Mit o moralnoj potrošnji - malograđanski odgovor na kapitalizam

2025.01.22 20:49 maci69 Mit o moralnoj potrošnji - malograđanski odgovor na kapitalizam

Mit o moralnoj potrošnji - malograđanski odgovor na kapitalizam Suočeni s inflacijom izazvanom rastom cijena energenata, uvođenjem eura, oportunizmom trgovaca i državnom korupcijom – tj. predvidljivim posljedicama kapitalizma – potrošači odgovaraju s... moraliziranjem o mitskoj "moralnoj potrošnji"!
Da su "moralno ponašanje potrošača" i kapitalizam oksimoroni, ne moramo objašnjavati. Fascinantnije pitanje je: čemu sada? Očito znamo da kapitalizam hrani jedne tako da drugi ostanu gladni. Obogaćuje jedne tako da druge zakine od pune dobiti njihovog rada.
Zašto sada? Jer malograđanstvo i sitna buržoazija osjećaju posljedice kapitalizma po vlastitom džepu. Time ovaj "bojkot" (koji se tako ne može ni nazvati jer je svima, trgovcima najviše, očito da će se kupci vrlo uskoro vratiti kupnji u trgovinama, jer drugačije, naravno, ne mogu doći ni do osnovnih životnih potrepština) nije ništa više nego liberalni reakcionizam.
Najveći pojam bunta u liberalnom pogledu na svijet je kako "prosvjedovati" svojim novčanikom! Riječ je o ništa više nego potrebi za osjećajem kontrole, jer potrošači ne posjeduju ikakav dovoljan kapital da se suprotstave velikom kapitalu trgovaca.
Dok su stvarni napori poput Hrana, a ne oružje na marginama margina javne svijesti, pozivi na internetu za sudjelovanje u "bojkotu" skupljaju tisuće lajkova.
U stvarnosti, i bunt i aktivizam su komodificirani – umjesto ičega opipljivo realnog u materijalnom svijetu, "bunt" je delegiran na prosljeđivanje feel-good objava na storyjima na Instagram profilima. Performativnost u punom smislu.
"Bojkot" kakav je trenutno improviziran nije ništa više nego pucanj u prazno, ali ne bez vrlo široko ispravnog cilja – a taj je da pravo na život, ovdje na hranu, nema ikakvog razloga biti podvrgnut tržišnim vrijednostima. No stvaran bojkot može biti ostvaren tek mnogo ambicioznijim i drastičnijim ciljevima.
Totalnim prekidom ovisnosti o trgovcima i totalnim prekidom konzumerizma. Međutim, to je moguće tek kada svi kolektivno sudjelujemo u uzgoju i dijeljenju hrane neovisno o trgovačkim lancima. Ukratko: hrana, a ne oružje! Hrana, a ne buržujska, "luksuzna" potrošnja i roba!
submitted by maci69 to anarhizam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Otherwise_Basis_6328 Hinkstep - September Song

Hinkstep - September Song submitted by Otherwise_Basis_6328 to Psybient [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 More_Simple_8995 Caught in a Complicated Situation – Need Advice

I’m in a tricky situation and could really use some advice. I(19m) think I’m starting to catch feelings for someone in my class(18f), but she has a boyfriend who she seems to really care about. At the same time, I get the feeling that she might like me back, at least a little, which makes things even more confusing.
I want to respect her relationship, but it also makes me wonder: If she can have feelings for me while being with her boyfriend, isn’t that kind of like half-cheating? And if she can do that to him, what’s to stop her from doing the same to me in the future? Should I just stay friends and leave it at that?
submitted by More_Simple_8995 to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 No_Time7568 Hungry already?

Hi all! I recently took my first shot of 2.5mg the past Sunday, the first few days I had no appetite at all having to make sure I was eating enough protein. All of a sudden today, my stomach has been growling? Like I am hungry & my appetite seems to be back almost completely. Is this pretty normal? I expected the shot not to taper off until maybe Thursday or Friday.
submitted by No_Time7568 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 JUANTRICKP0NY What are the required documents to convert from an intermediate to full drivers license?

I looked at other posts with this question and everyone keeps giving different answers. Some are saying that I just need traffic clearence and I'm good to go while others are saying I need an eye exam certification apparently? So what is the actual correct answer?
From what I can gather from DMV website it's:
I.D (Already got a passport)
Traffic clearence
Eye examination (I don't think they ever asked me for this?)
Two passport sized photos (I thought they take the license picture at DMV which is what they did for my intermediate, did they change that?)
Mayors verification (Is this only for Real I.D or no?)
Would appreciate someone giving a concrete answer, because everywhere I look it's never the same answer, and DMV never picks up the phone :(
submitted by JUANTRICKP0NY to guam [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 LegHelpful5327 Thoughts and opinions

Thoughts and opinions Anyone think there is any legitimacy behind this or if it’s possible. I just switched to stocks from meme coins so I don’t know anything rn still learning
submitted by LegHelpful5327 to TNXP [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 ZaraRosexx Poe Malone a unique twist on a familiar name!

Poe Malone a unique twist on a familiar name! submitted by ZaraRosexx to sharpei [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Twisted_paperclips Show me your best buds!

