The sad reality

2025.01.18 11:11 BlizzWizzzz The sad reality

Let’s say they implement ads/MTX or whatever money grab they can think of into the game and 80% of the playerbase quits. The 20% players who stay spend more money on the game than we casual 80% of players do. So financially it’s still a better option if they implement MTX..
Only thing we can do is resist and hold our ground until they do in fact implement MTX.
submitted by BlizzWizzzz to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Dekonibu i think i threw the barrel a little too hard (dont mind the youtube video)

i think i threw the barrel a little too hard (dont mind the youtube video) submitted by Dekonibu to strandeddeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 leakhipies Restaurant Promo Code for January 2025

Click the link for Restaurant Promo Code for January 2025. Save some money by selecting one of the current promo codes or coupons on that page. That page is updated regularly with the latest coupons, promo codes, and deals. Take advantage of the discounts by selecting one to use.
submitted by leakhipies to ZapSupport [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Ok_Plankton_9866 What would you tell me?

hi there, hoping i could get some advice or maybe just a little bit of comfort. Just broke up with my boyfriend of over a year, and we’ve known each other for almost two years. We’ve had many issues in the relationship and fought a lot, but there was also a lot of good and fun too. We started seeing each other in spring of 2023, he left for home that summer and nothing was ever discussed about what we were before he left or while he was gone, we did stay in contact over the summer, but i was feeling unsure and began to distance myself. Looking back that was a shitty thing to do to him. I had been single for 6 years before him, my only other relationship if you could call it that was when i was 17 and that was only like 7 months. That relationship did break me though and it took a year before i felt okay again, it broke me, i remember feeling how i feel now but now is so much worse. I stayed single for a while after my high school relationship, partly because i wanted to and partly because i had shitty taste in men and nothing ever worked out. So he’s gone for that summer, I’m acting distant, i see him at a back to classes function and here’s the thing, i had slept with a coworker that summer, just once. I was friends with the coworker and we agreed it was a one time thing. I went to the back to school function with said coworker when my Ex finds me and he had mentioned after the fact that he could tell something was off about me and the coworker. I truly regret that and feel awful for that, we hadn’t discussed if we were dating and then he left for 2 months and i was still thinking i was protecting myself by not getting too attached/ comfortable. He ends up messaging me and seemed genuinely interested, saying he misses me and enjoyed spending time with me, actually took the initiative like no one else before to tell me he cares, wondering why im distant. It was like a light switch went off in my brain and i was like this is someone who really cares about me and i need to give him a chance. Things were going good till he left for winter break of 2023, while he was gone we didn’t call once, it felt like he was punishing me with the way i treated him that summer. When he got back things felt different, he was more quiet, distant, distracted. I felt like i had to try harder and that’s when the fighting started. Little things have built up along the way and some big things as well. For me i found out on my own that he had been downloading dating apps since he asked me to be his girlfriend that October, i found that out in April last year, choose to forgive him, he promised he wouldn’t do it again. Said when we would fight or he felt insecure he would download them, it was at least once a month from October to April when i found out he had been deleting and redownloading them. Didn’t ask me to come to spring break with him and his friends but his friends girlfriends who i barley knew made big effort for me to come all on their own. He worked that summer with me at a zip line place at the college we’re at, which is where i worked last summer and the coworker who i slept with is also still working there, i did come clean about that with him and i know that affected him a lot finding that out. I told him before he stated working there though. He left for a few weeks that summer and i had a gut feeling and looked at his phone and he had been on tinder and got some girls number and was sending some flirty texts. We still argue a lot that summer and this fall, but there are still good moments as well, can’t help but wonder if i made things worse with my anxiety. I’ve met his mom a few times when she’s came in to visit him at school and she’s mentioned me coming up to visit a few times, yet he’s never mentioned me coming to back to his hometown. I’ve brought up thanksgiving with my family or just going down for a weekend to visit and it never seemed like something he wanted to do. This December during his winter break he was gone the entire 3 weeks, didn’t mention me coming back for a short time or him coming back here earlier so we could spend time together. I knew he needed family time but 3 weeks is a long time and the last week he spent basically by himself, or as far as i know he did. I was feeling angry and hurt because i have been feeling ignored and a little neglected. Sex has been sparse since march, he’s not very physical with me and he was in the beginning. He thought i was so beautiful and i could turn him on so easy, and it turned into him not wanting or giving any physical affection unless i nudged and that would even cause issues. I stayed in my college town which i associate with some not so great memories for him, friends were sparse before the relationship for a whole bunch of other reasons but he became my number one person. We had fun together, he was silly and would make me laugh, he held me when i cried in front of him for the first time and said that it okay. We were each others best friend. But the bitterness and resentment i guess just was too much? For the both of us, me not fully trusting him and him being hurt that i had slept with someone else He came back from winter break last weekend and i picked him up from the airport Saturday night, we had a late dinner, stayed at my place woke up and went to his and slept for awhile longer i woke up and had things to do before work the next day, laundry/ dishes. He continued to sleep and the next time i saw him was Wednesday and we broke up.. he had texted Monday to get a nice dinner and ended up sleeping through that evening, didn’t see each other Tuesday and then Wednesday i was feeling really upset and texted him we needed to talk and it ended in a break up and me having a full blown panic attack, today is Saturday and I’m feeling slightly better. Just trying to wrap my head around the situation and accept the reality of it, which feels like absolute hell. I know there were issues but i don’t want to let go, even though i think this might be for the best for both of us. I’m just really struggling being on my own again, i can’t accept the fact i stayed in my college town for him and we didn’t work out, i been here almost a year after i graduated and i just signed a lease a month ago for a new apartment here and i don’t know if i can get out of it or where i would go if i did, i don’t have a support system up here and all my family is 4 hrs away What would you tell someone like me? Anything at all would be helpful and any distraction is appreciated, im just still reeling and the nights are the absolute worst, waking up and playing devil’s advocate, wondering if i could’ve done things differently. Any words of wisdom, advice, what helped you or how you’re coping now from a breakup would be helpful. What do i do with myself now?? I feel completely lost and have been fighting depression even before the relationship and now it’s hitting me like a train. I miss him and i still love and care about him I find myself reaching for my phone to see if he’s texted me about his day or i go to call him after work to see what he’s up to or if he wants to get dinner Ugh i actually hate life a little right now
submitted by Ok_Plankton_9866 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 BeepBoop123EiEI CM4 Carrier Board Design Review

