2025 is mathematical magic 🪄

2025.01.21 10:55 bollineni7 2025 is mathematical magic 🪄

submitted by bollineni7 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 No-Marionberry-6769 Ultra Stretching Massage Mat, Extended Easy Stretch Mat, Ease Back & Nec...

Ultra Stretching Massage Mat, Extended Easy Stretch Mat, Ease Back & Nec... submitted by No-Marionberry-6769 to BestToBuyUSA [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 the-real-col-klink Seeking real info on ESHALLGO INC EHGO

I bought into this company when their stock tanked. They are an office furniture and equipment company. Now I'm just simply trying to find it on line to learn a bit more about it. Is there a trick? I know these stocks are very volatile and many just out right fraudulent, but I would think they exist somehow on line legit or not. Thank-you
submitted by the-real-col-klink to InvestingChina [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 -mickeymao 0-3-3 vs 3-3-0? An accurate portrayal of The 3-Healer Tryhards vs.The Quick Play Dailies Crowd

0-3-3 vs 3-3-0? An accurate portrayal of The 3-Healer Tryhards vs.The Quick Play Dailies Crowd submitted by -mickeymao to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Enrico_Tortellini Poppers and Weird Sex !!!

Poppers and Weird Sex !!! submitted by Enrico_Tortellini to CirclejerkSopranos [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 adithyashankar_ ABS retrofit.

Has anyone tried retrofitting ABS to their car? So backstory my 2017 Grand i10 sportz automatic did not come with ABS from factory but future versions of the same car with no facelift or model changes did come with abs (my relatives have a 2019 version of the same exact car down to the color) and that did come with ABS.
Today I had an incident that left me shaken, it was an emergency braking (at 60-65 kph) situation and all 4 wheels locked up I lost control of the car, it almost spun out. I’ve always been upset about Hyundai skipping out on basic safety features on this car (I’ve had situations where the wheels locked but only the fronts for a very short time) and now I want to rectify this fault.
I know in theory it can absolutely be done with OEM parts ie an ABS pump, plumbing, ABS module and wheel speed sensors. The car already has slots for the necessary fuses in the fuse box so I assume all the electronics is already in it.
I mainly wanted to know if anyone’s ever attempted such a retrofit and at which shop because I know damm well a Hyundai workshop won’t do it.
submitted by adithyashankar_ to CarsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 miztyl Dating with Jasmine in Life on Mars - MiZtyl

Dating with Jasmine in Life on Mars - MiZtyl submitted by miztyl to itchio [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Boring_Try1910 Through triple threat park- pray for me

Through triple threat park- pray for me submitted by Boring_Try1910 to MyTeam [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Ornery-Ad3289 Ideál pirate board

Hello, how do you think ideal APM pirate Board with spacefarer would look?
submitted by Ornery-Ad3289 to BobsTavern [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Mario-Nintendo9746 Mortal Kombat DLC leaked

Mortal Kombat DLC leaked submitted by Mario-Nintendo9746 to casualnintendo [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Natural-Shock-7590 Are we still doing what our favorites say about us?

Are we still doing what our favorites say about us? Hon
submitted by Natural-Shock-7590 to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 sonicfonico My take on a possible Achivements system

While having a system similar to PS/Xbox would be cool on his own, i think Nintendo needs to put his own charm on something like this.
My take is the following: take the Missions system from NSO and evolve it into something bigger
Basically, every game has his own missione, like PS/Xbox. Every mission gives you My Nintendo Points.
So here's the Key difference: instead of a Trophy list or G counter, you get spendable My Nintendo Points. Then, like now, you can spend these points in Icons. But in this case the icons have a rarity system: the rarer they are, the most point they cost.
And when you buy an icon you can display it on and "Icon Shelf" on your profile. Basically, by showing a collection of rare icons, you also show how big of a Trophy hunter you are.
What do you think?
submitted by sonicfonico to NintendoSwitch2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 andrees5274 About Scarlet BS

