Large-scale PV has positive environmental effect on desert areas -- they also help regenerate biocrusts damaged by human activities

2025.01.22 13:08 sg_plumber Large-scale PV has positive environmental effect on desert areas -- they also help regenerate biocrusts damaged by human activities

Large-scale PV has positive environmental effect on desert areas -- they also help regenerate biocrusts damaged by human activities submitted by sg_plumber to OptimistsUnite [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 MyHedgiePenleope Should I refinance

Hello! I know this is probably a stupid question but nobody teaches you these things so I thought I’d ask the professionals lol. I bought a duplex in 2023 for $305k at 6.99%(I know 🥲). My payment right now is roughly $2800. I was reached out to by a different lender with a refinance offer. I don’t have the funds to buy down my rate, but they could drop me to 6.1% and my payment would be $140 less each month. It would only cost me $400 in fees, so to me, I feel like saving almost $2k a year would be worth it. Only downside is I’d be changing lenders and I don’t know much about what that will affect. So would it be worth refinancing or should I wait for the rates to drop (if they ever do). Thanks!
submitted by MyHedgiePenleope to Mortgages [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 xamo76 Trump Vs Taliban

submitted by xamo76 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Late-Holiday4128 Test

submitted by Late-Holiday4128 to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 J_Banks109 Hate life

As the title says, I 100% hate my job. I hate it with a passion. I hate people and dealing with dumb, annoying customers. I hate management and the owner. I hate how everything is expensive, and the tax department as well as the government f**king my ass every week. I hate that most employers in the country hire foreigners, and working with them ain’t anything to be proud of either no point in studying because even with a high degree, nothing changes. Sure, pay increase, but it doesn’t matter. More you earn, the more tax you pay. The cost of living will only get higher in the future. Wages won’t matter. Everyone has tall poppy syndrome. Even the lower of low workers with their BS job titles hate how these people have these titles and they do less work and get paid more. They ain’t even citizens. I hate this demographic is well, but they obviously breed like rats and smell like armpits, which is another story. I also know right now it’s hard for everyone, especially those who are looking for work, but I’m at the end of my patience. I’m looking at prostitution right now, so basically shaking my hotbox for cash jobs. I even thought of stealing stuff and selling it off. Also, I’d rather sell contraband. At least if I get caught, I’d be living for free in a cell like at this point, who really cares? This country traps people so they can’t leave. It’s so annoying. I have thought about sneaking onto a cargo ship and just living in some random country again, using my hotbox there to survive lmao If I win the lotto, I will buy a house and become a fancy whore selling videos and this bomb as hotbox for top dollar lmao
submitted by J_Banks109 to auckland [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Junior_Reputation120 Emily Ratajkowski

Emily Ratajkowski submitted by Junior_Reputation120 to CelebLBDs [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Outside-Test-1756 what have you come to terms with in life?

submitted by Outside-Test-1756 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Proper-Cup-9858 I'm back. Now, you all know who's gonna get chosen...

I'm back. Now, you all know who's gonna get chosen... submitted by Proper-Cup-9858 to AntiHazbinHotel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 HealinGriz What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by HealinGriz to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Mookie89 Weighty Matters: A New Webcomic About Body Image, Mental Health, and Geek Culture

submitted by Mookie89 to selfpromotion [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Hot_Wrongdoer3035 A4 b7 1.8t maintanence tools

Hi I'm a student and I just got an Audi a4 b7 1.8t. I've been looking at some tools as I would like to be able to do some of the maintenance on it myself to save money and as I also like cars. I live in Europe so we do not have harbor, freight, Lowes home depot etc. so I cannot get a lot of the cheap starter ones I see recommended regularly. I have some tools for woodworking already and alot of screw bits so i do not need any of those as far as I'm aware I've seen some kits but am unsure which to get I was considering either getting one of these cheaper ones:
Or these three slightly more expensive Tekton ones as they are great quality from browsing this subreddit
Id also been looking at these
submitted by Hot_Wrongdoer3035 to Audi [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 throwaway4729b Thriller/spicy books?

Okay so after so many incredible recommendations on my last post, I'm hunting for more!
Would love some thrillescary (not fantasy) wlw books? Spice would be a bonus but not the main theme?
Thank you in advance! Last time everyone was so helpful!
submitted by throwaway4729b to wlwbooks [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Diemishy Sobre estar muito ferida.

