Why cyclones and cold fronds in Mediterranean (especially eastern) are so weak for many years?

2025.01.24 10:03 Deep_Internet2828 Why cyclones and cold fronds in Mediterranean (especially eastern) are so weak for many years?

Why cyclones and cold fronds in Mediterranean (especially eastern) are so weak for many years? Several years ago cyclones in Mediterranean were really powerful, had powerful southern and northern winds and almost always were reaching Eastern Mediterranean without weaking but now cyclones in Mediterranean are much weaker and almost always weak and lose powerful southern and northern winds before reaching eastern Mediterranean and most cyclones dissolve completely before reaching eastern Mediterranean. Why this occur and when cyclones in Mediterranean will be normal again?
submitted by Deep_Internet2828 to meteorology [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:03 DoMINEation Huge and Large

submitted by DoMINEation to adderalldoodles [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:03 Real_Combination_234 Hey anyone can I get this car without money

submitted by Real_Combination_234 to Asphalt9 [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:03 Thedokkster 809268211450

809268211450 submitted by Thedokkster to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:03 xBlack25RO Navigation stuck on ejecting cd

Navigation stuck on ejecting cd I pressed the eject cd button and the navigation keeps showing this and I can’t scroll through the menus
submitted by xBlack25RO to vwgolf [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:03 That-1-Femboy Literally Done.

Literally Done. I have nothing to look forward to anymore and nobody else realizes how difficult it is to maintain a happy act. I feel like nothing is worth trying to be happy about. There’s literally no reason for me to act happy or joyful.
Thanks life, you took everything away from me.
submitted by That-1-Femboy to boykisser [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 who_dis_huh i’m bored tell me your type

this my list (order of importance) 1. human 2. male 3. good style - i don’t need men in skinny jeans and PLS NO GALAXY WOLF SHIRTS 4. hair - optional 5. can cook
submitted by who_dis_huh to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 Baby_Thanos_3 Alaya F (5464×8192)

Alaya F (5464×8192) submitted by Baby_Thanos_3 to UHQDesi [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 1Mok Dialga 8973 9352 8719

submitted by 1Mok to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 flusteredbards I never wanted to take this medication and now I’m afraid I can never get off it

A bit dramatic but it’s true- I was forced on pristiq as a minor, I begged not to be put on any medication but I had no choice, I was literally forced to take it. luckily I’ve managed to keep my dosage at 25mg, never gone any higher. I’ve wanted off ever since I started but I’ve been on for three years now with no end in sight. The withdrawals are diabolical. Extreme dizziness and nausea for me, blinding headaches and occasional vomiting, not to mention mood swings. Nobody even considered the possibility that I would want to come off one day when I was prescribed this stuff. Nobody is supposed to take these drugs forever, but that seems to be what psychiatrist want these days. it’s madening that such a life altering decision was made for me without my consent, and in fact actively against my wishes.
My psychiatrist won’t let me off it unfortunately but even if she did I’m so scared of the withdrawal. Will long term symptoms be better on a lower dosage? Or will it still take months of recovery like people say? I’d appreciate some advice for anyone who has tried/is trying to wean off.
submitted by flusteredbards to Pristiq [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 Worth_Ganache_2484 RTW Gowns and Ateliers around QC

Hi! Would you guys be able to suggest shops where one can fit RTW dresses? I know of Ivory and White (done), White Label (done), and Studio Ceremonie (to schedule). Can you suggest other shops where I can fit RTW around QC or pa-north?
Also please drop your designer suggestions na ang expertise ay mikado fabric or something plain pero not minimalist. I think after a couple of fittings that lace really isn’t for me and I’d like to look tidy pero not naman super bare looking. Someone who can work well with silhouettes, with or without the borloloy. Thank you!
submitted by Worth_Ganache_2484 to WeddingsPhilippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 kuldude_69_ Need reviews for T.I.M.E jhandewalan in delhi

Hearing from few peers it is good, it would be great if anyone can share reviews, thinking of considering it
submitted by kuldude_69_ to CATpreparation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 reddit_lss_2 Crosspost test for 24/1/2025 10:01:45

submitted by reddit_lss_2 to LssAutomation [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 marsha-linehan Warning — Maureen Brennan in Stonington, CT – a pitiful embarrassment to the profession

Warning — Maureen Brennan in Stonington, CT – a pitiful embarrassment to the profession I hope she reports this over and over again, by the way
submitted by marsha-linehan to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 DIGIKAGE Need opinions on airflow.

