2025.01.23 13:15 Known-Antelope6241 Country Bans
Anybody heard anything from the new administration on travel bans or country restrictions for any country in South America?
Like Colombia for example….
I don’t think he will ban Colombia..
submitted by Known-Antelope6241 to USCIS [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 Phase_Faux Tf2 Deep
submitted by Phase_Faux to im14andthisisdeep [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 loveartemia See ya!
submitted by loveartemia to Dallas [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 Peace_Love_Wubz Anyone got CZ/VZ airsoft files?
Built/printed a real Vz.61, have all those files. Now I'd like to play with building an airsoft Vz.61. Haven't been able to find any files online, anyone have anything? I have a JG Vz.61 that I can eventually model, just too busy currently. Hoping someone's already got something! submitted by Peace_Love_Wubz to Airsoft3DPrinting [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 XAX_1 Here's a mockup comic cover I made
Let me know what you think! submitted by XAX_1 to Daz3D [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 dandelions_rubarb My attempt at todays January Self-care goal as a non-artist 😅
I labeled this discoveries as idk what else to label this as, but today I'd woken up feeling anxious over waking up late ~ although I'd been working the last 6 days so I'm reminding myself that my body needed to rest and that its okay 💛🫶 doodling did help funnily enough ! I'm really enjoying the January self-care calendar afterall 😅 submitted by dandelions_rubarb to finch [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 Schinderella What are the „best“ Classes for Act 3? (No spoilers pls)
I‘ve yet to finish a playthrough of this amazing game and have yet to make it past what‘s probably the end of act 2.
I‘ve noticed that the game heavily incentivizes having certain classes for different acts of the game. While in general every class works fine, there just always seem to be a few which get the most options to interact with the given Act e.g. Druids in Act 1 or Paladins and Clerics standing out in Act 2 due to the sheer amount of Undead.
Since I‘ve seen the vast majority of the first two acts and know what to expect from them I‘d like to focus on a character who allows me to experience the full potential of act 3.
What classes would be best for that in your opinion and if that‘s to broad , what would be your do-not-pick options?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
submitted by Schinderella to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 alertedanaar What's the easiest way to make a turn based battle system?
I'm making a game for a school project and I was wondering whats the fastest way to make a battle system in my game and I have no idea where to start
submitted by alertedanaar to gamemaker [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 PotatoSteinn Hverdagen med børn
Jeg har lige et spørgsmål til alle jer skønne mennesker derude i et familieliv med børn.
Vi, 2 voksne på 30 og 34, har to børn på hhv. 2 og 5. Begge arbejder i dagtimerne, og på en typisk dag er vi alle afsted kl 8 og hjemme omkring kl 15. Ungerne bliver typisk vækket 6.30 og puttet 19.00
Jeg er nysgerrig på hvordan jeres dagligdag ser ud i tiden derhjemme. Både om morgenen og om eftermiddagen + aftenen.
Formålet med opslaget er mest af alt inspiration til hvordan vi skal få nogle gode rutiner, og ha' børn der trives og hygger sig. Idag er det en blanding af fælles aktiviteter med spil, perler, legetøj, tv og iPad.
Vi vil rigtig gerne bevæge os væk fra iPad. Udfordringen her er at den store har utrolig svært ved at lege selv, og fastholde sig i leg uden at få bekræftelse ofte. Vi er naturligvis ikke interesseret i at de bare skal lege og passe sig selv, men det ender ofte med at blive på den stores premisser når den ene voksen feks lave mad.
Hvordan er jeres børn, og hvad gør I samt hvilke tanker har I? Er det bare med at nyde det hele når de er små, så der ikke er en fortrydelse senere når de ikke gider os?
submitted by PotatoSteinn to DKbrevkasse [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 Endman3010 Live stream till a EOS
Alchemy stars related news!
I'm live at several platform till eos.
twitch here https://www.twitch.tv/endman3010
submitted by Endman3010 to AlchemyStarsEN [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 evf811881221 Syntropically lost, please help, day 2; AMA
I have so many dumb theories, but either i have scrambled my brain so much.......
Or im onto something.