Não consigo dormir. Durmo quatro horas por noite, acordando com pesadelos.
Não estou com fome. Sinto vontade de comer pra descontar na comida, mas a ideia de mastigar e engolir me faz sentir cansada.
Estou fumando sem parar. O dia todo, inteiro. Acordo e vou fumar, depois saio pra comprar mais e estou me controlando pra não beber porque eu já tive problemas com isso e fazer isso numa situação assim parece pedir pra virar alcoolatra de novo. Acordei com cãibras hoje porque eu já tenho problemas cardíacos, soma com o fumar tanto e o resultado é que meu sangue não está circulando.
Não consigo me distrair. Inútil, uma tentativa Inútil, infrutífera. Estou fazendo a distração me sentindo mal, inquieta.
Estou inquieta. Não consigo fazer nada, não consigo descansar. Não estou fazendo nada.
Desabafar não ajuda. Falo, falo, falo e, no fim, estou sentada na varanda fumando de novo, olhando para fora e querendo que pare a inquietação e angústia.
Estou negligenciando meu pet. Dou comida e limpo os dejetos, mas não dou carinho e ela está tão desanimada quanto eu e eu me culpo, mas vou lá pra fora fumar.
Só consigo pensar no problema. E dói, dói, dói, dói, dói, dói, dói, dói, dói, dói, dói. E eu fico cansada, cansada, cansada, mas não consigo não pensar e não consigo não doer.
Me sinto dramática, histérica. Escrevo isso querendo sorrir porque me sinto uma farsa. Sinto que estou exagerando, que estou fazendo parecer pior do que é e me dramatizando para receber atenção. Tenho síndrome de impostor até com meus sentimentos. Minha angústia me parece inválida.
Olho para a situação e me parece cômica. Me aproximei de uma pessoa por duas semanas. Me apeguei para caralho e agora estou á ponto de ir me humilhar pedindo para que fale comigo de vez em quando só até essa dor diminuir. De novo: duas semanas. Parece que eu nunca sofri um término, parece que nunca perdi ninguém para estar assim. Parece que vivi uma vida realmente muito mansa e nem fiquei á beira de situação de rua ou passei fome ou enterrei quem me criou ou sofri violência para estar sofrendo por algo assim. E tudo isso aconteceu e eu ainda estou aqui assim. A situação me parece patética. Eu sei que tenho que ter compaixão comigo mesma e respeitar minha dor, mas quando olho assim, me distanciando, parece meio ridículo.
Eu sei que sobrevivo, eu sei que passa, mas o sobreviver até lá é o problema. A gente (eu incluso) esquece o que é isso de viver a dor minuto após minuto até que ela passe. Paramos de sentir aquela dor que não nos permite virar as costas para ela e só pensamos no "isso passa". E enquanto não passa...? Enquanto não passa e você não quer comer, você não se sente apto para viver sua vida normalmente, não se sente capaz de se distrair e precisa estar vivendo com plena atenção à dor... como é isso? Se desabafar não adianta e nada adianta e você precisa viver a dor que machuca como uma desgraçada, e aí? E aí? Eu consegui me esquecer disso. Não sei como alguém que viveu uma vida como a minha se esqueceu, mas eu consegui. Que proeza.
submitted by Diemishy to desabafos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Stormcloudhead This lock is perfect

This lock is perfect submitted by Stormcloudhead to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 lool8421 After using 1.21 for 4 months, there are my thoughts

Performance - while 1.21 shows higher resource usage, it also has much better performance in like every single way - i get more fps than my 1.8 client, as well as massively improved ping stability (yes, somehow the connection quality is better), way faster lobby load times and the game launches 3x faster than 1.8 forge, fabric is just built different. While 1.8 by default is faster, it rapidly loses performance as you keep adding more mods and it doesn't make a full use of modern hardware.
Mods - Yes, that's a fact that 1.8 has way more mods than 1.21, but at the same time i feel like people rely on mods too much. Sure, having dungeon or enchanting solvers can be considered essential by some, but for example why do you need a tracker for every single feature? What's the point of me knowing how many moogmas i've caught in the last 3h of lava fishing? Or why do you have 5 different itemlock mods? At this point the amount of 1.8 mods makes navigating through everything painful and bloated. You don't even need this many trackers if a lot of trackers can be configured with /tablist, which is a vanilla feature.
Modern minecraft actually seems to slowly get more "general client-side" mods than 1.8 which allows you to pick your own features. Installing them isn't hard or dangerous either since you can just use modrinth nowadays to easily add verified mods that are extremely unlikely to contain malware as opposed to downloading all mods manually. I could recommend "skyblocker modpack" as a good starter template and then you can add your own mods (but please add only client side ones for your own sake). Apparently skyhanni is also getting ported to 1.21 so if you want that mod, it might also become available at some point in the future.
You can use clients like lunar or blc as well, but while gaining performance and simplicity, you lose on flexibility, but i have never used these so can't really tell, i'm comparing 1.21 fabric with 1.8 forge.
A thing that's certain is that once admins finally update the server, modern versions will allow you to play the foraging update without having to give up on the mods you're used to having, it might be hard to access the foraging update once it drops if you're going to be limited by 1.8.
Problems with 1.21 - honestly there are only 2 major issues i've noticed - no ghost picking in dungeons (which was a bug anyways, so it getting fixed is to be expected) and watchdog not being used to 1.21 movement, causing frequent rubberbands when you run on snow or hitting any ceiling while sneaking and jumping, although i could see it getting fixed once the server gets updated. Making a switch felt weird at first as well because just everything looks different and i have to configure everything, but it's something that you can get used to.
Overall opinion: it feels strange at first, but ends up being better than 1.8 once you finally get used to it. You can stick to 1.8 for now, but it seems to start slowly falling behind as we get closer to the server getting updated.
submitted by lool8421 to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 SleekReader 😆

