2025.01.23 13:17 ReviewIndependent934 I fell on my ass and now I can’t do half my workouts anymore :(
I’ve been going to the gym almost everyday for the past 2 years and I LOVE going to the gym so much. I especially love working out my legs glutes & abs. About 3 weeks ago I fell off some stone stairs outside because it was very slippery and fell right on my tailbone which resulted in a very painfully bruised tailbone. Not only was I in so much pain for like a whole week and I couldn’t sleep on my back, I also discovered that I can’t do HALF my gym routine. I do legs and glutes 2 days a week and one day for abs, I tried to do legs & glutes yesterday because I thought I healed enough but when I lifted my usual weights I almost cried from the horrible sharp pain I felt in my tailbone so I gave up on that, today I tried doing abs but I couldn’t even lay on the ground to do crunches :( the only things i’m able to do is arms and back. The rest hurts like hell and I looked up how long a tailbone injury can take to heal and some websites say it can take 12 WEEKS. I’m just very annoyed and scared that I’ll lose all the muscle I built and it kind of feels like i’m gonna have to start from scratch again. I’m having a really hard time dealing wit the fact that i’m not gonna be able to do my favorite gym exercises anymore for like WEEKS :(
submitted by ReviewIndependent934 to Vent [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 newbie-sub Sorry for the low light photo, it was dark
submitted by newbie-sub to GenX [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 The-Motherfucker recs for podcasts taking calls from listeners?
always loved the concept of call-in shows. are there any you recommend? I remember there was one years ago called The Guillioutine, it was pretty interesting until one of the co hosts turned up to be a sex pest and the show was cancelled.
submitted by The-Motherfucker to leftpodcasts [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 thr0wawayjaay What do we think?
My Orient Stretto Solar Chronograph 40mm solar powered Sky Blue dial, I love the color and style, What do you like and what are your issues with it? For me, citizen and orient are top tier for the value. submitted by thr0wawayjaay to Watches [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 Inquisitor_Jeff It a 50 50 you ether hit it or you don’t.
submitted by Inquisitor_Jeff to WildRiftMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 Opening-Presence940 Without spoilers plz
Is the last volume finished already or not? If it's not how many chapters do u guys think are left? I'm still stacking chapters 🗿
submitted by Opening-Presence940 to ShadowSlave [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 Agile-Database-5805 Need 7 testers ,Help me in testing and I will test your for 14 days
Join on Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mvpamansingh.planit
join on web - https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.mvpamansingh.planit
Join the group to become tester and use the same email id with you join the google group to open the above link Group link - https://groups.google.com/g/tester-assemble (edited)
submitted by Agile-Database-5805 to AndroidClosedTesting [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 Own-Albatross-2206 Who is killing bhojpuri??
Sarkar a aapan industry Kekar contribution ha bhojpuri ke barbadi/endangerment me submitted by Own-Albatross-2206 to Bhojpuriyas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 ceesaart Salome Zourabichvili: U.S. must not be humiliated in Caucasus by one man serving Putin’s interests
submitted by ceesaart to russiawarinukraine [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 pesfrozenos Mac of All Trades Promo Code for January 2025
Check out the link for Mac of All Trades Promo Code for January 2025. Once on the website, you'll have access to a variety of coupons, promo codes, and discount deals that are updated regularly to help you save on your purchase.
submitted by pesfrozenos to OrcusNeoSales [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 seemedsoplausible How different is 10P really?
Shopping for a new gym for my kids and me, and the local 10th Planet is pretty convenient. I was skeptical because trusted coaches of mine have advised that rubber guard isn’t great to pursue for beginners, and I thought that was the foundation of their system. Then, my kid’s trial class turned out to be a solid, very mainstream wrestling lesson. I found this encouraging, although of course it’s just one lesson.
