The Sandy/Rebecca/Kirsten inconsistency

2025.01.20 20:51 radiodreading The Sandy/Rebecca/Kirsten inconsistency

I may be beating a dead horse, apologies if so. But it's always bothered me how Sandy says that he and Rebecca were engaged before he met Kirsten. Kirsten and Sandy met in college, when most people tend to be 18-21. When the hell were Sandy and Rebecca engaged - in their teens? Who allowed that?
Obviously this is just one of those things Josh and probably other writers conveniently forgot or chose to change in the last season, to make the story of how Kirsten and Sandy met make sense for that season. It just drives me nuts because it actually doesn't make sense at all.
submitted by radiodreading to TheOC [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Deeznutschad Jersey help?

I’m looking to buy a city edition jersey for Ryan Dunn. Anybody know where to get one?
submitted by Deeznutschad to suns [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 BlackGrandad Zika Virus in Andaman and Nicobar Islands?

Have there been any recent outbreaks of zika virus in the Andaman and Nicobar islands? I can only find info on the mainland states, but not A&N islands. Thanks.
submitted by BlackGrandad to Andaman_and_Nicobar [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 depressedseahorse8 What are these little cord things?

What are these little cord things? I feel like I’m seeing these everywhere, what are they for? What brand is this one?
submitted by depressedseahorse8 to tacticalgear [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 NikDante Am I the only one who, on the immediate release of GTA 6, wants 90 percent of the events of GTA Online to be revealed as all a dream?

Lester wakes up and tells your character:
"I was having the most amazing dream. I dreamt we had flying cars, jeptpacks and motorbikes with homing missiles. We had underground bases with orbital cannons and the Maze Bank arena was having gladiatoral death matches"
Then there's an awkward pause and he says "Like I say, maybe you're ready to do some real work"
submitted by NikDante to GTA6 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 PTTGossipingBot 1/20 Gossiping 板 99+ 推的文章有 37 則

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  2. [新聞] 經濟部挹注台電1千億2萬元 藍白聯手全砍
  3. [問卦] 2025就全部停辦一年 看看會怎樣
  4. [新聞] 柯建銘不在場「燈卻亮了」! 民眾黨團抓
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  16. [爆卦] Jim出來譴責刪補助了_^
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  24. [新聞] 賴政府還有2.9兆預算!黃國昌:政院忙做
  25. [問卦] 認真問,台灣漫畫超越日韓需要幾年?
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submitted by PTTGossipingBot to PTTGossiping [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 AUFmasters Не грусти, загляни в морозилку

Не грусти, загляни в морозилку submitted by AUFmasters to KafkaFPS [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 SpiritualBluejay4363 LA DEADEYE. is increased herald damage on jewel worth having over others like ele/projectile damage/attack speed?

thanks for replies.
submitted by SpiritualBluejay4363 to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 pyscrap the circle of life

the circle of life submitted by pyscrap to CBSE [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Extreme_Bluebird_598 Some of the blues, most extreme, and least likely scenarios I've gotten in 270toWin's 2020 Presidential Election Simulator (All maps here came up since the 2020 election with the stats from 11/2/2020. More info in comments.)

Some of the blues, most extreme, and least likely scenarios I've gotten in 270toWin's 2020 Presidential Election Simulator (All maps here came up since the 2020 election with the stats from 11/2/2020. More info in comments.) submitted by Extreme_Bluebird_598 to TruckStopBathroom [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 cwabz [SELLING] Friendly booster :) affordable pricing. NA

Hi i’m Reezy, I reached high masters and have been boosting for over 2 years. I have lots of experience in solo queue and have been playing since season 5. I want to help you achieve your dream rank and will elo boost anyone at a reasonable price. With me you will receive a personalized boost without crazy fees!
Vouch Thread 1
Vouch Thread 2
Vouch Thread 3
Discord Contact: reezyboosts
Discord Server
Iron -> Diamond 2💎
Solo Boosting
Duo Boosting (depending on schedules)
North America (NA)
Make sure an email is connected to your account at all times to avoid getting scammed. You can also pay incrementally while I complete the boost for added safety.
submitted by cwabz to Lolboosting [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 thedigisup Almost 26,000 hectares of threatened species habitat approved for clearing under Labor in 2024, new report finds

Almost 26,000 hectares of threatened species habitat approved for clearing under Labor in 2024, new report finds submitted by thedigisup to australia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Free_Pie5459 Lmaooo

