Help me out here pls

2025.01.22 23:56 YungLean_glazer Help me out here pls

Help me out here pls submitted by YungLean_glazer to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 moegreeb Fellow Canadians, how are you handling all the madness that is going on in the States right now?

submitted by moegreeb to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 MermaidInAWetsuit Beyond God's Forgiveness? Unforgivable sin

Over a decade ago I had a huge phobia of God/Jesus purely because of non Christians going to hell I couldn't understand how God could do that try as I may (I understand now). I was afraid of the things He did in the Bible too. I thought He was harsh and bad but I knew He was real, I just didn't want to believe.
Anyway, I had biblical knowledge and I knew of the unforgivable sin verse and I thought it was literal and one time verbal sin as my loved one warned me not to do it.
One night, when I was 23, I came across something online, can't remember, while trying to "debunk" God and I said something bad about the Holy Spirit out loud out of pure spite despite thinking that doing so would lead to a one way ticket to hell. I felt like I meant it at the time and I knew the consequences.
This was while deliberately denying the truth for years beforehand and I'm afraid that I match up to the Biblical definition 100% especially since the Greek Aorist term seems to indicate a one time event of speaking as well as I was persistently denying the truth despite knowing it. And that felt like my final act.
I even had horrible thoughts afterwards I felt I agreed with like satan was right and bad was good.
I have severe OCD, which may have been why I was so afraid of God and hell in the first place, but I still feel like my case matches perfectly to what the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is.
I since want to be forgiven but my mind is worried its just fear of hell this has haunted me on and for almost a decade.
I really want to be free. I have since been baptised and I don't think that Jesus is bad anymore, obviously.
I want God to forgive me and to love me. More than anything in the world. I'm worried this doesn't count or if it's false repentance.
submitted by MermaidInAWetsuit to Christian [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Significant-Twist648 How does living and dressing modestly affect your life as an Orthodox Jewish person?

I would appreciate anyone responses. thank you.
submitted by Significant-Twist648 to OrthodoxJewish [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Gloomy-Status-9258 complex organ's emergence from single cell

If I've missed where I am, I apologize to you. But if I had to guess from personalities of this subreddit users, I'd say you're probably interested in this topic also. (I already knew what cellular automaton is.)
I am interested in simulating natural selection or evolution. I'm not talking about computational biology or information science. it is just for fun.
To be honest, I haven't looked at a lot of resources, but I can't find any examples where very complex organs “emerge” starting from a single cell. The one example of very complex organs is of course the human brain, but I think skeletons, muscles, eyes, legs are complex and complicated enough.
Most simulations tend to start from “hundreds of millions of years ago” rather than “billions of years ago”, which means that predator-prey relationships already exist in their simulation environments (this implies the existence of a digestive system).
Another example is upright walking. Keiwan's fancy software, evolution, describes how a digital life learns to walk over and over many generations, when already given a set of joints, bones, and muscles.
Please misunderstand me. I have no any intention to insult those brilliant software developers and their artworks (I say artwork).
submitted by Gloomy-Status-9258 to cellular_automata [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 ThousandPrism Exclude Tag Shortcut

Still confused as to why there's no native way to exclude tags, but I put this together this for my own use and thought it might give others an idea on how they can create a version for themselves.
It's pretty basic, but it'll take all of the items you currently have selected in Things, and then display a list that doesn't include tasks with specific text in the tag. ("Routine" in my case.)
(I mainly use it as part of my weekly review, get everything I've worked on this week into a list using another shortcut, and then filter out anything I've tagged as "Routine")
submitted by ThousandPrism to thingsapp [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 StepWise2424 What’s Your Biggest Struggle with Staying Productive?

Hey everyone, I’ve been reflecting on my productivity habits and wanted to get some insights from this awesome community.
What’s your biggest struggle with staying productive?

I’d love to hear what works for you, what doesn’t, and any tools or techniques you’ve tried. Thanks for sharing - I’m trying to learn from others’ experiences to improve my own!
submitted by StepWise2424 to productivity [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 judyjudge Nervous system regulation

I suffer from C-PTSD, and I’ve been in Costa Rica for a mere 8 hours. I feel noticeably more calmer and relaxed. This is a big shift for someone who is chronically in a fight or flight state. In my home country of Canada, it is very difficult to achieve a calm state of mind. I know it’s expensive here and yadadada, but some ppl really come for the healing aspects of the surrounding nature. It can be so soothing to the nervous system and that can be priceless.
submitted by judyjudge to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Visible-Camel4515 Name a killer you hate going against, then name a playstyle and build for them you wouldn't mind going against.

