2025.01.23 16:51 Alternative_Suit_596 🤤
submitted by Alternative_Suit_596 to DesiCelebHub [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 SalamanderMinimum967 Snorkelling With Tarpon at Eden Rock, Grand Cayman
Swimming with about a dozen tarpon that were hanging around just offshore from Eden Rock, a popular dive site just at the edge of Georgetown. Much like the rays that come to the offshore sandbar every night, these guys seemed to be assembled there for a purpose. It was late afternoon so I imagine they were waiting for scraps from anglers. submitted by SalamanderMinimum967 to OceansAreFuckingLit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 heifinator Backend API Workflow Help (Updating Database)
Hey all, fairly new to bubble and having a hard time with updating some database items in bubble from our non-bubble infrastructure.
As an example I have a database in bubble with two fields, name and value.
I have no issues with using a API worflow to send a post request that contains two parameters, name and value. Then on bubble using those values to find the right name in the database and changing the value to thew new value.
However I cannot seem to get this to work with an array/list of name / values.
I want to send to bubble a POST with items: [{name: test, value: 2}, {name: anothertest, value: 5}] and update both the "test" row and "anothertest" row within my bubble DB.
Any ideas on how to accomplish this? Thanks!!
submitted by heifinator to Bubbleio [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 DarkSaber01 Justice
submitted by DarkSaber01 to Helltaker [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 ch442 Meet the Organization Raising Electricity Bills Up to 30% in 13 States. This June, 65 million Americans will see bill increases because PJM is not connecting clean energy to the grid fast enough, causing a shortfall in power and skyrocketing energy auction prices.
submitted by ch442 to energy [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 acid590009654 FCK RETARTS
FCK EMOTIONALLY RETORTED SEMI RACIST HYPOCRITICAL MORAL ENFORCING PEOPLE THINKING THEY ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTE TO SOMETHING IN THRIR LIVES by crossdressing as a mentally disabled victorian hobo in the guise of being ‘virtuous’ every sunday evening like some theatrical play with their exaggerated rituals trying to hide their own indifference and bitterness towards the world they werent accepted in lol you think ur SLICK LOL from their ostentatious bows and prostates to that piece of muffin u eagerly stuffv in ur mouth right after the communion ends? this is actually so cringe you actually all look so retwqrted i cant believe i had to witness this with my own eyes last week you literally have the truth right in FRONT of you YET…! u have the Guts to act rettawrted like the rest of the world …. Shame on You All. No matter How much you All despise me God knows I will be up there in the clouds with him one day and You will all ROT HeHehe.. He he ..
submitted by acid590009654 to EasternOrthodox [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 m00njuic3y girl gamers??
any girl gamers wanna play together?? i’m mostly just grinding collector rn to level up for better stuff (currently 25 or so). i love to hunt/explore/missions, and most importantly play dress up and match our horses 😂🥰
submitted by m00njuic3y to RedDeadOnline [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 Right-Influence617 Meeting China’s Trade and Tech Challenge: How the US and Europe Can Come
submitted by Right-Influence617 to WesternCoalition [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 misdiagnosisxx1 Thursday January 23 check in
What’s a warning sign for relapse for you? What’s something you plan to do this time around to prevent it from affecting you?
I typed this at 8:30am and got derailed by a phone call, I’m sorry!
Check in here.
submitted by misdiagnosisxx1 to OpiatesRecovery [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 difer007 Check
submitted by difer007 to cqs [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 DreamPirates Mithila Palkar Marathi Actress #MithilaPalkar
submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 junksterdiving No one is as loyal as me so my friendships will always be superficial
It’s just what it is. Someone always shows me a reason they’re not really a friend and I cut them right off and hope that the friendship dissipates. If you want me time, my opinions, my energy, you will make effort. I don’t need to ask, I shouldn’t have to play games, nothing. I’m on the phone all the time. Text me or call me all day. I’ll run out of work to sit with you and make sure you’re okay when you’re having a bad day. That’s how loyal I am. Do I have to spell it out too? My connection is valuable. Anyone else the same way?
submitted by junksterdiving to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 shreyakhans Mom gangbang
Koi aur bhi hai jisko mom ke gangbang ki fantasy hai. Mujhe share karna hai mummy ko unki gaand aur chut dono mein ek saath lund le dhakke lagg rahe hon. Aur muh mein teesre dost kaa lund ho
submitted by shreyakhans to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 Serenity_95s You shouldn’t
You shouldn’t just leave without saying goodbye, without telling me anything… You were my only friend, my confidant friend, my closest companion and I didn’t even know how after all the good moments and laughs we’ve been through together it was so easy for you to leave me here all by my own, I don’t even know if I will ever find you again or if you will look for me.. but I wish you know how much you hurt me by leaving this way and not coming back.
submitted by Serenity_95s to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 DryFollowing4690 Darling
submitted by DryFollowing4690 to NuxTakuSubmissions [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 lss_web_1444 AMA post title 328
AMA post body
submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 Desperate-Loss2823 My mini plants
submitted by Desperate-Loss2823 to weedgrower [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 redboongames Three Moons, one night, and a lot of trouble for Bjorn. The Court Mage insists this cosmic event will unleash ancient power from the depths of Midian’s dungeons. New cards, new abilities, and new characters await you under the triple moon glow... Get ready for the new moon event in the DLC!
submitted by redboongames to KOTCL [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 GiorgiOtinashvili [Grade 11 math: pyramids]
Hey guys had this problem on test week ago and still can't figure it out, can you help me? I have no idea how to calculate Lateral surface area from this.
