How do I fix this

My email does not have the toggle option in the top right corner to get the classic outlook back. There is no longer the old outlook in the store eith As per your mentioned description about "How to integrate Microsoft To Do tasks into your outlook calendar.” One of Microsoft To Do’s features are an integration with Outlook Tasks. To view your To Do tasks on your Outlook Desktop client or on Outlook on web. use the same Microsoft account to sign into both Microsoft To Do and Outlook. I have a MS Surface laptop and want to view my email account on my Phone. I need to know the Outlook password. However I cannot find this anywhere on my Surface. I've tracked it down in Windows can certainly update few to many drivers which goes thru their ecosystem, many vendors keep control of drivers with them, so you need their own software to be run, many times they run in background as well to be checked with vendor system to know the updates and do it, few times the service is paid so OEM controls or even punish for not ... Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another. I recently bought a Lenovo laptop with windows 11. I was told that Windows defender is enough and no other antivirus is necessary. But now I see that Windows defender is replaced by Windows security which includes a commercial antivirus (McAffee), which has just expired after a month's trial. Do I need to renew McAffee or get another antivirus? First of all, we apologize for the inconvenience caused to your work. Based on your post regarding "how do i change outlook back to the old version". please try the below: From New Outlook for windows > Help > Go to Classic Outlook. 1. To switch back to the classic view in Outlook, follow these steps: Open Outlook. Navigate to the Outlook menu. The problem is really simple. There are little annoying pop-ups that appear throughout the operating system. Because this website is glitched and will not let me post jpegs or pngs I will describe Dear Sir, Myself Deepak I'm talking about my Dell Inspiron 15-3576 Laptop everything is fine except Direct X issue.... I really don't know from where I can download latest version of Direct X. All In my Control Panel\\Programs\\Programs and Features i see that I've MS Visual C++ Redistributable installed but that are 4 versions. 2013 x64, 2013 x86, 2017 x64 2017 x86 My question is that do I need

2025.01.22 23:56 PYR0M4N14C000 How do I fix this

End was called, but Begin has not yet been called. You must call Begin successfully before you can call End.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch.End() in D:\a\tModLoader\tModLoader\FNA\src\Graphics\SpriteBatch.cs:line 317
at DBZGoatLib.Layers.AuraLayer.DrawAura(GPlayer modPlayer, AuraData aura, Single auraScale) in DBZGoatLib\Layers\AuraLayer.cs:line 63
at DBZGoatLib.Layers.AuraLayer.Draw(PlayerDrawSet& drawInfo) in DBZGoatLib\Layers\AuraLayer.cs:line 45
at Terraria.ModLoader.PlayerDrawLayer.DrawWithTransformationAndChildren(PlayerDrawSet& drawInfo) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\PlayerDrawLayer.cs:line 94
at Terraria.ModLoader.PlayerDrawLayer.DrawWithTransformationAndChildren(PlayerDrawSet& drawInfo) in tModLoader\Terraria\ModLoader\PlayerDrawLayer.cs:line 96
at DMD(LegacyPlayerRenderer this, Camera camera, Player drawPlayer, Vector2 position, Single rotation, Vector2 rotationOrigin, Single shadow, Single alpha, Single scale, Boolean headOnly)
at Hook(LegacyPlayerRenderer , Camera , Player , Vector2 , Single , Vector2 , Single , Single , Single , Boolean )
at SyncProxy(LegacyPlayerRenderer , Camera , Player , Vector2 , Single , Vector2 , Single , Single , Single , Boolean )
at FastFall.FastFall.On_LegacyPlayerRenderer_DrawPlayerFull(orig_DrawPlayerFull orig, LegacyPlayerRenderer self, Camera camera, Player drawPlayer)
at Hook(LegacyPlayerRenderer , Camera , Player )
at ImproveGame.Content.Functions.MinorPatches.TranslucentInvisPotion.PatchDrawPlayerFull(orig_DrawPlayerFull orig, LegacyPlayerRenderer self, Camera camera, Player drawPlayer)
at Hook(LegacyPlayerRenderer , Camera , Player )
at SyncProxy(LegacyPlayerRenderer , Camera , Player )
at DMD(LegacyPlayerRenderer this, Camera camera, IEnumerable`1 players)
at FargowiltasSouls.Common.Graphics.Drawers.EternityWingDrawer.DrawWingTarget(orig_DrawPlayers orig, LegacyPlayerRenderer self, Camera camera, IEnumerable`1 players)
at Hook(LegacyPlayerRenderer , Camera , IEnumerable`1 )
at SyncProxy(LegacyPlayerRenderer , Camera , IEnumerable`1 )
at CalamityMod.Graphics.Renderers.RendererManager.DrawPlayerRenderers(orig_DrawPlayers_AfterProjectiles orig, Main self)
at Hook(Main )
at ParticleLibrary.Core.DrawHooks.Draw_BeforePlayers(orig_DrawPlayers_AfterProjectiles orig, Main self)
at Hook(Main )
at StructureHelper.Items.TestWand.DrawPreview(orig_DrawPlayers_AfterProjectiles orig, Main self)
at Hook(Main )
at Hook(Main )
at Hook(Main )
at SyncProxy(Main )
at DMD(Main this, GameTime gameTime)
at HighFPSSupport.TickRateModifier.OnDraw(orig_DoDraw orig, Main self, GameTime gameTime)
at Hook(Main , GameTime )
at SyncProxy(Main , GameTime )
at Terraria.Main.Draw_Inner(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Draw(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.RunLoop()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
at Terraria.Program.RunGame()
submitted by PYR0M4N14C000 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 EmptySpaceForAHeart Nom. By fairyink78

