2025.01.20 17:50 GameProfessional 🌐 24/7 Video Game | 🏆 r/Pro_Gamers 🏆 | Dragon Quest III HD 2D Remake Part 37 Shrine Hopping to Manoza | LordFentonGaming
submitted by GameProfessional to 247videogame [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 02Zero--two02 Hey Everyone ! Looking for trade and offers !
submitted by 02Zero--two02 to PokemonHome [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 blurple57 Local shop near me had some new stock!
They also still had some more Christmas ornaments and croissants near the till submitted by blurple57 to Jellycatplush [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 anonymousredditman Why don't you donate to end child hunger!!
submitted by anonymousredditman to FunnyandSad [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 AlGTAA اللطف الخفي…؟
مرات أقوم بتصرف لطيف لدوافع أخرى لا علاقة لها باللطافة فيشكرني الآخر، فأبرر تصرفي بأنه ليس نابعًا من لطافة و أقول بالحرف الواحد: "ترا أنا سويت كذا مو عشاني طيّبة سويته بسبب كذا.." فيرد الآخر: "طيب كان سويتِ الخير وأنتِ ساكتة و يعننك طيبة!" لكني أرفض هذا الزيف! لدرجة أنني أحيانًا أستبق الشكر بالتبرير.
هل أنا لطيفة و لكن غير مدركة لذلك أم أنا كما أنا…؟! و هل فعلًا يتوجب علي السكوت في هذه المواقف؟
submitted by AlGTAA to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 AdviceAntique5012 içimi dökeceğim.
Yaşım 17.Bugüne kadar çok kötü günler çok depresif ruh hallleri depresyonlar geçirdim halen daha geçiriyorum.Aile konusundan başlayalım; Ailemle aram çok kötü.Ailemde abim ve annem tam bir ruh hastası.İkiside çok sinirli insanlar.Hergün kuşkusuz evde bir kavga,beddua oluyor.Üstelik abimle aynı odada kalıyorum, bazen sırf o bana bir laf söyleyip yine tartışma başlamasın diye onun uyumasını bekliyorum.Varlıgından bile nefret ediyorum.Evlenip gitmesini bekliyorum.Annemin ise yaşı bayağı var.Ama o yaş aldıkça daha da çekilemez bir insana dönüşüyor.Sorumluluklarımı yapmadığımdan, telefon bağımlılığımdan yola çıkarak kavga başlatıyor,sorumluluklarımı yerime getirmediğimde haklı.Ama Ağır depresyonlardan geçen biri bazen yüzünü bile yıkamak istemez.Hergün düzenli olarak beddua ediyor.Hergün benimle uğraşıyor.Tartışıyor,kavga çıkarıyor.Ablamlada çoğu zaman kavga edebiliyorum.Evde bir tek babam sakin,ona da çok üzülüyorum.Yani genel olarak evde ruh halim sinirli geçiyor.Bazen gitgide onların ruh haline dönüşürüm diyede korkuyorum. Sosyal olarak; Yalnızım.Okulda tanıdığım insanlar olsa da muhabbetimiz okulda oluyor, okul dışında birşey yapmıyoruz.(Açikçasi ben samimi olmak da istemiyorum yeni sınıfımdakilerle).Arayan soran insanlar olsa da yine ben kendimi yalnız hissediyorum.Dostlarım yok gibi birşey.Uzun süre arkadaş olduğum insanlar olsa da bazen onların davranışlarını sevmiyorum.Onlar biryere çağırdığında gitmek istemeyebiliyorum.Sürekli beraber oldugum bir arkadaş grubum yok,geçen senelerde vardı. Sosyal ortamlara girmeyen bir insan da değilim, fakat 0'dan birileriyle tanışıp hayatına koymak,uzun yıllar beraber olmak bana biraz zor geliyor.