Starting Huntseat (any help appreciated!!!)

2025.01.23 19:41 _Pineapple12 Starting Huntseat (any help appreciated!!!)

So I am starting to take riding lessons at my college, in the hunt seat discipline. I have ridden exclusively sadddleseat for the last 9 years, riding in a hunt seat saddle maybe half a dozen times. I have a good seat and adjustable legs so I'm not too worried, but I feel like I will cause the rest of my lesson to slow down to meet me, as they have years of experience with jumping and other practices. Basically, I just need tips so I can be competent- like how do I half-seat the canter, how far forward is too forward, how hard is it starting to jump, etc. It's been kind of difficult to find resources online that give me all the information I need so I'd appreciate any help! It's also not possible to get private lessons there and I don't have a car to drive off campus to get extra help somewhere else.
submitted by _Pineapple12 to Equestrian [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Motor_Penalty 28 [M4F] #Australia #Online Change my brain chemistry

Posting again because everyone seems to disappear and I need consistency in my life right now. I have a lot of friends irl and a partner but I’m looking for someone I can retreat to online who’s always gonna be around to share some laughs, tell some good stories, and be flirty with.
I’m terrible at talking about myself so I’d rather you just ask what you want to know but I can say that I’m at least a little bit funny, a little bit twisted, and a little bit clingy. I’m confident that I can get along with anyone, I just need you to put in the effort as well; this needs to be an equal partnership.
If you wanna be my online retreat, please introduce yourself, send a picture of yourself (and pets if you’ve got any), and tell me your fave movie!
This me:
submitted by Motor_Penalty to r4r [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Bossy_Aussie_ Are mammoth plushies okay racers at full speed?

Basically the title ig. One of my breeder horses is a mammoth plushie and she’s at max speed or whatever you call it. I’ve never attempted to race with her so I’m wondering if she’s a good type of racer or if I should just use my Alces
submitted by Bossy_Aussie_ to HorseLifeHQ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 AyazMarketer Seeking Emerging Micro-Influencers for a Feature on My Blog! Free Shoutout Alert

Hi Redditors!👋
I’m working on a blog post for my blog Website "Influencers Node" to spotlight 20 emerging and struggling micro-influencers from various niches who deserve recognition for their creativity and hard work. I aim to give them a free shoutout on my website and social platforms to help amplify their reach.
If you're a micro-influencer (or know someone who fits the bill), I’d love to hear from you! Here’s what I’m looking for:

This is a completely free opportunity to gain exposure and connect with a broader audience. If you’re interested, drop your details in the comments or DM me: 1️⃣ Your name/handle. 2️⃣ Your niche. 3️⃣ Link(s) to your social profile(s). 4️⃣ A short note about your influencer journey.
I’ll be selecting 20 influencers to feature in an upcoming blog post, so don’t miss this chance to get noticed! 🌟
Looking forward to discovering and sharing amazing talent! 💫
submitted by AyazMarketer to influencermarketing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 ConcernCompetitive53 I made this OC myself and my friends mentioned that he reminds them of the humans from Murder Drones. I'm not sure if it's because of the glowing eyes or the shadowy look. What do you think?

I made this OC myself and my friends mentioned that he reminds them of the humans from Murder Drones. I'm not sure if it's because of the glowing eyes or the shadowy look. What do you think? submitted by ConcernCompetitive53 to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Little_Sector8445 Tipps für die Praktikumssuche als Anwendungsentwickler während der Umschulung

Hallo zusammen,
ich mache aktuell eine Umschulung zum Fachinformatiker für Anwendungsentwicklung (bei GFN) und wohne in Nürnberg. Dabei bin ich selbst dafür verantwortlich, einen Praktikumsplatz zu finden. Der Bildungsträger unterstützt zwar bei der Erstellung der Bewerbungsunterlagen, aber die eigentliche Suche liegt komplett bei mir.
Von meinen Dozenten habe ich außerdem gehört, dass es besonders schwierig ist, als Quereinsteiger ohne viel Vorerfahrung einen Praktikumsplatz in der Anwendungsentwicklung zu finden. Deswegen wollte ich die Community fragen:

  1. Wie kann ich mich am besten auf die Suche nach einem Praktikumsplatz vorbereiten? Habt ihr Tipps, wie ich am besten vorgehen sollte oder welche Strategien besonders hilfreich sein könnten?
  2. Welche Zusatzqualifikationen sollte ich mir neben der Umschulung aneignen? Gibt es bestimmte Programmiersprachen, Frameworks oder Tools, die aktuell gefragt sind und mit denen ich meine Chancen verbessern kann?
Ich bin für jeden Rat oder eure Erfahrungen sehr dankbar, insbesondere wenn ihr selbst schon eine Umschulung oder ein Praktikum im IT-Bereich gemacht habt!
Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus!
submitted by Little_Sector8445 to de_IAmA [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 xWraec SS Tier MFG vs. Flame Shrine & PvP

SS Tier MFG vs. Flame Shrine & PvP submitted by xWraec to IdleHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 anonpotatogirl Girl rats scared of me, but boy rats aren’t

I have 2 groups in separate cages Both in critter nation cages (the girls in the double, the boys in the single soon to be upgraded)
The boy group got used to me so much quicker and are already learning tricks and free roaming
The girl group is still very skittish and not getting braver, in fact they’ve been getting more and more skittish and don’t even come out during free roam time.
I’m not doing anything different between them, yet the boys are progressing so much and the girls are a lot more scared.
They’re all from the same litter or related in some way except for 2 of the girls
I don’t understand what might be causing this?
submitted by anonpotatogirl to RATS [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Suspicious-Hyena-514 Glad I found this sub

I haven't shot a sling shot since I was a kid. 47 now. Hot damn the sling shots are beautiful 😍. Any basics I should know before buying one? What are some websites for purchasing? All this info on bands and pouches has me overwhelmed 😆. What about ammo? It's all so technical now. Thank you in advance. Can't wait to contribue!
submitted by Suspicious-Hyena-514 to slingshots [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Ximerl makeup and hair services

submitted by Ximerl to Miami [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Puzzleheaded-Till203 is it overworked?

is it overworked? i’ve had this tattoo for over a year now and i noticed what seems to be uneven healing since the first week of healing. is it super bad? at the end of the day it’s already on me anyways and i don’t really mind it that much since nobody has commented anything bad about it.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Till203 to tattooadvice [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 The-Almost-Truth I report every AOZ add I see on Reddit as misleading

We all know the “gameplay” they show on their adds is absolutely nothing like the actual game. They just hope to get you in there and feed on your dopamine and once you realize that add gameplay doesn’t even exist, you are already invested and get addicted. F camel and F this game haha
submitted by The-Almost-Truth to AgeofZ [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 pjoberst what is up with white people assuming poc/woc haven’t been harassed because of their identity?

i get they aren’t on the receiving end of hate 99% of the time. i’m just frustrated at how often they are surprised that these kinds of interactions happen and how damaging they can be. i’m tired of being white peoples first encounter with someone traumatized by racial violence. or do they just choose to ignore every negative story to preserve their mindset that “most people are polite”?
submitted by pjoberst to QueerWomenOfColor [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Affectionate_Map_14 Any other Sagittarius rising people who feel like the only happy people on earth?

It's near impossible to irritate or annoy me. Ironically the one thing that does annoy me in this world are other people who are constantly annoyed and irritated over the smallest things. I just feel like I would be happy everyday if it wasn't for them. Because I'm naturally just happy and feel good. I've learnt to ignore negative commentary and their moodiness but man what I would give for a planet where people were more lighthearted. Life is honestly so much fun and we have it so good nowadays. The poorest person today has it better than the richest person in medieval age. It's honestly not that bad for most?
submitted by Affectionate_Map_14 to astrologymemes [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 kkeinng Jackson USA B8

Jackson USA B8 I have been searching a long time for one of these. So happy to have finally found one that was within my price range. NOS to boot
submitted by kkeinng to JacksonGuitars [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 _yinhe Is this worth it?

Is this worth it? I pulled my first epic the other day and this is the offer I have for it. It feels a little low to me, but I know this artist isn’t that popular so I’m curious if it’s worth taking or not since I doubt I’ll get any other offers on it.
submitted by _yinhe to Soundmap [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Lost-War-9194 Proofpoint quietly rejects inbound emails due to website malware.

