Dealing with emetophobia of others

2025.01.23 17:28 willisnoboxhead Dealing with emetophobia of others

I am 21 and suffer with emetophobia of others being **** and have had it for over 10 years now and as a child had to have exposure therapy/cbt for the problem and would have a panic attack if someone coughed, wouldn’t be able to go to fairgrounds or amusements, and couldn’t go on a plane again until this year, and all other things. As I’ve gotten older the severe symptoms have gotten better but I still am stuck with a crippling fear of others being **** whether it be on tv but especially in person regardless of the reason for it. My mum has just done a kidney transplant and I was meant to see her in the hospital today and she said she was looking forward to seeing me and so was I, until I called her and she looked very green and obviously not well and she’d been given pain relief which she said was making her feel rough, and then I started to feel so anxious and worried about her being **** that I couldn’t go and now I feel so guilty and just so ashamed and annoyed with myself and feel I’ve let her down but my sister and dad went instead
Any honest thoughts would be appreciated
submitted by willisnoboxhead to emetophobia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:28 Quirkie Lauren Boebert Offers Guided Capitol Tours To Jan. 6 Rioters

Lauren Boebert Offers Guided Capitol Tours To Jan. 6 Rioters submitted by Quirkie to AnythingGoesNews [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:28 SunderedValley More than 40% of postdocs leave academia, study reveals

More than 40% of postdocs leave academia, study reveals submitted by SunderedValley to labrats [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:28 Trident_H Krillin's birthday present.

submitted by Trident_H to Ningen [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:28 popcorn_kurnal Why are there two of you

Why are there two of you Also in this run I got D-class so yippee!
submitted by popcorn_kurnal to PressureRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:28 eyeslikestarlight How much to feed my big orange boy?? I cut down on portions and now he acts like he's starving!!

Hi all!! So I've got a big orange fella, around 5 years old. He was a rescue I adopted when he was a little under 2 years, and ever since I got him, he's always been a Big Boy. I give him a 3 oz can of wet food every other night, and used to do free feeding with dry food as that's what the rescue said he was used to. Then the first time I took him to the vet, he was 16 pounds, and the vet said I needed to feed him less. So instead of free feeding I switched to giving him just 1/2 cup of dry in the morning and another 1/2 cup every other night, swapping on and off with the wet food (he doesn't get both in the same night).
Yet when I took him to the vet again this past fall, he was 17 pounds. Vet didn't act like it was critical or anything, but said I should try to shave off at least a pound or two. So while wet food schedule & amount is the same, I've been very gradually cutting back on the dry--we're down to maybe 1/4 of a cup for breakfast, and a little less than that 1/2 cup for dinner.
Now, he's always been eager at mealtimes, but never too over-demanding, never hungry to the point of devouring it all in one sitting. But in the past several months, he has been FAR more vocal and persistent at mealtimes, like he's never eaten a single food in his life; he can even get like that outside of his normal mealtimes when I just so happen to go into the kitchen. I know cats can be like this, but the fact that it's such a notable change from his earlier behavior has me worried that I'm underfeeding him now!! Am I??
Here are some pics of him for reference/cat tax :) he for sure has a big belly, but he doesn't strike me as being fat in an unhealthy way? I feel like he's just got a big build! 🥺
submitted by eyeslikestarlight to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:28 Luso_Meteo Just wanna say I wish everyone stays safe during this storm!

Yesterday I posted a forecast here. And I thank everyone that read it and I hope it was useful
Now I come to say I hope it's not as bad as expected, there's no major damage, and there's no fatalities
Hoping for the best, sending you love from Portugal!
Take care everyone! Take care of yourself, the people you can help (Elderlies, disabled etc), and don't forget the animals!
AS FOR THE FORECAST: The biggest change is the timing, the storm is faster, by 3h or so, than thought, so the big effects start around 2AM in the western coast, and from there spread inland. Check the official forecasts now
Keep save, lots of strength to you all!
submitted by Luso_Meteo to ireland [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:28 Prestigious_Bus_5205 how to inspect agent from all sides?

hi, is it possible to inspect a agent with no animations from behind? if so, how? i want to check the patch on the back how it looks like (i know how to check the positions of the patches, but i want to see that specific patch on that specific agent). that agent is not in my inventory obviously.. anyone have a idea?
submitted by Prestigious_Bus_5205 to csgo [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Alternative-Bug1399 Am I overworked?

