Hole 8 at Torrey Pines today

2025.01.23 20:41 Scared_Technology_41 Hole 8 at Torrey Pines today

submitted by Scared_Technology_41 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 DFOadmin Daily Faceoff NHL DFS Value Plays — January 23rd

submitted by DFOadmin to DailyFaceoff [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 BeachGreenDeskFan Finished the Live Virtual Interview last night at 5pm

Hoping to hear back today, sooner than later. Hope for the best with everyone who applied in October! Does anyone know if the F2F interviews in Houston are going to be this month or next month? And, when does training most likely start?
submitted by BeachGreenDeskFan to cabincrewcareers [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 austynking Does anyone else think the tap on the shoulder is so underwhelming

This is very nit picky and doesn’t affect the quality of the show at all. I feel like the reveal of who the traitors are should be more elegant and dramatic to go with the set and story.
Like maybe they all open envelopes (with dividers around them) at the round table or something. But the close your eyes and I’ll tap you on the shoulders feels so elementary
submitted by austynking to TheTraitors [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Gimmick-Puppet Vampires Still Viable!

Vampires Still Viable! Have had a lot of success in PVP using this Vampire Nightblade build I created. I call it “Reverse Execute” as the damage output scales up significantly as your own health decreases. True-Sword Fury + Titanborn + Blood for Blood has been absolutely ridiculous as a triple threat synergy. Oakensoul is needed for sustain. Vampire all the way!!
submitted by Gimmick-Puppet to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 KilTick Queen Satyress

Queen Satyress submitted by KilTick to ForFashion [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Odd_Opposite_1495 Trench Money™: The Currency Everyone’s After on Solana

Trench Money™
Trench Money™ is taking over the Solana ecosystem as the official currency of the trenches. In crypto, “trenches” isn’t just a term—it’s a mindset, and everyone is after Trench Money™.
This cult coin is more than hype. With an aesthetic design, a growing community, and a paid creative team driving its branding, Trench Money™ is setting a new standard. Their content backs a bold mission: to become the go-to internet money mindset brand.
What’s next? Plans for an eCommerce store and an online casino where Trench Money™ will reign supreme as the supported currency. It’s not just a coin—it’s the future of the trenches.
Join the Movement:
™ Website: https://www. trenchmoney. net/
™ X/Twitter: https://x.com/trenchmoneytm?s=21
™ Telegram:@ TrenchSolMoney
™ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trenchmoneytm?igsh=MzFoNzQ0YWdkYXo3
™ TikTok: https://www. tiktok. com/@tmtrenchmoney
Wallet Address: FBGhtjmYwzk9kJz2feKHCGvj9R3fogyEfocLqPkEpump
™ in your wallet, ™ in the trenches.
submitted by Odd_Opposite_1495 to CryptoApeing [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 xdotaviox What do you think of this molotov listed on the Dust2 post? Have you ever used it?

What do you think of this molotov listed on the Dust2 post? Have you ever used it? submitted by xdotaviox to cs2 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 justintimberleg Does anyone know where o can buy these ?

Does anyone know where o can buy these ? I am on the hunt for a Monchhichi for someone’s birthday. I was hoping to find somewhere in store since i need it soon. Does anyone recognize or have seen these little dudes around ? Thanks !
submitted by justintimberleg to memphis [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 WinterberryFaffabout Question for 4k wireless doorbell

So I have a question, hopefully someone can clear this up; a while back There was a recall on the 4K. Wireless doorbell. I had returned mine under the recall, which was super unfortunate. Because I got it for a screaming deal on Cyber Monday, but I see that they're still selling The 4K wireless doorbell, so is the product fixed now or not? I had bought mine at the end of November and received at the beginning of December but was still told that it needed to be recalled for the battery issue was this resolved? Are they just selling the 4K wireless doorbell And just leaving it faulty, what's the story there? Apologies in advance for the poor punctuation. On this, I'm using talk to text and it is notoriously awful.
submitted by WinterberryFaffabout to Lorex [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 globlinthemoblin Procurando Jogadores

Bom dia, minha gente! Estou passando por aqui mais uma vez para divulgar mais mesas de rpg comissionadas! No momento, tenho 3 mesas disponíveis para começar uma campanha nova.
Lancer Um rpg focado em combate de mechas no futuro distante da União, onde você joga como um Lancer, um piloto de mecha com habilidades extraodinárias. Durante a campanha, você irá fazer todo tipo de trabalho pela galaxia. - Material em inglês - VTT utilizado: Foundry
Pathfinder Esse jogo tem como foco customização de personagem e combate em um cenário de alta fantasia medieval. Se aventure por Golarion procurando por segredos obscuros e enfrentando inimigos formidáveis. - Campanha Oficial disponível: Season of Ghosts - Material em inglês - VTT utilizado: Foundry
Fabula Ultima Tem como inspirações JRPGs como Final Fantasy e Chrono Trigger. Permite uma ótima customização de personagens e tem como foco histórias heróicas épicas em um mundo fantástico que mistura ciência e magia. - Material em inglês - VTT utilizado: Foundry
Wilderfeast Você é o que você come. Seja um feral cuidando para que a Terra Una não sucumba ao frenesi espalhado pelos gigantes do Cartel. Esse jogo foca na caça, combate e cozimento de monstros gigantes, com você adquirindo a força e as habilidades dos monstros que come. - Material em português - VTT utilizado: Roll20 (Foundry se possível)
Além disso, tenho uma mesa de Lancer já com 3 participantes, e estamos procurando uma quarta pessoa.
Valor das mesas varia de R$75,00 a R$100,00, este dividido entre os membros dos grupo. Se você tiver interesse em alguma das mesas, entre em contato comigo! E se você tem interesse em jogar um rpg que não foi listado aqui, entra em contato comigo também! Tem uma grande chance de eu conhecer seu interesse e abrir uma mesa para você!
submitted by globlinthemoblin to rpg_brasil [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 lss_web_1444 Video post title 73

Video post title 73 submitted by lss_web_1444 to automationContentCom [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Imaginary_Ground842 Do you appear a little bit smaller on colder days?

