Jesu li ti američki nacisti s nama u sobi ili triggera ‘drugu stranu’?

2025.01.20 21:50 copehoperope Jesu li ti američki nacisti s nama u sobi ili triggera ‘drugu stranu’?

Jesu li ti američki nacisti s nama u sobi ili triggera ‘drugu stranu’? Nista ne triggera ‘drugu stranu’ više od dovođenja milijuna imigranata u drzavu.
submitted by copehoperope to croatia [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 DisciplineContent850 Looking for my sub

I am looking for my sub to get hat already knows how to treat me and is just obsessed with me.
submitted by DisciplineContent850 to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Ardit_B_2006 Are TADC fans toxic?

Yes or no?
submitted by Ardit_B_2006 to theamazingdigitalciru [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 JarJarsBastardSon Added Acoustic Panel Behind TV

Added Acoustic Panel Behind TV submitted by JarJarsBastardSon to malelivingspace [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 acciowaves First jam session at a serious club. Very disappointed.

So I’ve been playing the drums for about 10 years, but only 2 and a half years ago did I start playing jazz.
Yesterday I went to my first jam session at one of the best clubs in my city, and I bombed.
The level was very high and I was very nervous. I play drums and all other drummers were above my level, even though I felt like in terms of technique I was up to par, but in terms of improvisational momentum and ideas, in guiding the music and complimenting and communicating with other musicians they are miles ahead of me.
I feel like I played it too safe. I wanted to be solid and just accompany, but in doing that I failed to converse with the other musicians, to compliment their solos, to propose new ideas, and so it ended up sounding very plain and boring.
All other drummers played 3 or 4 songs, I played one and then got a tap on the shoulder and was politely asked to hand over the throne to somebody else.
I feel sort of gutted and a little demotivated. I’ve been practicing really really hard. Not just on the drums, for which I practice 3 hours every day, but on top of that I transcribe solos and heads, I do ear training, I do active listening sessions, and I attend live gigs very often. Still, it wasn’t enough.
I talked to the organizer of the jam sessions and he said I’m more than welcome to come back, preferably earlier and he’ll make sure I at least get one song in, but hopefully more. So I’m planning on attending every week now.
What else do you guys think I could do? How do you recommend to deal with this situations and to get better at communicating with the music?
All advice and life stories appreciated.
TLDR: I went to my first serious jam session and sucked. Got asked to hand over the throne after one tune. I feel gutted right now since I’ve been working my ass off for 2 and a half years. Any advice?
submitted by acciowaves to Jazz [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Busy-Diet-7214 What happened to 1/20 drops? I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video on content drops that actually happened that day in about 3/4 videos lol

submitted by Busy-Diet-7214 to CollegeUltimateTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 kolonialpigen Musk’s advisors currently

Musk’s advisors currently submitted by kolonialpigen to kidsinthehall [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Carninator HBO's 'House of the Dragon' looking for rugged men

submitted by Carninator to hertfordshire [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 X_Gamma_X Furina the ER tank is back with moooorrrree ER

Furina the ER tank is back with moooorrrree ER submitted by X_Gamma_X to furinamains [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 groundpigeon Question about identifying chems for a precursor

The issue I am running into is I want to start developing the precursor myself for the compound I have been making (5F-ADB) and synthesizing that as well. I just am unclear on what compounds go into the specific precursor I need.
The compound is
Methyl (S)-2-(1H-indazole-3-carboxamido)-3,3-dimethylbutanoate
Case number:
cas# 2709672-58-0
Any idea on what the precursors may be or how I could go about figuring that out? Thanks
submitted by groundpigeon to chemhelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 lena_hottestgirll Verkaufe nudes Boys brauche das Geld 👸

Verkaufe nudes Boys brauche das Geld 👸 Hoteste aus Berlin
submitted by lena_hottestgirll to sexberntreffen [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 NoIDeere Alaskan Cruise

I'm taking an Alaskan cruise in August. Stops include: Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan and Victoria BC. Looking for suggestions/ advice on what to expect and any excursions you recommend. Thanks in advance!
submitted by NoIDeere to Cruises [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 No-Zookeepergame6753 Been out of the industry for 4 years any advice on how to get back in?