Hi Proofpoint and all,
The organization I represent is *not* a Proofpoint customer, but we correspond via email with many who are.
For over a month, we've had issues having our organization's emails accepted by Proofpoint customer's mail servers. Thanks to the great insight here, we identified that our website had malware which has since been cleaned. Unfortunately, we are still finding that our email is not being delivered.
How do we get Proofpoint to re-check our website and remove us from whatever blocking mechanism is in place?
Side note: We conducted hybrid-analysis scans which revealed the malicious plugin on our website. After we cleaned the website, we conducted a hybrid-analysis scan which came back clean. In hopes of rectifying the ongoing false-positives, we requested a "report deletion" via hybrid-analysis. This brilliant idea may have complicated everything since hybrid-analysis is now saying the hash was reported for abuse.
What can we do to resolve this? Any ideas?
submitted by Lost-War-9194 to proofpoint [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 lordjaay can someone explain what step up in wheels mean?

im trying to build some custom wheels , i wanted 20" wheels with step lip he is offering me 19" face to 20" step up i dont even know what that means so its a 19" wheel so i use 19" tires? and wouldnt that look wierd?? someone please educate me
submitted by lordjaay to Wheels [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 McJumbos Carson Williams is the top ranked shortstop prospect in baseball

Carson Williams is the top ranked shortstop prospect in baseball submitted by McJumbos to tampabayrays [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Chance-Appeal Need help with fake "achievements" in tellraw

Hi, recently i started a minecraft server with friends, since it's a "roleplay" kind of thing i like to add small easter eggs or events around the map so i tried create a fake achievement for an event but i have literally 0 experience with commands and stuff like that, after hours of searching i found a video with the thing i wanted but i would like for the name to be the username of the person who activates the command, i know about the "selector" command but i can't find a way to make it work with this;
Command: /tellraw @(a) ["",{"text":"SumoRobot has made the advancement "},{"text":"[500 Subscribers]","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":{"text":"You got 500 subscribers\non your channel!","color":"green"}}}]
i'm sorry if my comment is badly written or obnoxious i'm not a native speaker nor a expert command block guy...
link to the original video because he deserves it;
submitted by Chance-Appeal to MinecraftCommands [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Such-Wave-7866 Deoxys 2lokals 871700033046

Deoxys 2lokals 871700033046 submitted by Such-Wave-7866 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 lostonthereddit Kirby if he had an anime based on the games (I don't know how I should label this, I just wanted to share it so more people could know about it)

Kirby if he had an anime based on the games (I don't know how I should label this, I just wanted to share it so more people could know about it) submitted by lostonthereddit to Kirby [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 Successful-Ship-5391 how do i make the background video follow the screen when i scroll

submitted by Successful-Ship-5391 to elementor [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 ReplacementNearby379 Trump needs to bump up those numbers

Trump needs to bump up those numbers He has his work cut out if he wants to take over the name of deporter in chief from Obama.
I’m sure there were epic meltdowns about ICE raids on this subreddit from 2008-2016 /s
submitted by ReplacementNearby379 to Albuquerque [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 19:41 -triskal- Argent Flight Slice Choices

Argent Flight Slice Choices So I'm looking to play Argent flight in an upcoming game. (There is a slight possibility someone else will take it, but I don't think so). If they do, I'll probably go Saar.
Slices I'm considering are these for Argent.
I like slice 3 because of the number of planets and resources, with a nice line towards Rex. The Nebula is a bit of a problem getting rex R1, but I figured I could go for a Rex R2 first turn if I took Politics. The thing I'm not super excited about is that I won't be able to get my carrier to New Albion/Starpoint R1, which means I'm only going to get 3 planets R1.. which kinda sucks.
I like Slice 6 for it's yellow/red skips, although this one has a similar problem to Slice 3 although better with being able to take 4 planets R1. I'm not keen on the fact that both Slice 3 and 6 have empty spaces beside the HS, considering the nice defensive bonus Arie Hallow Lattice gives.
I'm leaning toward slice 5 to be honest. I like that I can lock down my slice around my HS (AHL), and R1 I'd be able to secure 5 of the 6 planets. I'm not super keen on having empty space right beside Rex, but it's probably fine. Also, if Argent does get taken, then I have the Asteroid Field for Saar to hide in.
What are your thoughts? Technically I could choose any one of the slices, I should be first pick on slices this round.
Here's a pic of all the slices, just in case you are seeing something I'm not.
submitted by -triskal- to twilightimperium [link] [comments]