Oscar de La Renta Alibi EDP

2025.01.18 18:37 Practical-League7963 Oscar de La Renta Alibi EDP

Oscar de La Renta Alibi EDP Is this a good gift/perfume?
submitted by Practical-League7963 to Perfumes [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Loud-Librarian-4127 Me conviene Mother MSI B550M Pro-VDH?

Buenas gente, estoy pensando upgradear algunos componentes de mi computadora. Para el CPU elegí un Ryzen 5 5600X, y ahora estoy un poco en duda con la mother. Es lo suficientemente buena la MSI B550M Pro-VDH? El Ryzen 5 es para combinar con una RX 5600 XT.
También vi otros modelos (Biostar B550M H 3.0, Asrock B550M-HDV, Asrock B550M Pro Se), casi por el mismo precio, pero son de otras tiendas y como soy del interior quería aprovechar el envío de la misma tienda (Maximus)
submitted by Loud-Librarian-4127 to ArgamingConsultas [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Nervous_Confusion406 Question...?

So I placed an order on the official Harry Potter shop. Does anyone know how long it takes to ship it? I can't find any answers on Google.
submitted by Nervous_Confusion406 to harrypotter [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 ZealousidealAide805 Whales

Whales This is before kvk1 and this guy 140m power what are your thoughts and how much money do you think he spent
submitted by ZealousidealAide805 to RiseofKingdoms [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 LightningDragon777 I forgot to post it here. (It was just a silly meme but it somehow became anti Kashino agenda lol)

I forgot to post it here. (It was just a silly meme but it somehow became anti Kashino agenda lol) submitted by LightningDragon777 to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Xelverah Donde compraron su mejor almohada?

He intentado buscar las almohadas perfectas toda mi vida, he ido desde Price Smart hasta las de Zara Home, las ultimas fueron en Jirón, pero nada me convence. Las que son suaves donde uno se hunde todo rico, al mes terminan como tortillas. Las más duras como una de memory foam del Price que compré hace un año sigue igual pero me da dolor de cabeza. Hay unas en Amazon de Coop que recomiendan mucho pero me niego a gastar 50 mil en solo una almohada y esperar tanto a que llegue. Pero cualquier recomendación sería mega bienvenida, mil gracias.
submitted by Xelverah to Ticos [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Heavy_Ad1889 Airpods pro 2023

Airpods pro 2023 submitted by Heavy_Ad1889 to MulebuyFans [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 lazypotato-minnie Share some of your wholesome moments

For me it was a year ago when i was in an auto and this kid of about 7 years age smiled at me and i smiled back, then the vehicle he was on moved ahead but then mine did too so we both smiled at each other again. It may be a little thing but it was so innocent and warmed my heart. The fact that i went to two religious places earlier that day but felt more peaceful during this moment.
submitted by lazypotato-minnie to TeenIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Bambichuchu unrequited love

unrequited love the worst thing is when you like someone so much you start fantasizing of just being with them only for them to tell you they aren't interested in you that way. I can't get him out of my head💔 how do I move on from this....my heart hurts, I don't even want to get out of bed.
submitted by Bambichuchu to OkayBuddyLiterallyMe [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Apprehensive_Ice_371 Stray dog Bridlewood

Stray dog Bridlewood See photo - no collar. Found in Bridlewood. PM me if you know who ‘s it is.
submitted by Apprehensive_Ice_371 to Kanata [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 probablyborednh Went thriftin' today

Went thriftin' today submitted by probablyborednh to vinyljerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 N167 The 2024 SSBBRank, Ranks 20-11

The 2024 SSBBRank, Ranks 20-11 The
submitted by N167 to smashbros [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 FINISHER1063 Finished hollow knight

Absolute cinema
submitted by FINISHER1063 to HollowKnight [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 overnightchiaseeds Falling Stars author PLEASE

Does anyone have a copy or connection to the original story Falling Stars? One of the most memorable stories I would reread constantly when I was younger and there's hardly a trace left but I still vividly remember so many of the story beats and lines
submitted by overnightchiaseeds to Quotev [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 jameypricephoto Adorama episode about car / motorsport photography

Adorama episode about car / motorsport photography submitted by jameypricephoto to Motorsportphotography [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 salvageyardmex Slime Sal's here to serve you

Slime Sal's here to serve you Some pictures of my store early and current.
submitted by salvageyardmex to SupermarketSimulator [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 EngineerNate Is this normal? (Apricot Tree)

