Vaultboy Calls's Post

2025.01.23 16:41 montorul Vaultboy Calls's Post

SOL - 25 wallets purchased #Tars @ $0.0012 Volume: $101,735.33
MC: $2,101,885
Liquidity: $106,419.99
submitted by montorul to VaultboyPortal [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Rubluthunder [Ds3] ps5 anyone need sunlight medals? going to be running around killing bosses to very quickly to finish getting this platinum trophy and don't mind helping out someone that needs sunlight medals to max out that covenant

submitted by Rubluthunder to SummonSign [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Amisulpridenutt They call it a grapefruit, but it’s not related to a grape ? 🍇

submitted by Amisulpridenutt to stupidquestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Greenhoneyomi map photoshop

can anyone Photoshop me a map like this

  1. main, vermont, new Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and rhode island
  2. new york, Pennsylvania, new jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the Virginia part of the coast
  3. west Virginia, Virginia, and north Carolina
  4. south Carolina, Georgia, and the Florida peninsula
  5. tenseness and Kentucky
  6. Alabama, and Mississippi and the florida panhandle
7, Louisiana, Arkansas, missouri
  1. illinois, indiana, and ohio
  2. minnesota, wisconsin and michigan and iowa i guess.
  3. south and north dakota and montana
  4. oregon washington and mst of idaho
  5. most of nevada, utah, and the piece of idaho directly above it
  6. Las Vegas, nv. arizona, new mexico, part of texas (the western part directly next to and below the state)
14 california, carlson city, nv
  1. the eastern part of texas and oklahoma
  2. colorado, wyoming kansas and nebraska
submitted by Greenhoneyomi to PhotoshopRequest [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 tobykin To love to and to cherish | X-Pro3

To love to and to cherish | X-Pro3 submitted by tobykin to fujifilm [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Boscagli18 Honeymoon phase of gaining weight

Everytime when i read about someones weight restoration journey, they always say that after some time they weren't scared of gaining weight anymore, which I describe as the honeymoon phase of gaining weight. Right now I'm on the edge of this phase. I really want to gain weight and I know the pros, but I'm still a bit scared. What do I have to do to take the final step to full recovery?
submitted by Boscagli18 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 HoneZoneReddit Que mando me recomiendan para jugar en PC. Sobretodo a Monster Hunter.

Me gustaria pillarme un mando pero tengo pegas tanto con el de PS5 como el de XBOX.
El de PS5 son el stick izquierdo que esta en una posicion que me es incomoda y con el de XBOX me gusta bien poco que los botones X/Y y A/B esten intercmabiados (He jugado casi toda mi vida Nintendo y para mi cabeza el mando de XBOX es como de universo paralelo) a parte de mencionar que no me gustan nada los que van a PILAS asi que estoy buscando uno recargable o que vaya conectado.
(nota: no tomarse esto como ofensa cada uno tiene sus gustos con sus mandos)
submitted by HoneZoneReddit to esGaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Txmmy16 Does anyone know what this is think it’s a finch but not sure

Does anyone know what this is think it’s a finch but not sure submitted by Txmmy16 to whatbirdisthis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Mean_Reception_6980 Quiero renunciar pero no sé si es la mejor opción

Buenas, como el título lo dijo.
Estoy hace un mes en un puesto de trabajo en una PYME donde me hacen hacer tareas de 4 personas en una sola, mis compañeros se la pasan queriendo competir conmigo (haciendo comentarios chotos para hacerme reaccionar implicando que “soy una inútil” o con algunas características personales mías), que inclusive me rompen las herramientas de trabajo por lo que no puedo trabajar bien.
Al entrar nunca se me explicó nada, tuve que entender todo por contexto, y hasta el día de hoy a veces me entero de tareas que ni sabía que existían y “es tu responsabilidad, manejate”.
Si pregunto algo a un compañero o supervisor se me dice “estoy hasta las manos de trabajo, no seas demandante ni desconsiderada, acá se valora la autogestión”. Después se quejan si me equivoco.
Y mis compañeros se la pasan diciendo cosas como “te adaptas o morís”.
Nada, la verdad que ya al mes me está dando un pico de estrés, traté de hablarlo con RRHH y obtengo respuestas como “manejenlo ustedes”. Sinceramente la estoy pasando re mal, con ansiedad y muchísimo cansancio .
Por otro lado por el costado tengo un proyecto freelance y tengo un cliente fijo, está buenisimo pero lamentablemente aún no puedo ganar lo suficiente para largar esto y nada, no sé que hacer. Pero hacer eso me encanta.
Que me recomiendan?
submitted by Mean_Reception_6980 to empleos_AR [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 KayKay920 HELP

submitted by KayKay920 to fairlyoddparents [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Heavy-Ad-1868 Connecting Hearts online : Navigating the path to Meeting Amazing Women

In the world of online dating, I am going to give you teenage beautiful girls according to your age to make your life partner. we have above 100k Teenage girls and Women for you. You can find girls near your areas or other place. Here
submitted by Heavy-Ad-1868 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Single_Magazine_8793 What is the answer for WR?