Like on the days when it’s like sub 60 degrees I feel just a little bit smaller than when it’s like 80 degrees. This is just in general not in the gyms
submitted by Imaginary_Ground842 to powerbuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 CommercialDesign6940 Chokladbolls Epoken i Egypten 1943

När jag var sex år gammal fick jag för mig att lura farmor att äta mitt bajs. Allting började när jag blev bjuden på rökt apa av taxi chafören i egypten, det fick min mage att producera bajs som bara den. Min farmor bodde i Egypten och jag och farmor skulle baka chokladbollar när mina föräldrar var på kapprustning i centrala Egypten. Innan vi skulle rulla bollarna så var jag skit nödig och behövde bajsa, jag drog ned byxorna och tryckte ut en ordentlig satts avföring som luktade ruttna kåldolmar då slog tanken att varför inte rulla chokladbollarna i min rinniga avföring för odörens skull. Farmor hade ingen lukt och kunde inte känna min bajsiga lukt i hela lägenhetskomplexet. Jag kände bajslukten sprida sig i hela området och dess kanter samt kravanger. Plötsligt så ser jag min farmors granne Nefertitti springa mot mig med en Dior savage i högsta högg och drog ner mitna byxor och började dränka mitt fishål med parfymen, farmor springer in i rummet med en M9A1 rocket launcher och stoppar in en i bakändan på mig, då från ingenstans kommer farfar inridandes på en kamel och skriker "ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR!" och kastar tyska haribo nappar. Farfar skriker "hörde jag chokladbollar" och alla slänger sig på tallriken med chokladbollar och började äta min avföring.
submitted by CommercialDesign6940 to unket [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 jvc72 Buy Signal iShares Global - 23 Jan 2025 @ 15:38 -> USD54.32

Ticker: IGF
Exchange: NASDAQ
Time: 23 Jan 2025 @ 15:38
Price: USD54.32
Link: https://getagraph.com/NASDAQ/stock/live-signals/IGF/ENG
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 cloud-floater A goofy ending to a game

A goofy ending to a game White thought he had mate in one. (900 elo 10 min game)
submitted by cloud-floater to chessbeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 baker_1989 Camera (video) 2x/3x color tone difference

Did anyone notice this blueish color tone on camera during video on 1x/2x which changes to much warmer tone on 3x/6x? Seems like a bug...firmware version .405
submitted by baker_1989 to OnePlus13 [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 DEaTh_StorM767 Orientation

When is the orientation session for bs cs lahore?
submitted by DEaTh_StorM767 to BahriaUniversity [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Odd_Opposite_1495 Trench Money™: The Currency Everyone’s After on Solana

Trench Money™
Trench Money™ is taking over the Solana ecosystem as the official currency of the trenches. In crypto, “trenches” isn’t just a term—it’s a mindset, and everyone is after Trench Money™.
This cult coin is more than hype. With an aesthetic design, a growing community, and a paid creative team driving its branding, Trench Money™ is setting a new standard. Their content backs a bold mission: to become the go-to internet money mindset brand.
What’s next? Plans for an eCommerce store and an online casino where Trench Money™ will reign supreme as the supported currency. It’s not just a coin—it’s the future of the trenches.
Join the Movement:
™ Website: https://www. trenchmoney. net/
™ X/Twitter: https://x.com/trenchmoneytm?s=21
™ Telegram:@ TrenchSolMoney
™ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trenchmoneytm?igsh=MzFoNzQ0YWdkYXo3
™ TikTok: https://www. tiktok. com/@tmtrenchmoney
Wallet Address: FBGhtjmYwzk9kJz2feKHCGvj9R3fogyEfocLqPkEpump
™ in your wallet, ™ in the trenches.
submitted by Odd_Opposite_1495 to shitcoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 SourceConsistent6234 Trapstar jersey (6 Styles) - $14

Trapstar jersey (6 Styles) - $14 submitted by SourceConsistent6234 to CNFANSlink [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 OutlandishnessNo9182 mew🔮irl

submitted by OutlandishnessNo9182 to mew_irl [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 Own-Raccoon-4295 Please help, Need U.S Players

Can't do it without You! Just a click to accept my invitation! Your Friend Are Grabbing a Free Gift - You Both Deserve Too! Don't Miss Out, Click to Get Your Freebie https://onelink.shein.com/8/4d8ian7q6n68
submitted by Own-Raccoon-4295 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 ksigler It has to be unintended, right? RIGHT??

It has to be unintended, right? RIGHT?? submitted by ksigler to LeopardsAteMyFace [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 fujoshiiiiiiiiiiiii Salgados de carne pro meu pai levar pra comer no trabalho

Salgados de carne pro meu pai levar pra comer no trabalho Massa de pizza, metade da receita, rendeu 12 salgados e mais 4 que eu fiz de queijo pra mim e pra minha mãe (segunda foto)
submitted by fujoshiiiiiiiiiiiii to gororoba [link] [comments]

2025.01.23 20:41 drake-francis Ho Won restaurant closed

I will let the inspection report speak for itself….
submitted by drake-francis to Calgary [link] [comments]