Nom. By fairyink78 Art Sauce
submitted by EmptySpaceForAHeart to GlitchProductions [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 JNR222 Private Request for Professional Photo

I have a photoshop request and sample pictures along with desired background - may I trouble someone to help make me/it look professional? If interested, please message me. Will tip $15 via Zelle, if ok. Thank you!
submitted by JNR222 to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 starbycrit My therapist tried to hold me accountable for something he’s also done and then couldn’t be accountable

And now I don’t think I can trust him unless he can admit that he’s also no showed on me.
I seriously trusted him so much and I know he has adhd so I basically have been trying not to make a big deal on scheduling mishaps but he’s no showed on me multiple times and I just would be like “hey what happened I thought we had session today?”
Basically over the holidays, we both were not being consistent with scheduling or emails. He’d email me a time and ask me to confirm, I’d confirm and then he wouldn’t reply and then email me and say he didn’t see my email.
I no showed I think twice, one of the times I slept thru my alarm and then the next time was months later (last month) I was sobbing on the couch and didn’t realize it was our appointment time or even what day it was and I asked him if I could schedule an emergency appointment for that day even though I already had one scheduled for Friday (without realizing it was Friday and i was missing my appointment while I was sobbing).
Either way, there have been a couple times where he no showed on me or just straight up didn’t get back to me about scheduling and when that happens, I just kind of stop scheduling for a while. I thought one time when he no showed that it was to get back at me for doing it but he said he had Covid and didn’t mean to miss it, then we scheduled another appointment and he didn’t show up to that one either.
That’s the thing is like dude I can admit that I have been inconsistent but what I don’t like is that when I emailed him to try to schedule after a month of no session, and I’m saying lightly “hey I know holidays made it hard to schedule” because I’m trying to make light of the fact that neither of us were able to keep a fuckin schedule last month whether missing each other’s emails or appointments or whatever, it’s irritating because then he pointed out my no shows. And that would be fine if he could admit it when I brought up that when he does the same thing it puts me in a low mental health state.
Like it just bugs the fuck out of me when someone tries to call me out on something that they’re doing too after I just tried to share accountability equally and basically said the same thing that therapy needs to be consistent, but then they just call me out only and then when I point out that they’ve done the same thing and how it actually deters me from scheduling, he basically was insinuating that all he’s done is last minute cancellations. By basically being like “I’m fine if you need to cancel last minute but the no shows are what I’m talking about” like YEAH DUDE IM TALKING ABOUT THE SAME THING it basically just signals to me that he either doesn’t remember, thinks I’m making this shit up (WHY??? Why would I make this shit up like a fucking child?????) and that’s what bugs me is like bro if you actually don’t think that you’ve no showed then that means you think what I’m saying right now is some fucking childish ass deflection of you bringing up my no shows but no actually I brought this shit up bc he called me out and if someone’s gonna call me out on something I was cordially not calling them out on and then not take responsibility?????
I was trying to be open and share how it affects me when he’s done it too and that I thought there was an understanding we had both done it until he called me out it made me realize he must believe he’s absolved of that and hasn’t done the same thing and when I realized he doesn’t even think he’s done the same thing I thought I should let him know that I wasn’t saying anything bc I thought there was an unspoken understanding about it but nah if he’s gonna bring it up then I thought he should know that I literally fuckin spiral into a sobbing angry mess when he’s no showed on me on days when I was only keeping it together because we had therapy booked that day and I always act like everything is all cool but I genuinely have had a mental breakdown when he no showed on me and I had to wait a fuckin week for the next session and the fact that he thinks I either made that shit up because he doesn’t think he no showed or like whatever the fuck like dude I’m an adult I have no need to make that shit up whatsoever and this is just a lesson to me now that I should say things when they happen so people don’t get off thinking they never did something and think I made it up when I bring it up later
Idk man if he can’t admit he no showed on me and understand I wouldn’t have said that just to say it and that it actually happened and fucked with my mental health and I only didn’t bring it up bc I thought there was a mutual understanding that mistakes happen then at that point I’m not gonna trust him and that’s fuckin shitty bc I just don’t feel like starting over in therapy again so I just won’t have a therapist after that
Really hoping that he will at least go back and investigate and see that I’m not lying. I’m really triggered rn like why the fuck would I lie idk dude I feel triggered as fuck rn
submitted by starbycrit to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 SaltyAdminBot The mothership