As we all know we have a bottom 5 wr room with our best wr being a 35 year old Adam thielen. Obviously he's been good but that's not gonna last us very long. Yeah in FA we have someone like tee Higgins, Chris Godwin, Michael Pittman, and Hollywood brown (&more) but who would actually WANT to be here. Obviously as fans we've seen the growth this team has had the last 8 or so weeks of the regular season but as players would they care about the trajectory of a team rather than the actual overall record?
Its not like we can draft a wr1 in all honesty especially since we're already developing XL and coker AND we need LBS, DBS, Edges, another DT. We very much have the picks to get some players but we're not taking Tet at 8. If we trade down a few spots and take jaylon walker at 10-15 or so considering he's a raw prospect with alot of work to do then I'm fine with that.
But once again we're not coming out of the draft with a wr 1 unless it's tet which isn't the right move in my opinion. Maybe trading down enough to get a Luther burden but then again there's a tier of elite defenders that we'd stray away from if that happened. I'm just confused on what the right move is and wanna hear other opinions.
submitted by Single_Magazine_8793 to panthers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Prospero314 In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Hawkeye’s character arc comes full circle when in the heat of battle he throws his only weapon at a horde of enemies, solidifying that he is in fact useless.

In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) Hawkeye’s character arc comes full circle when in the heat of battle he throws his only weapon at a horde of enemies, solidifying that he is in fact useless. submitted by Prospero314 to shittymoviedetails [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 OkNecessary539 If the other members of the flock were made into playable characters in a future remake or sequel what classes would they be? What weapons would they use? And what would their abilities be?

I’m referring to characters like Stella, Hal, Terrence, Bubbles, Silver, Willow, Poppy, Luca, Dahlia, and maybe even Gale. What do you guys think about this?
submitted by OkNecessary539 to angrybirdsepic [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 ThrowRAawayyyyyu Headhunter lowballed me even though they've been chasing me for a year

I work remote for a small company, and I've been with them for ~7 years (throughout uni and after graduation). I have a senior job title ("head"), but I am underpaid because of the company's budget. I am okay with it because of other benefits (holidays, lots of travel, 0 stress).
One of our clients (a relatively big US company) has been grooming me for almost a year, trying to headhunt me behind my boss's back. Met them on plenty of times, had lunch with the CEO etc, and I entertained the idea just to grasp what they would offer. I'm not opposed to changing jobs for the right offer.
When I got the offer, I was offended. When they told me what the job would entail, I already struggled with the fact the workload would at least double. But then they asked me my current salary and then offered me a mere 15% on top, with a junior job title, half the PTO and EST time zone working hours (I'm based in Europe so that would means afternoon into late evening). I respectfully declined (citing PTO and time zone, I didn't even want to mention compensation). They insisted and wanted to negotiate and find a solution (how on earth does one negotiate time zone). They put the numbers down and I declined again, saying the compensation and benefits would have to be substantially higher for me to consider it. Now it seems they are annoyed (they have stopped replying).
I don't understand - they have been hounding me for months, CEO, HR, CCO. And then they offer me this?! I feel offended, but now that they've ghosted me I'm starting to wonder if maybe I was in the wrong. I suppose 15% than your current salary is a good deal for most, but I also know I am underpaid (and yes I slightly inflated the number, but still they would be able to figure it out).
I'm not even sure what my question is. I just know it's a worrying situation as they are still our clients and I still have to deal with them, and I also fear word of this might eventually get to my boss.
submitted by ThrowRAawayyyyyu to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Character-Safety-570 Bruno Onyemaechi na Grécia e oficialização pode estar para breve

Bruno Onyemaechi na Grécia e oficialização pode estar para breve submitted by Character-Safety-570 to BoavistaFC [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Aktskhidan Que hay de cierto en qué la sabiduría hace callar al necio?

submitted by Aktskhidan to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Tefloncustoms Glock 19X

Glock 19X Glock 19X Graphite Black
submitted by Tefloncustoms to GunPorn [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 League_of_DOTA 18,300 CL. Been struggling without Scorn. Any suggestions?

18,300 CL. Been struggling without Scorn. Any suggestions? submitted by League_of_DOTA to MarvelSnapDecks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 NomadDaGreatR6 H: 2x GSB Mask W: 250 Leaders Per or 400 for Both

submitted by NomadDaGreatR6 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 jayjax22 Where to find matches

Yo people I have got a question I wnat to know where do you check if there are any matches in the region where you travel to ? Especially low league fixtures I don't have futbology premium.
submitted by jayjax22 to futbology [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Crayjesus I’m already having withdrawals

My eyes are twitching. My hands are shaking. I don’t know what to do. I can’t pick up loot right now. I can’t endlessly identify rare as it won’t sell. God whhhhyyyyy.
submitted by Crayjesus to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 Educational-Mind-750 Staying bullish for 2025

Staying bullish for 2025 submitted by Educational-Mind-750 to DanielWilliams [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 No_Cartographer5686 Lost WB gained LFM

Anyone else lose the main WB and get the LFM variant this morning?
submitted by No_Cartographer5686 to joinstellarai [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 16:41 InternetOvserver2109 About my pentax k-01

Hi everyone,
I’m reaching out in hopes that someone here might have a Pentax K-01 they’d be willing to part with. My own K-01, which has been with me through countless memories and moments, sadly gave out recently. It’s been more than just a camera—it’s been a companion that captured so much of my life over the years. And it was the only memory with my father.
I know this model holds a special place for many of us, but if anyone has a K-01 they’re no longer using or willing to sell, I’d be incredibly grateful. I’d love to continue creating with this unique piece of gear and honor the memories tied to my original one.
Please feel free to DM me or comment if you can help. Thanks so much for reading and for keeping this wonderful community alive!
submitted by InternetOvserver2109 to pentax [link] [comments]