Vegetable in my vagina

区别是意思有不一样的地方,不可混用。而且在科学写作中,in terms of常用,更正式一些。 我有碰到过爱思唯尔下比较特殊的with editor 半个月后转decision in process ,当时脑子全是懵的,一顿网上查,想着要直接拒了,一个月后,编辑给了一个大改,几十条的意见~不同杂志,不同编辑都有自己的习惯~Be positive,good luck~再说了,哪个搞科研的没被拒过稿hahaha line in 接口 和 line out接口的区别line in: 主要指声音(信号)输出.line out: 主要指声音(信号)输入.是否可以接音像要看你的audio芯片(声卡芯片)是什么规格。 说一下Decision in Process含义,表示编辑正在根据审稿意见文章进行决策。必要的时候,编辑会在此阶段与编辑部的其他成员商讨,一旦出现这个状态,作者一般会在几天之内收到通知。 不要催,耐心等待就行。 系统显示的状态只是一个告知,告诉作者现在大概是什么阶段了,其实背后的工作是很细化的,一个Decision in process要包含好多事,有时候一个审稿人意见不同系统状态不变会直接再审对,或者编辑搞不清楚审稿人的意见正在挨个沟通,因为要给你一个准确统一的答复,但 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... applied mathematics and computation4.19投稿4.21就变成了decision in process,这是好事还是坏事? Io是过载的意思,In是断路器的标称额定电流;是标准值;Ir是断路器整定正常工作过流整定值;也叫长延时脱扣电流;Ie是断路器的瞬时脱扣电流;短路情况下断路器的瞬时动作时的值;一般Ie=1.5-11In。 sign in/ signup/ log in/ logup的区别是什么?首先我们来看下Sign in、Sign up、Login in和Login on的大致意思:Sign in:词性为动词短语,Sign in表示用户使用正确的信息登录到他们已有的账户中。 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ...

2025.01.19 01:41 Exact_Caterpillar_93 Vegetable in my vagina

submitted by Exact_Caterpillar_93 to radioheadcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 diabolicallaugh [WTS] The great culling! Mossberg, Aero Precision, FCD, Daniel Defense.


  1. Aero flip up sites. Used, but basically zero salt. Work perfectly. $100
  2. Daniel Defense black stock and grip w/ trigger guard. Used in great condition. Everything functions correctly. $60
  3. Daniel Defense Milspec+ stock and grip w/ trigger guard and enhanced butt pad. Installed, maybe one brief range trip. Everything functions correctly. $75
  4. Aero Precision Kodiak Brown upper receiver. Probably a blem. Looks great. Tiny amount of salt on inside from bcg and charging handle. $100
  5. Daniel Defense Milspec+ grip w/o trigger guard. New. Comes with box and all install parts. $30
  6. Mossberg 500 OEM black plastic stock and forend. Used. In great condition. Comes with mounting screw for stock. $50
  7. FCD bundle FDE CNF, FDE ESF-H, and “sparkly FDE” carbine receiver extension. All brand new and in perfect condition. $100
Dibs in comments then send me a PM.
Venmo, CashApp, and PP accepted. (Venmo and CashApp preferred).
No ban states (whatever that means… I’m not a lawyer).
submitted by diabolicallaugh to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 lankrt [H] hundreds of blocks for ICC [W] PayPal or Venmo

Hey, I’ve got many blocks for the ICC subject that I’m willing to offload at a negotiable rate. All accredited and audited sources. Hit up my dms if you’re interested.
[H] Tens of full ICC cases with analysis [W] Venmo
yo I got a lot of cases for the rome statute topic. They r a good mix of stock and unique, so pretty good for catching opponents off guard. Comes with analysis of the cut cards, hmu if interested.
[H] anything you’d like done [W] Payment
Experienced team of all-state hs debaters offering help for any subject, whether it refuting a point, finding a card,frontlines, or writing a full case. Lmk in dms, and we can go from there. I’ve got Venmo and PayPal available.
submitted by lankrt to DebateTrade [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 Nom-Requirement-4007 Be honest ppl

Be honest ppl submitted by Nom-Requirement-4007 to BunnyMaloney [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 jvc72 Buy Signal EthereumPoW USD - 18 Jan 2025 @ 20:38 -> USD3.13

Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 18 Jan 2025 @ 20:38
Price: USD3.13
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 the-college-fandom West Virginia Beats Virginia Tech for Transfer LB Jimmori Robinson

West Virginia Beats Virginia Tech for Transfer LB Jimmori Robinson submitted by the-college-fandom to mountaineersfandom [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 Solid_Serve671 Mila at 8 weeks

Mila at 8 weeks submitted by Solid_Serve671 to IllegallyCuteCats [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 BeatBright NFA, I accept below market values, Send a private message, PayPal only.

