Struggling with what to do about expensive items I might eventually use in my apartment, but haven’t touched in two years.

2025.01.21 00:50 Fabulous_Sherbet_431 Struggling with what to do about expensive items I might eventually use in my apartment, but haven’t touched in two years.

I’ve spent thousands on midcentury and Nordic furniture and lighting that I haven’t used in two years. These pieces could theoretically find a spot in my one-bedroom apartment, but I haven’t figured it out yet.
I can’t be bothered to sell them, so my options are either keeping them or giving them away through our local Buy Nothing group. There’s a chance that once I fully declutter, I’ll find a spot for them—but I doubt it.
How have you dealt with this? I have room in my storage unit, but I’m trying to move past the heavy feeling of holding onto so much stuff. It also makes me sad knowing it’s sitting there when someone else could be putting it to good use
submitted by Fabulous_Sherbet_431 to declutter [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 JackWiteck is this real

is this real i got this shirt thrifting td but smth ab it is weird idk if it’s real or fake someone please lmk
submitted by JackWiteck to affliction [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 DiscussionSmooth9307 Hell yeah! ☺️

Hell yeah! ☺️ Don't dread the tread!! 😉👌
submitted by DiscussionSmooth9307 to Leatherman [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Rafiq_Hasanov HTX 火必 (原)安卓APK下載2023最新版【薇37378o805】返利最新网址 香港

HTX 火必 (原)安卓APK下載2023最新版【薇37378o805】返利最新网址 香港
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Rafiq_Hasanov API交易—APIv5功能升级及优势 大陆 OKEX 【微信37378o8o5】返手续费免翻墙 欧易

API交易—APIv5功能升级及优势 大陆 OKEX 【微信37378o8o5】返手续费免翻墙 欧易
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Rafiq_Hasanov Pionex 【WX:3737808o5】代理开返佣官方 15usdt返傭卡 香港

Pionex 【WX:3737808o5】代理开返佣官方 15usdt返傭卡 香港
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Training-Ad6992 Whats this book? I have no idea what it's called i think it was dystopian

The book is where they live on a floating island.its not chained to anything and its forbidden to go to the edge.main characters brother went to the edge and went crazy. Main character is a girl. She eventually escapes by going into a kind of machine and they tunnel through the ground and out the bottom of the floating island only to land on another island. They are surprised that there was another one underneath the one they lived on
submitted by Training-Ad6992 to whatsthatbook [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Rafiq_Hasanov OKX 合约开通【WX:37378〇8〇5】高返利注册下载 http://bex.ink代理返佣 大陆

OKX 合约开通【WX:37378〇8〇5】高返利注册下载 http://bex.ink代理返佣 大陆
submitted by Rafiq_Hasanov to FsPosterSubreddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Crafty_Escape9320 This is so rude 😭

This is so rude 😭 submitted by Crafty_Escape9320 to singularity [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 PositiveWorried5321 Drowning... life vest needed

American Politics and the US Constitution - C963
I'm struggling in this class. I've almost finished Unit 4, but I must finish this class by the end of the month.
What is on the OA?
Information overload is occurring, and I just don't know what to do.
submitted by PositiveWorried5321 to WGU [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Conscious-Water_ hi, please help, have been stuck on it for days

The lenght of an animal follows normal distribution with a mean of 10mm and a coefficient of variation of 0.2mm. If the sample size is 100, what is the biggest error possible with a confidence interval of 95%?
submitted by Conscious-Water_ to Statistics_Class_help [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Objective-Night-8966 Extrem crush på äldre kurskamrat

Under dagen så påbörja jag en kurs inom en Vuxenutbildning som skall vara ett halvår. Jag är 22 och har fått största crushen på en kurskamrat som är minst 5 år äldre än mig. Till start nu så har jag inte varit så social alls med gruppen... Tänkte dra mitt move imorgon. Någon som har några tips?
submitted by Objective-Night-8966 to sweden [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 bourbonhunk [CASIO] Split between these two, help me choose

submitted by bourbonhunk to casio [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Teachmeimcurious Dental Bonding?

Dental Bonding? Last time I visited for cleaning, my dentist suggested to fill my front teeth (haven't asked the medical term but is it dental bonding?). I have some questions hope you can help me. 😊
1) I am quoted at 4k each tooth so total of 8k, is the price reasonable? 2) How long will it last? 3) Does the procedure involve chipping the original teeth?
submitted by Teachmeimcurious to DentistPh [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Nefariousd7 Nelscott is doing it's thing

Nelscott is doing it's thing submitted by Nefariousd7 to OregonCoast [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 your_mom83626 These cosplayers 😫

These cosplayers 😫 Omgggggg
submitted by your_mom83626 to SchoolBusGraveyard [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Upstairs_Anywhere_24 Rawr. I look goood

Rawr. I look goood submitted by Upstairs_Anywhere_24 to Androgynoushotties [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 ComprehensiveTown206 Not being paid for the work I've done for the family business the past ten years

