt zu unseren anderen beiden Katzen, Kelly (16) und Freya (4). Unsere Hoffnung ist, dass eine jüngere Katze Freya mehr als Spiel- und Kuschelgefährte dienen kann, als unsere alte Dame das kann (und möchte).
Kelly und ihr Bruder Rémi stammen aus einer Auffangstation und kamen mit ~6 Monaten zu uns. Rémi ist leider vor drei Jahren an Krebs verstorben. Ein Jahr später haben wir dann Freya (zu dem Zeitpunkt 2) ebenfalls aus der Auffangstation adoptiert. Kelly und Freya akzeptieren sich, Freya sucht oft bewusst die Nähe, aber Kelly hat da wenig Interesse dran, duldet es aber manchmal.
Nun stößt also Nala als Kitten hinzu. Kelly hat sie so ziemlich direkt akzeptiert, da Nala auch nicht aufdringlich ist. Die beiden futtern nebeneinander, gehen sich nicht aus dem Weg, also ganz entspannt.
Freya hat leider bislang etwas angespannter reagiert. Sie war direkt sehr forsch und ist Nala hinterher getigert, wodurch Nala verunsichert mit Knurren reagiert hat. Gestern war Freya dann auch den ganzen Tag am Schmollen. Nun gab es schon ein paar Blickduelle mit Anknurren/Jaulen, aber auch Annäherung und Neugierde auf ein paar Zentimeter. Gestern Abend hat Freya Nala dann gejagt und Nala hat verängstigt reagiert.
Wir haben die beiden dann getrennt und letztendlich Freya bei uns schlafen lassen, während Kelly und Nala in einem anderen Zimmer schliefen.
Heute gab es dann wieder eine Kabbelei zwischen Freya und Nala, wobei Freya Nala in die Ecke gedrängt hat.
Wir gehen davon aus, dass Freya eifersüchtig reagiert, da sie ihre Aufmerksamkeit nun teilen muss. Sorgen machen wir uns bislang nicht, da die Eingewöhnung von Kelly und Freya auch Zeit gebraucht hat. Futtern und Verdauen tun alle drei ganz normal.
Aber vielleicht hat hier ja jemand Tipps und Erfahrungen, wie wir das ganze für unsere Katzen noch einfacher gestalten können, worauf wir achten sollten, oder ob es irgendwelche Spiele/Verhaltensweisen gibt, die ein Zusammenleben und Beschnuppern erleichtern können. :)
submitted by Gliese581h to kratzbaum [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Akki_Mukri_Keswani My POV on the Maharashtra Elections and BJP’s Massive Win

My POV on the Maharashtra Elections and BJP’s Massive Win Wanted to share my take on the recently concluded Maharashtra elections and the massive win that BJP and its allies pulled off. Not surprised that BJP won - especially after what happened in Haryana. But what’s shocking is the margin of their victory.
This isn’t a partisan post. I’m not here to say whether the win is good or bad. Instead, my intention is to focus on why I think this landslide happened.
Quick Recap of the Numbers:
  • Total seats in Maharashtra: 288
  • BJP contested: 160
  • BJP won: 124 (78% win rate, which could mean that if BJP had contested more seats, they could have had an absolute majority on their own)
  • BJP alliance (i.e. Mahayuti) total wins: 230 (80%)
Clearly, BJP and its allies have dominated these elections.
Why Did BJP Win So Big?
There are a bunch of reasons that drive BJPs victory, which I have read. For e.g.,
  1. The opposition i.e. Congress' alliance (MVA) seemed to lack coordination and a clear strategy. They were disorganized, all over the place, lacked strong leadership, and failed to connect with voters.
  2. There was an air of overconfidence in the MVA - they might have convinced themselves that they had already won the election, and were almost planning for how to run the state
  3. MVA failed to understand that the Lok Sabha results will not automatically translate into them winning the state. State elections are typically hyper-local elections. In these elections, every constitutency has its own issues, and thus the strategy for each seat needed to be "customized" to the audience in that area. A broad-brush approach will not work.
  4. The Lok sabha election outcome was percieved differently by the 2 groups. The BJP looked at the national election as a loss despite forming the government, but the Congress seemed to look at national election as a win, despite being in the opposition. BJP's introspection lead them to make several changes to their strategy in the state elections and the results are there for all to see.
Now, while the above factors could have been reasons for the BJP win, the biggest reason by far, in my opinion, was the RSS factor.
Looking back at the Lok Sabha elections, there was likely some tension between the BJP and RSS. The RSS didn’t actively campaign, and it clearly showed in the results - BJP didn’t perform as well and had to settle for a coalition government at the center. BJP likely realized this and mended fences with the RSS. The RSS went all out in Maharashtra. When RSS is out in full force, their ground game is unbeatable -- from door-to-door campaigns to mobilizing their vast network of volunteers. And let’s not forget, Maharashtra is RSS’s home state. Their roots there are deep, and when they’re fully active, it’s like a massive army. BJP's members combined their grassroots efforts with those of the RSS, which helped consolidate the Mahayuti position.
IMHO, even if none of the 1 to 4 factors I mentioned earlier were at play, BJP/NDA/Mahayuti would still have won Maharashtra purely because of the RSS factor. That’s how big of a role they played.
Would love to hear your thoughts - agree, disagree, or have a completely different take? Let me know!
submitted by Akki_Mukri_Keswani to india [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 reddit_lss_2 Android mod test 28/11/2024 08:48:42

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Complete_Truth3081 M19, I'm looking for friends due to fact I'm lonely, from Grimsby

submitted by Complete_Truth3081 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 SheWas18InDogYears1 LTB Panto On f1s

PSN rylie1007 send me a message if you can Help, thanks!
submitted by SheWas18InDogYears1 to GTACarMeetMarket [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 fiftyrunitup PSX W: Runes H: Karma

submitted by fiftyrunitup to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 TinaVZ Održavanje kvalitete programskog rješenja

Održavanje kvalitete programskog rješenja Ovisno o tome gdje na poziciji sučelja se izvještaj premjesti, prikazuje različite informacije (potpune i nepotpune). Korisnici iz naziva stupca Poslano, u pravilu zaključuju da je poslano, a ne da nije poslano (iako bi se po boji moglo zaključiti da ipak nije). Tko u procesu razvoja je trebao na to reagirati?
submitted by TinaVZ to CroIT [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 bluervirt Custom Ink Shirts Coupon

Go to this page for Custom Ink Shirts Coupon. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by bluervirt to DiscountExpressive [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Sure-Butterscotch-88 Glare progression of the jean and remote stealing roommate

Glare progression of the jean and remote stealing roommate Happy Thanksgiving, Humans 🖤
submitted by Sure-Butterscotch-88 to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 Aggravating-Leg-8606 Doing cock tributes for celebs kik enisa121 Discord kdkdkend

submitted by Aggravating-Leg-8606 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.28 08:49 andrew_911 Haley Jordan

Haley Jordan submitted by andrew_911 to tlawr24601 [link] [comments]