2025.01.23 20:55 Ok-Intention1497 1….4 m lets trade nn irls my age
submitted by Ok-Intention1497 to AbbychampNSFW [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Virtual-Persimmon623 Wait...
Did Finn know he was adopted before his wedding to Staffy when Sheila showed up. I know he wasn't aware that Sheila was his birth mother until then, but when did he know he was adopted? If he didn't know as a child then sleeping with Poppy would have been incest.
submitted by Virtual-Persimmon623 to boldandbeautiful [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Gecktendo Mark my words: someday, people will miss the AI "slop" aesthetic and will recreate it out of nostalgia
"Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become its signature... The excitement of grainy film, of bleached-out black and white, is the excitement of witnessing events too momentous for the medium assigned to record them." ~ Brian Eno
Think about VHS scanlines, CRT distortion, datamoshing, the scratchy pops and clicks of vinyl. These are all errors. Distortions. Now that we superceded them we come back to those mediums in nostalgia.
We will one day come back to mangled hands, bizarre misshapen people laying in grass and will look back with nostalgia. And we will aim to replicate it.
submitted by Gecktendo to aiwars [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 phy2go Pain
submitted by phy2go to gradadmissions [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Angelsnipk8 Current mood
She just turned 2 and those eyes say she’s over it. submitted by Angelsnipk8 to dogpictures [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:55 NothingWasDelivered Keep Leo and his daughter in your thoughts
Send good vibes to Leo and his daughter. And please be careful out there everybody. submitted by NothingWasDelivered to BoneValley [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:55 itzzRomanFox2 Imagine seeing asexuality as a "nonexistent "choice"" and not something that comes to you
This is just laughable. Still can't believe that this is from 2024, but it's laughable regardless. Also I couldn't find a tag that regards acephobia (or whatever the term for a hatred towards asexual people is), so I'm using comedy because holy shit I'm literally cackling at the lowness of this fucking kid lmao. submitted by itzzRomanFox2 to Asexual [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:55 TheCheeseMcRiffin Help- what paint/wallpaper Combo for dining room!
Looking to paint and or wallpaper this room, the plate shelf that goes around the room has to stay, the artwork is all negotiable and just there as a stop-gap until we know what we're doing with this room. The bay windows has a credenza filled with plants and we have a new light fixture on the way! open to feedback!
submitted by TheCheeseMcRiffin to DesignMyRoom [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 futurepast75 Camp Rest Disabled
I've been running about 10 mods for a week but yesterday started getting an error when in camp that mentions rest is disabled globally.
I'm guessing it has to do with a mod/update conflict but not sure which mod.
Anyone know how to fix it? Are mods typically like this?
submitted by futurepast75 to BG3mods [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 MaterialAd8426 I’ve got 10s of thousands of cards looking to sell in bulk please message me if interested and what interested in
submitted by MaterialAd8426 to baseballcards [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 studio684 I have 17 years of call center customer service experience. What's can i do?
I was a supervisor for 15 years, in addition, i did ecommerce for 5 years and training for 3. After moving, Im back at the bottom as a CSA agent. I don't want to take calls anymore. Where else can I go?
submitted by studio684 to jobs [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Elegant_Persimmon529 Tesla Referral Code (Worldwide) - Save Up to US$1000/500 €/£500/CA$1300 (New and Inventory)
Get up to US$1000/500 €/£500/CA$1300 (or local equivalent) off your Tesla order using my referral link:
or use these links to browse the inventory in your country:
2025.01.23 20:55 panitavers Az Avatar cimű filmben ugye csak "véletlenül" hívják a törzsi népek a mindentudó fájukat Evanak? Bárcsak mese lenne a film és nem valóságos fantasy! #ufo #spacex #mars #űrkutatás
Zióta. Azért kutatja a Marsot. Az ősgenezis elhazudott tézise megadja a választ. Minden ma élő ember genetikája tartalmaz aliennek számító aspektust, ami az alvariánsokkal kiegészülve módosult. Az a faji ágens ami abból a bizonyos összetevőből többet hordoz a megtestesült genetikájában a szíve, lelke alapján oda vonza, ahonnan származik. Vajon miért kutatja a Marsot SpaceX űrkutatási programon keresztül? És miért nevezte át a csiripelő madárkát a twittert X-re? Az aurájában mint egyedi azonosító miért viseli az X-et? Nem sokáig lehet már hazudozni a világnak. Ezt pontosan tudja ő is.
Alapvetően nincs bajom a ziótasággal. A jellegzetes apró - pici szemek, pici összenyomott orr, fehér bőr és erőteljes, karakteres fej illetve arcforma beazonosítja a genetikai hányadot. A baj a marsi harcos, leuraló minőséggel van, amit sajnos messze megtapasztalhatunk a "technofasiszta" világunkban. A hiteles asztológiai jellemzők pedig egyértelműen utalnak a Mars uralkodó bolyó együttállással kapcsolatos világban zajló és megtapasztalható jelenségekre. Pontosan arra a folyamatra célzok ezzel, ami az új amerikai adminisztráció győzelmével párhuzamosan elindult illetve tovább erősödött a világ leuralásábani versenyben. Ebben pedig a harcos ziótáknak nagy szerepük volt. Az a feltételezésem, hogy sokkal többet tud a világ dolgairól, mint amit ténylegesen megoszt velünk.