Show me your best buds! These two aren't related, but have bonded over the 9 years they've been together.
Tiberius (tux) is 15 years old and was found ages around 6 weeks wandering the streets. Posters up trying to id an owner (he had a collar on) and no-one came forward so he stayed with me.
Bear (tortie) is 9 years and was an incidental purchase. We responded to an advert for a grey cat, but when we got there the people said that the grey had already been homed (in the space of the 6 hours of us responding to their ad, in which only the grey was listed). And they only had this skittish tortie left. We debated, and left. An hour after, they "suddenly" got a message from the people who had the grey and changed their minds, we could have both for the price of one if we wanted. So we went back. No grey still, but clearly they just wanted rid of the tortie. Couldn't leave the tiny, scared little beasty so she came home with us.
Who are your best hugs, and what's their story?
submitted by Twisted_paperclips to cats [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 abixkarishma Past winners presenting is officially back for this year

Past winners presenting is officially back for this year submitted by abixkarishma to oscarrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Tommmmy_Shelby Food truck (poll)

If you were to see a new food truck in Bushwick, what would you like to see?
submitted by Tommmmy_Shelby to Bushwick [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 MerelyABassist i really like drums

submitted by MerelyABassist to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Krossx13 Apex Racing Society - Mini Stock Series

Apex Racing Society - Mini Stock Series submitted by Krossx13 to iracingleagues [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 jvc72 Buy Signal Tripadvisor Inc - 22 Jan 2025 @ 15:46 -> USD15.74

Ticker: TRIP
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 22 Jan 2025 @ 15:46
Price: USD15.74
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Championship08 You guys with 100%, do you feel like the pay is enough?

So at 100%, you're around approximately 50k a year. I know it's different for different locations (cost of living), but do you feel it's enough to support your lifestyle and your family? If not, what do you do to supplement your income?
submitted by Championship08 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 F0urLeafCl0ver Thames Water faces fresh legal challenge over £3bn creditor loan

Thames Water faces fresh legal challenge over £3bn creditor loan submitted by F0urLeafCl0ver to unitedkingdom [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 RodneyYaBilsh Just finished my exams. What should be my first film in a while?

Just finished my exams. What should be my first film in a while? submitted by RodneyYaBilsh to Letterboxd [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Willing_Society_3884 Bishop Joseph Shen Bin administers the sacrament of baptism to 54 new Catholics at the beginning of the Jubilee Year
submitted by Willing_Society_3884 to Catholicism [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 edu11235 When to engage in physical contact

So, I (20M) have been dating a girl for a month and a half, we've around 5 dates. The problem is, I cannot find the appropriate moment or excuse to kiss or even grab her hand. The question is: how I can make my move without making her feel uncomfortable?
A little more (optional) context if you want to know: It definitely looks like the both of us are interested on each other, there's no problem about that. We chat, talk and hangout pretty comfortably, I even met her friends already.
However, I've been unable to figure out if she wants me to get more physical. We have touched our hands but not in a romantic way.
How could I take that step (or even go for a kiss) while making sure she wants to do it too?
submitted by edu11235 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Unhappy-Ad-7768 Where are these shots from? They're not from 2nd/Extend openings so I dunno...

Where are these shots from? They're not from 2nd/Extend openings so I dunno... submitted by Unhappy-Ad-7768 to ProjectDiva [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 arfanon [Edox]first attempt of watch restoration no

I found an old Edox buried in a vintage store, overlooked and worn with a rusty case and water-damaged movement. The dial caught my eye, so I took on the challenge.
After sourcing a new crystal and strap, hours of sanding, and careful polishing, I brought it back to life. My first restoration—and now it looks incredible. From forgotten to timeless, this watch tells its own story.
submitted by arfanon to VintageWatches [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Cautious-Incident855 Де ви шукали кімнату для аренди м. Київ?

Усім привіт. Шукаю ресурси, платформи або просто хороших людей, які б хотіли підселити в свою чи орендовану квартиру ще одного мешканця. Д. 22 роки, без шкідливих звичок, десь де є нормальна транспортна розв'язка до метро.
Можливо, ви можете просто підказати ресурси, де краще шукати? Або порекомендуєте окремі гуртожитки, оскільки я знаю, що є ті, в які краще не селитися. Думала щодо колівінгу, але знаю тільки про колівінг "Вільний", можливо, комусь відомі інші варіанти? Буду вдячна за допомогу!
submitted by Cautious-Incident855 to ukraina [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Fishlegssss my bf might be hiding something serious from me

so he has a medium sized storage box with a lock pad on it, and i have no idea where the key is. i’ve looked everywhere. before someone says that i should mind my own business, i have a bad gut feeling that i need to look in it. usually i would ignore a feeling like this but it’s so strong. how do i break into it without breaking the box entirely? is that a possibility? i’m no expert at breaking and entering, lol.
submitted by Fishlegssss to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 Adventurous_Ear_4332 Eyebrow piercing healing

Eyebrow piercing healing I got my eyebrow done 4 days ago- I have been using cristalmina and a saline solution, no pain or anything. Is this bruising and blood normal?
submitted by Adventurous_Ear_4332 to piercing [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 the_boy_in_the_hood What happened to my mon?

What happened to my mon? After waiting for the game to come back online I did a run and my zigzagoon looked like this, but when using him he looked normal
submitted by the_boy_in_the_hood to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 20:49 secure_sea-7117 KendPickle😔😔🙏🙏

KendPickle😔😔🙏🙏 submitted by secure_sea-7117 to Shark_Park [link] [comments]