The mothership submitted by SaltyAdminBot to UFOs_Archives [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Substantial-Ad-4476 What if my beats get stolen ?

I have purchased a few beats products recently all with digital receipts and apple care warranties. But in the past, I have had my beats stolen from me. Granted this was like 12 years ago in HS study hall, but this event is what left me with a sour taste in mouth when considering buying another pair.
What are the recommended measures to take when if/when they are stolen?
submitted by Substantial-Ad-4476 to beatsbydre [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Riah09_ HumanATMs don’t talk. 💰💰💰💰

submitted by Riah09_ to findommes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 _WHO_GOES_THERE Will the McDonald’s pikachu holo be valuable?

I was thinking of getting a bunch and sending them out to PSA. But don’t know it’s even worth it…
submitted by _WHO_GOES_THERE to PokemonInvesting [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 SnooStrawberries468 What should i keep in mind when buying a puppy?

What should i examine/ask when choosing a puppy? i mean signs of an illness, behavioural problems, etc.
submitted by SnooStrawberries468 to Pomeranians [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 ResponsibleWealth631 Do you think bro likes his house?

Do you think bro likes his house? submitted by ResponsibleWealth631 to Terraria [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Cautious_Security_68 You want the veil Gone? you want the matrix ended? you have to command it so.

submitted by Cautious_Security_68 to realspiritualawakenin [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 ThrowawayAcc223368 25F Advice on my Job Anxiety?

I'm in a bit of a mental crisis right now. I want to get another job, but at the same time I am scared and have so much anxiety sorrounding that. I'm very awkward and self-conscious and don't want to feel ridiculed or looked at weirdly on the job. I know I need the money, but I'm also afraid that I won't exactly like or enjoy the job and just quit again. I have job-hopped so much that I literally can't even count the amount of jobs that I've had. I just have so much anxiety and I fear for my future. Has anyone else experienced this?
submitted by ThrowawayAcc223368 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 MhamadSShli iG 4L Usernames “Repeaters”❗️

iG 4L Usernames “Repeaters”❗️ submitted by MhamadSShli to OGUsers [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 BogMagick Universe Of Keys online lessons reviews?

hey everybody, i’m looking at taking some online lessons for rock organ and have been curious to anyone’s opinion on i follow him on youtube and instagram and all of his clips are great and he explains everything very well. any insight would help!
submitted by BogMagick to organ [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Lunny1767 Do we need brand new IPs for the Switch 2?

