2025.01.23 13:30 SkyRepresentative273 Does he like me or not ??
So for context, in november last year I messaged my crush saying I liked him. He basically said to see how things go and to just keep getting to know each other for the time being, and that's what we've been doing. About 20 minutes out of the blue, he clearly went back up to that message from a couple months ago and liked it for no reason and i got the notification that he had liked it. Surely this has got to be his way of telling me something? It was just so random.... I need opinions!!!
submitted by SkyRepresentative273 to Crushes [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 Warm-Anteater-9256 Pain where I lost a tube
Tw: I had a ectopic about 3 years ago and lost my right tube. I am currently 5 weeks pregnant again I went for an ultrasound the other day and since it’s super early they couldn’t see too much but my doctor told me everything looks good so far. I haven’t had any pain or spotting however the past few days I’ve had some twinging pain/pressure on the right side where I lost my tube. Is this normal? Just looking for some peace of mind. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Warm-Anteater-9256 to EctopicSupportGroup [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 joeruinedeverything We’re done with the single digit temps, likely for rest of the year. How are your kids? And your pipes?
submitted by joeruinedeverything to nova [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 DesperateElevator894 3334 - 26 F4M - Are you into naughtty single mumma? Lets have some fun
26 F4M - Ready for someone who knows how to keep me smiling
submitted by DesperateElevator894 to conwayscpussylicking [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 SkirtPrestigious6597 Surrey toh hega koi
submitted by SkirtPrestigious6597 to PunjabiModelss [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 Moist_Bit_7958 How do I track my archimob souls?
Hey guys,
I am capturing the archimonsters for the ochre. I know there are some tools to track these mobs, but cannot manage to find one in english. Do you guys know of any?
Thanks :)
submitted by Moist_Bit_7958 to Dofus [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 gasl0 fantasy stock-art project
I've noticed that you have a lot of problems with illustrators for your projects (not to look far - the last topic about the cyclical fee for drawings). The available stock-art has rather gone around. Despite the fact that I illustrate RPGs myself (and basically give myself a leg up) I decided to do something about it.
I used my inactive KO-FI to upload my ultra-cheap drawings ($2/piece). One month after publication, the drawings become available to everyone for free.
The rules of use are simple:
- You can use the image commercially and to promote the project.
- You may not remove my signature from the drawing.
- Mention me as the author of the drawings in the finished project.
submitted by gasl0 to RPGdesign [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 Hnesky A podle vás nejlepší kapitolou jeeeeee..... Chapter 3! 🎉 Dále jdeme vyřazovat chapter 3 sezóny! Napište podle vás tu nejlepší sezónu z chapter 3! 🌲
submitted by Hnesky to Kerddit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:30 Which_Reference3953 Qual o momento certo de oficializar um namoro?
Eu H 24 Ela M 30
Estamos há 3 meses ficando, nos conhecendo, dormindo juntos e fazendo muitas coisas em casal. Pelas conversas que tivemos ambos querem uma relação séria e sinto que estamos caminhando para isso, inclusive já vi alianças e estava organizando um momento legal para fazer o pedido.
Acontece que nos últimos dias / semanas, tivemos alguns desentendimentos que me fizeram ter dúvidas sobre algo que até então era certo. Algumas coisas considero normais, afinal de contas somos diferentes e não vamos concordar em tudo, mas em outras situações me senti mal, especialmente pela forma dela de abordar os assuntos e lidar com as situações. As vezes por conta de grosserias, as vezes por sentir que ela só se importava com o próprio sentimento e não tinha muita empatia, enfim, coisas assim que foram fazendo eu desgostar um pouco e ficar com um pé atrás em relação ao pedido de namoro. Até mesmo em uma situação que eu considero simples, como pedir pra ela me avisar quando chegar em casa depois do trabalho (imagino que seja uma forma universal de carinho e preocupação) e que ela nunca tinha reclamado, de repente virou um "não quero alguém sempre me questionando a hora que chego ou quando faço as coisas".
Situações assim, entendem? Eu jamais veria problema da pessoa dizer que não se sente bem com isso e prefere que não seja assim, mas no contexto da conversa e da forma que ela disse isso, achei meio babaca..
Pergunto para vocês: em que momento vocês acham que é adequado oficializar um namoro? É plausível querer / esperar que as coisas estejam "certinhas" e "tudo resolvido" para tomar essa decisão, ou isso seria uma ilusão, como se eu estivesse esperando o momento "perfeito" que talvez nunca chegue?
submitted by Which_Reference3953 to relacionamentos [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 1768 is Agility the most Powerful stat in Y8:IW?
i feel like too many close fights depends on who's the fastest in the battle, and you're severly punished if you get outspd by a whole bunch of enemies.