Please ask something.
submitted by evf811881221 to SyntropyNexusMovement [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 whatology Literally the whole sub rn:
submitted by whatology to DabooqClub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 Intrepid-Campaign830 Looking for evil men to own my wife. Take her from me. K…I…k cameronq677
submitted by Intrepid-Campaign830 to CumTributesANY1 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 Ashamed-Building8591 Looking for yeti
Don’t waste my time if u don’t have yeti submitted by Ashamed-Building8591 to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 Dull_Individual_ i relapsed and my bf is ruined
i think i actually destroyed my bf by relapsing, i was doing so well, i was clean for 16 days. he found out and was really sad, not talking, and crying a little bit and then he fell asleep for a little. when he woke up he was even more upset. he was sobbing and scratching himself and hitting things. he tried not to go to school but he had to so now he’s at school. i’m scared he’s going to have a breakdown again and get sent to ip or be restrained again. i have no way to calm him down when he’s at school since he can’t have his phone there or anything. i know he’s going to be thinking about me relapsing all day. he won’t feel better today, maybe even tonight. i genuinely want to die right now. i really want to die but i don’t want to leave him.
submitted by Dull_Individual_ to selfharmteens [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 mvooni How did the gas burners designs change? How to tell the difference?
I saw that there have been some revisions to the gas burners that Ooni offers for their ovens. Does anyone know what changed in the designs and how you can tell the difference between the revisions? From what I can find, there seem to have been improvements to the designs for safety and reliability.
I'm mostly interested in the Karu 16 burners for the US market. (I know that the gas burners are region specific.) I've been able to find several SKUs for both the Propane and Natural gas burners. The pictures on Ooni's website appear to be identical for the Propane and Natural Gas versions.
* Can you reliably distinguish the revisions by SKU, or have they changed without changing the SKU?
* Are UU-P24B00 (NG) and UU-P1BE00 (propane) the current Karu 16 US market SKUs? (older SKUs seem to be UU-P0F200 (NG) and UU-P0EE00 (propane))
* Is it possible to distinguish revisions visually? If so, how?
submitted by mvooni to ooni [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 crazypaiku Can't open some Sideloaded 2D apps without Controllers anymore
Hey, i just noticed, that i just can't open my sideloaded Brave Browser anymore without controllers.
The quest will tell me to switch to controllers. Once started i can control the app with my hands just fine, but it won't let me lauch it.
Did anyone has the same problems and did find a solution?
submitted by crazypaiku to OculusQuest [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 ProudnotLoud Throwback to a baby Ellie and her big cartoon mirin 👀
submitted by ProudnotLoud to Catsmirin [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 factkeepers What Will Be Left of Florida, or the Rest of the Country, After Republicans Are Done With It?
This is the country we’re now living in: dictatorial, unrepresentative, and deeply unkind. What will be left in four years? https://factkeepers.com/what-will-be-left-of-florida-or-the-rest-of-the-country-after-republicans-are-done-with-it/
submitted by factkeepers to BananasRepublicans [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 Substantial-Luck-855 1:1 trades
submitted by Substantial-Luck-855 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 xRideBx1142 What are the phases of NoFap? Should I even consider quitting?
I’ve read some people talking about being in a flatline after months of quitting, some say they got a full erection after two weeks. I am scared that if I hit flatline maybe i will never get an erection.
submitted by xRideBx1142 to NoFap [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 4bdou Is Cyberpanel thaat bad?
Hello! I have 3 websites for 1 brand, all Wordpress. We run events every couple months and 1 yearly festival. We sell ticket through our website (WooCommerce). At the festival period the website slows down due to high traffic. A friend told me about aws EC2 and the scalability option, that it will suit my needs and be fairly cheap. So after a few days of searching, Litespeed seemed like the best option since we exclusively use Wordpress. Since we want something user friendly and easy to use we went with Cyberpanel, installed on a EC2 instance, tested it, secured it, transfered my 1st website (the least visited one) and all looks good so far. While searching online, people either looove it, or haaate it, there is not between. Am i missing something? Is it good for my use case? Will i be surprised later?
submitted by 4bdou to webhosting [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 Technical_Chocolate1 Friday eve
submitted by Technical_Chocolate1 to sunrise [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 13:15 Mijinho Encomenda Superbuy na Alfândega
Boa tarde.
Mandei vir um haul de 10kg pela Superbuy e escolhi o expert shipping (eles decidem qual o melhor transporte e embalamento com base nas nossas preferências), que por acaso não escolheu triangle shipping da DHL e acabou por ficar retido nos CTT...
Não estava a contar com isso porque nunca me aconteceu, mas também foi a primeira vez que não veio pela DHL.
Alguém tem conhecimento de alguma maneira para isto ser validado ou é caso perdido mesmo? Cumprimentos
submitted by Mijinho to TugaReps [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 13:15 Karuto_Katsuragi3 [Nano Mahine] Why manhwa made it look like being able to walk on air is a very impressive feat consider that you can fly in Wuxia?
Manhwa is 7 level in cultivation and you can only walk on air? While in Manhua character able to fly after reached the 4th level of cultivation(Magic Emperor). Since murim take place in china, shouldn't they be more versatile with their power? submitted by Karuto_Katsuragi3 to manhwa [link] [comments] |