Hello everyone, I graduated 2017 and worked as a software engineer for a 2 years before transfering to Technical Product Manager but had to step away to help family at the beginning of 2020. I've been trying to make the transition back into tech either as a PM or SWE but it just seems like a impossible battle.
Entry roles flat out rejects interviewing me and anytime I do get an interview, even if i get through the technical part I see the interviewers face sour when they see on my resume that I havent been in tech for 4 years.
Ive been doing leetcode pretty religiously but outside of that I feel like I dont actually know how to code anymore since I dont have day to day practice with non-leetcode related programming.
How should I best approach applying and interviewing? Would getting a masters be the only way for me to get more interviews? Are there any tools you guys can recommend that would get me back up to speed in other areas other than leetcode? Thanks a bunch.
submitted by No-Zookeepergame6753 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Antistruggle The system is backwards

Online ordering should be done through the resturant specificly, then they should send that order out to all delivery apps to have each app compete for the order. Or something of the like.
The demand is there , if they just suddenly switched up the process, everyone would figure out how to order; we all still want delivery.
submitted by Antistruggle to couriersofreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 gory_smores Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Happy Martin Luther King Day! submitted by gory_smores to Journaling [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 0xF1AC Better Nate Than Lever

Better Nate Than Lever submitted by 0xF1AC to Golf_R [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 marni-man For the synth nerds

For the synth nerds submitted by marni-man to depechemode [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 nixon_jeans is this what I think it is on my prayer plant 💀

is this what I think it is on my prayer plant 💀 While pruning some old leaves, I found these fluffy white things on the leaf stems of my prayer plant. Does this look like a mealy bug infestation?? The prayer plant is on a shelf with many other plants so I’m worried they’ll all need to be tossed out. Any advice welcome!! I have neem oil but i’ve heard that’s ineffective for mealy bugs, if that’s what this is.
submitted by nixon_jeans to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Spiritually_wokex3 FET 1/13

So I caved and decided to test. Can someone help decide if it’s positive? I tested twice to make sure. This is my 2nd FET 1st beta was positive until 2nd beta numbers diminished to 7… Test is in the comments.
submitted by Spiritually_wokex3 to IVF [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 whosthinksofthesenam Private taxi services

Does anyone know people who operate as private taxi services? Uber and those types of apps are too expensive for multiple usages per week.
submitted by whosthinksofthesenam to Reno [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 LambertianTeapot I thought I needed to titrate up - but not really!

I'm on my 6th week of 2.5mg. During my 5th week, I experienced significant food noises and a compulsion to eat starting from day 3. I thought it is the time to titrate up but somehow decided to give it another week. Surprisingly, after taking my 6th shot, the strong appetite suppression returned and I'm actually feeling fuller on day 6 of my 6th shot (today) than I did on days 3-4 of my 5th shot.
Lo and behold: here is the most likely root cause. I realised the culprit behind this nonlinearity was probably my period, which coincided with my 5th shot and made it seem less effective. I hadn't made this connection until today. I didn't realise my cycle could have such a strong impact on my actual appetite because I was perpetually eating beyond fullness.
submitted by LambertianTeapot to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 Sufficient-Incident4 What music do you listen to whilst cleaning?

submitted by Sufficient-Incident4 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 yycTechGuy Tips on probing fine pitch surface mount devices ?

I'm looking for tips on how to connect probes to fine pitch surface mount devices. 0.8 to 0.8mm.
Right now I am soldering a wire to the lead I want to examine. Is there a better way ?
submitted by yycTechGuy to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 JavanSTheMan Camelrupt Pulse

So I'm currently Pyrous Mountain rn, I have gone through it previously with Cain but ended up at the 1st floor (Didn't find the Camelrupt) Now when I go up the 1st ladder the walkway for me to progress is filled with lava. Idk if I broke the game or what but I'm unable to pass through here now. Any help/suggestions?
submitted by JavanSTheMan to PokemonReborn [link] [comments]

2025.01.20 21:50 almostmaybes Best news sources?

I listen to a lot of independent media and some MSNBC stuff, but I have the NBC app and get notifications from it just to get the “updates” as soon as something happens. I want to start using something else because I am TIRED of them covering things that aren’t important or not covering things that are. I’m tired of getting “Elon Musk pisses of gamers” etc. What are some good apps for real news?
submitted by almostmaybes to Liberal [link] [comments]