About Scarlet BS hello Who should Scarlet BS out with tickets? Obviously I see that Cinderella, Red Hood and Scarlet BS are the best dps, however they say that Cinderella and Red Hood will not have a rerun. I'm not a big fan of collaborations, ask that I don't know whether to use my tickets in it or in the next Pilgrim/over spec Also, in case I took it out, I wanted to know which is your best team with the nikkes I have.
submitted by andrees5274 to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Mcdankerfield January Basho 2025 Day 10 - Futagoyama Beya Matches

January Basho 2025 Day 10 - Futagoyama Beya Matches submitted by Mcdankerfield to futagoyama [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Federal_Guitar_8311 Volume of revolution help

Where did I go wrong in my calculations, please? When I put this definite integral into my calculator I get a different value to the one I get when I performed the calculations by hand. Thank you in advance to anyone who helps, much appreciated! There is also some questions I wrote in the document, if anyone knows the answer to those I will love you forever
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submitted by Federal_Guitar_8311 to mathshelp [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Xatz41 Άγιος Νεόφυτος

Ο Άγιος Νεόφυτος γεννήθηκε στη Νίκαια της Βιθυνίας από γονείς ευσεβείς, τον Θεόδωρο και τη Φλωρεντία, επί βασιλέως Διοκλητιανού (284-304 μ.Χ.). Σε νεαρή ηλικία κατέφυγε στον Όλυμπο και ζούσε ασκητικά μέσα σε μια σπηλιά. Από τον Όλυμπο επανήλθε στη Νίκαια, όπου επισκέφθηκε τους γονείς του, και κατόπιν πάλι επέστρεψε στον Όλυμπο. Η ζωή του υπήρξε πολύ πνευματική. Εκείνο τον καιρό όμως, οι διώκτες του Χριστιανισμού Διοκλητιανός και Μαξιμιανός, έστειλαν στην επαρχία της Βιθυνίας έναν θηριώδη άρχοντα, τον Μάξιμο. Αυτός κομμάτιαζε τους χριστιανούς με τον πιο απάνθρωπο τρόπο. Τότε άγγελος Κυρίου εμφανίστηκε στον Νεόφυτο (που ήταν μόλις 15 ετών) και του είπε να πάει στη Νίκαια για να μαρτυρήσει. Έτσι ώστε με τον τρόπο αυτό να ενισχύσει ψυχικά τους χριστιανούς. Πράγματι ο Νεόφυτος παρουσιάστηκε στον Μάξιμο (290 μ.Χ.) και με πρωτοφανές θάρρος τον ήλεγξε. Τότε ο άγριος άρχοντας διέταξε και τον έδειραν σκληρά. Κατόπιν τον έριξαν μέσα σε καζάνι με βραστό νερό, έπειτα στα θηρία και στο τέλος τον σκότωσαν με ξίφος. Το μαρτύριο του, όμως, εμψύχωσε σε μεγάλο βαθμό τους χριστιανούς του τόπου εκείνου.
submitted by Xatz41 to OrthodoxGreece [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 countessan I don’t think i I am a spring anymore

I don’t think i I am a spring anymore Wearing a shirt that I have avoided because I thought it was too cool, but it actually looks good, doesn’t it? Make up is mascara only, in front of cloudy-sky window.
Is this goodbye? 😂 Should I try to get the gold/warmth out of my dyed hair? 😂
submitted by countessan to SpringColorAnalysis [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Abivarman123 Best rate control?

what is the best rate control and value for obs? (I need quality footage with the lowest possible file sizes) and any other tips to improve performance in OBS and get a high-quality video while maintaining low file sizes. (I am recording Minecraft BTW)
my current setting Rate control: CQP CQP: 30 Target usage: fastest
My PC specs CPU: intel i7 8650U GPU: Intel UHD 620 Ram: 32GB ddr4
submitted by Abivarman123 to obs [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 mpoweruat Two weeks later and we got our 100th user.