Need opinions on airflow. I have a similar GPU with open air cooling system.
I am going for this case, Ant Esports Air 300 Mini
Hey guys. I am going to buy this case for my PC. I am planning on using all the fans as demonstraed in the picture of the product. I have an AIO which I will be using to exhause air from the top. I am going to use 2 fans in the front for intake, 1 in the back for exhaust.
I have some questions regarding the 2 remaining fans in the bottom. Since my GPU is an Open air airflow type (MSI RTX 3060ti Gaming X Dual Fan), I have used front fans to intake air and it has adequate airflow in my current case.
But since my new case will have two more fans in the bottom, I am planning ton using them for intake. They will blow directly on the GPU.
Will it heat my PSU which lies under it? Will the fans get choked or interfere with the PSU?
My PSU will be placed to blow air out down the bottom of the case.
I have never used a case with fans on the bottom and I would like your opinions on my fan configuration.
submitted by DIGIKAGE to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 Enteprise-srl How Common Are Pen Tests in 2025?

I’ve been wondering how many companies are actually prioritizing penetration tests these days. Are most organizations actively requesting them, or is it still something mainly done by larger enterprises or regulated industries?
From your experience, are smaller businesses finally seeing the value, or is it still a tough sell outside compliance-driven requirements?
submitted by Enteprise-srl to cybersecurity [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 Zealousideal-Tap73 "WWII knife, etc, my great uncle took off a dead Nazi"

submitted by Zealousideal-Tap73 to pics [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 josylad Hiring: Senior Accountant - German Speaker at IQ-EQ

IQ-EQ is hiring a Senior Accountant - German Speaker
Location: Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Company Description IQ-EQ is a leading Investor Services group which combines global expertise with an unwavering focus on client service delivery. We support fund managers, global companies, family offices and private clients operating worldwide. Job Description The senior accountant will report to the Manager of the team or directly to the Head of Pool (HoP) and will : Manage a portfolio of Institutional clients active in the real estate industry (the entities are Propcos and Holdcos with assets mainly located in Germany): Review deliverables prepared by the Global Client Delivery (GCD) for this client’s portfolio and monitor answer to clients’ requests Review the annual financial statements prepared by the GCD Review and coordinate with the GCD the preparation of financial reporting and closing process Review the VAT returns and tax returns Review the tax provisions
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/senior-accountant-german-speaker-58748/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 BrainstormBot 🌎 Off Coast Of Central America: Sismo - Earthquake (3.8 M, at 09:44 UTC)

🌒 Sismo! Earthquake! 3.8 M, registered by SNET, 2025-01-24 09:44:00 UTC (crescent moon), on land, Off Coast Of Central America (12.88, -88.81) likely felt 70 km away (in Usulután…) by 73100 people (www.seismicportal.eu)
submitted by BrainstormBot to EEW [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 camelliahilton What’s one thing you wished you knew before starting A levels?

As stated in the title, just wanted to know what I’m in for before I throw two more years of studying into this
submitted by camelliahilton to alevel [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 AmbitiousShoulder184 حادث صار لي

