are my boys turkish vans or just unique domestic shorthairs? these photos are older but at almost 5 years old they’re each over 14lbs, their mom is however stunted in size around 9lbs so i don’t know.

2025.01.20 16:42 illbeknown are my boys turkish vans or just unique domestic shorthairs? these photos are older but at almost 5 years old they’re each over 14lbs, their mom is however stunted in size around 9lbs so i don’t know.

are my boys turkish vans or just unique domestic shorthairs? these photos are older but at almost 5 years old they’re each over 14lbs, their mom is however stunted in size around 9lbs so i don’t know. excluding the orange tabby on slide 2
submitted by illbeknown to turkishvan [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 BITW_ErenMikasa Rimuru's Final Thoughts On Frieren

Rimuru's Final Thoughts On Frieren The last dialogue of the conclusion to Frieren's collab with Tensura. We get Rimuru's final thoughts, and wish to Frieren.
The promise of a reunion, Rimuru wanting to tell her the truth that he's a demon lord if they meet again, and wishing her safe travels back to her world.
Given Frieren's bad habit of getting caught in every mimmick, maybe we'll get a part 2 of the Frieren collab one day 😂😂
Really fun collab that we got between Frieren and Tensura.
submitted by BITW_ErenMikasa to Frieren [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 HexonKhat yall fw retarded groupchat music? (yes all of them are real, fortunetly and unfortunetly)

yall fw retarded groupchat music? (yes all of them are real, fortunetly and unfortunetly) submitted by HexonKhat to BlueRyai [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Fragrant-Shock-4315 A radiation technologist’s perspective on reducing CT scan wait times

A radiation technologist’s perspective on reducing CT scan wait times submitted by Fragrant-Shock-4315 to CanadaHealthCare [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 shittymcdoodoo Cologne recommendations similar to the scent of Tribal Chimp hair styling powder

I recently purchased Tribal Chimp’s hair styling powder and was pleasantly surprised by the scent of the product. Unfortunately the company does not sell any cologne. So I am looking for a cologne with a similar scent.
submitted by shittymcdoodoo to Colognes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 amel1orer Found this in the back of my dad’s rum cabinet

Found this in the back of my dad’s rum cabinet submitted by amel1orer to rum [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 makyol48 AirPatrol: Rule Air, Through Air. Control you AC through WiFi on your mobile phone and save energy, money and time.

submitted by makyol48 to startupbuffer [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Cultural_Way5584 Dog mess mad lad

Dog mess mad lad submitted by Cultural_Way5584 to madlads [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 ProfessionalShine153 Hockey app

I’m considering buying a Garmin to replace my Apple Watch Ultra (1st gen). What kind of data does the hockey activity give you? I have a Fenix 3 HR and tried to use the Cardio activity for a game. I wore my HRM Pro Plus and left the watch in my hockey bag. The active calorie count recorded by the HRM was something my like 280 calories for the game. Recording the same activity on my Apple Watch shows roughly 1000 active calories burned. I play center, so I’m hustling over the entire sheet of ice, so 280 seems way low, especially because a slowish 30 minute run records way more calories burned for a shorter duration. Thanks in advance!
submitted by ProfessionalShine153 to GarminWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 No_Anywhere5828 FREE Ebook on Amazon! "Lois' Little Essays" by Lois Vidaver

submitted by No_Anywhere5828 to books [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 FlatsUnited4528 how much taller will I get?

I’m 15.75m with a 37 inch inseam and roughly tanner stage 4
The VAST majority of men I know have legs significantly shorter than mine and my torso and head are pretty short (roughly 30 inches)… I have a total height of about 67 inches; or 5’7
My dad is about 5’9.5 and my mom is 5’5
I haven’t grown for about TWO years… and I was wondering if my proportions may be a clue that I’ll be 6’0 or above one day; or at least taller than 5’10… is it unlikely???? I know the average guy with my inseam is about 6’3-6’5… so I’m kind of disproportionate now…
I have uncles and older cousins above 6’0, most of the guys on my dad’s side are pretty tall. He’s the shortest
I’ve met many guys 6’0 and above with legs shorter than mine
Is it possible to get any taller or is it probably too late
I have a wingspan of 75inches and I feel like my arms have gotten a little bit longer over the past few years
I used to be in a much higher height percentile but I dropped off after restricting my diet and loosing about 10 pounds; but after about 3 months I went back to my normal height and weight but haven’t grown or developed at all since… this was around age 14.6
submitted by FlatsUnited4528 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Perun97 Malta -Vaša iskustva i utisci