CM4 Carrier Board Design Review submitted by BeepBoop123EiEI to KiCad [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 TrollKingKendu XPX - golden opportunity

submitted by TrollKingKendu to Crypto_General [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Feisty-Jury-7011 Berserk by nisino

Berserk by nisino submitted by Feisty-Jury-7011 to Berserk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 IcySatisfaction1168 Head Shot

submitted by IcySatisfaction1168 to Triumph [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Tight_Row2326 Am i missing something

Am i missing something or have the devs messed up again with season challenges
submitted by Tight_Row2326 to DeltaForceGlobal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Wicked_Weaboo How to live/citizenship in south korea as an American?

Hello, I'm 23 and I recently graduated college. I would like to live in south korea, but I'm having trouble on where to begin. Also, are there any travel guide or citizenship/agency's that can help me with the process of citizenship?
Thank you!
submitted by Wicked_Weaboo to Living_in_Korea [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 ElJorro Rate my first Apocalypse! The most weird thing is that everyone actually survived until the first Deadly event

Rate my first Apocalypse! The most weird thing is that everyone actually survived until the first Deadly event submitted by ElJorro to DotageGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Ok-Opinion-7160 Italy: Husband Mistreats Her for 10 Years and the Elders Disfellowship… Wife
After ten years of marriage, he is on trial for mistreatment, assault and unauthorized access to his wife’s cell phone. He broke a bottle and held it to her neck, grabbed her by the hair and pressed her head against the wall. She says: “I didn’t tell my parents so as not to upset them.” She said she had been a Jehovah’s Witness for years, like her husband. In October 2022, she cheated on him, and he turned “to the elders of the congregation.” She was summoned and expelled. She says she had “liberated herself” and was “a new woman.” The old self she describes suffered from her husband’s will. “He said I was disgusting, retarded, that without him I couldn’t do anything, that I had to be submissive.
She recounts some episodes. «He didn’t need much to get angry. One time we had to go out with our children and he told me: “You stay here and clean”». She claims that at least «three times» he punished her as you do with children: «He would tell me: “Now you’re a pain in the ass, go to your room and don’t eat until I say so". He treated me like his little girl, also because she was older (she was 19 and he was 29 when they got married). I kept quiet to avoid making things worse. If I didn’t submit, there would be trouble». Sometimes he sent me to sleep in the garage. My husband had always told me that if I cheated on him he would burn me, dissolve me in acid, put me in a wheelchair». He admits: “I treated her badly, my father did the same to my mother”
submitted by Ok-Opinion-7160 to exjw [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Icy-Yogurtcloset1205 İsrail 3 ay içinde dünya haritasından silinecek