حادث صار لي يمممه
الحمدلله ربي حماني سبحانه
صار لي شي مشابه بس الحمدلله في يدي فقط كنت راجعه من النادي ميييته جوع واتذكر اني ما طلعت البرجر قلت خلاص بسويه بسرعه افكه بالسكين ومدري من الذكاء او الغباء اخترت احد سكينه جايبنها من باكستاني يشتغل في ملحمه
المهم واحاول افككها واحاول فجاءه بووم الا بنص يدي🥰 وما اشوف الا الدم في كل مكان دخت ودوني اهلي الطوارئ اهلي وقال لازم عمليه نفتح اليد ونشيك ان العصب ما تاثر لان الجرح كبير ومافي استجابه (ماكنت قادره احرك اصبعي الصغير) هنا انا انهرتتتت قلت يفتح يدي؟؟ شلون يفتح يدي وبعدين كم بقعد وقت عشان ارجع طبيعي ولو صار صدق العصب وش الحل طيب ابي ارجع اتمرن لو ما قدرت اتمرن وعشرين سؤال وسؤال
قالوا لي اهلي استخيري واستخرت قلت بروح حكومي واشوف واروح الطوارئ حكومي واقعد انتظار الين الحمدلله شيك علي الدكتور وقال لا ابداً العصب سليم اللهم لك الحمد وطبيعي يصير عدم استجابه بسيط من الالم وخيط يدي ٦ مدري ٧ غرز والحمدلله طلعت منها سليمه
الحكمه من القصه انتبهوا بسم الله عليكم من هذي الاشياء وطلعوا مجمداتكم بدري ما تسوى❤️❤️
submitted by AmbitiousShoulder184 to SaudiForSaudis [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 12nb34 It's also noteworthy and praiseworthy that you didn't try to do This is not interesting because I'm on vacation. You too are busy... But, at least, you are busy because you are busy advancing your science by improving our understanding of the neuroplasticity of dolphin brains

It's also noteworthy and praiseworthy that you didn't try to do This is not interesting because I'm on vacation. You too are busy... But, at least, you are busy because you are busy advancing your science by improving our understanding of the neuroplasticity of dolphin brains submitted by 12nb34 to The_Way_of_the_DOOMMM [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 That-Junket6811 Dialga 3 Locals 209318333844

Dialga 3 Locals 209318333844 submitted by That-Junket6811 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 StylisticNightmare ➬ Essen ‧ Nackte Frau hängt aus dem Fenster und schreit, dass sie vergewaltigt wird

➬ Essen ‧ Nackte Frau hängt aus dem Fenster und schreit, dass sie vergewaltigt wird Wirbel in Essen Nackte Frau hängt aus dem Fenster
Von t-online, pb Aktualisiert am 24.01.2025 - 07:01 Uhr
Was ist in einer Wohnung in Essen passiert? Plötzlich hängt eine nackte Frau aus dem Fenster, sie schreit laut um Hilfe. Was bisher bekannt ist.
Dramatische Rettungsaktion im Essener Südostviertel: Polizei und Rettungskräfte mussten am Donnerstagnachmittag einer Frau aus einer gefährlichen Situation helfen. Gegen 17.10 Uhr hatten Passanten in der Manteuffelstraße eine Frau beobachtet, die nackt aus einem Fenster hing und um Hilfe schrie.
Mehrere Zeugen berichteten einem Reporter vor Ort von einem dramatischen Geschehen. Ein Foto, das der Redaktion vorliegt, zeigt einen ebenfalls unbekleideten Mann, der offenbar versuchte, die Frau nach oben zu ziehen. Ein Zeuge bestätigte, die Frau habe verzweifelt gerufen: "Ich brauche Hilfe, ich werde vergewaltigt, ich sterbe heute!"
Polizei Essen hat Ermittlungen aufgenommen
Die Zeugen eilten sofort zur Stelle und fingen die Frau auf, als sie aus der ersten Etage stürzte. Rettungssanitäter brachten die Verletzte unter Begleitung eines Notarztes in ein Krankenhaus. Über ihren aktuellen Gesundheitszustand liegen noch keine Informationen vor.
Am Abend sicherten Ermittler der Kriminalpolizei Spuren in der Wohnung. Die Polizei bestätigte lediglich den Ablauf der Rettung und kündigte Ermittlungen wegen einer Straftat an. Die genauen Hintergründe des Vorfalls sind derzeit noch unklar.
submitted by StylisticNightmare to philogyny [link] [comments]

2025.01.24 10:02 Classic-Point5241 Have you noticed every single piece of Canadian News has Donald Trump's name in it?

And do you possibly think this is 90% of our problem? We focus so heavily on the US to define who we are, we forget to actually look at our own country?
submitted by Classic-Point5241 to AskCanada [link] [comments]