Pozdrav dobri ljudi! Idem prvi put turistički na Maltu u sopstvenoj režiji, pa bi mi značila Vaša lična iskustva. Šta po Vama moram posetiti, a šta je po Vama precenjeno i zbog čega? Ukoliko je neko skoro bio tamo kakve su cene prevoza, karata za muzeje, cene po kafićima,restoranima, marketina itd. Da li je moguće i gde kupiti karticu za internet? Da li na Malti više preferiraju plaćanje karticama ili kešom? Idem na šest dana i već sam se konsultovao sa ChatGpt-om i youtube-om ali bih voleo da čujem i iskustva reditovaca. Svaka informacija bi mi značila. 😊 Svako dobro!
submitted by Perun97 to serbia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Creative-Novel-7285 How is my team.

How is my team. submitted by Creative-Novel-7285 to EASportsFCMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Constant-Dream2252 1:1 trades ~

1:1 trades ~ Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:
IGN TrickyDonkey02
submitted by Constant-Dream2252 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 aburple Real men want waifu and robot sex slaves not women

Real men want waifu and robot sex slaves not women submitted by aburple to justneckbeardthings [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 LMFA0 Snoop Dogg is now calling himself Lap Dogg, bcoz why not?

Snoop Dogg is now calling himself Lap Dogg, bcoz why not? submitted by LMFA0 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Nyx_NightIncarnate MASS GIVEAWAY mass giveaway anyone named chase or giveaway is up for grabs! (All are long Gen)
submitted by Nyx_NightIncarnate to lioden [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 burner638272829291 dropping out of uni, where do i find a replacement tenant?

I'm planning to drop out of my uni before the second semester starts (Jan 27th) , so I'll no longer need my accomodation. I can't terminate my contract, but I can find a replacement tenant. That leads to my questions:

submitted by burner638272829291 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Visible-Produce-6465 Best and worst time of day for street riding

What is the safest and the least safe time of day statistically when it it safe and least safe to be on the street. Is it safer to ride at night when all you need are brighter lights?
submitted by Visible-Produce-6465 to cycling [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 MarshalGH Something cool.

Everyone of these autographs were collected in person. They belong to my son and he has great memories of getting them.
submitted by MarshalGH to wrestlingcards [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Sad_Enthusiasm_8885 Parkway closed at Virginia 60 - Lexington Turnpike above the town of Buena Vista

Parkway closed at Virginia 60 - Lexington Turnpike above the town of Buena Vista I was hoping to stop at the overlook. GPS shows closed but I was hoping. Guess I'll just have to wait until spring.
submitted by Sad_Enthusiasm_8885 to BlueRidgeParkway [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:42 Horror-Anything8346 Jamnagar is boring but i make videos out of it😃

Jamnagar is boring but i make videos out of it😃 I have made videos for township people !! Especially for newbies!!
submitted by Horror-Anything8346 to Jamnagar [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:41 strodi2 Ye is probably going to sleep soon or he's already sleeping, so i guess we won't have any new posts or stories for the next few hours

submitted by strodi2 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:41 enolaholmes23 Do any of you lie to your therapists?

I'm curious if it's even a thing people do in real life. Like does it give someone supply to lie about abuse to a therapist? Or to lie about other things?
I can't think of any other reason someone would do this. But it is often brought up in the context of alleged abuse survivors, that they lied to the therapist who reported it. Because they wanted attention or something.
I just want a guage of how common it is in real life. As people with NDP, does this really happen, or is it just a stereotype?
submitted by enolaholmes23 to AskNPD [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 16:41 WonderfulBedroom6558 First event and enjoying it...

Hey guys this is my first event. Love playing vs people and pointless icons so right up my street. I've been playing all day in work with mewtwo ex garagados ex and charizard ex and can't get past 4 wins!
Seems I only ever play the deck i am playing. Are there any tips on this or is it just perseverance and luck?
submitted by WonderfulBedroom6558 to PTCGP [link] [comments]