Example: Let's say you wanted to Challenge your self and faced off against a mini boss with ads all w the level of 50 and your whole party is 40.
not only the entire enemy team goes first, there's a chance you get lapped as well.
even with Chi-chan at 171 agility and agility boosting stats, the boss and ads sometimes take 3-2 turns before my entire party even takes 1 whole turn... so the turn counter goes like:
all 5 ads-> mini boss-> Chi-chan-> 3 ads -> mini boss-> nanba -> chi-chan> 2 last ads -> rest of party....
and the opposite is true! if i go against a whole enemy party of level 30s and i'm level 40 chi-chan laps the whole enemy team 3 fucking times, she takes 3 whole turns before anyone on the enemy team even moves.
i'm not sure if the level diff between you and the enemy determines how big of gap agility is before you can move or it's just agility by it self, in most RPGs agility determines who goes first on your party but that's it, but in IW it's basically a free for all, too fast? you get to lap the enemy team a few times before they can move, too slow? suffer a barrage of attacks before you can even heal.
i'm not sure how else to put it because that's how it feels to me, why invest in attack/magic boosting gear when agility gives you more turns which = more damage, esp if it's a long battle.
anyways that's my thoughts about it, i'm really curious to see what you guys have to say about this.
submitted by 1768 to yakuzagames [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 MadameLaMinistre “A Start-Up Claimed Its Device Could Cure Cancer. Then Patients Began Dying.” — John Carreyrou
The New York Times (by John Carreyrou), Jan. 23rd, 2025 — A Start-Up Claimed Its Device Could Cure Cancer. Then Patients Began Dying.
Carreyrou writes :
"Last year, I got a tip that two American companies were luring cancer patients to a Caribbean island with a novel blood-filtering treatment that they said offered the promise of a cure. That promise proved to be a mirage. At least six patients had died since getting their blood filtered on the island, I learned — two of them shortly after their treatment.
As I did more reporting, I obtained phone recordings showing how company officials had exploited the desperation of dying patients and their spouses. Their pitch relied on a study that they said yielded extraordinary results. But the study was too small to draw reliable conclusions, and its results have so far failed to back up the companies' claims.
The companies, ExThera Medical and Quadrant Management, have ended their distribution relationship. But Quadrant still owns thousands of blood filters and continues to use them on cancer patients."
It's giving real Theranos vibes... what do you guys think ?
submitted by MadameLaMinistre to Theranos [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 Known-Canary-3633 Birdy: "Today I am spending some much needed time with my birds. They need the practice."
submitted by Known-Canary-3633 to Replikatown [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:30 Cautious-Dream2893 Log in bonuses for Gilgamesh suck
2 single pull tickets and 20 mindspheres? No unit shards? Why so stingy?
submitted by Cautious-Dream2893 to wotv_ffbe [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 savvy412 Me now
submitted by savvy412 to UPSers [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 Bmacxxx25 Are you a finsub and feeling shy? Comment on this post and I’ll approach with my tribute link 😌
submitted by Bmacxxx25 to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 strwbrrxy Do people already have early access to Mai?
submitted by strwbrrxy to StreetFighter [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 20minutebooks Figuring - Book Summary
Explore the Lives that Shaped History with "Figuring" by Maria Popova
Join us in this episode of 20 Minute Books as we unravel the intricate connections between some of history's most fascinating figures in "Figuring" by Maria Popova. This captivating book intertwines the lives of individuals like Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Maria Mitchell, and Nikola Tesla, highlighting their relentless pursuit of knowledge and truth.
Key Highlights:
2025.01.23 13:30 MEAN_D00RMAN [Request/Discussion] Your mixes wanted
Hello Overloders :)
I wasn’t sure whether to post this in here, but recently I’ve started seeing more and more related posts so I think you guys may be very well placed for my request…
I am looking for like-minded DJs and music enthusiasts to be part of a mix series, LIQUID STATE - the aim is to showcase music and sounds that evoke the feeling of euphoria - this can be very subjective, but to me this is a good thing as it broadens the horizon and creates more diversity. Genre is not particularly important, in fact I encourage a variety, be it house, trance/proto trance, breaks, progressive, ambient, downtempo, whatever.
The word “liquid” is also an important theme here, as it describes the flowing energy that goes with this style.
It doesn’t matter if you have been DJing a while or are completely amateur, I want this to be a platform for anyone who shares the same passion for music as I do.
For full disclosure, I have posted this same request in the “House” sub and have had some good response so far (I did not expect any!) and will potentially post in others.
This post is not intended to promote the series, so I will not link it here, but if you are interested I will share.
To add a few points:
2025.01.23 13:30 RobNY54 POTUS now = President of the United Suckers
submitted by RobNY54 to Trumpvirus [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 _lunarrising every day i go to school, i remember why i was so eager to leave the previous school day
submitted by _lunarrising to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 Any_Pineapple4221 Straight Outta Central Casting: Black and White
submitted by Any_Pineapple4221 to Saint_Kate_Middleton [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 BornBookkeeper8683 CraftWord Daily 2025-01-24
submitted by BornBookkeeper8683 to CraftWord [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:30 TimestampBandit ENEM 2025, que os jogos comecem
submitted by TimestampBandit to eu_never [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:30 FathomGaymer Nashville School Shooter: “Candance Owens influenced me above all each time she spoke"
submitted by FathomGaymer to politics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:30 Savram8 Is gRPC Really Better for Microservices Than GraphQL?
submitted by Savram8 to graphql [link] [comments]