Had a dream where this was the next Barbenheimer and I had to pick the movie….

2025.01.22 04:41 my_innocent_romance Had a dream where this was the next Barbenheimer and I had to pick the movie….

Had a dream where this was the next Barbenheimer and I had to pick the movie…. submitted by my_innocent_romance to thomastheplankengine [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Lanky-Fun-2795 The unimaginable has finally arrived for me on Soi 6

I'm 33 (been told I looked 27)/ well groomed Chinese-american.
I visited butterfly bar on Soi 6 and got smitten by western-educated working girl a couple of days ago ~ and she quoted me pay 2500 barfine + 20 lady drinks + 7000 LT. Who the fuck is paying these prices? 13300 baht for long time? I can also get two agogo girls on WS for those prices. Even short time for her is 5K, which is utterly insane.
submitted by Lanky-Fun-2795 to Pattaya [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Dumb_idiot19 English based masters program

Current resident in Japan looking for possible Japan based masters programs (English preferred) does anyone have any suggestions?
submitted by Dumb_idiot19 to japanlife [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Separate-Study9408 selling royale high diamonds for 15$ usd per 1m! cheapest rate!

selling royale high diamonds for 15$ usd per 1m! cheapest rate!
selling royale high diamonds for 15$ usd per 1m! cheapest rate! accepting paypal fnf and remitly! must pay paypal fees. dm me if interested !
submitted by Separate-Study9408 to crosstradingroblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 riel_pro Macaco

Macaco submitted by riel_pro to repollitos_criptidos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Apprehensive_Day212 Dafne Keen Metal Magazine

Dafne Keen Metal Magazine submitted by Apprehensive_Day212 to CelebhubSFW [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 ninjump Off-grid building in CA? ⚡

submitted by ninjump to Homebuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 josenoelrobles Descubre Tu Potencial: Creciendo en Fe y Confianza

DESCUBRE TU POTENCIAL: CRECIENDO EN FE Y CONFIANZA ¿Alguna vez has dudado de tu capacidad para lograr tus metas? Si es así, no estás solo. Muchas personas enfrentan momentos de inseguridad y vacilación respecto a sus habilidades y potencial. Sin embargo, es esencial recordar que todos fuimos creados con un propósito único y especial, tal como lo sugiere la Biblia en Génesis 1:27.
FUISTE CREADO A IMAGEN DE DIOS Desde el principio, la Biblia nos enseña que fuimos hechos a imagen de Dios, lo que implica inherente valor y propósito. Sabiendo esto, es fundamental que mantengamos presente que estamos destinados a triunfar y conquistar los desafíos de la vida.
TRANSFORMA TU MENTE Y ABANDONA EL MIEDO El miedo es uno de los mayores obstáculos en el camino hacia el éxito y el cumplimiento personal. En Romanos 12:2, se nos anima a transformar nuestras mentes para poder dejar atrás el miedo y abrazar la fe. Esta transformación no sucede de la noche a la mañana, sino que comienza con pequeños pasos.
PEQUEÑOS PASOS HACIA EL CAMBIO * Reflexiona sobre tus pensamientos diarios y enfócate en aquellos que sean positivos y constructivos. * Empieza a rodearte de personas que te apoyen y compartan tus valores y objetivos. * Escribe tus metas y sueños para tener un recordatorio constante de lo que deseas lograr.
TODO LO PUEDO EN CRISTO Filipenses 4:13 es uno de los versículos más famosos y nos recuerda que todo lo podemos en Cristo, quien nos fortalece. Esta creencia es una fuente inagotable de motivación y fuerza para enfrentar cualquier obstáculo que la vida presente.
CONSTRUYENDO FE EN TI MISMO Es crucial que reflexiones diariamente en la pregunta: ¿Qué pasos puedo tomar hoy para confiar en el potencial que Dios ya ha depositado en mí? Al tomar un momento para reflexionar y hacer esta introspección, abres la puerta para que sucedan cambios significativos en tu vida.
EL PLAN DE DIOS PARA TI ES GRANDE Nunca subestimes el poder de tu potencial. El plan de Dios para ti es mucho más grande de lo que te puedes imaginar. Es por ello que debes confiar en este proceso, sabiendo que hay un propósito más alto y un camino trazado para ti que te llevará a alcanzar cosas increíbles.
CONCLUSIÓN Confía en que tienes lo necesario para lograr tus sueños y metas. A medida que transformas tu mente, fortaleces tu fe y tomas pequeños pasos hacia adelante, verás cómo se desarrollan oportunidades excepcionales. Recuerda siempre que fuiste creado para triunfar y que, con fe y confianza, puedes conquistar cualquier desafío.
submitted by josenoelrobles to JoseNoelRobles [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 fulltablespoon Rental car company claimed damages that never happened

Rental car company claimed damages that never happened Sedgwick had all my information ready to proceed with the claim. I told them nothing happened during my rental and that I had photos from pick up and drop off and they said “Okay, we have canceled the claim” They didn’t even ask to see the pictures. I’m thankful I’m overly anxious and took pictures but damn what a waste of my time and energy
submitted by fulltablespoon to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 PikaPikaJayOF I got kicked out of Costco for wearing these booty shorts should I sue or leave it alone?