Someone just ate her up in the comments on the video she just posted. And rightfully so...that jacket is horrendous. Just because somethings expensive doesn't mean it's cute. Also- she said her mom picked her up. So if it's such a "big" deal that you're matching you could've easily gone back inside and chose from one of your other 5 super puffs. But no you'll just complain and make 30 posts about it for attention.
submitted by Free_Pie5459 to hollyreardonsnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 CoolTravel1914 Petition to launch an immediate impeachment investigation - let’s add his crypto scamming and election interference to the list

submitted by CoolTravel1914 to ResistKleptocracy [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Flashy_Dark_8755 ErrorYour purchase has not been completed

I wanted to ask if I will change my region to Ukraine. What is the best VPN that I can use to change my region? I get a rejection of the payment transaction According to your experience, which VPN will work with me? Thank you.
submitted by Flashy_Dark_8755 to steamregionaltricks [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Resident-Ad-8877 Is this possible?

So still trying to get aeiou achievement. Finally formed the title a few days ago spamming grand weddings but not getting the achievement. Is it glitched? I have a sneaking suspicion that i would need to restart. If I was in an offensive war when I became Kaiser like the previous Kaiser declared a war and then I became Kaiser. Would that stop the achievement? I don’t think that happened but I can’t remember.
submitted by Resident-Ad-8877 to CrusaderKings [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 hassanallail Got to loop 150. The game takes too long to run. How can I make the loops go faster without side effects?

I'm new to the game (45 hours in) and just got a 150 loop expedition. It took me around 10 hours of play time to get it. I almost died a few times and had to make the loops a little easier (removing tiles). I now want to go change my supply items and build so I left the expedition. The previous expedition (which got to loop 40-50) took 3 or so hours.
I love the game, and I'm trying to get to the highest loop count possible, but waiting is becoming a hassle. I leave my computer running for 30 minutes to an hour before hopping back in, adjusting gear / map, and then leaving it again.
Is there a way to speed up the game so that I can get to thousands of loops without spending months on the same expedition?
I saw other solutions where you change the game_speed variable, but those all have their own issues and the game becomes easier / harder depending on the build. I want the same game to run faster without side effects.
submitted by hassanallail to Loop_Hero [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Rayrayracheyrach 33 + 6, really high BP. What to expect?

submitted by Rayrayracheyrach to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Badie4l Software/website

What are the best wholesaling software’s and websites paid ones to be pacific. I need some good websites to invest in
submitted by Badie4l to WholesaleRealestate [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 Mountain_Car_505 Daddy long legs in progress.. how much taller will I get????

I’m 15.75m with a 37 inch inseam and roughly tanner stage 4
The VAST majority of men I know have legs significantly shorter than mine and my torso and head are pretty short (roughly 30 inches)… I have a total height of about 67 inches; or 5’7
My dad is about 5’9.5 and my mom is 5’5
I haven’t grown for about TWO years… and I was wondering if my proportions may be a clue that I’ll be 6’0 or above one day; or at least taller than 5’10… is it unlikely???? I know the average guy with my inseam is about 6’3-6’5… so I’m kind of disproportionate now…
I have uncles and older cousins above 6’0, most of the guys on my dad’s side are pretty tall. He’s the shortest
I’ve met many guys 6’0 and above with legs shorter than mine
Is it possible to get any taller or is it probably too late
I have a wingspan of 75inches and I feel like my arms have gotten a little bit longer over the past few years
I used to be in a much higher height percentile but I dropped off after restricting my diet and loosing about 10 pounds; but after about 3 months I went back to my normal height and weight but haven’t grown or developed at all since… this was around age 14.6
submitted by Mountain_Car_505 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 XIVILZ ¿Como puedo vencer la pereza?

submitted by XIVILZ to preguntaleareddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 JoJomusk HERO player missed lethal cuz of basic maths

HERO player missed lethal cuz of basic maths submitted by JoJomusk to DuelLinks [link] [comments]

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submitted by ppargamma to Temu2k25 [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 ConsumerOfDog Build Questions (Megathread seems pretty dead)

I plan to use Lingsha in mainly 3 teams. The Herta/Robin/Jade (With Lingsha as the Debt Collector), Kafka/Sampo/Ruan Mei, and Xueyi/Ruan Mei/Fugue. However, I'd rather not swap around her build depending on the team, so for general use:

  1. What Lightcone? (What is Real? S5, Quid Pro Quo S1, or Post-Op S1)
  2. What Relic and Planar sets? (I don't have much of a use for any of the sets her main options share a cavern with)
  3. How much speed?
submitted by ConsumerOfDog to LingshaMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 20:51 DangerousLettuce1423 Sunrise in the Tron

Sunrise in the Tron Just after 6am this morning
submitted by DangerousLettuce1423 to newzealand [link] [comments]