2025.01.22 16:58 MondoChris Cuenta en dólares
Hola, estaba pensando abrir una cuenta en dólares porque voy a viajar. Pensaba abrirlo en Interbank ¿Pero que otra opción sería buena?
submitted by MondoChris to PeruFinanzas [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 test_block_4 To report 2025-01-22 16:56:45
submitted by test_block_4 to 17112022075331 [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 imthrownaway93 AIO at wanting to block my brother from my life? I’m tired of the disrespect and racism.
My brother (28) is not an outward racist. But he thinks it’s funny to do shit like this in our family group chat. I’ve changed it before and said it was inappropriate. But after we got into yesterday about the Nazi salute Elon did,he changed it back to this and I’m so fucking over it. He has many more issues I don’t want to get in to because last time I posted about it, no one believed me and said I was trolling. This is just a little piece of him, and I’m done tolerating this behavior. But I know if I go no contact, everyone will tell me I’m being dramatic. submitted by imthrownaway93 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 NumerousAnalysis8506 My younger bro mailed me an invoice when i stopped replying to his texts
submitted by NumerousAnalysis8506 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 lemkowidmak Philadelphia Eagles @Eagles: 📺: #WASvsPHI on 1/26 at 3:00pm on FOX
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 kabss90 🍀
submitted by kabss90 to potato [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 Fortnite-ns-fw More Hatsune Miku
submitted by Fortnite-ns-fw to Fortnite_ns_fw [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 Spirited_Movie5238 10 year maintenance: am I missing anything?
I'm coming up on 10 years (50k miles) with my FiST and I'm wanting to make sure I'm not missing anything. I'm happy with the performance, so I won't be putting in an lsd or a bigger turbo 😂
Clutch: Oem clutch and pressure plate with slave cylinder, oem flywheel (new), fw to crank and clutch to fw bolts, axle seals, BG synchro shift fluid with new magnetic drain plug, and vent.
Timing belt and water pump
Bleed brakes
Oil change (of course)
submitted by Spirited_Movie5238 to FiestaST [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 anonymousgecko21 Is $1,000 too much for spark plugs replacement on 2018 340i through BMW dealer?
I have a 2018 340i and I'm due for spark plugs and the dealer is quoting me $1,000 including parts and labor. Is this a fair price? Or should i just go to a independent german auto shop instead? In California if that matters.
They're also asking for $1,300 for a rear bushing (might've been diff bushing? i can't remember lol, not sure if that's a thing) replacement, and $300 for diff fluid replacement and service. which i think is more reasonable?
submitted by anonymousgecko21 to BMW [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 DocumentHefty Dalton Highway Winter Driving (Dec-Jan)
Question for truckers or people who are seasoned Dalton highway travelers. How often do you see passenger vehicles on the road in the winter? I know the conditions are brutal and deadly. But can you share some of your advice for safely traveling the Dalton in the winter? And maybe a realistic perspective from your experience how often it is almost un-driveble in winter. Like how often are there white-outs or conditions so bad the road is closed. And if it is closed do you guys just turn around? Wait it out? How long have some of the closures lasted? Do they plow the road at all due to its remoteness?
And I know the advice most have is don't drive it. But I'm not asking that, I'm just asking what it is really like from first hand experience.
submitted by DocumentHefty to alaska [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 lemkowidmak Philadelphia Eagles @Eagles: Let's review the tape, shall we? ⏪ https://t.co/HFaQpw2d7L
submitted by lemkowidmak to phillysports [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 Busy_Ear9170 Does anyone here know Jon Bon Jovi personally?
In a previous post I made someone who said she is a Rock Jounarlist commented. Likewise does anyone here know Jon Bon Jovi the persnality in their personal capacity? What kind of a person he is in real life? I mean lots of these celebrity tupes have very lavish lifestyles right? Women all over the place. Sleeping with fans etc etc. So what kind of a person is he? A family man? Or a major league playewomaniser? Anyone has any personal experience with him?
submitted by Busy_Ear9170 to BonJovi [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 Responsible_Sky_3225 What type of coloring is this?
https://x.com/dangotaso/status/1794306062222557648 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/16320443
submitted by Responsible_Sky_3225 to AskArtists [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 Fallen_Mom Going for Jubilee!
Bounced back and forth but we have settled on a 7 day Jubilee. I've been researching but have a few questions mixed in.
Mahogany Bay will be a beach day, everything says it's right off ship and a carnival beach. Possibly need to rent the chairs.
Cozumel/Costa Maya. I'm thinking port wandering and tubing cave excursion. Would love any suggestions or specific ideas though. I think I'm still a little nervous and want to stick with in port or carnival specific excursions. I do not want to be a pier runner.
Now the unknown. I have a camp ocean kiddo. I've seen a few people say their kids could not bring water bottles or drinks. I'm cool with just checking her out every hour or so to get some fluid in her but really she is too shy to ask for a drink (and forgetful if shes having fun) and having her own would be handy. Any first hand, recent experience?
Galveston hotel suggestions? Or close too. I keep seeing harbor house and similar located places but that is definitely not in our budget. I'm thinking if we can find somewhere 2-3 hours away and then just pay to park at port that will be sufficient.
Last thing on my brain currently is I read somewhere about a free bracelet that you can buy charms for. Anyone have a picture or information on said bracelet. Myself and 2 girly girls would appreciate the info.
Dad and oldest kiddo would be getting bubbles. Little and I will carry on drinks. We aren't big drinkers so a bottle of wine is enough for us. Last time we brought 2 and carried one right back off the ship lol.
We've picked our dates/ship. Going to talk to the girls this weekend. Still debating between an interior and balcony. I think an interior would be fine, save $500 but I'm taking in everyone's opinions and then booking.