A méginkább bennünket magyarokat foglalkoztató politikai - gazdasági kérdés pedig az, miért volt kötelezően elrendelt a magyar kormánynak 27 milliárd forinttal beszállni a magán cégeken átcsorgatott amerikai űrkutatási programba. Ki milyen kapcsolatot, gazdatestet keresett? A volt köztársasági elnök miért talákozgatott Elon Muskkal? Neki mint elnök milyen tényleges szerepe volt egy multimilliárdossal beszélgetni? A Balog Zoltán református püspökkel ápolt bensőséges kapcsolatát, csak egyéb további ténylegesen őt érintő kapcsolódásokra használta fel. A múlt öröksége kötelez a jelenben is, ha a lélek beazonosítja önmagát. Öntudatlanul is keresi a gyökereit.
Elon Musk a videóban igazat mond a genetikát illetően valamennyien kicsit földönkívüliek vagyunk. Az őseredet népekről (bennszülött afrikai feketék, ausztráliai negrák és amerikai indiánok) azonban nem beszél. És az elhazudott, torz, hamis Bibliotikus sztorit sem teszi helyre: Adamok és Evak törzs a Szíriuszi A + B bolygókról származnak. Innen keletkezett az őskáosz, amikor ezt az ősi hozott tudást összekutyulták az emberek fejében. Lebutították őket olyan szintre, hogy soha a büdös életben ne jöhessenek rá a valóságra. Elon erről beszéljél a hazádnak, a világnak! Ne hazudozzál tovább és akkor nem fognak érte megvetni.
2025.01.23. 21:38
Cimkék: #mars #ufo #ziota #űrkutatás #spacex #x #neuralink #ősgenezis #teremtésmítosz #biblia #adamokevaktörzs
Megjegyzés: az Avatar cimű filmben ugye csak "véletlenül" hívják a törzsi népek a mindentudó fájukat Evanak? Bárcsak mese lenne a film és nem valóságos fantasy!
submitted by panitavers to panitavers [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Godly-Hentai-Duck Miyabi literally sent a create with a dismantled Qing Yi and her phone responds with this.
submitted by Godly-Hentai-Duck to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 camboteav Heritage yellow or clean white? I'm torn..I love both
submitted by camboteav to S25Ultra [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:55 OneOffReturn British terminology vs American terminology
I made this video several years ago, and since then i realise that a jump suit and a boiler suit are not the same thing.
submitted by OneOffReturn to GreatBritishMemes [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 AlternativeAir328 Gaming PC Advice
Hey guys looking at buying my first gaming pc so don’t want to go all out but thinking about these two options. Samurai Pro from Playtech or Zenith from VenX both options with RTX4060 GPU and 32GB Ram. Main games I would play would be GTA and 7 days to die or other open world type survival games and FPS. If anyone has any feedback about the systems or the company’s I would love to hear or if you have other recommendations on setups or argument towards going AMD over intel and also screen recommendations. Thanks
submitted by AlternativeAir328 to newzealand [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Wise-Safety5714 Everyone here complaining about meta meanwhile discord 💀💀💀
submitted by Wise-Safety5714 to speedbattles [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:55 BrilliantBear9884 Thoughts?
My plug just got these in submitted by BrilliantBear9884 to cleancarts [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:55 zerimarjt “The person you are trying to reach is not accepting calls at this time. Please try your call again later.”
This audible message pops up whenever me and my brother, who have an iphone 14, call my dad who has a samsung s9+. This happened out of nowhere and we’ve tried every sensical solution such as making sure certain settings are not causing this and also calling our carrier (at&t) who were basically clueless and had no efficient solution. Our sister, who also has a 14, has had no problem whatsoever calling him which just adds to the confusion. Im typing this in hopes someone has the same problem or if there’s something Im missing. I can answer any questions if necessary.
submitted by zerimarjt to iphone [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Old_Wave820 1978 Breezer Series I handlebars
Going for that proper OG vibe on my next build got me thinking about these moto bars. What kind of sweep & rise am I looking at? I’m sure the bike co-op would have something similar (and similarly heavy) but I’m curious about modern options with a comparable stance. 25.4 of course. Maybe I should ask the Marin Museum of Bicycling… submitted by Old_Wave820 to xbiking [link] [comments] |
2025.01.23 20:55 agimafan42069 What is Taoism
I have been reading tao te ching and I’m about half way through and this is probably the first book I have read that is like this and I’m not really understanding. I’ve done a little research but the only conclusion I can come to personally is “shit happens” because you have to accept both the good and bad because they both happen because that’s the way of the universe. If I’m completely off please tell me or what your take on Taoism is.
submitted by agimafan42069 to taoism [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 False_Music_6075 5k Pool increase?
In past draws we have seen that on the day of draws like 4-6k, we see huge reduction in 500-600 range. But today after 4K draw, it went up by 1000. Does it mean it increased by 5k? What are your thoughts guys?
submitted by False_Music_6075 to canadaexpressentry [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Working_Plan_3996 hide.me - Special Deal: Only 2.69$ per month! With price guarantee!
hide.me currently has a special offer. It costs only 2.69 dollars per month. It's one of the few vpn providers with a price guarantee. The subscription is always extended at the same price and with the same term.
hide.me - Special Deal: Only 2.69$ per month! With price guarantee!
submitted by Working_Plan_3996 to vpndealsandcoupons [link] [comments]
2025.01.23 20:55 Ready_Medicine_2641 Season 2 if it was good
submitted by Ready_Medicine_2641 to Arcanecirclejerk [link] [comments] |