😆 submitted by SleekReader to sciencememes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 untitledfolder4 We would like to comment with gifs por favor jeffe

We would like to comment with gifs por favor jeffe I wanna reply to comments with gifs
submitted by untitledfolder4 to indianbikes [link] [comments]


Salve, sto per fare una migrazione da FWA a FTTH 2.5Gb. I gestori mi danno 2 opzioni, 1Gbps e 2.5Gbps, però avendo attualmente un cavo cat 5e, dovrei essere limitato ad 1Gbps, cosi come nella maggior parte delle abitazioni. Per questo mi sorge una domanda, i gestori sono consapevoli che anche prospettando un servizio 2.5Gbps quasi tutte le persone non supereranno gli 1Gbps quindi facendo una sorta di ""scam"", oppure mi sto sbagliando e con un cavo cat 5e è possibile raggiungere velocità piu elevate? E' la prima volta che mi addentro nello specifico in questo settore del networking quindi chiedo qua per maggiori chiarimenti
submitted by L0LL0Z_ to Italia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 No_Temperature1032 Οποίος την ξέρει δμ

Οποίος την ξέρει δμ submitted by No_Temperature1032 to GreekAmateurGirls [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Unknownenergy0 My NMS (No Man's Sky) character

My NMS (No Man's Sky) character Lanol has been traveling the stars to find those like her. Unfortunately she is the last kitsune in the galaxy, and doesn't even know that.
submitted by Unknownenergy0 to GachaLife2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 grey_alien_kid How to follow caller’s wallet from

Anyone knows how to find the callers wallet on sectbot? By the time it’s posted on sectbot it’s so delayed already
submitted by grey_alien_kid to solana [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 qualia-assurance Lake District village is 'the loveliest spot ever found’

Lake District village is 'the loveliest spot ever found’ submitted by qualia-assurance to WholesomeCumbria [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 sermon37eckhart "Only thinking that has been freed can give philosophical form to the content that it possesses prior to dialectical thought." (The Light)

The question of freedom can also be posed dialectically, like any question. However, it cannot be resolved dialectically, simply because dialectical thought is an expression of thinking's dependence on intellectualism [sense-bound thinking], and thus, of its non-freedom. For as much as it theorizes about freedom, dialectical thought cannot realize freedom. Nor can dialectical thought frame the question of freedom philosophically.
A “philosophy of freedom” can be created only by thinking that has already realized freedom. [thinking liberated from the senses; thinking that no longer projects its bond on corporeality onto the etheric body] It cannot arise from thoughts that are merely philosophical. Only thinking that has been freed can give philosophical form to the content that it possesses prior to dialectical thought. Therefore, it posits an interior action, toward which any philosophical comprehension [dialectics; reliance on words, abstractions] of the theme is simply an indication. Mere learning, by reaffirming the dialectical category of non-freedom, lies outside the task of the philosophy of freedom — which is philosophy that is thinkable ,[dialectics] as the very experience of the freedom of which it speaks.

submitted by sermon37eckhart to massimoscaligero [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 Accurate-Check-4271 Ok I'm don't finding PPL or friends, just tell me is there any app for therapy or to get psychiatrist and have actual help??

Same as title.
submitted by Accurate-Check-4271 to lonely [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 13:08 yaya2228 Security Clearance that’s not really a clearance?

So I applied to be a background investigator in my area. The job posting on Indeed and Peraton site said I must possess or be able to obtain a security clearance. I asked about the process during my interview and basically they said it's not an actual clearance but something equivalent to it? Like Peraton's version of a clearance. Does anybody know about this?
submitted by yaya2228 to Peraton [link] [comments]