2025.01.22 19:02 Galov_123456 Raga đź’€
E niente.... Esplode tutto..
submitted by Galov_123456 to papere [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Dapper_Team_2593 Snowboard boots issue
So I recently bought my first ever pair of boots. The Salomon Launch SJ BOA’s. Now in the shops they felt great, seemed like a good snug fit.
Today was my second day of riding with my new boots and I ran into an issue. Whenever tightening the front Boa, my shins tighten but my feet stay relatively loose. Whenever I lean forward, this will shift and will tighten my foot and loosen my shins.
Basically me leaning forward stretches out the BOA cable on my shins which tightens my feet. I get less control on my board due to my shins becoming loose and my feet will start to hurt eventually because of the over tightening.
Is there something I’m doing wrong? Is the boot malfunctioning? Or is my size wrong?
Can someone help me out?
submitted by Dapper_Team_2593 to snowboardingnoobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Forsaken_Pen_5433 Is the 14600kf a good buy in 2025?
I am soon going to buy a PC for Gaming and productivity work (I’m a DT student so I will need a CPU that can handle CAD and I’m also looking into start some game development as a hobby (UE5))
In the region where I live, the CPU mobo combo I can get in the budget I have is either:
14600kf + overclockable b760M (The mobo in this combo is on deal is only ÂŁ70 - open box)
total: ÂŁ290
7600x + b660
total: ÂŁ340
I have heard a lot about 13/14gen Intel instability issues and lack of an update path as 12/13/14 gen is on a dead platform.
So my question is, is a less powerful CPU and a more expensive combo worth it for an upgrade path and staying safe around the instability issues (IDK if it is fixed, and if not if it will affect the i5s)?
If this is of any importance, this is my first build.
If I were to run a 7700x the cpu Mobo combo would be ÂŁ400-ÂŁ420.
I am also using the same AIO for both builds so no need to factor the size of the cooler into the final price.
This is my first post on Reddit, apologies for the long read!
Have a great day everyone!
submitted by Forsaken_Pen_5433 to buildapc [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 alcoh4lea Finished my first portrait!
Yay!! Finished my first portrait and my secobd drawing ever!!
submitted by alcoh4lea to drawing [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 flyingfishstick Baby Murderbot
As I get ready to watch Alexander Skarsgard be stonyfaced and stoic as MB in the upcoming tv version,
I can't help remembering that he was one of the goofy model roommates in Zoolander. Yup, that's him in the green shirt.
If I must be cursed with this knowledge, so should you.
You're welcome.
submitted by flyingfishstick to murderbot [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 ConferenceNo6640 City name?
submitted by ConferenceNo6640 to AmazonCoolestProducts [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 Usual_Category_New If you could ask one question and get the absolute truth, what would it be?
submitted by Usual_Category_New to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 kiwiretrogeek F
submitted by kiwiretrogeek to WhatIsMyCQS [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 happychap02 Do you need sneakers for body sculpt?
I’ve done sculpt at other gyms and it’s barefoot on mats, similar to pilates, yoga, etc. does anyone know if body sculpt at equinox requires sneakers or is barefoot? Thanks!!
submitted by happychap02 to EquinoxGyms [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 CheesecakeFancy2884 Aging In Reverse Program
Did anyone do her program that talked about aging in reverse and how to make yourself energetically younger. I am just curious what type of stuff did she talk about within it if anyone is willing to share
submitted by CheesecakeFancy2884 to Minairfanthescammer [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Aggravating_Pop_2986 Depths 11 is Crushing my Soul - Need Tips
As the title says, hitting an absolute wall handling the double bosses. Nioh 2 has become one of my favorite games ever, and I consider my skill level to be pretty solid (have beat all the major fromsoft games +DLCs without summons). Really want to finish the depths solo without tapping in the co-op NPC, but my spirit is getting crushed. Wondering if anyone else has been in this position and what helped them power through. At the moment only have one useful scroll of the dammed with ultimate magic, and cycling between graces Susano, Ame and Ninigi. My weapon is Dual Bloodstained Cleavers. My highest stat investments are constitution, magic and strength.
submitted by Aggravating_Pop_2986 to Nioh [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 HourBig2215 Verbalizzazione Esame 1 giorno di preavviso e malattia
buongiorno ho bisogno di un consiglio urgente, sto seguendo un corso erogato telematicamente con esami in presenza, università pubblica. La sede sta a 3,5 ore da dove sono io, gli autobus sono solo in 3 orari per raggiungere il posto. Ho dato uno scritto con massima votazione e la prof vuole nuovamente che si vada in presenza per verbalizzare, esame fatto ieri, email ricevuta oggi, domani mattina presto è la verbalizzazione. Io ho la febbre e dovrei svegliarmi alle 3 del mattino per essere li e mi richiederebbe uno sforzo enorme che non riesco a fare. La prof non risponde alle mail inviate oggi a pranzo, inoltre non aveva dato giorni di preavviso o una data precisa, semplicemente un avviso oggi a pranzo. Cosa devo fare? ho il certificato medico ma ho paura di perdere l'esame e il voto essendo che appunto li fa domani. possibile che la prof sia irreperibile? giorni fa aveva detto che lei ha molto da fare e ha impegni, ma non è comunque un lavoro? che significa avere impegni
submitted by HourBig2215 to Universitaly [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 gustafks Snowstorm Photos
I'm not a New Orleans native but happen to be here for work (I'm from Minnesota). Here are some flicks I captured between 2 and 4 PM on Saturday around the Lower Garden District and Central City. Enjoy.
submitted by gustafks to NewOrleans [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 audihertz Trump cuts meeting short without signing MLK bill while live
submitted by audihertz to audihertz [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 zero_to_three 🧠How can technology use affect a brain’s development?
