WIP/ Playwright's dream

2025.01.22 10:51 Janislug WIP/ Playwright's dream

WIP/ Playwright's dream submitted by Janislug to blender [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 OkBattle6803 Budget bookshelf speakers recommendation - Polk ES15 / Elac Debut B5.2

Hi, everyone. I'm looking for some help deciding between Polk Audio Signature ES15 (220€) and Elac Debut B5.2(200€), both being currently on sale at a local store. They will be powered by Wiim Amp. The combo will be my first setup after years of Edifier Active Speakers. I'm particularly interested in sound quality (good mids and decent bass) at low to medium levels listening.
Thanks în advance for your help!
submitted by OkBattle6803 to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 panodwfu Zielona woda w Swoszowicach

Straż miejska straszy ludzi ;)
submitted by panodwfu to krakow [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 DreamPirates Chitrangada Singh Indian Actress #ChitrangadaSingh

Chitrangada Singh Indian Actress #ChitrangadaSingh submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Archidaki Anhörung zu einem Einsatz der Feuerwehr vom 31.05.2023

Hallo alle zusammen,
gestern habe ich einen Brief der Stadt Düsseldorf erhalten, in dem die Feuerwehr nach einem Verkehrsunfall Betriebsmittel abstreuen mussten, die angeblich aus meinen „KFZ“ ausgelaufen sind und ich nun die entstandenen Kosten durch diesen Einsatz zahlen soll. (Kfz in Klammern, da es sich bei dem angegebenen Kennzeichen um einen 110ccm Roller handelt)
Das Problem liegt darin, dass ich mich so gut wie nie im dieser Straße aufhalte, da es weder mein Arbeitsweg/Arbeitsplatz ist, noch wohnen dort Freunde und Familie o.Ä.
Glücklicherweise war ich noch nie mit meinem Roller, Motorrad oder Auto in einem Unfall verwickelt und so kann ich mir auch nicht vorstellen mit diesem Einsatz in Verbindung stehen.
Was wären die sinnvollsten Schritte ?

submitted by Archidaki to LegaladviceGerman [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Helpful_Afternoon_53 Case Converter

Why Should You Use a Case Converter? Sometimes, you need your text to look a certain way. For example, when writing an email, you might need all the text in lowercase for a more casual tone. But, when writing a title, you might prefer uppercase to make it stand out. A case converter helps you do this easily without retyping everything.
Let’s take a look at some of the case styles that you can switch between.
Case Converter tool submitted by Helpful_Afternoon_53 to Tools [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 TerraBiteGA Don’t swipe! [OC]

Don’t swipe! [OC] submitted by TerraBiteGA to oneshit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Economy_Swordfish338 Confusion with CAMP

So i built a simple CAMP, but everytime i start the game again i get the message “camp can’t be placed…”. Sometimes I’ll go to where it’s built and it’s there, sometimes it isn’t!? I understand it has something to do with the close proximity of another camp. So do i just keep moving it around until I’m not infringing on another’s camp area? This is getting frustrating!
submitted by Economy_Swordfish338 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Bojo3000 Einfach abgeschaut der Adi

Einfach abgeschaut der Adi submitted by Bojo3000 to Kantenhausen [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 pervperverson Trixie during the first few minutes of Supermodel

Trixie during the first few minutes of Supermodel Hi all, was given lovely colouring sheets by a friend years ago but never got round to it. My daughter since found them and excitedly started colouring. When finished, she asked if I’d “put it on the internet” Et voila: my 9 year old’s interpretation of Trixie
submitted by pervperverson to rupaulsdragrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Ok_Confusion_4746 u-btcking~ had a dream it would reach $150k+. Start mentally preparing.

u-btcking~ had a dream it would reach $150k+. Start mentally preparing. submitted by Ok_Confusion_4746 to Buttcoin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 winglesscrab986 H: AA/25/15r GP W: 2 Stabilized mods

submitted by winglesscrab986 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 ihavenochingu_ 2024 me hardest paper kya tha?

my paper is on 24th (s2) so might as well practice that paper before i give the main mains thing- ://
submitted by ihavenochingu_ to JEE [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 TurnoverTraining3809 Read if you're applying to UK universities!!!!