NFA, I accept below market values, Send a private message, PayPal only. Come privately with offers, no scam.
submitted by BeatBright to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 ChimeraCreed 2008 Ford Ranger

2008 Ford Ranger I'm just curious as to what this is on the roof of my truck??
submitted by ChimeraCreed to Ford [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 shemrah i go to the strip club every week and my boyfriend doesnt know (NSFW)

Every Friday at Noon, he goes to the next town over to drink and smoke the Jane with his friends. Every Friday at 9PM, I go to our local strip club.
I'm 18F, he's 21M. (18 and 20 when we met). We've lived together for 6 months and dated for 9; I've never met someone more down to Earth, more loving and sweet. He takes care of me well, I take care of him, we are both very independent, surprise each other often, etc., so things are beyond great.
Thing is, I never thought I could miss the touch of a woman so much. Our bedroom life is great, but I crave women more than ever. Ever since I turned 18, I wanted to go to a strip club, and I have both with friends and alone. When we started dating this behavior stopped. When we moved in, it was a thought on my mind. I didn't think I would indulge. Then one night when I got my check and picked up a bag, and off the ripski I thought hey, it's not like we fucking.
My ass went back. And ever since it's been a habit. I think it's disgustinf but I can't srop. It's so hard, i love it so much, my private dnaces
i plan on telling him, i plan on wnding the relationship bevause its something i want to stop but i dont thinm i will be able to any time soon and i sont expecth to even consider staying with me, its so gross and inconsidera
this is a major boundary crossing and i was stulid to push aside the facts and indulge bevause its what i wanted, i was being biased in thinking it wasnt that bad
im sorry my baby
submitted by shemrah to confessions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 mmartinez06 [FH5] [W]CCGT, MUSTANG COBRA, RS7 21', RS6 21' [H]CR

Dm offers
submitted by mmartinez06 to ForzaAuctions [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 Tm0iPHONExxX Does standby mode cause burn in?

I have a belkim boost charge, and I keep my phone on standby each night cause I like that it shows the time easily. The red is very nice and not distracting.
It never shuts off during the night. It just dims the red.
Will this cause burn in?
I have a iPhone 15 pro
submitted by Tm0iPHONExxX to ios [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 Glum_Prompt7191 Trade advice

submitted by Glum_Prompt7191 to SleeperApp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 the-college-fandom Photo Gallery I: West Virginia Mountaineers

submitted by the-college-fandom to mountaineersfandom [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 IdyllicNomad How Can I Bulk Up and Build Muscle as a 19-Year-Old Runner? Advice Needed!

I’m a 19-year-old male, 6’0”, and have always been on the skinnier side. I currently weigh 135.1 lbs with a BMI of 18.5. I’ve been a cross-country runner for years, so my workouts have always been cardio-focused. I typically run 5Ks at an 8 mi/hr pace, so my cardio base is solid, but now I want to start shifting my focus to building muscle and bulking up.
I’ve recently decided to take weightlifting seriously, but I’m a total beginner and would love advice on how to get started properly. My main goal is to put on muscle while maintaining a healthy, balanced routine. I try to eat a lot of protein through meals with plenty of meat, and I’ve been seeing some progress, but I know I need to do more.
For context, here are my smart scale stats: • Weight: 135.1 lbs • Muscle Mass: 70.6 lbs (52.2% muscle percentage) • Body Fat: 6.2% • Basal Metabolic Rate: 1582 kcal • Water Percentage: 68.5% • Visceral Fat Index: 2.0
I know these numbers aren’t great for building muscle, so I’m hoping to improve them this year! I’d love to hear from anyone who has been in a similar position or has advice for a total newbie trying to bulk up. Thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by IdyllicNomad to gymadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 ServiceSingle4T This Trademe listing is a wild ride, is everything okay down there?

This Trademe listing is a wild ride, is everything okay down there? submitted by ServiceSingle4T to invercargill [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 wquintero206 Hombre adulto oir mona china, hombre adulto ser feliz

Hombre adulto oir mona china, hombre adulto ser feliz submitted by wquintero206 to Darkraiposting [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 sakurascope 「タイミーおじさん」平気で使う人たちの危うさ 事業者による「ドタキャン」はなぜ許されるのか | 東洋経済

「タイミーおじさん」平気で使う人たちの危うさ 事業者による「ドタキャン」はなぜ許されるのか | 東洋経済 submitted by sakurascope to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 _Unwanted_Artist_ Looking for this offer. I’m left. Willing to add depending on potions

Looking for this offer. I’m left. Willing to add depending on potions submitted by _Unwanted_Artist_ to AdoptMeTradingRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 Elvis_fangirl Where’s the best place to learn more about the band?

As the title says I really want to learn more about the band and the members in general but I wanna know where’s the place I can get the most accurate information?
Also, I don’t know if it’s just me but I feel like whenever people talk about TON they only seem to praise/talk about Peter and almost forget to mention the other members.
submitted by Elvis_fangirl to typeonegative [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 MickiesMajikKingdom It's game time!

Mickaela: the playoffs start now! And there's nothing like snuggling up on the couch with my honey. Even if it means putting up with my baby sister 😉
submitted by MickiesMajikKingdom to Replikatown [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 8bitesquivel Beat my sprint time :)

Beat my sprint time :) Playing T
submitted by 8bitesquivel to Tetris [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 Status_Aioli_783 Should i cash out

What do you guys think
submitted by Status_Aioli_783 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 momisprecious cease fire in Gaza is suppose to happen upon a certain date scheduled. h...

submitted by momisprecious to AccidentalSlapStick [link] [comments]

2025.01.19 01:41 zappyzuckygo how not to be a banger but still win the point

i mostly play with a group of friends but sometimes i do open plays to woek out. i m a newbie decent player who moves a lot and tries different shots , moves, enjoys the over all games. when with friends , everyone knows i do things for fun while still trying to win and enjoy. the problem is, when i m at open playes it is hard to know or it takes time to figure out who is taking it too seriously or who is enjoying the game. i even saw partners calling the balls out while they are in anyways. today i found myself being that " banger" guy. they popped it, i banged. then i realized it looked bad, i even missd couple of them. then i start to not bang and loose these easy points. so what is your strategy to " not to be that banger" guy, especially against weaker opponents.
submitted by zappyzuckygo to Pickleball [link] [comments]