US police union that backed Trump says January 6 pardons send ‘dangerous message’

2025.01.22 21:00 SubjectInevitable650 US police union that backed Trump says January 6 pardons send ‘dangerous message’

US police union that backed Trump says January 6 pardons send ‘dangerous message’ submitted by SubjectInevitable650 to politics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 BronzeBlaze New tank?

I’m almost entirely new to WoW aside from leveling a hunter to 54 as my first run ever but I’m just getting so burnt out waiting 2+ hours for a dungeon group with my very limited time to play.. I’ve reached the point that I’ve decided I’m going to reroll as a warrior tank because I see that’s what every group wants. I honestly think it could be fun but my biggest concern is I don’t know the best tank routes and don’t want to get flamed. I guess what I’m asking is do you think the community would be willing to point me in the right directions and be understanding? I really do love this game but I just can’t do it anymore as a hunter that nobody wants in their group.
submitted by BronzeBlaze to classicwow [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 TheRavagerSw I need some help in this simulation

I need some help in this simulation I wanna calculate resistance with the help of an op amp, I also want to control which resistance is measured. So, I have an n channel enhanced mosfet with bootstrap circuitry to keep it on. I also have an inverting amplifier which provides the equation -3.3x/4096 so for every 1 ohm change my voltage will change -0.8mV. My plan is to use the bootstrap circuit similar to a relay, and control which resistance is used in the op amp circuit.
However, It seems I screwed up quite a bit, I wish I could provide more details but this is all I have right now. This is my schematic
This is the result of the right side circuit
This is the result of the left side of the circuit
Right side has the correct voltage in vout at -0.8mV left side however doesnt make any sense to me.
Left circuit's component each make sense on their own, but when compined it created a weird situation where there is no real ground.
I really have no idea what to do, please help.
submitted by TheRavagerSw to AskElectronics [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 TheodoriusHal Peeetah? 😭❓

Peeetah? 😭❓ submitted by TheodoriusHal to PeterExplainsTheJoke [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 SourceConsistent6234 travis scott neckless - USD 5.93

travis scott neckless - USD 5.93 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 AutoModerator murder mystery (innocent) slander

murder mystery (innocent) slander submitted by AutoModerator to bloxd [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 itchyluvbump Help with ryzen 9

Help with ryzen 9 I can’t figure out my I can’t get the MSR to work. If anyone can help I’ve gone thru the config and enabled it all true but still nothing
submitted by itchyluvbump to MoneroMining [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 PowerDiego Que opinan de mi rutina?

Buenas, lo del título.
Día 1: Piernas enfoque en cuádriceps.
Sentadilla Hack Prensa Estocadas con mancuernas Extensión de cuadriceps
Extensión de pantorrillas en maquina
Día 2: Pecho, Hombro y triceps.
Pecho: Press banca Fondos Press en máquina Aperturas con polea
Hombros: Press militar Elevaciones laterales
Triceps: Press francés Extensiones en polea
Día 3: Piernas enfoque en femorales
Peso muerto rumano Hip Thrust en maquina Curl de femoral en maquina
Extensión de pantorrillas en maquina
Elevaciones de espalda en banco romano
Día 4: Espalda y bíceps
Espalda: Dominadas Remo con barra Jalón al pecho en polea alta Jalón al abdomen en polea frontal
Bíceps: Curl con mancuernas Curl en polea
A los días de pecho y espalda suelo meterle 5 series de crunch de abdomen pero no es siempre. El día de pecho y espalda en ocasiones siento muy extensa la rutina, en especial el día de pecho, he pensado añadir un 5 día de entrenamiento para meter bíceps, triceps y abdomen para así acortar un poco las otras dos.
submitted by PowerDiego to Chilefit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 elonmuskenraider Blues song in Tomorrowland?