After three years I finally got this tree to fruit last year only to have the fruit turn black and die. I am wondering if the tree has some bad fungal infection or something and if it’s salvageable.
submitted by EngineerNate to arborists [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Secret_Ostrich_1307 I don't like misguided kindness

Sometimes, people try to help or offer advice without truly understanding the situation or the person they’re trying to support. While their intentions may be good, the result often feels shallow or even patronizing. Real kindness requires empathy and thoughtfulness, not just the automatic desire to "do something." It's frustrating when people assume they know what's best for you without actually listening or seeing things from your perspective.
submitted by Secret_Ostrich_1307 to I_DONT_LIKE [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 pgthsg Wrangler 13MWZ and Dan Post Mignon

Wrangler 13MWZ and Dan Post Mignon Took some advice from the cowboy boot sub and purchased some 13MWZs to pair with my new Dan Post boots. I’m not sure how I feel about them. Opinions?
submitted by pgthsg to BootCareDenimWear [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 PlasticCupLord I accidentally locked the Steam Deck on Desktop Mode offline and can’t fix it. Please help

Long story short, I was trying to manually install a GUI for my drawing tablet. I downloaded the files from here: https://archlinux.org/packages/extra/x86_64/wacomtablet/ . The file I downloaded had a usr folder with a bin, a lib, and a share folder. I then went to the root of my Steam deck and went to the usr folder there. It wasn’t letting me paste the file from the bin folder I downloaded so I used the command sudo chown deck:deck -R /usbin to let me paste the file. Then I tried to proceed to the lib folder. It didn’t let me do the sudo chown deck:deck -R /uslib command, saying “sudo must be owned by uid 0 and have the setuid bit set”. I looked up how to get around that command. I logged into root and used this command: chown root:root /usbin/sudo && chmod 4755 /usbin/sudo. I then used the command to unlock all the usr folder with this command: sudo chown deck:deck -R /usr. I then moved the files carefully without deleting any of the folders or files of anything and failed get the GUI working and gave up. I then tried to go back into Gaming Mode by pressing Return to Gaming Mode on the Desktop, but instead of booting Gaming Mode, it booted right back into Desktop Mode. I tried to restart the Steam Deck and turning it off and on, but it always booted back into Desktop Mode. The WIFI also seems disabled by showing no available connections even though there should be. I have removed al files I put in the usr subfolders and performed the command $ sudo steamos-readonly enable on the usr folder but nothing has fixed the issue. Any help fixing this problem caused by my clumsiness would be very appreciated.
submitted by PlasticCupLord to SteamDeck [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 RepresentativeIll721 Stuck on Gear Raid 3, Stage 18

Stuck on Gear Raid 3, Stage 18 https://preview.redd.it/30gefwu7qsde1.png?width=1248&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbfa3c7cd0d8c743959705bf7aac7c90a6f05154
I need help to get that level cleared. These are my heroes that I have. The setup I have played is the following and the heroes that I own. Left side Morgan or borrowed hero, middle front Idris and Hex, behind there Hollow left bottom with Hattsut and Eona or Silas. Rightside is Maul and Laya right bottom for healing.
I have tried it with help of heroes like Nyx, Razaak, Kai and closed I came was 60/61.
Maul handles the complete right side on his own but it is the final wave where everything closes in when I can't seem to get it.. Hopefully someone has any advice! :)
submitted by RepresentativeIll721 to WatcherofRealmsGame [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 grocho [Bastian] Cubs manager Craig Counsell let Kyle Tucker have No. 30 after the star outfielder was acquired by the North Siders. Counsell is now wearing No. 11 in honor of Hall of Fame manager Jim Leyland.

submitted by grocho to baseball [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 iampercnowitzki Need to get affiliated !

Will follow back ! Trying to get affiliated ! https://twitch.tv/itsyaboikacy
submitted by iampercnowitzki to TwitchFollowers [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 odeiouva Curso pra quem têm ansiedade social

Alguém sabe de algum que durante o curso não precise ficar fazendo grupo/duplas? Já fiz biologia e nas matérias de humanas ficavam toda aula pedindo pra fazer, acredito que em algum de exatas não tenha isso, né?
submitted by odeiouva to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.18 18:37 Financial-Baseball12 Navy or Brown?

Navy or Brown? I’m inclined to get brown as I have navy peacoat.
However, the navy seems a bit dressier and elegant. What do you think?
submitted by Financial-Baseball12 to mensfashion [link] [comments]