İlişki konusunda; Belkide sorun bendeydi ama hoşlandığım kızlardan hep red yedim.Karşı tarafından benden hoşlandığını düsünüp hareket etmemdende kaynaklı olabilir.Bununda acısını her zaman çekerim.Beni seven bir kız olsun benim ona veremeyeceğim ilgi veremeyeceğim değer yok.Benim bu karanlık dünyamı aydınlatacak bir insanın olmasını her zaman istedim, halen daha isterim fakat durumlar ters düşünce ilişki konusunda da inancım azalıyor günden güne.Herşeyin düzeleceği herşeyin yoluna gireceği günleri hayal ediyorum ama ertesi gün yine kötü bir güne gözlerimi açıyorum.Takatim kalmadı.Bazen depresyon atakları geçiriyorum, kendimi kötü hissettirecek bir müzik açıp daha da zihnimi öldürmeye çalıştığımı görüyorum.Daha 17 yaşında alnımın ortası kırıştı,saçlarım dökülmeye başladı.Daha 17 yaşında intiharı düşünmeye başladım.Psikolojik danışmanım var ama şuan beni nereye kadar getirebilecek veya ben nereye kadar devam edeceğim bilmiyorum,bir yandan da spora gidiyorum.Sigarayıda bırakmıştım geri başladım.Zaman zaman depresyon atakları geçiriyorum, dişlerimi sıkarak ağlıyorum.Bazen çok kötü olduğum zamanlarda kendimi daha da kötü hissettirecek bir müzik açıp beynimin ölmesini bekliyorum.Yaşıtlarım mutlu,eğlenceli,sevgilisi olan bir hayat yaşarken ben bunları haketmiyorum.
submitted by AdviceAntique5012 to Psikoloji [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 HuckleberryFit4559 7 of my 8 great-grandparents + me 💕
All great-grandparents are Black Americans 🫶🏽🇺🇸 submitted by HuckleberryFit4559 to AncestryDNA [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 Haduarts (COMISSÕES ABERTAS) A partir de 100R$
submitted by Haduarts to OrdemParanormalRPG [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 HangOnSloopy21 Avuelty
Has anyone tried it. Brand new depression drug. It doesn’t target dopamine, it targets elsewhere. So all you people where depression meds don’t work, make your doctor aware. I’m on day 5. Massive improvement but not like the others
submitted by HangOnSloopy21 to TBI [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 Internal-Bench-3113 Jagdhund
Hi zusammen, bin neu hier und hoffe, dass ich mit meinem Thema hier richtig bin. Wir führen gemeinsam einen Jagdhund und haben grade (wahrscheinlich pubertätsbedingt) ein paar Probleme im Gehorsam. Schon klar, dass die Vierbeiner da gerne die Grenzen austesten und sich gerne 2x bitten lassen. Allerdings ist bei unserem Rüden ein sehr großes Problem, dass er im Freilauf sofort ausbüchst, wenn er eine Wildfährte wittert. Teilweise über 6km weggelaufen ohne auch nur ansatzweise auf den Rückruf zu reagieren.
Hat hier jemand Tipps, wie man einen zuverlässigen Rückruf aufbaut?
submitted by Internal-Bench-3113 to hundeschule [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 Bulky_Attempt_9651 Devs, if you're seeing this, I need answers now.
Are you EVER going to allow violence? You've said it many times now, and I'm still waiting for that to happen. I can't even create good antagonist bots, and I thought y'all said only underage users have a more strict experience.
submitted by Bulky_Attempt_9651 to CharacterAI [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 PrimeWagersInc BOOM 🤝 If you follow our VIP your UP THIS MONTH 🔥 DM/COMMENT To Get In
submitted by PrimeWagersInc to PrizePicksPredictions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 Emotional-Speed-7156 Duke 390 2020 geht aus beim rollen an Ampel/ Kreuzung
Hallo ich fahre ein Duke 390 BJ.2020 22.000km. Wenn ich an eine Kreuzung oder Ampel etc. fahre und Bremse und dabei die Kupplung ziehe geht sie aus. Sie geht direkt aus als ob man den Killswitch oder Schlüssel dreht nicht so als ob sie absaufen würde. Das passiert in Kalten sowie Warmen Betriebszustand. Außerdem passiert das nicht immer sondern einfach immer mal manchmal 2 mal hintereinander und danach wieder 20min nicht mehr. Luftfilter, Zündkerze sind neu das Problem war davor und nach dem Service besteht es weiterhin. Unter Teil/Vollast läuft sie ganz normal.