Does anyone have access to Disney+ and can watch the first scene with Tim McGraw around the 21:00 mark? There’s what sounds like an old blues song playing in the background with a discernible slide riff but I can make out the lyrics to Google them. Any help would be appreciated!
submitted by elonmuskenraider to blues [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 daroch667 Wow, I've never annoyed him this much

Wow, I've never annoyed him this much He got rid of ALL the rock. (Twice, he did it on the upper left after this.)
submitted by daroch667 to ShatteredPD [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 neitherofusexist 23210001831690

submitted by neitherofusexist to neither_of_us_exist [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 AutoModerator CRS Radio

submitted by AutoModerator to thegcodenetwork [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Acceptable-Today-155 Brianna Randall

Brianna Randall submitted by Acceptable-Today-155 to Pishlander [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 NationalAnything1547 Photoshoot in downtown Toronto

Photoshoot in downtown Toronto submitted by NationalAnything1547 to TorontoModels [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Worth-Birthday-7346 An updated reference sheet for my sona because she was looking kinda of rough before

She was needing it
submitted by Worth-Birthday-7346 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Artdoroki ESPN APOIA O DELNERISMO

ESPN APOIA O DELNERISMO O Santos sofre o maior e pior linchamento da mídia esportiva desde a Ditadura Militar, essa reportagem da ESPN é a prova disso.
Se ele fosse para outro time (Como o Flamengo ou qualquer um do Apartheid do Del Nero) seria "endeusado", mas como ele foi pro time que eles mais perseguem...
Isso para não falar que tem cada jornalista esportivo que é RACISTA e SUPREMACISTA BRANCO de forma enrustida porque odeiam o Neymar por ele ser pardo e ainda promovem a ideia de "embranquecimento racial" da Seleção Brasileira disfarçadamente de outra coisa.
Por isso que eles torcem contra o Santos e a Seleção Brasileira, porque são os bastiões escolhidos por Deus para proteger o futebol e ainda representa a diversidade, coisa que racistas e nazifascistas ODEIAM.
Nunca foi política, nunca foi camisa amarela, esse é o real motivo: São tão racistas quanto os sujeitos da Ku Klux Klan e o Jean-Marie Le Pen.
submitted by Artdoroki to Futebola [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Strict_Professor_624 WHO is thisss 😍😍I NEED MOREEEEEE GIMMIE MORE PANELS OF HER I BEG (ok but did she really have to be introduced butt ass naked?!"!??)

submitted by Strict_Professor_624 to Dandadan [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 AutoModerator Weekly Adventure Discussion Thread: What are you currently working on?

Please use this thread to have discussions which you don't feel warrant a new post to the sub. While the Rules for posting questions are relaxed a little bit here, the rules against spam/self-promotion/excessive rudeness still apply!
submitted by AutoModerator to Constructedadventures [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 has_kh Antifascism in Tunisia

Are there any antifascist and/or anarchist groups/movements in our country?
submitted by has_kh to Tunisia [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Ok-Appointment2100 I know this is random but tell me a random video game soundtrack

submitted by Ok-Appointment2100 to MemeVideos [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Rennoc1 One of the best sodas I've ever had

One of the best sodas I've ever had Got it while visiting Connecticut. Very light and refreshing, but also sweet. 9/10
submitted by Rennoc1 to Soda [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 chess-quiz Find the best position in 3 moves

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by chess-quiz to chessquiz [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 Aleenah_boo Cabergoline and periods? How soon did you get yours back?

I haven't had a period in over a year now and I'm just wondering how soon you got yours back after starting cabergoline? And was the period painful? Heavy?
submitted by Aleenah_boo to Prolactinoma [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 sagexrage PHIL 102 - Kenneth Hochstetter

Hi everyone!
This semester I am enrolled in PHIL 102 online with Prof. Kenneth Hochstetter.
Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to view his Rate my Prof. reviews to see if any new ones had popped up from this past fall -- new reviews is an understatement.
There are a plethora of negative reviews including accounts of stalking and borderline verbal abuse. I feel as if he should be reported/under investigation. Does anyone have any idea what his deal is/if he is facing any type of repercussions?
Stay safe everyone!
submitted by sagexrage to CSN_Coyotes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 21:00 AutoModerator Onyx 4TX Casual Sneakers - Freestyle Footwear

submitted by AutoModerator to Shoes2023 [link] [comments]