Am I overworked? Hi, all! Quick question: Does your body battery also look like this or am I overstressed? It reaches 90+ during my peak work moments.
I’m in a stressful (tech) job.
submitted by Alternative-Bug1399 to Garmin [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Squitmarine Robo advisor not available in UK?

I tried asking revolut support about this, but the robot and the FAQ tell me no such thing exists, despite, very clearly exisiting. Is this something that UK people cannot get? I don't appear to have any of the buttons for this to start it up on their website page.
submitted by Squitmarine to Revolut [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Zestyclose-Leg9325 TLDR: Can't seem to beleive in God after alot of tries, family wants me to baptise my child. Am conflicted.

I went to a unitarian church for the majority of my childhood, got confirmed, worked as a teenager as part of infant childcare, went on several medical mission trips, participated as much as possible, memorized the books of the Bible in order. parents were not particularly religious but my mother would go she saw church more as a community duty as well as an insight to the Judeo-Christian influenced founding of our home country and that was important to her to impart to her children, as well as the importance to giving to the community and ones role as an adult in the community including charity, humility, the nuances of social communication.
As you can tell very clinical woman
Being brought up that way has likewise made me very clinical. After my parents had a falling out with the pastor of our church and the pastor estranging several other prominent families that had been staples in the church for 60+ years. I moved away, became a proper adult and started a household of my own i have become thoroughly disenchanted with the idea of church and God in general.
Looking back i never really believed in God or sort of. All my confirmation writings were about how God is in every action and thing in it's own ways. Not about the story of the Bible of Jesus and his actions. I was thrilled to be participating in events, helping out the community, and the prayers involved was just another thing to do, not ever something I've thought about in depth.
But man I crave that righteousness self knowledge that some people have. Like on the mission trips some of the people were so sure, so certain that Jesus Chris is their lord and savior. So sanctified in their existence. It is a truly beautiful thing to see. I would say I'm jealous of them but that's not the right word, I don't want to take away their knowledge and sanctity, I want them to share the secret. I want to beleive I want to be righteous in my affirmations. I want to be certain. But my brain my logic won't let me.
Several of my family members are devoted Christians. My uncle is born again and has had God speak to him personally. He is sure.
Now my aunt who is very religious, in her particular way keeps asking when I'm going to baptise my infant child. And I don't know if I can. Or of i want to I want to be sure in my beliefs be fore I inflict them on my child.
I've read a big chunk of the Bible. Ive taken notes I've studied with videos, I've listened to podcasts, IVE gone to different churches, IVE TRIED. I dont know what I'm missing or what I'm doing wrong. My brain needs proof.
Any advice thoughts or anecdotes are appreciated thank you
TLDR: Can't seem to beleive in God after alot of tries, family wants me to baptise my child. Am conflicted.
submitted by Zestyclose-Leg9325 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Professional-Bench94 Re Vera contacted my recommender- what does it mean?

I’ve applied to Columbia SIPA. The admission decision is due in March. One of my recommended received an email from revera to verify the LOR. My impression was that verification is done after the admission decision. Is this typically when they are contacted? Does this mean anything ?
submitted by Professional-Bench94 to PublicPolicy [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 thesauruschipmunk photoshoot in space

photoshoot in space modded sx-70, i-type film, unreliable subjects. Aside from my models not holding still and needing a brighter light to compensate for the backlight of the tv, I'm pretty happy with my first attempted trip to space.
submitted by thesauruschipmunk to Polaroid [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 ArrivalLeather1988 That's it, no more luck for the rest of the year

That's it, no more luck for the rest of the year submitted by ArrivalLeather1988 to FUTMobile [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 WelpWhatCanYouDo Cart

Cart submitted by WelpWhatCanYouDo to 691 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Degenerate012 Server time out

Lately after the update my game (Pc) each time I find a lobby and right about to select where I want to land keeps saying server timed out. Does anyone know a fix to this? I uninstalled and reinstalled and verified game files already.
submitted by Degenerate012 to MyHeroUltraRumble [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 xJAMESx153 Jemand Erfahrung mit Hühnermistpellets?

Wie schnell sind die für die Pflanze verfügbar? Habe einen N und P Mangel und schon 40g als top Dressing gegeben. Überlege noch zusätzlich mineralisch nach zu Hefen, ka ob das eine gute Idee ist :-D
submitted by xJAMESx153 to Canbau [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Murasakimo HBZ 2025: Jiluka mini bundle with Zyean!