While spending some time watching a favorite cartoon or interacting with a learning app isn’t harmful, excessive screen time as a replacement for real human interaction impedes brain development.
Every day, young children are learning about their world from a variety of sources. They then apply what they have learned to their day-to-day experiences. Consider a 2-year-old who reads a book about going to the doctor with her parent and is especially interested in a page where a nurse explains, “This shot will help you stay healthy.” A few days later this toddler holds a toy syringe up to their doll’s arm while saying, “Get a shot!” This is called transfer of learning, or the application of information from a 2-D object (in this case, a book) to a 3-D object (the actual toy). Transfer of learning is critical because it means that the child can apply knowledge to their real-world experiences.
Children do learn from TV and tablets, starting very early. Research shows that babies as young as 6 months old can imitate simple actions they see on TV, immediately afterward and even up to 24 hours later; and by 18 months, toddlers can remember brief sequences that they saw on TV or in a book for 2 weeks. By 2 years old, they can remember these sequences for 1 month.
The Transfer Deficit
Researchers who study how children learn have concluded, however, that it is easier for young children to learn from real-life interactions with people and objects, compared with information delivered via a screen. Researchers call this phenomenon the transfer deficit. For example, studies show that, for children 12, 15, and 18 months old, the ability to imitate a multi-step sequence from TV lags behind their ability to learn from a live demonstration of the same action. Similarly, when 2-year-old children are told via a pre-recorded video where to find an attractive toy hidden in the room, they are typically unable to locate the toy, even though children are perfectly capable of doing so when given the same information in person. This finding has been replicated across many types of tasks—demonstrating the broad impact of this transfer deficit from video content on young children. The size or type of screen (television, phone, or tablet) does not change this finding.
Interactive Tablet Use and the Transfer Deficit.
Children under the age of three years are capable of learning from interactive touchscreen tablets, but they still experience a transfer deficit. Research on the transfer deficit and tablets demonstrates that the relationship between how children interact with media and how they transfer learning from media is actually quite complicated. For example, 3-year-olds learned STEM content about numbers and biological growth via video but not via an interactive tablet game. They did not transfer to novel 3D objects. Five-year-olds, on the other hand, learned from the video and the interactive tablet game. When they were tested with a new set of 3D objects, 5-year-olds were only able to transfer what they had learned from the video but not the interactive game. Researchers note that compared to video, the interactivity of the game probably placed cognitive demands on the children. These extra demands on attention, combined with complex content, may have overloaded their cognitive capacity and interfered with their ability to learn and transfer this knowledge to the real world. This research suggests that the complexity of the content and the complexity of operating the device needs to be considered at all ages, although cognitive overload can happen especially easily during early childhood.
Children have to be active in their learning experiences, including sensory, language, and physical activities, to be fully engrossed in learning (and growing). Creating limits on screen time also helps children understand limits in the world, and to explore that world in “real” life rather than through a screen — let them try science exploration in real time, not watching them on a screen.
submitted by zero_to_three to TheBabyBrain [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Full_Speaker_912 Walking on the leash
Is there someone who succesfully teached their outdoor cat to walk on the leash?
I have two outdoor cats. We had to move and our new place is not safe for outdoors anymore (cars and roads) so it would be helpful to learn some tips. Is that even possible with outdoor cats?
submitted by Full_Speaker_912 to cats [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 chase_evergreen80 Modern Mutant Family
The marvelously chaotic mutant family: a moody, power-stealing emo teen and her supervillain moms with a flair for drama and the occasional murder. https://www.instagram.com/p/DFI1HgHROsx/?igsh= a submitted by chase_evergreen80 to MarvelLegends [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 TinyBlueDragon Welcome to Atlin
I've been watching others post their world maps, so I thought I'd show mine. Feel free to ask any questions, I'll do my best to answer.
submitted by TinyBlueDragon to worldbuilding [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 HeadDragonfruit3942 Deoxys attack form 9659 3601 0612
submitted by HeadDragonfruit3942 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 hippopunch Has there been any theories on who the board are?
Having them be some AI / uploaded consciousness of that dead Kiers would make sense. If the organization is interested in culling emotion and splitting consciousness in some Black Mirror / Sci-Fi sense, could the board just be on computer-generated monstrosity?
submitted by hippopunch to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 Vilestride- Base Tour - Mountain Fortress
Hey everyone. Just wanted to share my mountain fortress base. I've also just put out a video tour of it which I'll leave the link to in the comments. submitted by Vilestride- to Palworld [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 No_Data_5758 Am I screwed (re post)
It’s said this for almost 2 weeks now, am I screwed? Does this happen often? Or is it not being scanned? (For context I’m in Canada and when I have used usps it’s never said this) (Edit: I had to re post cause I forget to cross out the tracking number) submitted by No_Data_5758 to usps_complaints [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 UnableSoftware1145 How did I do on my RTX Bob render?
submitted by UnableSoftware1145 to blenderhelp [link] [comments] |
2025.01.22 19:02 ThrowRA33479 Men of Reddit, what is your best advice to a woman trying to get out of the friendzone with a man?
submitted by ThrowRA33479 to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.01.22 19:02 davewhotold Finishing on long precice diameters
At work I work on some parts that have a 20mm diameter, ~100mm long h7 tolerance. Hitting the dimension on one end isn't a problem, but with the surface ranging from right next to the chuck to halfway to the tailstock, and about 0.5mm minimum diameter reduction for somewhat controlable chips, the difference in deflection results in~30 microns (over a thou) of taper, which is more than the tolerance.
My current approach is doing a bunch of spring passes, but that results in long stringy and arguably dangerous chips.
I could offset the tailstock to compensate but I really don't wanna have to do that all the time.
Is there a better way?
submitted by davewhotold to Machinists [link] [comments]