Do folks feel that what 10p gyms are teaching is much different from what other gyms teach for no gi these days? Anyone know to what extent curriculum comes down from the top, vs being left to the discretion of local coaches? I guess I can live with some goofy terms and hand signs, but are they going to make my kids smoke weed and believe in a flat earth?
submitted by seemedsoplausible to bjj [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 No_Pie2137 WE NEED MORE GESTALTS
submitted by No_Pie2137 to StellarisMemes [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 Leefuji24 Horizon Walker Steaming Hot WINTER (Ended)☃️❄️🎄🎁
🎁🎄❄️☃️ submitted by Leefuji24 to HorizonWalker [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 cware132 H: 50 leaders each W: reflective mods
submitted by cware132 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 Usapoliticsstudent Us election and music
Hi! Im a high school student and I am writing a project about how music is used in the election campaigns of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump to influence the 2024 election. This survey is a quantitative method to collect statistics. Your answer will remain anonymous. Thank you for helping!
submitted by Usapoliticsstudent to AskAmericans [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 divindadeflores I found a berserk dvd from the 90s in french lost in my things
submitted by divindadeflores to AnimeCollectors [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 Agee4You Dax verzeichnet weiterhin Gewinne Der Dax zeigte sich am Donnerstag zwar leicht fester, blieb aber unter dem am Vortag erreichten Allzeithoch. Einen Kurseinbruch verzeichneten Puma.
submitted by Agee4You to wirtschafts_news_de [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 sirbottombottom Question concernant la Raoult mania
Salut AirFrance,
Je vois régulièrement le professeur Raoult se faire critiquer vertement sur ce sub.
Dans les vidéos où je l'ai vu s'exprimer directement ce qu'il disait semble raisonnable, mais de mon côté je ne suis pas suffisamment qualifié pour savoir s'il est dans le vrai ou au contraire s'il raconte des bêtises couvertes d'un vernis de raisonnabilité.
Je parle uniquement du discours "technique" ici, pas des éléments de personnalité qui n'ont pas vraiment d'intérêt pour moi.
Je pourrais tout à fait aller vérifier bcp de ce qu'il dit par moi même mais je n'ai tout simplement pas le temps.
Ceci dit, un bon gage de la reconnaissance de l'expertise d'une personne vient de sa reconnaissance par ses pairs.
Je voudrais donc savoir si quelqu'un dans ce sub est un pair de M. Raoult et pourrait m'indiquer si ce qu'il dit est raisonnable ou un tissus de mensonges.
Par "pair" j'entends ici un chercheur dans le même domaine ou un domaine connexe, avec un niveau d'expertise reconnu.
Note : je dois préciser que je ne prendrai pas ce qui est dit pour vérité absolue (je ne peux pas vérifier si qq1 qui se dit pair est bien pair). C'est simplement pour me donner une idée du niveau de doute avec lequel je dois prendre tout contenu le concernant.
Merci à tous.
submitted by sirbottombottom to france [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 genzfrombp Milyen soundbart ajánlotok pc mellé?
Turbék Turbék! Pc mellé szeretnék soundbart vagy hangfalat vásárolni, valamilyen ajánlás? Minimális használatra,alsó,középkategória.
submitted by genzfrombp to askhungary [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 Rouge_69 Was Stanley Meyer right after all ?
What do you think about Toyota unvailing a water powered engine; Toyota Presents The First Water Engine: 2500 ºC and Dual Injection to Outperform hydrogen https://preview.redd.it/rlrakygeuqee1.png?width=860&format=png&auto=webp&s=8d1cb2101c82f9709014b3a7aa801fa56a40a61e If a car can be powered by water, why not your houshold ? Is this a game changer ? submitted by Rouge_69 to MechanicalEngineering [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 GamingxZone Dynasty Warriors Origins Gameplay Final Battle Against the Yellow Turbans
submitted by GamingxZone to gameplayvideos [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 Mr--Clean--Ass-Naked You know what to do, Kaspians!
submitted by Mr--Clean--Ass-Naked to kaspa [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 stormannsound Spulebrønd? Hjælp med at identificere rør!
Hej, Jeg skal have lavet en tilbygning på et sommerhus i Sverige. Alt forløber fint men jeg har fundet et par rør under et dæksel som jeg ikke ved hvad er. Det ligner en del af et dræn. Jeg skal finde ud af om det skal flyttes eller jeg bare kan lukke det. Begge rør er som et blødt L og ender i et sort rør som virker rillet (måske) tak for hjælpen! submitted by stormannsound to selvgjortvelgjort [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:17 nzinoooo Star trading for my vault!
Have these cards, want 12+ stars per card!
submitted by nzinoooo to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:17 Quantisnow WTW launches IMI Plus for clients in the United States
submitted by Quantisnow to Quantisnow [link] [comments] |