Doctor, because Docters for me are usually a bot script farming iri shards.
A doctor with any build with any playstyle.
submitted by Visible-Camel4515 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 okbuttwhytho What are your expectations if one of you goes to hospital and has the potential of getting really bad news? 22f 26M

I think I am being unfair.
I am in hospital trying to get an abnormality diagnosed. I’m not actually admitted to hospital I just have to come and be seen by the doctors here. I have been told it could be completely normal or it could be cancer.
My partner lives in the UK and I live in NZ. Our time zones are completely flipped. He also works a lot and sleeps early cause he usually has to be up at 6am.
Every time he goes through anything I always stay up to make sure he is ok and we call about it afterwards.
He has been there for me etc but as soon as it hits his bedtime he goes to bed. He said the next time I go into hospital he will book the day off so he can be there for me. I don’t get told in advance I got told the day before I need to come in. He never ever takes a sick day I kinda suggested he take a sick day if he was going to stay up late, or go to bed. He drives a lot so I don’t want him driving tired.
He went to bed, and I’m in the waiting room alone. My family didn’t come with me either which is crazy. I am upset that no one came, but I’m also kinda upset my boyfriend didn’t take the day off to be there for me. Is this an insane expectation?
submitted by okbuttwhytho to LongDistance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Puzzled-Peak-3294 [3 YoE, AI Engineer, AI Engineer/Data Scientist, United Kingdom]

submitted by Puzzled-Peak-3294 to resumes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 GamerHedgehog Game bugged a bit so 18 year old Noam Chomsky is a possible presidential candidate.

Game bugged a bit so 18 year old Noam Chomsky is a possible presidential candidate. submitted by GamerHedgehog to kaiserredux [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 StunZ_T Quests Required for Kappa, Should Have An Identifying Mark or Color. Would Be a 10/10 QOL

Quests Required for Kappa, Should Have An Identifying Mark or Color. Would Be a 10/10 QOL submitted by StunZ_T to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 thehumblecookie009 Got my first camper, any ideas or advice on starting the nomad life?

Got my first camper, any ideas or advice on starting the nomad life? submitted by thehumblecookie009 to TruckCampers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Katjuhas In need of 60$

In need of 60$ until 1/29 , they have cut off my food stamps at the first of this month and I have three hungry mouths to feed until I get paid again after fighting with the assistance office for days . They’ll come but just not in time for me to run out of food or get paid
submitted by Katjuhas to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Purple-Signature2056 Passing a callback argument to Native Module in Kotlin

I'm writing a react native module for Swift (it's working) and Kotlin (here's where the issue is). This module has a function that receives an argument `callback: JavaScriptFunction` (in swift), and now I'm trying to do the Kotlin counterpart but I get an `Unresolved reference: JavaScriptFunction`.
I'm probably missing an import, which I can't find in the docs. Anyone knows what's the import I need to add?
submitted by Purple-Signature2056 to expo [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 crumbchunks Celebrity Gossip

Just listened to Beyond The Blinds episode on SMG and Freddie Prinze Jr and it’s JUICY, yall.
Allegedly SMG, to this day, pulls more women than Freddie Prinze could begin to dream of?? Iconic.
She has beef with Robin Williams!?
There’s only a few items concerning Buffy but they’re good and crunchy.
I always knew her PR team worked hard to keep her image contained. I’ve found a newfound respect for them.
Celebrity gossip is my only vice, I won’t be taking further questions 💅
submitted by crumbchunks to buffy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 reddit_lss_1 Image Post Title 22-January-2025 23:56:09

Image Post Title 22-January-2025 23:56:09 submitted by reddit_lss_1 to lssAuto [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 ClassEnvironmental11 PS4 [W]: Mule some armor [H]: will give you a copy, mule, lots of stuff, ask

Just looking for a mule for some armor. You can have a copy! Or if you're looking for something specific, just ask. I have lots of stuff but might need a min to find it on one of my chars.
Dm me to discuss details.
submitted by ClassEnvironmental11 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 PlayDohEater777 JBS

What are people's overall thoughts on the Joffrey Ballet School summer intensive? Specifically the ballet portion?
submitted by PlayDohEater777 to BALLET [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Stoneytreehugger Jambalaya

Jambalaya I made me a little pot of some jambalaya yeah me.
submitted by Stoneytreehugger to cajunfood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 NoStomach2471 I need helppppp!!!!!

🛍️ SHEIN’s 2025 New Year gift: 5 free products for you! Click to support, and let’s win them together! 🎁✨
submitted by NoStomach2471 to Shein_PuppyKeep [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 No-Mongoose2330 Is it haram to watch movies with background music

Knowing music is haram, would it be impermissible to watch movies with instrumentals in the background?
submitted by No-Mongoose2330 to MuslimLounge [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 lost__daydreamer Do you think Reddit deserves the hate it gets, and why? [Serious]

submitted by lost__daydreamer to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Toad_withahat Any bible/religious book recommendations

submitted by Toad_withahat to Bibleconspiracy [link] [comments]