Gravy that was long, TIA!
submitted by Fallen_Mom to CarnivalCruiseFans [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 Horror_Potential_662 Rant/Seeking Advice - Trying to move jobs in HR :(
(27F) I currently work as an HR Advisor for a creative company in London. I’m on £36,000 and I’ve been told by many people, recruiters included, that I’m very much underpaid for my level. We’re not doing great as a company financially so I don’t see any salary increases coming my way in the near future. On top of this, I don’t feel like I’m growing in my role at all, I literally just answer emails all day but not doing anything challenging that I used to enjoy about my role. The added value function of HR is not there in my company and this is primarily due to cost saving efforts and multiple rounds of redundancies.
I’ve been looking for a new job since early last year, I’ve had a few final stages that I thought I was going to get but haven’t been successful so far. The usual feedback I receive is that I don’t have enough employee relations experience, but due to the nature of my industry and the fact that we hardly have anyone in my company anymore, we don’t get high level ER cases like disciplinaries or grievances so I literally can’t get the experience here! I’ve even considered taking a Junior HR Advisor position where I could move up and get the experience in that company, but I was rejected because I’m too qualified (the salary was £35,000 for that one)
Im really at a loss of what to do, I’m so tired of the “we regret to inform you” emails after interviews where I thought I’d done well. I’ve been so close to just quitting but I know the reality of quitting without a new job will be even worse than I currently am so I suppose I should be grateful for having a job. But I just feel like I’m not thriving at all and I’m trying to save for a mortgage deposit, I need more money and I need to see a path for progression in my future.
Any advice?
submitted by Horror_Potential_662 to UKJobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 GingerCookie96 [18+] Want to make friends and be in a somewhat new server that has active members, have I got the place for you!
Cookie haven has tournaments, it has regular events, its fairly new but its very active, we plan to have regular monthly events as well as lots of other things planned if that sounds interesting to you come and join!! https://discord.gg/CTzGWpQT
submitted by GingerCookie96 to DiscordServerPromos [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 curious_sprog26 my first ever attempt at ladyfingers vs most recent😭
im not sure what’s wrong w me😭 i loveee trying out new recipes but i get all nervous and panicky when my family asks me to make the same exact thing again. picture 1 & 2 are my first ever attempt on ladyfingers and tiramisu. it was perfect!!! everyone loved it. few days ago, i tried making it again. it was ok but not upto my expectations and i was aware of the mistakes i made. third picture is my most recent attempt on trying to redo it and fix my mistakes but ended up with these weird, uneven cookies but i used the exact same recipe?!? (from youtube) 😞 but more importantly, can i still use those ladyfingers for a tiramisu? they have a complete different texture, more airy, slightly chewy but crispy?! the flavour is alright tho, so what should I do? submitted by curious_sprog26 to BakingNoobs [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 Astghik_Malumyan Copenhagen
submitted by Astghik_Malumyan to streetphotography [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 MightGoInsane Is CE as oversaturated as CS?
submitted by MightGoInsane to ComputerEngineering [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 Sad_Guri0 Coe, KKKKKKKKKKKK
submitted by Sad_Guri0 to ShitpostBR [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 Lifeiskicking Am i receding?
submitted by Lifeiskicking to Hairloss [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 AvalancheSiren Keeping a face abscess clean on a wriggly, stubborn rat?
She is going to the vet tomorrow morning, just looking for tips for today. My girl Howl is 2 years 4 months. She lost her cage mate about 3 weeks ago so we’ve been solo-ratting (kind of, she has another sister who lives in the cage next to her due to aggression issues) ever since, which means I’m with her constantly. I noticed on Sunday she had a lump on her face that wasn’t there yesterday. I emailed my vet for an appointment bc I was worried it was another tumor. When I came home from work yesterday I noticed it was gone, so I flipped her over and saw that it was an abscess that had burst. I did my best to clean it: I used a warm paper towel and then I used some saline to try and rinse it out but obviously she didn’t like that one bit. I tried wrapping her in a towel but that clearly didn’t work and she was able to scoot down inside of it and hide from me.
I want to try and saline rinse again just to be safe before her appointment tomorrow. What can I do to keep her still without injuring her? She has two tumors, one really big (also the reason for the vet) and I don’t want her to hurt herself.
submitted by AvalancheSiren to RATS [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 sepruda F2L last pair help
I'm learning F2L but the last pair causes be trouble if the tops don't match. What's the algorithm for this situation? submitted by sepruda to Cubers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 16:58 Direct-Whole8142 Please help, nobody to talk to
Hi everyone and sorry for posting here if not allowed, but I don’t know where else to turn to.
Person I was with back in 2019/2020/2021 status is unknown (though he swore he’s “clean”) Unprotected and didn’t think to test until after we broke it off because I’m an idiot and too trusting.
2024 developed a weird rash on my backside and spiraled from there. Went and took two Oraquick tests a month or two apart which both showed negative. To put my mind at ease I asked for a blood test August 2024. They did ag/ab 4th generation test. The lady drawing my blood made me feel extremely small, so it all just gave me more anxiety and bad vibes. That test came back non reactive. Naturally anxiety is telling me that’s incorrect, she didn’t store the blood properly, etc.
Am I ok? Should I repeat the blood test? I apologize for asking this here but I wanted to speak with those who are informed and knowledgable.
submitted by Direct-Whole8142 to hivaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 16:58 goofyplateau [LF] Ithaca, NY- Cycled Tank Media/dirty tank water
I'm starting my first tank and I've researched that adding something dirty from an established tank can help get the nitrogen cycle going so that's what I'm looking for- a sponge about to be replaced, some old substrate, or even a baggy of dirty tank water that a sponge has been squeezed into.
submitted by goofyplateau to AquaSwap [link] [comments]