Honestly, I'm all for it happening. I can just feel my Nintendo magic coming back with the Switch 2!
submitted by Lunny1767 to NintendoSwitch2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Head_Rhubarb6573 Demure Glizzy

Demure Glizzy submitted by Head_Rhubarb6573 to TheCapitalLink [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 This_Caterpillar8390 Gotta pack my most valuable stuff

submitted by This_Caterpillar8390 to DDLC [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 BuknoyandDoggyShock Itlog, Canton and Chicken Karaage from Dali

submitted by BuknoyandDoggyShock to filipinofood [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Kindly-Childhood-95 New into Trading Cards

Hey guys! I’m very new to collecting trading cards. I have recently bought 2 Uefa 24/25 edition boxes. I just have questions on what I should be looking for what boxes should I be looking for to purchase Thank you in advance.
submitted by Kindly-Childhood-95 to soccercard [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 nanatto- Strange stem issue

I’m growing a Brandywine Pink (beefsteak) and the leaf stems all grow downwards at the node attached to the main stem. Cannot figure out what the cause is. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
submitted by nanatto- to tomatoes [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 gyanmarcorole How do you register a European competition squad for Union Sf

They almost have no HGC players, which makes their squad ineligible for European Competition
submitted by gyanmarcorole to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 Ok-Veterinarian-4209 The Page Three - The Love We Had (1973)

The Page Three - The Love We Had (1973) submitted by Ok-Veterinarian-4209 to 4YourSoul [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 JaneFondaOnTheVCR [QCrit] Historical - THAT TYPE OF GIRL (98k/Second attempt)

Hello all! Here is the link to my first letter.
My historical novel, THAT TYPE OF GIRL, is a story of sex, blackmail, and politics with the vibes of Luca Guadagnino’s CHALLENGERS. It’s 98,000 words and will appeal to readers who enjoyed the scheming female narrator in Rachel Kushner’s CREATION LAKE or the sixties setting and evolving social mores in Kristin Hannah’s THE WOMEN. I’m submitting it to you because [PERSONALIZATION], and I hope this story will capture your interest.
During the summer of 1964, a young con artist is adrift and alone in Europe, waiting for the threat of jail time to diminish after a close brush with law enforcement. With her mentor arrested back in New York, she likes the idea of quitting the scamming business and starting over. But since robbing businessmen in Amsterdam doesn’t really count as a marketable skill, marriage seems to be the likeliest path to retirement. The prospect of this new and honest life dims when the narrator impulsively ends up in the bed of Andrew Pitt, an English viscount on holiday in Rome. “Lillian Olson” is how she introduces herself, and while she doesn’t quite see herself as Andrew's wife, she certainly sees the stack of cash in his hotel safe.
Andrew seems smitten with Lillian, and so it isn’t long before he asks her to join him in London, where Andrew's government minister father is waiting to pressure him into a political career. Lillian thinks she can kick up her heels and wait for Andrew's father to pay her to leave, killing time with the charming and witty Andrew, who becomes a salve for her loneliness and uncertainty over her future. Her plan is complicated a chance encounter with a figure from her past, a gangster who claims that her imprisoned mentor had debts and it’s up to her to settle them. Before Lillian can end up as another corpse dumped in the Thames, she’ll have to quickly find some money. But as she sets her sights on Andrew and his checkered personal life, it becomes unclear just who’s deceiving who.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
submitted by JaneFondaOnTheVCR to PubTips [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 saveitforparts Visualizing the inside of a geodesic radome with a tiny radio telescope

Visualizing the inside of a geodesic radome with a tiny radio telescope submitted by saveitforparts to radioastronomy [link] [comments]

2025.01.22 23:56 griffingrowl Best practice for 401K and ESPP

Does anyone have any advice on how to handle the following situation.
I max out my retirement in my Roth 401K using the mega-backdoor strategy I also max out my employer ESPP program at $25K per CY
As a result my paychecks are substantially smaller than they would otherwise be and I am sure is the norm.
These are very much good financial decisions and I sell from my portfolio (or borrow from my investment credit line) when extra cash is needed.
As a result of this, Monarch shows me overspending every single month (negative cash flow) with a 0% savings rate - when in fact I am doing a pretty good job saving.
I'd love to know if anyone is using a strategy that can correct this (or make it more realistic)
submitted by griffingrowl to MonarchMoney [link] [comments]