Hello! I'm a current American international student in freshman year studying at a London University. I know the UCAS and UK application process incredibly well as I had to do it this time last year. If anyone is interested in applying or would like some help with their application, choosing universities and writing the personal statement please shoot me an email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
I charge 20 an hour, but for the whole service it would be give or take 75-100 USD
submitted by TurnoverTraining3809 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Available_Courage_20 Doctor with mixed income?

Hello everyone!
Sorry hindi kasi kami sobrang well versed sa ganito.
Newly Licensed physician here with existing TIN. Natanggap ako for regular office work during weekdays then I plan on working in clinics during the weekends.

  1. Do I need to reapply for mixed income sa BIR or okay na yung TIN ko?
  2. Is the side hustle taxable?
  3. What form po ang kailangan namin i-fill out?
Thank you!
submitted by Available_Courage_20 to taxPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 EmbarrassedBite5955 Az utca embere, avagy nem minden egyértelmű

Szemet szúrt egy videó, amiben az utca emberét megkérdezik Bindzsisztán miniszterelnökéről. Furcsa válaszokat adtak. Egyszerűen nem értették meg a klipet.
Utánajártam, hogy néhány év leforgása alatt egyéb kérdésekre milyen válaszokat adott az "utca embere". Tavaly egy videóban megkérdezték a következőt az utca emberétől: "Mit szólnál, kapnál egy pohár vizet és kiderülne, hogy H2O van benne? " Válasz: Ha H2O van benne, biztos, hogy nem innám meg!"
Meg régebben egy másik kérdést is feltettek: "(20)19-től bevezetnék az Unióban kötelezően az arab számokat. Mi erről a véleménye?" "Nem hallottam."/"Bevezetik és az miért lesz jó?"/"Szerintem nem kéne.Nekünk nem kell arab szám."/(Tudná használni?) "Az arab számokat? Nem."
2023-ban megkérdezték: - "Miről szól az Egri csillagok? "Elfoglalták a budai várat."/ - Ki írta az Egri csillagok c. könyvet? "Ezzel megfogtál."
submitted by EmbarrassedBite5955 to hungary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 WheelersDiecast Inspection time

Inspection time It’s inspection time in the shop, these vintage redlines have rolled there way in to assess their condition. Huge shout out too a few Etsy sellers on helping make this diorama come together. GRAFFiteMiningCO for creating the 3d printed dumpster, CreateMe3D for creating the 3d printed lifts, and ANDR3SDIECAST for creating the garage diorama. This vintage redlines now have the perfect shop to be assessed before the next group of cars come in. I’ve been holding on to my vintage redlines for a long time now for the perfect opportunity to show everyone. More to come in the near future!
submitted by WheelersDiecast to diecastcarcameraclub [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 CastorOfSpells 🏍 💥

🏍 💥 submitted by CastorOfSpells to PokeMedia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Inevitable-Pause-777 تجهيزات الحدائق اهم النصائح والافكار الجديدة - تاج الحدائق

تجهيزات الحدائق اهم النصائح والافكار الجديدة - تاج الحدائق submitted by Inevitable-Pause-777 to abyatproparty2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 ContributionAway5980 Looking for a study partner

Hello, I'm a 3rd-year student from Manipal looking for a dedicated step 1 usmle preparation partner.
dm if interested
submitted by ContributionAway5980 to USMLEindia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Itchy-Ad-9316 What my 50 Y/O Mom wore At Airport today

What my 50 Y/O Mom wore At Airport today A bit NSFW I said to her.
submitted by Itchy-Ad-9316 to indiasocial [link] [comments]


If you see all the pages reposting the ban of X links are all reposting specifically the New Jersey post and I mean I screenshotted 10 posts in a row of different pages posting the same picture. So my question is was NJ the first to do it or do they just make the final decision that other people follow. I just thought it was very strange everyone’s reposting JUST the NJ posts.
submitted by That-Bob-man to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 Shittingmydick Does Myntra sale Fake Hidesign Bags

Does Myntra sale Fake Hidesign Bags I purchased a Hidesign bag from Myntra . The seller name registered on the app is Truecom retail . It looks fine to my eyes but then again I have hardly used any leather goods and never any hidesign product so I'm unaware . I don't know if I should keep it or return it .
submitted by Shittingmydick to Myntradeals [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 DreamPirates Chitrangada Singh Indian Actress #ChitrangadaSingh

submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 10:51 android_tests_pac Post stats revamp test from pdp for 22/1/2025 10:50:53

submitted by android_tests_pac to LssAutomation [link] [comments]