Geçen gün mahallemizin nezih kahvehanesine gitti. Oralet sipariş ettim ve bilgelikten saçları ağarmış ermişlerin sözlerini işittim. Bence biter israil
submitted by Icy-Yogurtcloset1205 to iletiler [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 WestZealousideal3861 Manda uma amiga sua e eu bato pra ela dm ou zangi 1089546222

submitted by WestZealousideal3861 to punhetassoprafamosas [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 ShiwaniK Rohit Sharma confirms participation in Mumbai’s next Ranji Trophy match

Rohit Sharma confirms participation in Mumbai’s next Ranji Trophy match submitted by ShiwaniK to TheWeeklyVoice [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 UK_KILLD_10M_IRANIS The face of the dude on the right screams “im beyond cuckolded”-energy.

The face of the dude on the right screams “im beyond cuckolded”-energy. submitted by UK_KILLD_10M_IRANIS to FITNAPOSTING [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Witty-Earth8536 LeGoonCide

LeGoonCide submitted by Witty-Earth8536 to namesoundalikes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Cubesome Don’t draw much but yeah

Don’t draw much but yeah submitted by Cubesome to Cubers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 808gecko808 Hawaii sweeps Princeton to close out six-game homestand

Hawaii sweeps Princeton to close out six-game homestand submitted by 808gecko808 to HawaiiSports [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Ignorelandradio 2024

2024 submitted by Ignorelandradio to shoegaze [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 TAiKK03 Piercing :>

Piercing :> Saw Miyagi had an earring so decided to get one myself
submitted by TAiKK03 to RealSlamDunk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 JesusAmbassador Made Right with Jesus | Audio Reading | Our Daily Bread Devotional | January 18, 2025

Made Right with Jesus | Audio Reading | Our Daily Bread Devotional | January 18, 2025 submitted by JesusAmbassador to PrayerTeam_amen [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 ArtyB13Blost Flair please

Flair please submitted by ArtyB13Blost to BBAI [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 Pristine_Flatworm532 Ajuda para projeto de investigação em Psicologia "Pesadelos e terapia EMDR"

Olá a todos! :) Aproveito este post para divulgar o meu projeto de investigação :)
Sou estudante de doutoramento e apesar de ser nova no reedit, vim pedir a vossa ajuda para conseguir respostas para o meu estudo! Neste momento, ainda me faltam bastantes respostas ao meu questionário e sobretudo de homens portugueses (tenham ou não pesadelos, isso não é importante, basta terem idades entre os 18 e os 64 anos e serem portugueses)! Também tenho muito poucas respostas de pessoas das ilhas que também é essencial que estejam representadas num estudo sobre a população portuguesa! Por isso, pedia-vos que se pudessem tirar um pouco do vosso tempo (+/- 40 minutos) para ajudar a investigação que se faz em Portugal o fizessem! :) Apesar destes grupos estarem menos representados no meu estudo, qualquer resposta de portugueses/as com idades entre os 18 e os 64 anos é útil! Obrigada a todos pela atenção! :)
Deixo uma descrição do meu projeto e o link para resposta em baixo (Obrigada!) :
O projeto de investigação "Os pesadelos em adultos portugueses e a Terapia EMDR"~realizado no âmbito do meu doutoramento em Psicologia na Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Coimbra (FPCEUC) visa compreender como os adultos portugueses têm pesadelos! Para isso , precisamos da colaboração de adultos portugueses com idades entre os 18 e os 64 anos !Neste projeto, queremos obter respostas de adultos de várias idades e das várias zonas de Portugal para obtermos um retrato o mais real possível de todos adultos portugueses. Assim, caso queira ajudar o projeto basta responder ao nosso questionário através do link :, e caso possa, partilhe este protocolo com familiares e amigos adultos para que estes possam também dar o seu contributo!Cada resposta faz toda a diferença! Obrigada pela vossa participação e/ou interesse ! :)
submitted by Pristine_Flatworm532 to SaudeMentalPortugal [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 11:11 screech_9 Any football groups around Vaishali Nagar or Mansarovar?

Looking for any groups doing weekly casual football games at any turfs around Vaishali Nagar, Chitrakoot or Mansarovar. I’m 22 and fairly good on the turf. Lmk if anyone has space for another man on their group(s). Cheers!
submitted by screech_9 to jaipur [link] [comments]