Hello and thank you to anyone willing to read this novel. Would love to hear the insight from someone with a horse background or someone who has been through a similar family business situation. l I apologize in advance for the long story.
So I (24 f) have been stuck in this situation for a very long time and I don't know what to do. I live on a farm with my family (mom, dad, older brother). We have a family business and it's a horseback riding stable. The barn was built 11 years ago and it was built in mind for me (the horse girl of the family). Every horse girl's dream right? I am the sole instructor of the business and I teach roughly 30 students a week right now. At one time it was more but I will get into that later. I also handle all of the scheduling, training of the horses, farrier work (I trim the feet myself), handling injuries, other maintenance work such as mucking stalls, taking students to horse shows, running and planning workshops. I used to also run week long summer canps all on my own. The list goes on. I've always been very passionate about horses, my riding, and my teaching. Here comes the problem. I've been teaching for 10 years (as of this fall) and I haven't been getting paid to teach lessons.
Yes, not a single lesson. It started out in the beginning my parents had an instructor lined up to do the teaching but it ended up falling through. Another attempt with a different instructor also didn't work out. That lead to me at 15 years old volunteering to teach the lessons as I was going through for my certification anyways. I was thrilled to help in that way at the time.
As time went by and I was getting older (a couple years in at that point) I was wondering when I would start to get paid. My parents said they were covering my fees for showing my own horses so I thought "fair enough, showing is expensive." This went on until about 2023 when I got a concussion from one of our boarder's horse. It cut my show season off halfway through the season which I was devastated by but shit happens. A few months go by and my head hasn't recovered from the concussion (I had stopped riding completely). I was asking my mom about getting myself some physio to help my healing as I seemed to have hit a rut. I thought that it would be fair if they helped me cover the expense of it as it was a result from a horse they earn income off of but my mother refused. I didn't have an income so I essentially had to wait to get help for my head. I finally reached a breaking point where I went and applied for a part time job (which they were against of). Thankfully I found a part time job with good benefits and I was able to get physio. Even with the benefits it cost me $2000 out of pocket. But I wasn't in as much pain anymore and had way less symptoms.
It was getting better to the point where I could start riding again. With the prospect of being able to show again I was talking to her about my plans were for showing again. At the end of the conversation she said "well, we aren't going to be covering your showing anymore." This hit me like a ton of bricks. There has been so many issues I've had with them over the years with guilt tripping and manipulating- I can't fit it all in this post.
I just don't know what to do anymore. I've hit a point in my life where I just feel so left behind. Every time I have brought up being paid there's always an excuse or it's blown up into an argument or they make me feel ungrateful. They always say "well the farm is going to be left to you guys". I get that, but what if my brother doesn't what to keep his half and I have to buy him out? I wouldn't be able to afford it so we would have to sell the farm and split it. I feel like I'm going crazy. Part of me feels guilty because this is so many people's dream and I care so much for the horses. The other part just wants to say fuck this. I have a boyfriend that I care deeply about and we have talked about moving in together but I can't. Because the part time job I do have (as good as it is) doesn't bring in enough as it's only 20 hours a week. I wouldn't be able to get a full time job at the moment because I spend so much time teaching lessons and caring for all the barn needs. I'm in therapy to help me try to work through this and get through to them. But I would love a different perspective on the situation.
I love my family but I'm beginning to resent them so much. I love the horses but I feel so drained from teaching. I don't know what to do.
I know alot of people are just going to say leave but it's so difficult to do that. I don't want anything bad to happen to the barn or the horses. I also love the farm and couldn't bear to lose it. I think fellow horse people might be able to understand the conflict
I'm sorry if this post is a mess. Any advice on how to handle the situation is really appreciated. In an ideal world I could say something that would make them see my value and pay me- without hating me forever
Thanks again if you read all the way through
P.s. would never wish family business on to anyone
submitted by ComprehensiveTown206 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 SlightlyDrunkWizard Girls, you wake up and have a penis for a day, what's the first thing you are sticking in in?

submitted by SlightlyDrunkWizard to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Lumpy_Ad_7013 Voltar a ver One Piece

Eu tava vendo One Piece (dublado pq n consigo acompanhar legenda), mas parei de ver One Piece por um tempo, pois me perdi (não consegui entender oque tava entendendo) em Marine Ford.
Pra tentar entender, fui rever Imapel Down, mas por umas complicações da vida tive que parar.
Alguem sabe como posso retomar o One Piece?
submitted by Lumpy_Ad_7013 to OnePieceBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 NotJoelStreams Presenting the facts hurt!

Presenting the facts hurt! Mainly my fault, should have known this card was fake. I will not make this mistake again!
submitted by NotJoelStreams to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 xdarkkzz I thought it was hard in game

submitted by xdarkkzz to AssassinsCreedValhala [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 Environmental_Newt29 What's the best team i could make with these characters?

submitted by Environmental_Newt29 to GenshinImpact [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 CourtniHarris Not sure who she is, but she's pretty if you have a name let me know!

Not sure who she is, but she's pretty if you have a name let me know! submitted by CourtniHarris to BimboFreedom [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 00:50 SteveJ142 HM X12 not spinning 702 motors

Ok, I have tried my noob best to figure this out. Read more things in here that did not help. So here goes! I have a HM X12 that I am trying to run Tiny Whoop 702 26,000kv Neon Edition. I can get it to connect to BetaFlight and make changes to everything, but I cannot test and configure the motors. When I do it try they might shake, or slight spin, or do nothing. What am I missing??
submitted by SteveJ142 to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]