Bitte um Hilfe
submitted by Emotional-Speed-7156 to MotorradDeutschland [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 BatteryArc Pictures
submitted by BatteryArc to calvariasmp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 TenderPaw64 Just a cute Tangled/WildeHopps mashup. (Credit: Fall-Cat)
submitted by TenderPaw64 to zootopia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 ISmellAndSellButts Does anyone know of a good app (iOS) to spoof my location?
Recently moved provinces and now I can’t place bets without getting government issued id for this province and redoing the verification process.
submitted by ISmellAndSellButts to bet365 [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 Harucha1226 I'm really looking forward to this new outfit, and gliding ability may be available in more areas.
submitted by Harucha1226 to InfinityNikki [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 ipromiseimcool More fatigue and sleeping longer with sobriety?
About 19 days in and I feel like I’m needing to sleep longer than usual and waking up exhausted.
Sometimes when I wake up my brain feels kind of odd? Like it’s just gone through something? I don’t know how else to describe it.
Is this normal?
submitted by ipromiseimcool to stopdrinking [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 HonestlyJustStfuDC What is this part on my co2 kit?
I’ve translated what’s on the bottle and it doesn’t specify. It’s screwed in really tight. submitted by HonestlyJustStfuDC to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 HRJafael Colrain launches master plan update
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 Depressoespresso665 My hydroxyquin makes me so sick, help 🥲
Iv been taking hydroxyquin for 8 years, I only take 50mg. The pain it caused has always been very manageable until very recently. I would wake up around 4am with intense pain in my stomach, but it would only last an hour and I’d get on with sleeping. It would never make me sick. I could prevent this pain by eating literally anything when taking it, I normally just had a piece of toast or a bagel.
Recently it’s been making me very sick. The last few months, if I eat a burger ammount of meat with my hydroxyquin, that gives me the best chance to not experience pain or sickness, but even that is starting to not work anymore. Advice??? How do I stop it from making me sick? Iv been having to skip taking my pills entirely because of how sick it makes me but I obviously can’t keep doing that
submitted by Depressoespresso665 to lupus [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 Shot_Acanthisitta824 Will Trump be good or bad for China?
Trump mentioned China operating Panama Canal
Made reference to EVs (ofc he is a puppet of Elon and wants to protect Tesla)
And most importantly said, "our military greatness will be measured by the wars we don't even get into but win"
submitted by Shot_Acanthisitta824 to AskChina [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 strawberrythief100 Creative Writing MLitt 2025 Offer, St Andrews vs other programs?
Hi! Last week, I got an unconditional offer for St Andrews' Creating Writing MLitt program (for fiction) as an American international student, and I'm looking for any feedback/advice from current or former students of the program. I also just got an informal offer from Trinity College Dublin for their Creative Writing MPhil and one from City, University of London for their MFA. TCD wants an answer from me by next week, which is MUCH quicker turnaround than I anticipated, and I'm in a bit of a panic, as St Andrews gives me until March 31 to accept.
I've visited the town and loved it, and I've heard that the small program size is great. I also like that there's the option to apply into the MFA for a second year, which I didn't originally apply to. Can any MLitt or MFA students share their thoughts on why they chose this program and what they think about it now (or after, for alumni)? I did not expect to hear back this soon from any program, and didn't expect to get into Trinity at all, so I'm having to consider next steps more quickly than anticipated. I'm in my head about reputation/prestige and actual quality and the best fit for me, so if anyone has experience in the program and strong feelings about it (especially as an international student), I'd love to hear them.
Any feedback would be so appreciated! Thanks in advance!
submitted by strawberrythief100 to standrews [link] [comments]
2025.01.20 17:50 Carrebear Lots of Wedding Decorations
Lots of wedding stuff. Includes: Wedding Curtains x4, Frilled Glass Vase x2, Long Glass Vase x2, Bud Vase x6, Ribbed Glass Vase x6, Jar Lanturn with battery operated light x4, several wooden place card/ sign holders, small tree decorations x3. Preference to someone who takes everything. submitted by Carrebear to SacramentoBuyNothing [link] [comments] |
2025.01.20 17:50 brawny_paper_towels Full Pan of Charlotte Tillbury Pillow Talk Lipgloss
submitted by brawny_paper_towels to PanPorn [link] [comments] |