HBZ 2025: Jiluka mini bundle with Zyean! Very special HBZ mixed listing with Jiluka bundle dedicated to Zyean! It includes:
- 2024 Zyean Bromide from the Karma Tour in Europe🦋 - 2025 Acrylic stand [With Zyean in his previous Shanghai lolita look] related to his birthday event🦋 - Single Cheki from 2021 era with Zyean signature on it🦋
Cheki + Bromide + Acrylic Stand = Mini Set
Price: £42 Shipping outside of UK: £11 [via Royal Mail with tracking number] Payment: via PayPal Invoice only [with additional £4 fee] For UK based people: There is a vinted listing :)
submitted by Murasakimo to VisualKeiSales [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Bright-Ice989 Al momento della consegna, il PC dell'università si riavvia e perdere il vostro esame. Cosa avreste fatto?

Prima di un esame universitario il professore ci aveva avvisato di portare con noi una chiavetta USB e di salvare frequentemente il file della prova. Il motivo? Se il PC si fosse spento, si sarebbe perso tutto. Io avevo capito che si sarebbe perso solo ciò che non era stato salvato, come accade normalmente con un qualsiasi computer.
Inizio l’esame e salvo il file direttamente sul desktop del PC. Quando arriva il momento della consegna, nell’attesa che il professore mi autorizzasse a caricare il file, penso di fare una copia della prova sulla mia chiavetta USB, cosi da poter visualizzare la prova anche tornato a casa. Inserisco la pennetta, ma il PC non la riconosce. La estraggo e… il computer si riavvia.
Scopro così che i PC della mia università fanno una sorta di "reset" ad ogni nuovo accesso: tutto ciò che non è stato salvato esternamente viene eliminato. In pratica, il file del mio esame era sparito per sempre.
La cosa più frustrante è che la prova, a mio avviso, era andata piuttosto bene. Si trattava di un esame tosto, e con ogni probabilità avrei accettato il voto, togliendomi un bel peso. Invece, ancora sotto shock per quanto successo, accetto passivamente le parole del professore: sarei dovuto tornare al prossimo appello.
Secondo voi, in una situazione simile, cosa avreste fatto? C’era qualcosa che avrei potuto fare? Io ero troppo incredulo per reagire o cercare alternative.
submitted by Bright-Ice989 to Universitaly [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Federal-Ad-9589 My first BOYNEXTDOOR Live Theme Card!!

My first BOYNEXTDOOR Live Theme Card!! I was bamboozled when i received the reward for the last stage in Chapter 6, i thought it was just a normal card but when i checked it back in the card deck, IT WAS INDEED A LIVE THEME!!
I'm so happy that i got this card since i only have a few cards for bonedo :(( idk how to make them more, it seems like i cant pull them from random card packs🥲
submitted by Federal-Ad-9589 to RhythmHive [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 ele30006 All Might! fan art by me :) [Fan Art]

submitted by ele30006 to MyHeroAcademia [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Shrok02 Recommendations for good whiskey

I have a job, where I can get a good employee discount, so I am planning on buying a bottle. I am a novice, but have already discovered a love for Scotch. I liked the 10 year and 12 year Highland Park. The 12 year Macallan is also great, but it has a bit too much of a sherry taste for me. I am not the biggest fan of a peated scotch, but I have tried a couple that were quite good. I am looking for something to either develop my pallet or just something to enjoy.
submitted by Shrok02 to whiskey [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 M-Elysium Zhezhi Build!

Zhezhi Build! Is this good enough or should I Still try to get Substats that she needs
I just rolled all of her echo and got all of them with double Crt but the Substats are 😅
submitted by M-Elysium to WutheringWavesGuide [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 Used_Cold_7947 ROLL CALL MOTHERFUCKERS!!

submitted by Used_Cold_7947 to WesWatson [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 17:27 mikuguro Voice chat servers in dti

Voice chat servers in dti (non-related photo)
What would you guys think of the idea if the developers put a server for those who have voice chat? Do you guys think there would be any harm? That it would be useful or useless? What do you guys think?
I've been thinking about this lately and wanted to know what people think :p
submitted by mikuguro to DressToImpressRoblox [link] [comments]