Let’s get straight to the point I’m broke and want some money! I was kicked out for wearing short booty boy shorts because apparently it goes against their policy. The employee that pulled me aside for it caused a scene and was the only one making a fuss about it. I go to this Costco ALL THE TIME in these same booty shorts. The employee that wanted to kick me out was claiming I had no bottoms on when I in fact did and had to raise my long shirt to show that I did in fact have booty shorts on but still got kicked out over it as it seems the manager just didn’t want to admit her employee was being a bit prude and bias on whatever their dress code apparent is. Im usually not one to sue over dumb petty crap but the circumstance made me feel so uncomfortable and I’m absolutely tired of getting walked on and discriminated against when I’ve dealt with enough of that in my life. Should I just leave well enough alone or pursue this and try to get some money out of it?
submitted by PikaPikaJayOF to ClassActionSettlement [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Amzsalllu Viastar | 10 Tablets | 100% Strong and Natural, Exclusively for Men, Easy to Swallow Pills, Manufactured in The UK, Price $20. For UK 🇬🇧. Interested DM me for Details

Viastar | 10 Tablets | 100% Strong and Natural, Exclusively for Men, Easy to Swallow Pills, Manufactured in The UK, Price $20. For UK 🇬🇧. Interested DM me for Details submitted by Amzsalllu to AmazonTesterClub [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 JPTheBoy_ She did her thing with these 🔥

She did her thing with these 🔥 submitted by JPTheBoy_ to EsterDobrikSupremacy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 PierreTueBaiano Essa ta purakkj

Essa ta purakkj submitted by PierreTueBaiano to ShitpostBR [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Notfinjar3 Which design is better?

Which design is better? The handdrawn or template one?
submitted by Notfinjar3 to boykisser2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Eastern-External-402 Come support me! Playing reload ranked rn!!

Hi Everyone! I'm glad to say that I am committing more into streaming on twitch! If you guys can do me a favor and join in my chat and say what's up, I would appreciate :) Also I'm so close to reaching 100 followers so if you could leave me a follow, thank youuuu <3
submitted by Eastern-External-402 to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 kenny818_ How many times is too many???

I’ve rewatched the show twice fully after occasionally watching it when I was younger and joining this sub has made me want to rewatch it again but I don’t want to ruin the show by watching it too many times sort of like how a song that gets played on the radio too much gets annoying. Has anyone watched the show more than twice?? And did it effect your love of the show???
submitted by kenny818_ to howimetyourmother [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 GreenWithEvil_33 Wisconsin Supreme Court refuses to release voter records sought by conservative activist

Wisconsin Supreme Court refuses to release voter records sought by conservative activist submitted by GreenWithEvil_33 to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Dominant_X_Machina New helm

submitted by Dominant_X_Machina to FashionQuestWorlds [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Yuna_ElegantAura_03 No DNA test required

No DNA test required submitted by Yuna_ElegantAura_03 to Awww [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 Honeybucket206 UNO non-PID coming out of storage

UNO non-PID coming out of storage I have an Uno dating back 20 plus years, one of the very first models they made. No PID. It's been sitting in storage for 10+ years. Time to resurrect. Where do I begin?
It turns on and heats up. Good news. Bad news, the plumbing seems to be on the fritz. The pump dribbles out a few drops from the group head, and nothing on the steam side seems to be operational.
I've looked around for a manual. Everything? Online seems to represent the current Uno lineup with the PID. I could probably use that to get by, but a lot of the plumbing looks pretty foreign between the old style and the current.
Does anyone have a non-PID manual PDF I can take a look at? Obviously I'll be doing a complete tear down and descaling from the inside out, anybody walk this path ahead of me and can offer any advice on rebuild of this specific model?
submitted by Honeybucket206 to Ascaso [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 DonSalaam Bishop pleads with Trump on fears from people targeted by his policies

submitted by DonSalaam to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 ExpressEfficiency627 Officially Broken 🫠

Officially Broken 🫠 submitted by ExpressEfficiency627 to christinahaacksnark [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 181093f What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by 181093f to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 redram382 Questions about Serving and Sponsers

Is there a setting so you can see where you are pointing your serve, or is it just a blind guess? How do you get sponsers? I see them but they do nothing if I click on them. I am level 21 right now
submitted by redram382 to Tiebreakthegame [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 04:41 erehiegah 22M what y'all up to rn

It's 10:40 for me rn so I'm just chilling in bed hmu if anyone's down to chat
submitted by erehiegah to chat [link] [comments]