Here is the problem:
The length of the diagonal of the base of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 4sqr(6) cm, and the angle between two adjacent lateral sides is 120°. Find the total surface area of the pyramid.
Thanks in advance❤️
submitted by GiorgiOtinashvili to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 EducationalFront1924 Quando una tua amica "dimentica" di dirti che sta con tuo fratello...
Ok, ragazzi, preparatevi, perché questa storia è assurda.
Un anno fa conosco questa ragazza. Ci siamo trovati subito: simpatica, alla mano, sempre pronta a scherzare. Insomma, diventiamo amici. Non troppo stretti, ma ci sentiamo spesso, parliamo di tutto e c'è sempre quell’atmosfera leggera e divertente.
Lei mi riempie subito di soprannomi e un sacco di altre cose strane che mi fanno ridere. È il suo modo di fare, un po’ pazzerella ma in senso buono.
L’altro giorno, stavamo facendo una sessione di allenamento insieme. Ci alleniamo, parliamo, tutto normale. A un certo punto, mentre mi parla, mi chiama "Edo".
Io mi blocco. Cioè, proprio resto fermo. Edo? Non riesco a non pensare: Io non mi chiamo Edo. Edoardo è mio fratello.
La guardo con un’espressione tipo: Ma che stai dicendo? E lì parte la scena surreale. Lei mi fissa per qualche secondo in silenzio. Cinque secondi pieni di tensione, in cui io cerco di capire se ho sentito male o cosa stia succedendo.
Poi, all’improvviso, lei scoppia a ridere. Non una risatina imbarazzata, eh. Parlo proprio di una risata piena, di quelle che ti pieghi in due, quasi come se avesse sentito la battuta del secolo. E io lì, fermo, senza capire nulla.
Nella mia testa c’è il caos: Perché mi ha chiamato Edo? Perché ride così tanto? Che sta succedendo?
Quando finalmente si calma, mi guarda con quel sorriso enorme e dice: “Ah, sì, sto con tuo fratello da un anno.”
BOOM. Mi è caduto il mondo addosso. Un anno! UN ANNO. Questa ragazza, con cui parlo, scherzo e mi alleno, non ha mai menzionato che era la fidanzata di mio fratello.
Poi arriva il colpo di scena finale: mi dice che si sono conosciuti su Instagram. SU. INSTAGRAM. E io che ero convinto che lei fosse una di quelle che avevo incontrato casualmente nella vita di tutti i giorni. Il fatto è che prima di un anno fa non l’avevo mai vista, non avevo idea di chi fosse. Mio fratello non mi aveva detto niente, lei neanche. Zero.
E niente, ora ci penso e non so se ridere, arrabbiarmi o sentirmi preso in giro. Lei invece era lì, tutta tranquilla, come se fosse la cosa più normale del mondo.
Quando le ho chiesto “Ma sul serio? Perché non me l’hai detto prima?”, penso si sia accorta che ero un po’… boh, deluso, spiazzato, non so nemmeno io come definirlo. Cioè, ci ero rimasto male, e si vedeva.
E lei, senza pensarci troppo, è venuta ad abbracciarmi. Ma, attenzione, continuava a ridere! Non ha smesso nemmeno per un secondo, rideva proprio mentre mi abbracciava, come se fosse tutto una grande scenetta divertente.
Io, ovviamente, ero ancora lì tipo: Ma è possibile che stia succedendo davvero?
Qualcun altro ha mai scoperto robe così assurde in un modo così casuale?
submitted by EducationalFront1924 to Italia [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 16:51 Landoguywashacked Spend $5 get instant $20
Free $15 from Monzo + another $5 from me after following these steps:
2025.01.23 16:51 ColaCats Only Code Please Read
Trying to see what I can get for the code. A buddy of mine gave me one when they first came out cause he doesn't play and I forgot about the one in my box as well DM me submitted by ColaCats to SeaOfFashion [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 Heruhe Making my character from adventure
Today lunches the adventure mode, and today is birthday too YAY. I had old character in adventure mode that I will make a 3D low poly version of him, a boar man read for everything. For now he is sketch that I mede of him submitted by Heruhe to dwarffortress [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 Prestigious-Bar-6862 where do you scale these guys and what are your favourite feats of them
submitted by Prestigious-Bar-6862 to PowerScaling [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 16:51 tinyshark00 Looking to develop film
Hi there, I currently reside in the CBD and am looking to develop film from 2 disposable cameras and one half-frame film camera. I've heard Bennet's in Metairie is the only place that does it in-house, but has mixed reviews. I'm wondering if anyone in the city has a personal dark room and we could work out a deal :) Thanks a ton!
submitted by tinyshark00 to NewOrleansMarketplace [link] [comments]