It’s been two weeks since launch, and today our 100th user joined. So here's what we did. Well, we still don’t have a dedicated marketing budget, so we’re trying everything we can. We’ve been actively sharing Gennova in relevant Subreddits, LinkedIn posts, and Facebook groups. Honestly, LinkedIn and Facebook haven’t done much for us, and our Google traffic is still too low to rely on. It’s been a lot of effort for limited results, but seeing 100 people join is really exciting. to give you some context if you didn't come across it yet, it's this tool that creates and publishes social media posts including images, videos and slides that's relevant to the context you gave it and the branding theme you applied. Also the content is always editable so it's not just a AI generated cold content when you add your touch to it.
submitted by mpoweruat to kickstarter [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 aaajaf LOW COST DENTAL CLEANINGS AT CSN

LOW COST DENTAL CLEANINGS AT CSN Hi everyone my name is Faja! I’m a dental hygiene student in need of a few patients. Schedule needs to be flexible! If you or anyone you know need a low cost cleaning, please let me know or have them reach out to me!
Appointments will always be at the dental hygiene clinic at the CSN Charleston location!
submitted by aaajaf to vegas [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Lanky-Ad-1603 Prolonged isolation/ stress induced freeze state

Technically I'm diagnosed with PSSD but my gut just tells me that's not the issue. It's taken me a year to sort through all my thoughts and feelings on this but I'm now 90+% sure I've frozen up for psychological reasons.
I'm very isolated, socially, despite my best efforts and since the pandemic I haven't been able to forge an emotional connection with anyone. I spent the pandemic alone and I think I shut down to cope and then I haven't been able to open back up (both for reasons of opportunity and reasons of emotional disconnection).
I feel a little isolated on the PSSD subs because I don't think anyone will believe me over there, but maybe there are people here who feel they're going through something similar?
Symptoms are total loss of response to internal and external cues in the body (although I do still fantasise and enjoy this psychologically), loss of erogenous sensation and loss of physical arousal. I'm a woman.
Other symptoms that are not sexual include loss of ticklishness in the body and loss of visceral response to the world (can't feel emotions in body).
I definitely, without a shred of a doubt, have severe depression. This has been ignored by sexual doctors, while depression doctors ignore the sexual side, which is a bit frustrating because really I think it's all the same thing and I'd like us to talk about the wider picture.
submitted by Lanky-Ad-1603 to sexualanhedonia [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Sufficient-Gap-8660 [VA] Speeding ticket help

So, a few hours ago, I just got a speeding ticket. My initial thoughts are is something wrong with my speedometer (I do drive an older car, 2007 mercury, mariner). Should I just pay the fine or see what happens in court?
What happened from my prospective: I was driving home from a clients house(I own an LLC that I do as a side hustle). so the local time is right around 8 PM. as it is winner. That means it is dark.. I’m driving near the area where I got pulled over. I was going up a hill and adjusted my radio and got flashed in the face by bright white lights instantly knowing that this was a police car who is pulling me over for something. The police car was sitting in the median.
After the officer pulled me over, he finally came to my window and asked for my license or registration which I’ve already pulled out and had in my hand by the time he came up to my window. He proceeded to look over the car even doublecheck that I had a front license plate and that my tags were not expired, etc.. He spent about 10 minutes riding up the ticket in his car and doing whatever else when he came back, I asked to see how he got my speed and he said he used a radar. I asked to see the radar and he immediately says it is against junior law to lock the speed on the radar. This genuinely had me confused cause I just wanted to see if he actually had a radar or not that the radar said my speed was 73. During this interaction, he did rattle off the making and model of radar and explain that it is standard procedure for it to be checked before shift and after shift.
submitted by Sufficient-Gap-8660 to AskLawyers [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Ol-makudonarudo Opened all saved pack - nothing. Open first fc point pack and this happen.

Opened all saved pack - nothing. Open first fc point pack and this happen. submitted by Ol-makudonarudo to fut [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 inevitableFucker Selling 1 Coldplay Ahmedabad ticket 25th January at MRP

The ticket was for Block A 9.5k total with gst is 10.5k. I am selling it for 9.5k only. Can handover in Pune immediately.
submitted by inevitableFucker to TicketResale [link] [comments]

2025.01.21 10:55 Puzzleheaded_Arm6298 Lucky guy

Her husband is so lucky
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Arm6298 to lies [link] [comments]
